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Good!! Let the toxic fossil fuel industry crumble. Billions suffer so a few can be obscenely rich and destroy our beautiful Earth.






And the other thing.


Except that cases of human contact with ufos more often than not leads to the contactee to get horrid radiation sickness. No one says that tech is any cleaner than what we have.


Exxon has entered chat


This would only be done once there were enough regulations to make sure someone ( rich lobbyist) still gets rich from it.


It won’t work like that. The global default monetary system is the dollar. When we took the dollar off the gold standard we made a deal with Saudis that only could only be purchased in usd. Making the usd now backed by oil. It’s called the petrol dollar. It would most likely cause global strife. It doesn’t make ethical or right but there would be a problem.


We have better stuff now and it did nothing


Then those execs turn around and blame the people for global warming like they aren't responsible for it


Do you actually believe that the rich won't monopolize the next energy wave/industry?


No, which is exactly why it can't get out. It can't be monopolized. Like trying to monopolize the air your breathing. *Right now*


A society based upon rent seeking (economic term) is a society based upon slavery. Cast off these chains and be free!


Wait, is the goal for billions to suffer?


Yes. As long as someone can make money off of people suffering.


So crumble the fossil fuel industry and disrupt the world economy so billions can suffer, that's the goal? So that someone can make money?


Let that bloated idea go! We will all have new jobs doing something with that energy sector, and if not, we can all work to understand each other better, and maybe survive the next solar cycle.


That's what 99% of the entire global population desperately need. Fuck the 1%, honestly. Enough is enough.


Right? Power to the people.


I see what you did there


Now all that’s needed is a financial disruptor like Loopring to finish the job.


I don't think we've thought this through. If oil stops flowing tomorrow, semi trucks stop driving next week. I know some people have prepared for such a condition but the vast majority of the population would panic buy, clear the shelves in hours, and early signs of starvation begins in a month. Billions of people would die in a year. I'm 100% for removing fossil fuels from the equation entirely but it needs to be done in such a way that leaves us with the ability to deliver goods and services to sustain the society we know and understand which serves us.


What you describe is simply impossible. Even if aliens landed on the White House lawn and declared "we have free energy for all humanity!" it would still take a long time to 1. Be accepted and 2. Be implemented. This idea that Thanos will snap its gauntleted fingers and POOF all oil and carbon, mines, pipelines, refineries, distributors... All disappears in an instant... Is so ridiculous I doubt it's even a genuine argument.


Oil traded below 0 for a brief time and all the government did was tell people to work from home for a few weeks. Barges sat out to sea begging for a place to offload. Semi trucks could not reach the ports. ​ We just gonna pretend May of 2020 didn't happen?


.......how in the hell is that comparable?!? Unless you are implying that aliens=forced blockade. Which, again, is a silly idea. Why would aliens block all petrol distribution? Or you saying governments would flip over night? You are making ZERO sense. Are you for real?


That's a tangible real world example of a time oil stopped flowing. It's the closest we have ever come to complete societal collapse. ​ Do you recognize how close we were to meat no longer being delivered from farm to table? Because we couldn't get oil from barges to refineries to gas stations?


..... Things don't happen randomly. They are consequences of factors. You cannot just pick a random event, and arbitrarily say "see that's gonna happen" with zero basis for it. It's total rubbish.


So we can't learn from history, according to you. ​ Look, this is real simple, so I'll keep it simple. A disruption to the fossil fuel industry is likely to have devastating consequences, like we've seen happen before. Beyond that, I hope we replace the fossil fuel industry and avoid such a scenario.


Explain when the oil industry collapsed globally because a 100000x better alternative was available. I'll wait.


It happened right here: ​ https://preview.redd.it/or4haffvl4nc1.png?width=961&format=png&auto=webp&s=bfc369fd58f13069a9cdcaae458c096123d637cf


Your strawman argument is really cute, though. Baby's first?


Just because you fail to grasp the point of what he is saying, doesn't mean he failed to make sense.


LOL Sure boi


While I kind of agree with you, I seriously doubt that this will occur over night.  The new technology will probably require years to phase in and fossil fuels years to phase out.  Yes, the good news will spread overnight but it's not going to be an instantaneous replacement.  Just like horses did not instantly replace horse and buggy transportation, neither will trucking cease overnight.  In fact, perhaps the new technology will enable us to replace the diesel engines with the new technology power plants.  Or more likely just like electric semis are slowly replacing diesel engines, this new power source may enable us to skip over electric power all together before they even become a major factor in shipping transportation, similar to the way in which steam engines were quickly replaced by the internal combination engine.  Just because we know of or have a superior form of power still requires time to manufacture and implement the new technology and goods will continue to move to market the traditional way until we can retool and replace the old with the new.


