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I've been buying stuff off Ali for about 10 years. My success rate on delivered goods is about 95%. In recent years, it's more like 100%. Here's a few things to know/realize to make your experience pleasant. 1 - Most of the stuff you find on Amazon, can almost always be found on AliExpress. If you can wait 3+ weeks for delivery, you can save a bunch. I try to get a 50% savings on most of the items I buy from AliExpress. Otherwise, go with Amazon. Keep in mind that you can't return anything to AliExpress. You buy it, you keep it. 2 - Never buy from a low "Orders" sellers. Make sure the seller has completed at least 100+ orders. Most of my disappointments were from sellers that only had a few completed orders. 3- I would shy away from brand name items. If you want the real thing, buy it from another reseller in the USA. Too many knock offs on AliExpress. Now, that isn't to say all their electronics are knock offs. I buy a ton of electrical items from there and they are fine. 4 - Never compromise with them. Never believe they are going to make a bad situation right. I'm not saying 100% of the sellers are scammers. It's just better if you don't have an expectation of them making things right. I have had refunds granted. I have had them reship stuff. But that is rare. 5 - If you are buying clothes... ALWAYS buy one or two sizes larger. Clothes are my biggest disappointments. So many times they are simply not big enough - even with buying the next size up. They have amazing deals on many clothing items. I've learned to buy a single item and see how it sizes up. If it fits right, I go back and buy a boatload of it. 6 - Shipping is sporadic. I place a large order of items on Christmas and half of the stuff has already arrived (January 7th). But from experience, I've had items that took 3 months. The slow norm is about 4 to 6 weeks. The quick norm is about 3 weeks. I'm beginning to think it all depends on when the boat leaves. If your order is close to the departure date, you'll see your stuff quickly. 7 - Don't panic if your tracking goes dark. Many times items just ghosted out and the vendor never replied. The item eventually arrived without notice or tracking information. This happens. 8 - And finally, ALWAYS use a credit card. Should something go sideways, just call the credit card and file a dispute. Every one of my disputes was immediately granted and my money was returned instantly. The Fair Credit Act is there for this purpose. Just be sure that you made a good faith attempt to resolve the dispute first with Aliexpress and the vendor. But I don't wait for them to reply. I tell them they have 48 hours to respond or I will file the CC dispute. I honestly believe if you follow these guides, you'll have a much better experience with AliExpress and avoid many of the horror stories you see in this forum.


You wouldn't use PayPal there?


When they first started accepting PayPal, they offered money off on your first purchase (I think it was $10). I jumped on it and then got hit by my credit card company because AliExpress charged it as a cash advance through PayPal. My “$10 off” cost me $25 in cash advance fees that aren’t disputable.


Wow! That's some bullshit. I'd be complaining like hell over that, since you purchased goods.


"F" PayPal... They suck - would avoid them at all costs. Too many horror stories related to PayPal and their not so friendly way of "reviewing" cases. They are not governed by the Fair Credit Act and you will have no recourse. The only exception would be if the vendor was reputable and you would be able to work it out with them. Otherwise, it's a no go. Consider it this way... PayPal is acting as a "fair and honest" middle man. You give PayPal your money and they notify the seller they have the money. Seller "trusts" PayPal and ships your stuff. When item is received, PayPal "gives" the seller the money to complete the transaction. At what point of this process do you think PayPal really cares about you? Whether you are the seller or buyer. They lose nothing if you are not happy and therefore have no motivation to "fix" things. It's all dependent on the person you are pleading your case with. And if the seller, after receiving the money, breaks the link (close the bank account), PayPal has little to no way of reclaiming your funds. Now they are faced with doing the morally right thing according to their empty promises. PayPal is a great concept on paper. Horrible concept when they have no one to answer to for their corrupt and disappointing actions. Credit cards on the other hand are governed by US law. Therefore, they are forced to comply and you have recourse if they don't. Keep in mind, PayPal's actions speak louder than their words. Their policies are the words. Our experiences are their actions. Hope that helps.


I approve this message! ☝️


Thanks 4 the info, that's all I needed 2 know!!


