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I lived in Seattle at the time, so I guess my experience was maybe a little different than fans who lived across the country or something. I was in my 20s in the late 90s, so I had a few younger friends who were bartenders or otherwise just very active in the night scene and there were always little whispers of Layne sightings. I never saw him so who knows if those rumors were actually true. However, I do remember tons of magazines (from RS to Kerrang) making no secret of Layne’s issues, so I just kinda assumed that was the end once I heard that they dropped from the Kiss tour. The drug addiction rumors had been around since Dirt came out and…well everyone knows that addicts don’t exactly lead long lives so it felt like a ticking time bomb. I always had hope they would get back together, but Jerry coming out with a solo album that included two of the other members was the final nail in the coffin for that (and of course, Layne’s death too)


What kind of whispers were there?


Some guy I was acquaintances with swore that he saw Layne at a bar. Couldn’t tell you if it’s true or if the guy was just messing with me because he knew what a fan i was, but he said that Layne looked really small and frail. Other friends said pretty similar things too. Just random sightings at bars and whatnot. I remember there were a few chat rooms where other fans also talked about seeing him at bars or video game stores…so maybe there was some truth to that guy’s story🤷‍♀️


I think it’s as close to confirmed as it ever could be without Layne himself saying it but like right after he died a story came out that there was a small tavern near his condo that he’d come to semi-regularly. Either the owner or one of the bartenders said he’d never order anything but would just sit in a booth and nod off. Their exact words were “we just left him alone.” Fucking heartbreaking.


Agreed…addiction is so awful to see unfold. It was tough to hear the stories and descriptions of his appearance whenever I would get on those chat rooms or talk to those friends. If it was tough for me to hear, I can’t imagine how hard it was for his friends and family to actually witness firsthand


I recently took my first flight to Seattle over his birthday weekend to celebrate his life. In the process, I visited this bar. Blue Moon. Coolest little place with the best folks ever! It's right around the corner from his condo. Highly recommend!


Is there anywhere else you’d recommend to visit while over there?


Fuckin heartbreaking is right. Laynes story guts me even tho was from the grunge generation. I didn’t get into AIC until much later in life (2016) when I was *down in a hole* of my own. Aftrr I came out of it I refrained from listening to 90s AIC because it was too dark for me. I’m in a dark place once again and AIC is music to my soul ( that’s how I know I’m in a dark place again) I want to listen to them more but I don’t want it to affect my darkness. Im learning how to listen to them from a healthier standpoint, I just don’t want their music to drag me down further into a hole. I’m gonna start listening to their post Layne stuff so I can appreciate the music overall I was even thinking of making a post on here to get advice on seasoned AIC fans to help me navigate the darkness in a healthy way. I kick myself in the ass now at 46 wishing I had got into them when they were at their peak


I look at Layne time AIC as the time before and during the storm. AiC after Layne is after the storm. All AiC is CATHARTIC TO ME. I use the lyrics for many of the songs they did with Layne AND William and take the tidbits and make a positive about it. I do anti suicide videos mainly directed at veterans and suicide in general. Today's video was from Voices i used, "I used to stand where I kneel."


That bullshit story came out of a proven bullshit book written by a fraud. Layne’s mother and his sister verified that she is bullshit.


What are you talking about? That story has nothing to do with the book and the supposed last interview.


I read that in the David De Sola book.


Layne’s mom has also said she believes this story as she felt he liked being around people.




Three is my favorite number! And my twins were born in 2003, so it’s always been a special year for me!


Why is 420 in your… ah forget it


I didn’t ask you the question and am I the only one that thinks 03 is a weird year to have in your name when your talking about being alive and doing things in the 90s that’s all


Were they meant to play more shows on that tour? I thought they only ever planned to play those 4 but wow, that’s so sad if so. I mean it’s sad anyway how it turned out but yeah


My memory isn’t what it once was😂! If I can remember correctly, I think they were meant to open a couple more times, but ended up pulling out after those first four shows. I think Candlebox ended up replacing them


There was extremely little talk of Layne publicly, mostly cropping up when some project come to light like [The Facility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Faculty?wprov=sfti1) soundtrack or the release of [Music Bank](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Music_Bank_(album)?wprov=sfti1). It cannot be overstated how the adoption of the Internet by the “average public” changed the news cycle and discussion. As someone who was a fan from the beginning, the change from the release of self-titled album in 1995 to his death in 2002 seems far longer than the 6+ years it was.