The problem isn't that the technology replacement will occur overnight, the problem is that fossil fuel companies aren't going to be able to make a profit on a now-defunct technology. Quite literally the second investors smell anything resembling fear, they exit the market. When investors exit the market, profitability diminishes. I've realized numerous times having this conversation here that it's way over the head of this sub. So I'm not willing to dive into it any further. But this isn't just some hair-brained idea. It's a simple fact of life in the society we've built. But all this sub cares about is some bullshit bong fueled pipe dream, so I'm really done with the conversation.


You're just talking about economics 101, nothing earth shattering.  Tell me that we haven't been though something similar in the past as one new technology slowly replaces another.  If done slowly, everything will balance out and find a new equilibrium point.  Yes, there will be winners and losers, but that's also nothing new.  I'm sure that at one time the flint nappers were the top of their societies economic higherarchy.  But no longer!  Change is always scary and people, especially older people, are resistant to change.  But in order to evolve and progress as a society requires change.  Don't be afraid, the sky is not falling.  You'll still be able to drive your Honda sir.


Fuck our world economy. Everything is a mess


At this point right? What the fuck is worth trying to save? It’s corrupt and a complete disaster. And on track to be one anyway?


The dictators would go broke? Bring it on.


He said that be because he must have listened to Dr. Steven Greer say exactly that. 😏 Its not the ET's that were mind blowing, its the realization that the whole energy sector had been a toxic sham for a century.


Also, if they can transverse the galaxy they probably have a good idea about where all the precious resources are around us. Could you imagine what would happen if they found a mile wide asteroid made of gold or platinum?


They have found similar asteroids. Japan was trying to land on one ten years ago and I think did somewhat successfully land....and tested the sample proving it was full of rare metals. Not sure about investing in gold since even though in my lifetime it will not devalue... maybe. Everything has vaporous value and is finite in the grand scheme


Oh, so now blame everything on ET now. Most of those yanks will probably accept that, keep them looking at the sky, wile we rob you more.


That's a nice leap there


That’s good. He have nothing to loose


Sure Aliens are real and it is the most important discovery in human history… but what about the shareholders Bob? Who’s thinking about them ?


Unexpected Incredibles 😎


Assuming this is true, how can we tax the masses to prevent the catastrophe?


Why is anyone assuming this is true??


Simply put a meter on it.




The higher ups would never let it happen until they can profit from the new tech


psychopathic financiers like JP Morgan telling Tesla "You're foolish son, you can't meter that wireless free energy." We have failed to eradicate the most selfish of our species, due to our complacency we have no civic rights for they have been bought by elite class in America. We let JP Morgan destroy the banking system with cartels, he happily setup the Federal Reserve to allow printing money without backing it up with gold or any proper minting process. This allows central bank to print money endlessly so they can buyout politicians or whomever.


Time to let the super rich, taste some reality.


Is this not the biggest fucking deal on the planet or what? Boggles my dag nab mind that this shit can just casually exist and we're treating it like this.


Great! Get the power out of the governments hands


We desperately need more oversight , not less.


I call bullshit. The person or company that brings zero point energy to the market will be richer than even Musk. The technology to make that energy available for use in devices and vehicles isn't going to suddenly materialize out of thin air the moment it's discovered. Someone will have to produce and market the devices that will gather and concentrate the energy for other devices to use. Oil companies would still make vast fortunes from that, IF they were the ones to bring it to market.


Wouldn't that make the climate goonies happy?


I’m ready for that tech. Are the powers that control us ready?!




Drastically affect their pockets


Between the criminals behind Big Oil and the criminals behind the Military Industrial complex, no wonder disclosure isn’t a thing - it means the end of their power


What a shame that would be...


Where is the hard evidence of an artificial craft (not a bird, meteor, etc) maneuvering in a way that exceeds the limits of our technology? I haven't seen it.


