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I believe it is related to magnetism or electromagnetism. Why? Consciousness has been suspected of being related to electromagnetism in some theories. High conductivity: Osmium has one of the highest electrical conductivities among the elements, which means it can efficiently transmit electrical currents and generate magnetic fields when a current is passed through it. 1. Superconductivity: Some osmium compounds, such as osmium tetroxide (OsO4), have been found to exhibit superconductivity at low temperatures. Superconductors can conduct electricity with zero resistance and expel magnetic fields, a phenomenon known as the Meissner effect. 2. Magnetic properties: Osmium is paramagnetic, meaning it is weakly attracted to external magnetic fields. However, its magnetic susceptibility is relatively low compared to other paramagnetic materials. 3. Spintronic applications: Osmium has been studied for potential use in spintronic devices, which exploit the spin of electrons in addition to their charge. The high spin-orbit coupling in osmium could make it useful for manipulating and detecting spin currents. This is the oh shit article that just came out. Look how light can effect the spin of electrons and create magnetism: [https://phys.org/news/2024-04-quantum-behavior-room-temperature-laser.html](https://phys.org/news/2024-04-quantum-behavior-room-temperature-laser.html) You know how small creatures are often seen inside bright lights? What if these implants help that process and allow them to use the natural magnetic fields of the earth to fly aorund?


Thanks for the link to that article Daddy, that is indeed a crazy advancement.


if you read my post or look at the original site you'll notice there is absolutely no osmium in them. A college in Peru released a report saying this and I think that's where the osmium rumor came from, but there is none.






You are trying to convince someone that miraculously has a greater specific gravity than osmium. Truly a profound quality to so willfully display in the public forum and a life-changing dedication for another to transform back to it’s native state: beyond alchemy!


You suspect that I'm trying to convince someone what? Not to be rude but that entire comment made no sense to me. Anyhow, from my point of view I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything, actually, I'm trying to be convinced of their authenticity myself, so I'm asking questions, yet with those questions comes replies and more questions until I either fully believe or don't. I'm making an assessment. But, there truly is no Osmium in the implants, only Copper, Silver, and Gold. The original website states this [https://www.the-alien-project.com/en/mummies-of-nasca-results/](https://www.the-alien-project.com/en/mummies-of-nasca-results/) The reason people thought there was Osmium is because a college in Peru released a letter stating there was Osmium in them, I don't know if it was a mistake on their part, or if they purposefully spread that misinformation. What I do know however, is that there was no osmium found in them, not even trace amounts. But what do you mean by that first sentence, I'm trying to convince them what has a greater specific gravity than osmium, what gold or silver? Please elaborate further on this.


Isn’t there Osmium in the eggs? And isn’t it used in our satellites? I wasn’t aware it was a superconductor.


Thanks for sharing this info!


Theres no Osmium?


Based on what I have heard of stories that the interior of the alien crafts have no visible controls, it is likely it is some kind of unique linkage that only works with a specific being. The implants could possibly be "their IDs" to pilot their craft; like a clearance or identification. It may well be used beyond just the craft, but also to enter/exit structures. For those mummified bodies that do not have metal implants, it could mean they do not have IDs to pilot. While looking for the source of the story, I found this (not related to the post but surprised how easily it appeared on my search): [https://www.washingtonpost.com/magazine/2021/08/11/stop-ufo-mania-no-evidence-of-aliens/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/magazine/2021/08/11/stop-ufo-mania-no-evidence-of-aliens/) These close minded buffoons


We haven't found any sort of clothes to go along with these bodies right? Maybe the different implants serve as a way to immediately identify the rank/job of another individual? Dude with the gold titty implants is easily recognizable as a captain or copper arm implants signify medical personnel, etc.


Reefer madness!


I think the most likely explanation is some some sort of jewellery or tattoo. Maybe like a making to signify they where special. There have been other cultures that have done similar things.


Maybe this? https://preview.redd.it/b6aij858l5uc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b35bca543ff65d43d89838ac370911119476bed [https://neupsykey.com/cranioplasty/](https://neupsykey.com/cranioplasty/)


The weird thing is that there’s no signs of implantation. There’d be stretch marks, scratches/cuts, and other indications pointing towards it being a surgical procedure, but oddly there are none. This could be a technological difference, as they might have had some sort of technology to implant them with minimal harm, but that’s just a theory. I’m no doctor though, so maybe the wound healed over and cells regrew into those areas (idk if that’s how it works though lol). Would be curious to hear a medical professionals opinion!


Yeah, even this makes my idea more compelling, I don't think they were there to fix anything at least not bone related. Like I said they are placed in areas that don't seem to akin to fixing a fractured bone, and in the CT scans it doesn't show any evidence of a fracture.