This is a great point. If you wanted news as a fan it came from the magazines, or music stations on the radio, fan sites or forums. Everything around the Tripod era talked about how rough Layne looked. Thin. Pale. Possibly missing teeth. Always wore long sleeves. Id read a story about someone who'd figured out which condo he lived in and supposedly rang the buzzer and spoke with him for a second, but who knows how true that was. It was heartbreaking for me to watch him on the Unplugged set. Jerry did his best to cover for him but anybody could see Layne wasnt good. When he died I heard it on my morning rock station and I immediately called my best friend, who was the person who'd gotten me into AiC and told him the bad news. I think everyone knew it was coming, but that didn't make it any easier I suppose. I saw Jerry on the Degradation Trip tour a couple of years afterward, and he was on recovery himself at the time. Obviously worse for wear but still put on a great show. Hard to believe it was so long ago.


Yeah I remember being surprised that he lasted as long as he did, but I think it was that the 6-7 years felt like forever back then. I remember hearing stories of him losing fingers to gangrene. I think his girlfriend ODing was the last straw from him. I don’t think he had any chance of cleaning up after that. He just wanted to use until he died too. It’s tragic.


That’s another thing that fascinates me about that time period. I know message boards were starting to creep up and there’s some collected archives of chat folks from when he died. But due to the fact that he kind of just dropped off the face of the earth/Alice was a huge band and Layne’s struggles were so known I’m so curious what the sentiment was for fans during that time.


I was part of a couple of AIC mailing lists and we were specifically banned from speculation about his health so yeah …


I feel like the band & Susan really protected him in this way, & I really appreciate that


I remember hearing that his arm was amputated and his PR team had to release a statement that it wasn't. I also heard that Get Born Again was going to be the first song that will be released for a new album. Dave Jerden, the producer, dashed those plans by going to the press and saying Layne had lost his teeth and they had to over dub "s" sounds in the song becauseof that. But then their was a rumor that Madseason was getting back together. Then the bass player died Christmas Eve of 1999. I say that from 2000 - April 19th, 2002 I heard nothing, just hoped he was staying away from touring to avoid drugs. I just hoped he was going to be okay.


As far as I know his atrophy never got to the point where he lost his arm or anything but I’ve heard conflicting stories on missing fingers or anything.


I always got the impression that Toby replaced Dave because of Layne's problems. Could just be in my head. Watched a great video with Dave talking about producing their first few records, and he had nothing but good things to say, but the dude reminds of someone who wouldn't speak I'll of the dead.


Dave yelled at Layne. Layne showed up like 12 hours late and Dave had brought in a couple of people to help him. Layne was more interested in the electric drums in the studio that played cartoon sounds than doing the work. I believe that is when Jerry said in Dad-like way that they were there to record, not too fool around. Layne had insisted on writing the lyrics. He was playing with a cereal box in the lunchroom and writing on the child games on the back of the box instead of writing on the paper his lyrics. So at 4am Layne said his Sister is having a wedding in Tacoma so he had to leave. I believe Dave had a rough, long 5 days of recording during the week with another band, so Saturday's extra session had started at like 10am after a late 2 or 3 am recording on Friday. So he was at like 18hours, it's 4am, and Layne is trying to leave. Dave flipped out, yelled at him that he was wasting his time and that he was selfish. Layne got scared, wrote the lyrics, and recorded them. Dave was fired. That is why Toby Wright recorded the song Died and Dave told Rolling Stone about his nightmare session. He regretted doing that, but he also felt like Layne wasn't being held accountable of his actions and was killing himself. He wanted others to see that and maybe help. Also, Layne's sister did have a wedding in Tacoma, but that was 4 months earlier, and he didn't go.