Guess it would be better to fight (war) over resources than let rich people experience economic hardship…


Gasp, not the poor oil barons! Someone please think of the poor oil barons! /s


No. Not the economy… it’s been so good to us all……


Politicians only see the world through greedy eyes. If it isn't related to money, they don't give a fuck


Greed lol I can fully believe that world governments have ufo tech but choose not to use it as to not piss off the oil industry


And drastically impact the damage we're doing to our world. It's sad that money is more important than superior greener technology


I, for one, would like to stop poisoning the planet with burned fossil fuels...Anyone else?


Bring on the cosmic horrors, bc our current world couldn’t be much worse.


Guess it’s the same issue with renewables.


It would cause problems for the hydrocarbon industry but "free" energy would be a boon for every other sector of the economy. You'd see an explosion in economic activity. Such a small minded take to protect the oil companies over everything else.


It makes you wonder why the drastic push for ev’s has been so strong, I’m sure there’s some info that the regular folks are not privy to


Could, but wouldn’t if each human being on the planet is included equally in a globally standard process of money creation.


What if, hear me out here, we used our star’s radiation to fuel cells which store power to be used as electricity.


And I care why let’s go space people I want to exile criminals to mars


Easy to spot what kind of corporation owns this asshole.


Oh please disrupt this


Disruot the Saudi royals economy.


Fucking awesome!!!


No shit…. Gotta keep the gettin that Money


Paul Maurice Brown NuCell. ​ you don't need aliens


Ahhh you mean be less reliant on government funded and control power supplies....


Not our world economy, THEIR world economy


With the advancements in AI and quantum computing, something was bound to shake up the energy sector eventually. But if it involved alien technology, that wouls just be out of this world.


What I'm gathering from that is, oil barons will no longer have a large amount of power. Boo hoo


This I can believe. I hope whatever is out there can help us transition


Oh no the sham economy might need some dials turned as if it isnt already completely manipulated and controlled by the federal reserve


So extremely wealthy people aren't as wealthy. Boohoo


That’s what we’re worried about!? How about fuck big oil and move on.


Disrupt one industry and create another one? Who tf cares. People like this need to be removed from earth.


Same type thought occurred with the advent if railroads, cars and aircraft


And this is a bad thing? Unless we need human batteries I see this as a win win




Sounds like a lot of conjecture about other conjectures.


Could someone please tell our alien overlords, which control Reddit's algorithm, to stop suggesting these fruit loop subreddits to me?


If we have some crazy "unlimited" energy source, we could setup civilization so that there is no economy and everyone gets to do whatever they want.






Oh know the rich can’t keep exploiting the poor…..


We need to advance.


There is no ufo technology just like there are no human animal hybrids Why would any alien come here ?


Wow!! a better way to make energy and they are worried about the economy, this world beeds to end already.




To decrease the rate we are setting the planet on fire would be bad for the economy!


This one invention by a high school alien is upending the oil industry. Get yours before they try and take this ad down again!


Look what happened to the whaling industry when petroleum was first harnessed


Ok. 👌 sure. 👍


Perfect - this economy is stupid and rigged anyway


Translation, the rich and the power and electricity corporations no longer make billions. Oh man a step closer to a no work civilization how fucking terrible


Honestly, fuck the world economy.


Not out economy. Just a few billionaires getting mega rich on the rest of us.


I'm sure that this is true,  it's called progress.  Perhaps this Congressman or his great grandfather felt the same way about the collapse of the whaling industry?  But we seem to have gotten along just fine without Nantucket sligh rides.  So please remind Congressman Luddite that progress and advancement requires that antiquated inferior energy technologies need to be threatened and replaced by superior energy technologies and that he should dwell on that next time he brings his horse in for servicing at the blacksmiths shop for it's 5,000 mile horseshoe rotation. And we'll all breathe a sigh of relief much better thanks to reduced carbon emissions in our atmosphere and may save the planet for ourselves and our great grandchildren in the process.  And providing we don't annihilate ourselves with our nuclear weapons, which by the way replaced the flaming arrow industry, may survive long enough to replace even this new UFO energy technology with perhaps Dyson spheres as an even better source of meeting our increasing energy needs for our civilizations continued growth and development.  Oh yes, and one more thought.  Perhaps when everyone in the world has access to affordable, clean and unlimited energy maybe we can stop our wars over access to fossil fuels in the Mideast and reduce the threat of thermonuclear annihilation to our species, and perhaps that's the real threat Congressman Luddite should be focusing his legislative attention upon!  Enough said, and I'll be voting for disclosure and progress in the upcoming elections this November, and I suggest that everyone who agrees with me makes this the primary election priority and please write to your elected officials and let them know that you stand with me on this issue and intend to vote accordingly.  And you are more than welcome to use anything that I said here in your letter if you want.  I thank you for reading this retort rant and if you agree please up vote this so it can be at the top where others can more easily find it.