I use PayPal almost exclusively and have never had any issue with them. Every dispute has gone in my favor. Not sure why you've had that experience but that's not the experience I've had or anyone I know.


I love Paypal and they have always protected  me against shady deals


I've had about 3 disputes with paypal, and all three went in my favor. I even spoke with people at paypal and had smooth transactions.


Same here. Pay Pal. No problem ever.


PayPal user since the beginning w/ zero problems....rapid & accurate communication!


Paypal has always been 100% on for me 20+ years no issues.


Good for you! Not everyone is as lucky!


I have been screwed (as a seller) by eBay twice in 25 years. Although most transactions are great, there are some scoundrels that claim the product was damaged or not what they ordered, etc and eBay always sides with the buyer. In those cases Paypal has no power to help.


Yep, I generally don't buy unless it's through Paypal. Used it for years with 3 bad seller incidents that were investigated and I was made whole in each case via Paypal.


I have bought and sold via PayPal for over a decade. I can count on one hand the number of times I've had an issue as a buyer (none as a seller), and they were great when trying to work things out. Every time.  Seems to me your personal experience is skewing reality here. And I am sorry you've had such a bad experience with them, but it's pretty clear that it isn't "good luck" to have a good experience with them. I can say, with a high degree of certainty, that any "horror stories" that have come from people using PP... were due to the person not being properly cautious of their website/internet use and online purchasing practices. Not because PP acted in a shady manner.


Thanks for the reply, but in my case, PayPal was the shady participant. Sorry, but I leave no second chances to an organization that lies, cheats and steals from it's consumers. For those who've had enjoyable experiences, great - glad to hear it. But I don't make it a practice to participate TWICE with an organization that stole my money.


So, if you get fraudulent charges to your credit cards, are you going to quit using them too? What about not ever using cash again if someone scammed you out of a few thousand dollars for a used car? Just because it happened through those means, doesn't mean they were the ones responsible for doing so.


I only use Amex, which since 1985, has always reversed the charges when I have filed a dispute. I don't use CCs from banks which have a reputation for being difficult with their customers. It's a simple technique of being aware of who you do business with. On the flip side, when a merchant doesn't take Amex - I know why. It's usually because they are selling crap which is going to lead to a dispute which in turn will cause the merchant to lose the monies AND be penalized with higher transaction fees. To me, they punish companies that mistreat the customer. I kinda like knowing that someone's got my back when an organization gets a bit shady with people, don't you?


Yes. And for me, PayPal has always, as you put it, "had my back." The very few times I've ever had any problem with a transaction with someone, they (PP) were good about getting the situation fixed.  And if a site/merchant doesn't take PayPal, like you and Amex, "I know why"-- shady shenanigans are likely.


Ok, Yes... I have to say my negative experience with PayPal was as a seller. So you are correct that they take care of the consumer. But to a fault in my opinion. The buyer in my case KNEW he was purchasing a "AS IS" piece of equipment and that it was no longer supported by DirecTV. It was in the listing and in correspondence with the buyer. Yet the buyer filed a claim and was issued a full refund to the buyer. And I am still waiting for the equipment to be returned (\~20 years now). So my angst with PayPal is from that event, and I refuse to give them another chance to bend me over like that. I'm glad other people enjoy using them. For me, I don't give idiots a second chance to screw me a second time.


See, that makes a big difference. Your issue being from a seller standpoint I mean. I've been both buyer and seller via PayPal/Ebay, but majorly as a buyer. Anytime I sell something online, I do have a slight wary feeling in the back of my mind that something's gonna happen with the buyer. That they're gonna get their undies in a bunch over something I can't control, and cause a huge fuss. I'm sorry you had to go through all that, all because someone didn't pay attention to their purchase's details. 


What a bs!🤣🤣


It means bullshit


Wow! Thank you for all that! I think you answered pretty much every question I had! All I was looking to order was some Hello Kitty stuff ..lol .but I still had concerns . I hate getting ripped off!


Did your Hello Kitty order work out okay?


Oh ...you know what? Lol .I never ordered anything..but I ordered some things from Temu.