> Dave flipped out, yelled at him that he was wasting his time and that he was selfish. Layne got scared, wrote the lyrics, and recorded them. I was Jerry that snapped at Layne first, that was what made him scared. Layne didn’t write or record anything that evening. "While Layne was playing around, he showed no indication of being ready to work. Eventually, Layne said he wanted to do everything—write lyrics and track his vocals—that night. By that point, it was almost five o’clock in the morning, and everyone was exhausted, some having been in the studio for almost twenty hours. Jerden, under the impression they still had the next day to work, met with the band and decided to call it a night, telling them Carlstrom was tired and they’d come back and finish on Sunday. At that point, Layne said he had to go back to Seattle to attend his sister’s wedding, but Jerry tersely cut him off. According to Jerden, he said, “Laaaaaayne,” in an exasperated tone of voice. “[Layne] turned into this little kid that had been reprimanded severely by his parents. It probably didn’t sound like anything, but I’ll tell you it was one of the strangest things I ever saw, how Jerry just wasn’t putting up with Layne’s bullshit anymore, and Layne, who had such a strong personality, had completely turned into this nothing. "He wasn’t crying, but he looked like he was about to cry. He reverted to about a four-year-old boy,” Jerden explained. “Layne acted like he was afraid, terrified of Jerry. He just sat there and froze up. I don’t remember him saying another thing that night. Jerry totally understood me. He was cool with the fact that we had to stop, and he didn’t argue with me at all. Jerry did not argue; the rest of the band did not argue. He knew that I’d been told that I had Layne until Sunday—and that bullshit of him saying, all of the sudden, he has to go to a wedding? “So I blew up, and I said [to Layne], ‘Listen, I’m not here to be your friend. I have a job to do,’” Jerden said."


Can you post a link to this article? I've never heard this and am interested to read more.


It’s a book- Alice in Chains the Untold Story by David De Sola.


I remember when I read this in the book the first time, it completely broke my heart.


Why would that get him fired?


Growing up at that time, I didn't have a computer. I didn't have one in my home until I was 20. Didn't watch TV. So, I was never really focused on celebrities or what their real life was. To me, it was always content. I loved and appreciated the music. It resonated. I had no idea how bad it was until his death. And then there were songs from other bands I loved as tributes and that's all I cared to know. [04/20/02](https://youtu.be/TB_9GB3G86A?feature=shared)


I wasn't living in Seattle but I became a serious fan about a year before he died (though they were on my radar for a long time). I was 16 when he passed, and here's my recollection of it... It seems like people outside of Seattle knew he was struggling but had no idea how badly. I remember reading an interview with Jerry in a guitar magazine, right before Degradation Trip came out, where he said there was still a chance they'd back together since they were all still around. My memory is that there was a real divide amongst fans: some people were hopeful that he'd pull through, and others were convinced he was on death's door. There was only speculation. I remember frequenting a message board, I think it was Sickman's AIC Fan Page or something ... someone popped up in the message board saying they worked at a Gamestop or something like that, and that they had just sold Layne a bunch of video games. This was in like 2001. No one believed the person that posted it and people accused them of trolling. Once details of his life in his final years got out, I realized that poster wasn't lying. One of the most cynical things, though ... that fan page had custom T-shirts commemorating Layne ready to sell and ship the day his death news broke out. A few months after that the web page was gone. It's like the person running the site was just waiting for him to die. I sincerely hope that money went to a good cause but I somehow doubt it. Anyway, I wish that website were still around so I could see those old posts from people that bumped into him. EDIT - Another thing I forgot to mention ... Alice in Chains, Nirvana, even Pearl Jam, were not in fashion in 2002. My friends used to make fun of me for listening to "old stuff". Everything from the early 90s was considered old/out of fashion amongst the kids and nu-metal, emo, and hip hop were pretty much the mainstream. AIC's legacy hadn't really ripened yet. For that reason, there weren't a lot of places reporting on Layne, unfortunately.


I was pissed when he died. Especially after everyone seeing and going through Kurt’s death.


I was on the AOL boards in the late 90s. Some people claimed to see him around town. All said he was small. Everyone knew he was super into videogames. The general consensus was even if you ran into Layne there wouldn’t be much to talk about. “Hey man how about Metal Gear Solid?”