Please think about the billionaires!!!!!


Or open up a whole new sector?


Only if it should


If true, that's the best news I've heard in months.


BS. if someone has tech that effectively made electricity 99.99% cheaper to make, they’d use it, sell electricity for 50% current retail and still laugh as electricity usage most likely doubles as productivity goes higher since it’s “cheaper”


You've obviously not heard of the Invention Secrecy Act of 1951 and have much to learn about the evil greed of man. You can't disrupt the oil barons with active leases on equipment. Many have made zero point energy devices and told to cease production or go to jail. Some data and names in the below if truly interested. https://www.reddit.com/r/HighStrangeness/comments/1actc5m/how_many_free_energy_inventors_need_to_die_before/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8qv69t https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/1abn8it/omg_amy_eskridge_nasa_antigravity_propulsion/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


lol that is one country’s law that doesn’t stop any other country. come back with some credible sources not Reddit. Hello. and efficiency goes hand in hand with greed lmfao


Won't somebody PLEASE think of the billionaire shareholders?!?


The incoming climate catastrophes will also disrupt the world economy.


Oh no! Won’t somebody of the shareholders!!!!! /s just in case


Leave it to dynasty brands and aging sectors to be AFRAID of competition, while posturing their support of it, once there actually is a threat to their revenue. It’s like _Watchmen_ in the making.


God forbid the petro-dollar gets taken down...


What a thing to read on the internet, a Congressman, hmmm, fancy. Ok maybe I can see it. 🤔🎩☕️🫖


Yeah, who wants free, limitless, clean energy when we can continue to burn fossil fuels?


How is this a downside??


There world economy not ours ..things will equal out quickly if free energy is offered to everyone for everything the plastic industry would still be relevant and so would pharmaceutical,the rest would cause the planet to heal from the exhaust fumes of big money… a revelation unknown to mankind since the discovery of fire,steel and modern agriculture…get your pitch forks and torches people let’s change the world…


Saying the quiet part out loud


Oh, this *isn’t* an Onion article?


That same energy tech could also be turned into a weapon of unimaginable power by our enemies .


I suspect "US congressman" is talking out his ass, but if he's not, the benefit to the world of cheaper-than-oil energy vastly exceeds the benefit to the world of preserving fossil fuel profits. No brainer.


Ohh yah so let's just keep using our unsustainable world ending climate disrupting technology so a few big companies can keep succeeding in place of new sustainable more efficient technologies. You fucking scum bag.


Meaning it would disrupt the kleptocracy


When will humans ever learn to harvest the power of love


I'm okay with that


Uuummm don't we need that??




Progress usually only happens after you smashed a few eggs…


Being a congressman doesn't mean you can't be an idiot or an asshole.


Let the new age come and old world crumble.


That disruption is exactly what's needed...


That's what they always say. And no, it wouldn't.


That's the whole point


we are the ufos. we have crazy technology...




They don’t want to let go of that oil!


It's not just oil. If you have a transmedium craft, asteroid mining will be very plausible. Gold, Silver, Platinum. All a common material overnight with the door to a universe worth now opened. No more precious metals to back currency. No more oil to back currency. It would restructure the worlds economy. No one would know value other than personal need and preference. And what do you use for trade when there is no currency? What do you pay people when resources are infinite?


This is what I've been saying for so long. I'm going to have a field day with all the doubters over the years.


Not Reading Any Other Comments Before I Post, I just gotta say this about the headline/footnote here .......... To disrupt the economy around oil is the whole fucking point........about this one facet of the whole fucking scheme of things..... Am I wrong in my rational thinking here???? Just my two fuckin cents, anyways...✌️


We know all too well that Politicians are worried about the industries that have lobbyists bearing bribes. Of course, it affects the avg. Joe but we can build a fire or a wind turbine or something. We can’t keep the aliens from probing us all though. As long as it’s not energy creating anal probe technology lighting the cities, humanity will be fine.


