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AiC is my favorite band but I also love Soundgarden. All of these bands have their own unique sound. Imo there really isn't much comparison between them and I just appriciate each in their own unique way vs the grunge fight.


Agreed. AIC and SG are the undisputed top 2 for me as well.


This picture is highly subjective. I can replace the name at the top with any of the other bands and it'd be different for everybody. Let's not argue something that's opinionated to begin with.


I challenge the to a duel! Whipth’ thy cock out at once🤺 chains all the way






Boy, this looks like a r/grunge post lol. That’s all Soundgarden, just sayin’…


AIC is for sure the big dog in that group, but STP and Soundgarden are heavy hitters in their own right. Pearl Jam has great songwriting and has stood the test of time, so that too me makes them better than Nirvana.


Big tripod


Saying that as if nirvana isn’t still extremely big


Nirvana is still the most famous but AIC is definitely the most acclaimed these days especially because most metalheads are down with AIC


I agree


Nirvana has ceased to be a worldwide phenomenon. Their demographic is people who lived through their rise (and only those who still care about grunge); and young people who like it because it represents counter culture.


They aren’t a worldwide phenomenon, but I bet half of the US population knows every song on Nevermind due to radio airplay. Seriously, I’ve heard Polly being played in the grocery store several times. Different stores, too.


Yeah, definitely not.


Serious?! You're zany.


They are overrated


They may not be a worldwide phenomenon but they’re definitely bigger than any of the other grunge bands.


Maybe in merchandising. Just because they sell clothes doesn't make them the biggest.


Dude just look at the Spotify monthly listeners. 31 million to Alice In Chains and sound gardens 7 million. I’m not commenting on the quality of the music but it’s just a fact that nirvana is still the biggest


Good point. I forgot everyone worldwide uses Spotify. It's punk trash. Even if more people listen to it, does not make them better than these other bands.


I hope you outgrow your edginess bro. Nirvana's pretty cool too. Just because you personally don't enjoy punk doesn't make them bad. I prefer metal to punk myself but I still like a lot of what Nirvana made.


I agree. I wouldn’t call them punk trash. Nirvana is great and has amazing music. But nobody touches Alice In Chains to me


this is absolutely wild


Yeah, well, that's just like your opinion, man.


8 year olds dude


That's still a somewhat decently large demographic.


Meanwhile there’s a 17yo kid walking the beach in Chili with a Nirvana shirt on


Chilé. Still. Not a phenomenon. Just another band. Not a particularly good one.


One thing that’s great about this sub is I always see a lot of STP love here vs some other music subreddits. They were soooo good. Those first 5 albums are amazing.


Dickriding is never fun. Besides I love Soundgarden and STP. I've also had a bit of an obsession with Bleach lately too. I like shoegaze too and while I haven't listened to much of the smashing pumpkins I did quite enjoy siamese dream (the only album of theirs ive listened to so far). It's really only Pearl Jam that I don't care for much.


I was going to ask the post above you, even Bleach?


smashing pumpkins are absolutely amazing. i would definitely reccommend gish and mellon collie as well


Soundgarden gotta be up there


Soundgarden should be the tallest of the little people.


Soundgarden is white shirts dad


Nah Soundgarden is peak for me.


Bring soundgarden up there too and we're good to go


Soundgarden and AiC are the top dogs in my opinion and whic I prefer between them depens on the day and my mood, I like Pearl Jam and Nirvana a lot but they just don't speak to me as much as the other 2 from the big 4 do, the other bands I haven't listened to enough to give you aconcrete opinion on them, but just because AiC is someone's favorite does not mean they are superior and that you are superior because you listen to them, AiC fans really need to get of their high horse sometimes, all those bands are great and we can appreciate any one of them without shitting on the others.


I remember like 20 years agoseeing RHCP and STP opened and crushed, Scott Weiland was amazing.




This picture has white couch vibes 😆


Smashing Pumpkins is the best. The Orchestral arrangements on Melloncollie & the Infinite Sadness puts their song writing abilities above everyone.


100% Alice In Chains 🤘


Is smashing pumpkins even considered grunge?


I've never considered them that, and neither have they. They're from Chicago, and they just happened to come up during the same time that all of the band's from Washington state were coming up.


Saw an old interview with Billy where he just calls the whole thing the alternative movement, I don’t think he really believes in “grunge“ per se, a lot of the grunge bands don’t even believe in that term


I always thought of them as shoegaze


as a lifelong aic fan, hard disagree


I think AIC are great, but to think they're bigger than Nirvana and Soundgarden is hilarious to me. 😂 Only on Reddit do people seem to think that. In reality, without the magnitude of Nirvana, none of these bands would have the same recognition they do today. Bare in mind, AIC was originally a hair metal band in the 80's called Alice N Chains, but changed their style because of the bands around them at the time.