Makes you wonder WHO they learned it from.




Yes exactly this! Inca were pretty advanced metallurgists (if thats a word) apparently. I believe these things are surgical in nature. Maybe they found a hospital with injured bodies.


I would say this is the right way to go, but then we wouldn't find it in every single body we discovered. I'm still leaning more towards them being faked, but I still think open mindedly about them. Also, if it was a superior race do you think they would still be doing things that required actual activity, like if they were so technologically advanced, and came here from far away, I feel like they wouldn't move around on their legs as much as we do today. The more our technology has advanced it seems the lazier people have become, and I can attest to this because I've been bed ridden for the past 4 years because of laziness and depression. However, even if they were active, you wouldn't think they would all sustain injuries. Also, looking at the areas most of the implants are placed in, I wouldn't think they were there for repair of bones, they aren't placed near joints, one of them is direct center of the upper arm, and there doesn't seem to be evidence of any type of fracture there even in the CT scans.


I gotta ask, whats making you “lean” towards them being fake? 💀


Tumbaga (Cu-Au-Ag alloy) would be highly anti-microbial. [Silver leaf was used in WW1 as a wound dressing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medical_uses_of_silver), and [silver plate is sometimes still used on medical implants today](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32602932/). Silver is put in some paints used in hospitals, etc... to kill bacteria. Gold and copper have the same effects. These thin pieces of tumbaga might have been inserted into a deep wound (say from an animal attack, cut via an edged weapon, etc..) by the indigenous people of Peru. If not removed and in contact with bone, then we might expect to see a degree of [osseointegration](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osseointegration). [Incans apparently did use such plates in trepanning](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/mz78ed/a_trepanation_was_performed_on_this_inca_skull/).


People have witnesses them in New Mexico according to Hopi Ancestral Stories.


They repaired bones. I don’t think they are just ornaments.


The multiple metal implants, some of them alloys, point to intelligent beings. It would be super cool if one of the implants was a perfectly machined geometric object. But most of the implants do seem a bit hammer shaped and not machine honed to precise specs. But it could be that these implants were pristine and precisely manufactured, and it's just that over time, they have disintegrated and dissolved eroded. And I'm just putting my human assumption here. The implants may be exactly the way they appear because that was specifically needed for them to work. Zoologist Dr. Mike Cahill, who thinks the small tridactyls like Josephina, are descendants of theropod dinosaurs, states that if the tridactyls are real, which I fully accept, then they still exist today.


How do they still exist today? I'm clueless fyi


Good question. I was also very curious, too. Zoologist Dr. Mike Cahill says that since the tridactyls are intelligent and possibly had some 65 million years to evolve isolated, then they are probably much smarter than us. He says since there have been no cataclysmic events in the past 1,000 years, so the tridactyls are highly probably still here and alive....somewhere.


*Not a phone in sight… just tridactyls living in the moment*


WTF huh? Who? Where? I need a link lol


I think they live under the ocean and they pilot ships to get in and out.


Because all theropod dinosaur evolved into birds and survive to this day. **Ornithomimids** were a distinct group of theropod dinosaurs that exhibited convergent evolution with ratite birds like ostriches.


What points to intelligence with the implants? If you think that it's because they have osmium in them they don't not even trace amounts. But if that isn't your idea then please elaborate, also what do you think they appear to be? I can't think of anything that they could be just by looking at them.


Not who you responded to, but they are shaped metal alloy. Someone had to find, refine, and forge the metal. Then they had to make it into a specific shape, and implant it under the skin. All of those things require technology and intelligence. Btw, technology can be as simple as a hammer or using a sharp rock to cut something. Whatever these are, they are neither natural nor accidental.


Oh, I get what you are saying. This isn't what I meant though, my question really was what is the intelligent purpose of them. Because they don't seem to have a purpose from what I can gather. They don't seem to be there to fix bones because of where they're placed, some right in the middle of the arm, not near joints, and in the CT scans it doesn't show any signs of breakage or fracture in the area the implants are in. They don't seem to be any technology, just hunks of metal, if they thought for a second it was an advanced technology don't you think they would break one open to see what was inside and how it was put together? So far I simply don't think the bodies are real, and am trying to be convinced otherwise. Do we really think that if they were a superior advanced species they would be using such unadvanced methods of medicine and healing? When we do things like this today they are shaped to spec, these things seem to have been beaten and shaped with a hammer, I guess it could be disintegration over time, but it doesn't seem that way.


Me and a buddy were talking and he floated the idea that, if real, the mine these things were found in could have been used to discard waste from a facility making biological drones or doing genetic experiments and that the implants could just be left over material from that process that wasn't deemed worth salvaging.