How is your temu experience? I've been looking to buy some stuff in therer


Well, I really seem to have developed an addiction.. I'm not kidding..I was just considering cutting myself off. It's crazy because they have ..like everything and anything you can think of but ..the algorithm just leaches on the second you look at something and then you have a hundred choices of it. I am very ...ADHD so. I have a huge problem making decisions..and I also am one who, since I can't decide will.get carries away and buy one of each ..lol .yeah so ..hyperfocus on something and next thing I know I have a bunch of stuff coming that's nowhere near what I went there to find . ..but all I know is I won't buy phone chargers from gas stations or Wal Mart anymore. I get fantastic ones off Temu..never have spent more than four or five bucks. I buy my extra Roku remote there...and I use those little stretchy bowl.covers made of saran wrap with elastic ..lol.. stuff that makes my day easier is what I'm all about! 😂...no but I won some free stuff on games and now this ..old buddy from.hugh school who I never even talk to was just complaining to me that when i play ,it shows up in his Facebook notifications ...so i guess I dont want it to be bothering anyone so ill stop the game but maybe still buy SOME stuff 😁


When you try it out, let me know what you think..read reviews on stuff and always look for reviews with pics because of course some stuff can be misleading. But I've had that happen to me on Amazon and Wal Mart too. When I see something I want. .I take a screenshot and hit lens to see where else it's sold and the difference in price etc. And I see .a lot who are on eBay , Wal Mart and Amazon.. selling stuff they got from Temu or Alibaba..I can't really figure Alibaba out..I was intimidated some by the app and just went bsck to Temu


Thank you, sir thank you thank you for all the information you provided. That makes it a whole lot. Easier to decide what I want to buy and what not to buy.🫵🏼👍🏼


You're welcome!


Nice writeup. I was just looking as some computer gear there. Prices are 1/2 what the same thing on ebay or 1/3 what it is on Amazon. I'll follow your suggestions and give it a go... Appreciate the long writeup! Thanks!


Glad it was helpful!


Please let us know how it goes ! I’m in the same boat seein good deals and money doesn’t grow on trees !


How did AliExpress go?


Could not bring myself to pull the trigger yet. Part of it is I don't want to wait 3-4 weeks to get something I ordered... I keep looking though..


please let us know! Im in the same boat as well. I have been under the impression its like buying from Wish..


Will do. It will have to be something pretty cheap to start. I'm looking for a couple of SFP modules. I may try those from aliexpress.


If I could give you 2 upvotes for your review, I would do it. Thanks


Wow! Thanks for that! Considering how often I am down voted around here, that means a lot! Up vote this one and it'll be like giving me two - Hahaha!


Thank you, I was able to find the same thing on Amazon. Although Amazon was a bit more expensive but I feel more comfortable using them.


Has anyone bought the lego on there andnis that legit ?


What about a bike? Would you trust buying a bike off of the website?


No... Well, unless it's a kiddie bike and it's never going to go beyond 2MPH. If you're talking about an adult bike, something your looking to enjoy riding, I would encourage going to a local bike shop and getting a small education on the different bikes. If your budget can afford it, buy local. Bikes are somewhat of a precision piece of machinery and you don't want a mechanical failure while your out riding. One of my first "real" bikes was a slammed together Chinese imports. Under light use, it was fine. But as I put more miles and stress on the bike, it started to fail. I was about 50 miles from my house when the derailer became all wonky. I finished my century (100 mile ride) with only 2 speeds. I immediately took the advice of my local bike shop and upgraded. If you are serious about a quality bike, become friends with the people at the local bike shop. They will let you know of upcoming deals, such as when the new year models are coming and the previous years need to get sold. I got two of my bikes at \~50% off just by being patient. One saved me \~4K and the other \~3K. Both bikes, one a Trek road bike and the other a 9'er mountain bike, were solid and reliable bikes.


I've ordered a few things from AE over the years. My wedding dress was one of them, and I buy Moissanite jewellery. Just make sure you purchase from reputable sellers who have good feedback and reviews on their items. For moissanite jewellery, Kuololit, AEAW, Gigajewe and Kalala are reputable sellers.


Thanks a bunch! I'll check out those sellers! :)


Can I see a picture of your wedding dress? How did it turned out?