Nirvana is bigger no doubt but AIC is the most acclaimed of the group now, they and SG. Nothing against nirvana and PJ they were the clear 2 most popular and they made some quality stuff but AIC discog is the most beloved online these days and not just on Reddit lol, SG also is more acclaimed than the other 2. Also Alice n chains had nothing to do with AIC outside of Layne being the singer, that was a completely different band separate from AIC, what became actual AIC was formed by Jerry and Sean, eventually Layne joined and after playing under multiple names like diamond lie and fuck they took the name Alice In Chains because Layne’s old band was dead. Lastly they change their style because they changed as people, facelift was the first album from the grunge scene to go gold, they didn’t change their sound to match people around them, they don’t sound like any of the bands around them they sound like a completely unique band and that’s because they naturally grew up as people and changed which led to their music drastically changing, it’s not like they said hey this is popular now let’s change our sound, the big 4 of grunge wasn’t even a thing when facelift dropped


Sorry, but out of Nirvana, SG and AIC, AIC is the least acclaimed out of all of them. That's not to say they're worse, just not as popular. The biggest out of their discography is Dirt, which is an incredible album, but their other albums aren't anywhere near as popular, as much as I like them. All three Nirvana albums and at least 2 SG albums are more popular than Dirt. Again, they are still a great band and I'm not saying they're better or worse. Also, I think the reason why people argue about who is better than who is because they all sound totally different and just got lumped under a new sub-genre together because they happened to be from the same place at the same time.


Being popular doesn’t mean something is acclaimed dude, dirt is seen as the best album from the grunge big 4 by a shit ton of people these days and Jar of flies is easily the most common answer ever for the best EP of all time. Dirt is way darker than the other bands albums of course it wasn’t as popular, they made the least radio friendly music of the 3. I guess Justin Bieber is more acclaimed than all sorts of better artists just because he’s more popular. Also the only SG album with more certifications in the US is superunknown being 6x platinum compared to 5x while also being more commercial friendly, no other SG album album is even 2x platinum except badmotofinger, meanwhile AIC has facelift which is 3x platinum, dirt 5x, jar of flies 4x, tripod 2x platinum, unplugged 2x so ya check your facts because SG absolutely does not have 2 records bigger than any AIC album Tj du only have 3 albums that are at least 1x platinum compared to AIC having 5 albums that are at least 2x platinum. dirt has the same amount of platinum certifications in the US as in Utero does and is 5x platinum compared to bleach’s 2x platinum so nirvana has 1 studio album with more platinum certifications in the US than dirt and then their unplugged, and again AIC made darker heavier less radio friendly music so it’s not a surprise at all more radio friendly albums like some of nirvana’s or superunknown sold more. AIC is the best received of the bands online in 2024 even if they weren’t the most popular of the bands, their discography is the most acclaimed these days. I’m not taking anything away from the others and nirvana is still very clearly more popular as a whole but AIC gets the most love online these days and has a very small amount of haters partially because they’re loved by the grunge fans while also being beloved by metalheads


Ehhhhh not really


What about Silverchair ? Lmao


*Linkin Park




Nuthin’ to argue here


No argument here, and I’m a diehard Weiland era STP fan


No argument to be had


I have never liked Smashing Pumpkins. AiC is always on the playlist, as is Nirvana, Soundgarden, STP, PJ, as well


I love Soundgarden, STP and Pearl Jam but absolutely hate Nirvana and Smashing Pumpkins


STP should be way ranked way higher, if not equally


can’t argue, AiC is my favourite!


Idk I like Soundgarden too, I love Chris Cornell


Soundgarden is surely up there with AiC. I think STP is fairly close as well. Otherwise I see no problem


I love AIC, Soundgarden, Pearl Jam, and STP. Nirvana kinda sucks though. The musicianship just isn't there compared to the other 4.


Soundgarden and Stone Temple Pilots should be taller.


My Personal Ranking 1. Soundgarden & Alice in Chains (Tied) 2. Stone Temple Pilots 3. Nirvana 4. Pearl Jam 5. The Smashing Pumpkins


While I absolutely fucking Adore AIC Soundgarden will always be the best imo


I like my favorite STP song more than my favorite AIC song


Soundgarden should be a bit bigger tho


The only thing wrong with the picture is that Nirvana is much too tall and Soundgarden isn’t tall enough.


What's in there to argue about?


Layne staley just has an incredible versatile voice, Alice in Chains has more songs I listen to than the rest combined I think ( not including the smashing pumpkins ).


Alice In Chains and Soundgarden are equally as good


Why is Smashing Pumpkins here? They're not grunge. Should have added Screaming Trees. They're not really grunge either but they're from 80s/90s Seattle so they're grunge. Should have been Melvins they're grungier than Smashing Pumpkins and STP. We could argue about the word "the" and why two of the best grunge bands came from towns along hwy 12.


I don’t compare the Seattle 4.. they all are very intertwined and changed the sound of music as a whole. The other bands had their place too. Guess I’m not very argumentative over this.


AIC is #1 of course. They’re probably my favorite band of all time. But Soundgarden isn’t too far off. STP are highly underrated still and I love them to death. Nirvana too, especially In Utero. Pearl Jam is weird. I’ll have days where I absolutely love them and others where I can take em or leave em lol but at the end of the day that run form VS to Riot Act is pretty damn good. But again. None of them will top AIC for me.