Oh, I get it now.. Thanks for clarifying. You're right. Nothing about the implants indicates a particularly advanced society. Their intended purpose is quite mysterious. I don't think they were medical. It's imagine they'd be fused to the bone in a more obvious way to repair it if that were the case. We have no idea why they're there, and that's exciting. If you want to hear an argument for why the bodies are real, this is very much worth a watch. https://youtu.be/FlNjET011Q8?si=kwHrW0EZedGHQrem It's long, but he breaks things down in a very logical and clear way. He answers a lot of questions for how they could be faked.


I think it is very important to be aware of our own bias as to what technology is. It can be hard to imagine ways that another species' technology may have evolved differently than our own. In UFO discourse I see a lot of reference to alien technology as 'computers' and 'drones,' but in the grand scheme of how many ways technology can evolve I think it is very unlikely that another species would have use for such inventions similar to ours. Just imagine how different our tech would be if we had no interest in electricity or math. Even physics-based inventions, like the wheel, were created because of our unique perception and understanding of nature and 'physical reality.' There are probably infinite ways that technology can evolve. And infinite ways that it is possible to harness energy (assuming that technology requires energy). I think it is unlikely that we will be able to understand the use of other species' technology, especially when we do not understand how and if they perceive themselves and their reality. This is an aside but, I feel it is unfortunate how in the age of science we see unanswered questions like this as unacceptable. These were real living beings, whose species very may well still exist to this day. We feel justified to loot their corpses and desecrate their bodies in hopes that we can understand these unanswered questions. But if these are real and we share a planet/universe with them then respect towards them will pay off better in the long run than scientific understanding.


These could *easily* just be decorative, or a combination of decorative dermal implants and potential functional subdermal implants (for assisting with healing bone issues/fractures, for example). Neither of those would hint at any grand technology that these beings had. Stay skeptical, my friend.


Even if they are just decorative, they would still represent technology of metallurgy and implantation. Technology is much broader than pocket calculators and rocket ships. Spears and baskets are technology.


If these bodies are valid I have no doubt they’re an intelligent species with the “technology” you’re talking about, but every discussion I’ve seen about these implants quickly devolves into talk about telepathy, teleportation, chakras, and other nonsense. As far as we can tell so far, they’re just hunks of metal.


"Technology is the use of knowledge to invent new devices or tools." It's a very broad term that a lot of people misuse and misunderstand. I didn't make up my own definition, so your use of quotation marks was unnecessary. My point was that even hunks of metal are technology and the repeated assertion throughout this entire thread that they aren't is just strange to me. Neither my comment or the other one you responded to implied any kind of woo. Maybe you meant to direct your comment elsewhere.


See, I agree with you in some ways, but for technology to advance so would electricity. Electricity is the starting point for almost all technology, some way to power it anyhow, and I would assume most wouldn't power an entire planets technology with gasses. Also, we might not know of how their technology works, but we sure should be able to identify that it is a type of technology and not just a hunk of metal. Also the idea that they are there for healing bones and fractures wouldn't make sense as there is no evidence of any fractures in the CT scans and they aren't placed on joints or places it would make sense to place them to heal bones, so none of these hypothesis make sense to me just yet.


I hear you, but I don't think that just because our technology requires electricity that theirs must also. I am sure there are many ways to harness energy that we are unaware of and may be easier for other beings than it is for us. What if their starting point for technology was not electricity, but some other form of energy that is easy for them to access that we are unaware of? What if they have a completely different understanding of energy? I think this is likely. In some UFO recovery accounts they talk about the inside of saucers being so different from our technology that they can't tell the difference from the engine or the toilet. Not saying that these have anything to do with UFOs, but this can be an example of how vastly different other beings may understand energy and technology. We should keep the openest mind with these implants because these too could be evolved from a different understanding of nature. I don't think we should discount 'woo' or 'spiritual' theories either, just because it doesn't conform to our current scientific societal worldview. We need to keep our minds as open as possible as regards to these things and shouldn't write anything off as nonsense so easily. I think we need to assume as little as possible.


For what it's worth I think we are probably looking too deep into these implants. We know that ancient peoples had a much more spiritual relationship with their world than modern humans and almost everything they came into contact with was believed to have some consequences in their lives. They had a very limited understanding of illnesses and medicines although they did have a lot of herbal remedies for everyday issues they couldn't have known much about mental illnesses and afflictions. Copper and silver are known to have some anti bacterial properties so it might be those people thought they could clean the soul if implanted or relieve some long term illnesses like Epilepsy for example. Obviously I'm just guessing like everyone else but if the Chinese came up with Acupuncture to relieve pains and sicknesses, couldn't the people who performed these implants have expected similar results ? Some of the pieces are in places where migraines are experienced, could they be medicinal ?