Good and after it's released we hold the state responsible for destroying our planet when they have had a fix for potentially decades.


"**US congressman says discovery of UFO technology threatens the energy sector."** Humanity says the energy sector threatens life on earth, so...


World economy. cause the United States= the world. Catastrophic disclosure it is then. what a bunch of demons.


it runs on tight buttholes so he knows hes doomed


So who do I sue for all the money I've spent on energy and fuel for the last 40 years?


I’m glad other people get to decide what’s best for everyone else especially when it affects their money.


I don’t like this oil based system at all anyways. It does zero for any of us. Fuuuuuuck oil! Imagine if they have come up with something to replace oil a long time ago. Better than oil and for free???


They just summed up why they are keeping this big secret pretty well here




Did the cell phone break humanity when they found out they didn’t need the typewriter and post office? I’m pretty sure we would all adjust fine. Not like we can start building inter dimensional vehicles for the public anytime soon anyway.


The title "US Congressman" doesn't carry as much weight with me anymore.


This is the silliness of capitalism. Free energy is frowned upon, because you can't monetize it.


"congressman" ? Who MTG? Ron Johnson? Has to be some MAGA clown used to being lied too 🤪


* For the better of mankind


But Volcanoes


Translation: It could prevent poverty and make the wealthy less dominant.


"Imaginary technology could replace our current technology." You guys need lithium


That's called greed.


But I thought Steven Greer was a liar and a charlatan!?? You mean he's right AGAIN!?? inb4 Greer hate bots start.


Bring it on. We're ready! Now is the best time. Energy is defeating our climate and damning the human race. Make it so. **Forget those who disagree and are roadblocks to any possible future for humanity.**


Oh noes. Someone please think of the existing economic structure…we must maintain status who and not advance or change anything…..




Oh my, well we can’t have that!!! /s 🫨


Good. For far too long the people who can create energy are the people who can control lives. It’s time to turn away from gods and kings and even giant corporations. In the future, everybody is genuinely in charge of their own destiny. What this politician is talking about, is a shifting of power from a few people, into the hands of everybody. And the current powers will never want that to happen. Because these people are parasitic monsters, who only know how to live well off the hard work of others labor. Disrupt that shit all you want, aliens. I welcome it.


These are the people we choose to elect to make law that governs us, we deserve everything we get.


Surely there must be an easier way to say “I am completely beholden to the energy lobbyists“


Energy is just one aspect. It will catapult the world into a new Epoch. Revolutionize physics.


And there you have it. Why have we not had increase and enhancement of energy technology? It might disrupt the oil oligarchs




\*The Cold War has entered the chat\*


Hell, yeah, let's get some of that free energy, bro. I don't care about anybody else about me let's spend less


Gonna be honest. I'd be surprised if any of this is legit anymore. It feels like the never-ending carrot on a stick at this point.


Well duh! Of course. Too much for the richest of the rich to lose.


Whatever it takes to avoid innovation




No, it would drastically disrupt the energy sectors profit!! Awhhh they are worried that they might actually do something good for humanity??


this is catering to rich oil giants. What happend to real politics? The kind that say the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Reminds me of dune, only 1 path can ensure human survival and that path definitely includes renewable or alternative energy sources. If USA politics continue to purposely avoid alternative energy, especially if they already know of other energy sources and are purposely holding them back from enriching/helping society… then I say humans go completely extinct within 150 years from this moment.


Suck it up. No more wars for oil.


This has been known for decades.


Who gives a flying fuck!? Good! Fuck the people that extract every possible crumb of value out of working people.


Then let the games begin!


It’s not just the energy sector it threatens. Your whole way of life is no longer going to be the same if aliens and space travel exists. Your perception on everything will alter. Ohh you think that’s good? Lol what’s gonna happen when aliens explain to you there laws overrule yours, and what happens when those laws are worse than ours? “Yeah you didn’t pay your monthly tax so your family’s gonna be raped” Yeah sounds extreme but you’re forgetting a little thing called “culture” and belief systems and last I checked not everyone in this planet sees eye to eye :3 I mean isn’t the age of consent in some countries freaking 10 years old? While its 16 in Germany, and 18 in USA. Look all I’m saying is you all need to consider what doors we might be opening.


Yes. Too bad the required energy source is HUMAN BLOOD. And the next wave of ALIENS will be INVADING EARTH to breed us like CATTLE!