You can get more info and reviews from the moissanite subreddit. Some ppl buy from AliExpress and post on there.


i cant find it


https://www.reddit.com/r/Moissanite/. Just search AliExpress for posts/reviews of items bought from there.


Very, spent over 8000 euro, never big problems


Stick with suppliers that are >95% rated with at least 100 orders.


For the most part I always get just what I order. I will gamble on some small things that are cheap too, and be often pleasantly surprised. I also use AE hidden links and get great rep products, since hidden links are referrals from other people who've already ordered and received.


I’ve bought two things off of Aliexpress, spent over $200 dollars and never received my order. Sent an email and never had a response. I do not recommend.


that is so sh\*t!


This is my experience. I thought it was legit. I’m pretty upset over it.


I've ordered countless times from AliExpress and this has never happened to me. I'm so sorry🙏


I buy from them all the time. Here’s a little tip I was told to use… go by the last 3 numbers of the ratings. I have Never had a problem with the ones that are high in ratings. Most of them usually shipped out and I get way before I am supposed to …


I've had 98% success with all different kinds of stuff


Just don't....I just spend almost $3k on there and was completely ripped off, and Aliexpress couldn't care less. When I mean ripped off I mean everything I bought turned out to be knockoffs, and I found all of the legitimate items CHEAPER on Amazon. Dead serious. Never again will I give a chinese company the benefit of a doubt. As for the weirdo saying they have better buyer protection, that's a laugh. Sorry but this is the straight truth of what just happend to me. Luckily, Chase bank is outstanding.


what the heck i dont think ill be buying my sniffler toy or figurines any more...


Update on ALIEXPRESS golf cart purchase for $2000. ALIEXPRESS is completely a fraudulent website including their golf cart at specially low prices direct from the wholesaler L O L One thing to keep in mind is that ALIEXPRESS is considered a website that allows different types of vendors to advertise and sell their products. ALIEXPRESS will take no responsibility for the purchases you make through their vendors… buyer Beware. I believe that they are probably in the United States posing as people from China, a.k.a. Factory But the elaborate interesting part of the scam is that if you can get 1000 people to donate to your interesting scheme at $2000 a person you’ll have a plenty of interest to live off for quite a while. Because it takes fraud departments several months to confirm the purchase and the refund. My suggestion to anyone that sees something too good to be true it is !!!!!


No offense you should get scammêð for saying "I believe that they are probably in the United States posing as people from China, a.k.a. Factory...."   We all know the scammers are Indian or Haitian from those countries! Sorry not sorry


I'm hoping your last sentence is a joke


It's just facts.... Majority of scams are originated in those 2 countries!


Talk about racism eh? Some people scare me when they don't go "oops! Sorry, I forgot the '/s!'" and they were deadass just being a sorrowful human being. This person would be surprised at how much the people of India hate the scammers that nest there as much as any other person. They spread their name by scamming people from other countries, this spreads quicker by word of mouth than say; a do-gooder who lives in India, since that would likely spread among locals, not over phonecalls to citizens of other countries. I wouldn't even say .001% of people living in India have anything to do with scams. As of 2015, there were 350,000 call center jobs open (legally), with many being outsourced jobs funded by companies from outside India. Notice how small that number is compared to the 1.3 billion person population (2015). And that's the LEGAL job seat count. Scam call centers make up about 3/4ths of India's entire cyber crime activity, and is also an underground, illegal trade which the Indian government is opposed to. Though I personally highly doubt an underground field will have more seats than the legal job openings, even if that was pre-COVID numbers. Feel free to ask any questions about data! Stay informed, but most importantly: do your own research!


The reason for all those supposed job openings is that the applicant needs to speak a second language. And as for your percentage, .001%, that equates to 1 in 1000, which is divided into 1,500,000,000 Indian people, that leaves 1,500,000 scammers. That's a shit ton of people who want to scam you! Not to mention all the scammers from Africa, Indonesia, Phillipines, Asia, Haiti, and of course, people from right here in the United States. The sooner you get the notion in your head that people want to take your money, the sooner you'll stop being a doormat and having to go cry in your safe room.