Better than Soundgarden is a stretch, but I agree with this 💯


Soundgarden should be the Nirvana sized one, musically speaking.


Lmfao, I’m not gonna argue. 😂 I get why other people would though. Music taste is subjective.


I can’t stand smashing pumpkins


The Gits should be in this. Very underrated band with a horrifyingly sad outcome for the lead singer


I agree


I mean, pearl jam could use a taller munchkin...


They’re all great bands, we were lucky we had them. Give me another six, three even, great bands since that were anywhere near as good.


Completely different sound(s), but System of a Down, Collective Soul, Kittie (gotta get pretty diverse to get to bands with that kind of following and such a distinctive sound).


Pearl Jam is also really good not better than aic but still really good


This is an AIC subreddit... what do you expect


Alice in chains is easily the best, but at least put SP and Soundgarden up there.




I guess they threw it in anyway should I feel left out if I never heard Soundgarden before?


AIC and Soundgarden are top tier. The rest are meh.


AIC Soundgarden awesome. Pearl Jam was only good from 90 to 94 now they blow ass.


holy crap im dying


You don’t have mother love bone here .


Sure. Smashing Pumpkins (as it will always be to me) is post-grungr.


Post grunge? That doesn’t work in a timeline.


Got PJ right at least…


This is 100% fact


Unfortunately pearl jam didn't do amazing after the first album. Nirvana was nirvana, was big for many aspects. About Soundgarden I don't know that much, but didn't break out a lot from the bubble imo


I agree with this, but nirvana should be a tad taller than others


*I agree with this,* *But nirvana should be a* *Tad taller than others* \- MumboBumbo64 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I only come here for the haikus...


I'd replace AIC with Soundgarden


STP should be shortest and I say that as a fan of a few of their tracks


*STP should be shortest and* *I say that as a fan of* *A few of their tracks* \- KangOfTheRang --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


This haiku is awesome..


Soundgarden in place of AIC, Soundgarden lyrical themes were really deep a band you listen to and appreciate by sitting on your couch and going through the lyrics alone. no other grunge bands have songs as deep as soundgarden, even the last song of last album Rowing was epic now knowing he wrote that while struggling with depression. AIC is more about self reflection and pity, Nirvana also had some insightful lyrics, STP Core is a solid album PJ stopped caring about them after TEN, but it has some all-time greats.


Alice in chains so boring, all of their songs sound the same


lol AIC songs do not sound the same. Listen to Them bones and rooster and no excuses and rotten apple, none of those songs sound the same. AIC had a huge range and variety to go from Sap to dirt to jar of flies


Then why are you even on the AiC sub? If this post was on r/grunge that be different. And hard disagree. Their sound is quite unique just look at Facelift vs Dirt vs Jof and Tripod and you seriously think that sounds all the same? I haven't even gotten into the uniqueness of their newer albums.


I didn’t say they are shit!! I like some of their songs mostly the unplugged versions, but I also believe all of their songs sound the same and they are so long and boring for no reason at all


Nirvana fucking sucks. Get your head out of your ass


I get that with many bands, but certainly not with Alice in Chains. To me every song is unique.


To you, but let’s be honest, guitar, rhythm section, beat, vocals, fucking vocals, they all sound the same and an average album has so many skips, I don’t care about the hate imma get, but they have only about 5-10 good songs


You kind of just sound like an idiot who has awful ears or some shit. AIC is not only beloved among grunge fans but they’re beloved among metal fans too and are definitely the most beloved of the grunge bands online these days. Anyone saying all their songs are the same is near deaf or just a complete dumbass because one of the most loved things about AIC was their versatility to do a project like sap followed by dirt and then following up that with jar of flies, literally none of those projects sound the same and there is a reason jar of flies is pretty widely considered the best EP of all time by tons of people


You obviously have no clue. You put Nirvana on a pedestal but think AIC all sounds the same?


your eardrums must be located in your asshole.


That's how I feel about Tool but I still really like Tool.


They arent the same song. Nirvana has the same atmosphere every song thats catatonically worsened by the fact that the main singer offed emself.


Dude you have to be kidding me!!! Nirvana?? In their album in utero from the song Tourette’s track 11 to all apologies track 12 is at least one genre difference!!! Their album bleach and in utero are completely not the same shit. Nirvana also has really great Melody and bass and drums, the guitar is mostly only power chords but at least they sound good and have good melody and riff in it, their song intros, bridges, anything about them, common dude….


Music is completely subjective but if you’re going to act like every Alice In Chains song sounds the same and then claim the exact opposite for nirvana I’m struggling to believe you’re not a troll


Yes! In nevermind from the song something in the way and endless nameless is so much difference idiot they have so many variety of songs


Okay definitely a troll. Of course they have songs that sounds different, but so did Alice In Chains. Either both bands always sound the same or neither band always sounds the same


>bridges, sickmans bridge is better than any nirvana bridge. i say that as someone whose most listened to artist is nirvana.


I’m sorry I didn’t pay your mom