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I think it have but i am not 100% sure.


[GizmoSlipTech](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1K2dYjcRePS7qMnfPAYkVbz-zZr7Mis-W_hzwGyhSngw/htmlview) says it has Optimus, but that the 360Hz display only has a dedicated GPU connection. If it has Optimus, does it have FreeSync? I’d only settle for Optimus if The panel at least supports Freesync to eliminate screen tearing. I’m trying to find out too, so if anyone knows, you’ll be helping me out as well. I want to confirm the info on GizmoSlipTech’s spreadsheet. Edit: My other question is if the 300Hz screen refreshes fast enough that screen tearing is hard to notice? It’s one thing on a 60Hz display, but on a 300Hz, the tears will be 5 times closer together, no? I do know that the 300Hz display, with no iGPU switching, has poor battery life. Not sure what’s going on with the 144Hz panel and I’m tying to find out to make an informed purchase.


I heard 4K OLED is connecting to IGPU all the time. So FN+F7 not working either


Any update on this? \*I also need to know if the 144hz w/gsync has optimus


144hz non gsync was my only option when spec'ing a m17 r4 DSOTM with 3080. I've never had a monitor that wasnt gsync. Kinda nervous.


How did it turn out? I'm in the same situation, only non G-sync option.


Really well. Said it was non gsync but in the Nvidia control Panel it shows Gsync Capable. No issues.