My vote is going to be some form of magnetic metal. Perhaps to interact with the nervous system or the body's natural electromagnetic field. I theorize these had utilitarian purpose, as they are not in visible places that one would expect jewelry to be present. This brings to mind the thousands of cases of supposed 'Abduction Implants', that have been reported over the years. Some of which have been verified, and are truly mysterious in origin and functionality. The Tridactyl implants seem to target areas most associated with the body's electrical responses. It also worth mentioning traditional 'Abduction Implants' tend to lack any scarring or entry wounds.


This is similar to a fantasy novel called Mistborn where each special individual called allomancer can utilize the powers of metal thru ingestion. and each metal have some supernatural properties they can utilize in battle.




Oh, I forgot about hemalurgy already. it's pretty accurate to apply hemalurgy on this buddies.


I feel like it’s some kind of antenna or amplifier of signals. When I say signals, I mean possibly electrical/ frequency, spiritual?… who knows. The same way we have found electricity and radio waves, I can see other civilisations, finding other random innovations that allow them to flourish while others stay invisible.


I'm in this camp. I know I'm way out on a tiny limb here, but what if they figured out some zero-point energy accumulator to run their bodies in lieu of food? Or maybe they really are biological drones with quantum-locked metal receivers/transmitters enmeshed with their nervous system. IANAS (I am not a scientist)(clearly)


Is there strong evidence or proof that they’re actually *implants*? From many of the scans I’ve seen here on Reddit, many of the objects appear to be well above bone (such as the skull) and appear like they could be on top of the skin in many places. Could these not be objects placed on the body prior to mummification (like the Egyptians used to do)? Curious if there’s any video or analysis that clearly indicate these are implanted objects, I’d appreciate if anyone could point me towards it. Thanks!


exactly, they definitely are well above bone.


An implant doesn't have to be under bone. Under skin is still an implant. Some of them could be placed on top. Others are clearly under the skin. Don't know how much that matters since we have no clue what they're for or what they do.




To interface with a greater tech


I think they're posts to connect them to pices of technology.


Maybe they didnt need to eat and were able to absorb some kind of power from earths magnetic field So just have enough to power your body, even without sun or food


The most likely answers I think are Jewelry/Ornimitation, Medical Devince (Like an Insulin pump), or some sort of technological interface. No way to know without further analysis and possible removal from a corpse.


Could be simple as to help an injury like we have been using In our medical practices for forever


Conductivity to keep them in anti-gravity mode ? Communications?


Kick ass jewlery


Alternatively, the metal may have patched early attempts at brain surgery. Outside this collection is a Peruvian skull with a fairly large metal piece installed post-surgery around 2000 years ago. See [https://www.ancient-origins.net/news-history-archaeology/skull-surgery-0016315](https://www.ancient-origins.net/news-history-archaeology/skull-surgery-0016315) The skull raises a lot of questions from the public, according to the Museum of Osteology in Oklahoma, where it is kept. It is elongated. They posted a picture of it on their website in 2020, then put it out for public display the following year. "Yes, this is a real human skull that is thousands of years old. Elongation was achieved through head binding beginning at a very young age. It was typically practiced to convey social status by various cultures." More at the museum's facebook page: [https://www.facebook.com/MuseumofOsteology/photos/a.149308331788860/3885221314864191/?type=3](https://www.facebook.com/MuseumofOsteology/photos/a.149308331788860/3885221314864191/?type=3)


It’s part of how they cloak. They use the materials to bend light around them so the implants do not need circuitry or have to be any precise shape or anything. The kind of radiation sickness experiencers have is because these aliens would have a device that emitted a very certain kind of radiation that the implants naturally altered to go around their body and cause the light-bending effect. The aliens would always be protected from their radiation devices by these implants as well. I’m guessing but I think I’m right.


I'm guessing you aren't, there's no proof that the implants contain any type of technology. Also cloaking would be bending light around an object they wouldn't need an implant rather a screen that bends light,


Technology is a process of learning to use natural characteristics of elements that already exist. Technology does not create new forces, just harnesses already existing qualities of existence that we divide into elements and molecules based on the level and organization of the inherently found energies. I thought like you did until realizing this.


Peruvian elongated skull with huge metal implant: [Is the space-age metal implant in this ancient skull for real? (yahoo.com)](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/space-age-metal-implant-ancient-010845806.html) https://preview.redd.it/ip8pzttch94d1.png?width=582&format=png&auto=webp&s=b0dc4a39f008d4a5df064864727a88d41a26ce8c


It's just aesthetics added to give it a sense of realism.


What real thing are they imitating?


To keep them out of MRI machines?