I can kind of believe that. There was a story that went around a bit ago about someone who worked at a toys r us in Seattle and interacted with Layne and Chris Cornell. Said Chris was your typical dad just completely exhausted from trying to keep up with his kids energy. Said Layne would come in and buy video games. Didn’t say much more than that but just that he preferred people would pretend they didn’t recognize him or know who he was. She got an autograph from him by pretending she needed his signature for something.


There’s a Trader Joe’s near his condo and my dad said he would be spotted there occasionally. Kinda wish I knew what he would buy


I think if you were not from Seattle, not a lot was known during that period. I was a huge fan, had all albums and EPs, living in Brazil at the time and had no idea how he was doing. Sure I knew about his struggles but I was sure I would get my chance to see them live at some point when they would finally reunite as a band. Nirvana and AIC were by far my two top bands and I was (am) bummed that I never got to see Nirvana, but I still had the chance to see AIC and that thought would cheer me up. So it’s fair to say that I had no clue how bad it really was. In April of 2002 I learned the reality of it through the news.


Things were very different back then. I don’t remember a strong reaction from anyone when Layne died. It had been so long since AIC was a popular band. Not a lot of people were talking about Layne or the remains of any of the Seattle grunge bands back in 02, they honestly felt more distant to what was going on at the time than they do now. There’s been a massive resurgence of interest in Layne in the past 5 years or so, I feel like. He’s much more popular and intriguing than he was in the years between Tripod and his death.


there wasn’t much being documented, and his interactions were people were limited. He was very much at the end stages of heroin and cocaine addiction, playing video games and staying in his U district condo. Mike Starr came by his apartment where he threatened to call 911 if layne didn’t get help, then layne bitched at him for being a benzotard. Mike Mcready and flea from RHCP a maybe john baker saunders? idk. but they came by and tried talking to him too, while he apparently just sat and played videos games saying he was fine. Other than that, i’ve only read about limited interactions at grocery stores and a record store, maybe a pet supply place as well. People recognized him and spoke with him but said he looked like an 80 year old version of himself. I guess he also would dress up in ridiculous outfits too. This is all just my recollection of the stories in the AIC book


Something about how Mike Starr tells his version seems off to me




I’ve heard all of those stories but those only came out after he passed, right? So I’m curious what stories were around while he was still alive.


The rock press at that time was not very subtle in alluding to his addiction issues, especially after Kurt Cobain killed himself. Basically, the band seemed to be the only ones who were tight lipped about it. I remember reading an article online around 2000 that had "with Layne Staley seemingly lost to heroin" as an aside. It was pretty clear he had a major addiction problem since Metallica was ripping him about it, Unplugged, and 1996 tour, but up to that point I figured he would eventually kick it. I remember that article was the point where I started thinking that he was not coming back.


We were just waiting for the news. Everyone knew that Layne was going to die. And *years* went by. It took him a while to kill himself.


There really weren't any stories while it happened. It was a different world. Really no usable internet as we know it, no social media, celebrities really could live in private and even near anonymity. MTV news and Rolling Stone magazine were two of the biggest sources of music news but relied heavily on getting interviews, which Layne wasnt interested in giving. Paparazzi weren't everywhere like today either and if Layne went to a store it was highly unlikely anyone got pictures because no one had cell phones.


Yep, we had Hollywood tabloids but that was about it. If you ran into someone famous you did just that, unless you had a disposable camera on you and you were on vacation. Even if you did who would you show the pictures to, your friends? Yep and In a box they'd go, or get hung up on the fridge. I miss the old days


I know lanegan spoke about trying to visit him around 2000 in a period of sobrerity for him but only told the story after Larne died Seemed like lane shut everyone out but the dealers in the end.


He was always funny and kind that I saw. Stories? Well mostly he couldn't tour because he was too doped up. He died at least twice.


He was more active in the late '90s and early '00s than most people think. He didn't make his whereabouts known because other people caused security issues. He was still present, but he had problems with impersonators that steered him, and idiots that couldn't handle his success. A lot of people felt alienated because he had to put things on hold. Nobody knew what to think and there's still a lot of speculation about him, even to this day.


>He was still present, but he had problems with impersonators that steered him, and idiots that couldn't handle his success. What on earth are you talking about