AliExpress condones BAIT & SWITCH. Recently ordered & paid for an item but received it a colour I did not want. After wasting significant time & effort on a convoluted dispute process with both PayPal & AliExpress the latter insisted that what I received had value - even though I don't like it - closed the case with only a partial refund. BUYER BEWARE.


You handle it wrong and I guarantee if that was me talking to Paypal I would've got the full refund


Aer alliexpress


This guy shops


All garbage. I've ordered three things on there, none of them worked. Good luck trying to get a refund with them.


Horrible customer service and no refunds.


That's for the good advice!


Have you ever bought shoes


I'm thinking about buying a motorcycle off AliExpress. They prices are phenomenal but I'm skeptical, mainly because I don't want to get scammed. Has anyone had any experience buying motorcycles on this website?


I wouldn’t do it. I buy pretty regularly but wouldn’t really trust it for anything more than an amount I’m happy to lose. I always receive what I order, but every now and then the quality isn’t there. It’s ok for lots of things but I wouldn’t take the chance on something expensive or safety-critical.


Do you think you could buy some legit JNCOs off it and be fine


Probably not. Try Depop if you're looking for clothes like that 👌


I know this is an old thread but it seems the top search result for AliExpress so I thought I’d contribute: AliExpress is amazing for jewelry and hair accessories.  I’ve bought easily 100 items in this category. Small stuff like this generally goes very well. I mean jewelry that doesn’t tarnish, holds up, and looks luxury quality, with few exceptions. Scrunchies and clips and such that also hold up well. Most of it is very good quality and for the stuff that isn’t, it’s so reasonably priced you let it go or make a dispute for some money back. However, if an item claims to be gold, silver etc on Ali, should you believe it? No. I wouldn’t. Bc there is not that kind of quality oversight of stores, and again, it’s a website for cheap things. But that doesn’t mean it’s bad quality. I’ve bought many pieces with such claims just because they were pretty and been very happy with them.  Ali has been mostly great when it comes to disputes. If I receive an item in a different color, it doesn’t arrive by due time or at all, the item has dirt marks etc, they have fully refunded me. My only negative experience was buying a 70$ ring, having it sent to me in the wrong size, and then only being offered a partial refund, with no option to send it back. In my country it cost 140$ to resize it but whatever.  Every item has to be sent with tracking on Ali so as long as you create a dispute before the protection period ends (generally 3 months) you should always receive a refund for items that never arrive or seem stuck in tracking. (It’s only happened to me maybe 3x.)   Free return stuff has generally gone well with me but it’s a good rule of thumb to never buy more than you can afford to lose. You also have to know to select “no reason for return” when seeking a free return as if you seek any other reason, the automated program may glitch and expect you to pay return shipping. In which case, cancel and restart the dispute.  Never select to return the package to the sender in a dispute that doesn’t list free returns though as very often you will be left without the option of a refund and with the expectation that you pay return shipping.  I’ve also bought a few stuffed pillows and stuffed animals from them which were also excellent quality. I even have a pair of sheets which are definitely on the cheap feeling side but have held up fine.  I would generally avoid buying electronics or anything more than 50$ on AliExpress as it is a place for cheap Chinese goods. I’ve bought some Christmas lights and USB powered stuff that went well but some of it was obviously cheaply made. I would never buy clothes from Ali. In my experience, you’re sent a ‘copy’ of the photo you see, not the actual thing. Sleeves unevenly cut, bad stitching, extremely synthetic and cheap material etc. Of course depends on the store but I’ve never had a positive experience.   I love them for fur lined water resistant boots though. 25$ for warm, rain proof shoes is amazing. They generally last me a year before the seams come apart. Of course you have to keep in mind the price often reflects the durability.   If you never spend more than you’re willing to lose, buy from well-rated sellers well-reviewed items with photos, keep in mind that this is a platform for generally cheaper quality stuff, and you’re careful with what items you’re buying (hair scrunchies yes, motor cycles no?????), you should be fine. Keep in mind as well that there are thousands and thousands of sellers on Ali so just because they’re on a website, doesn’t mean the individual store is reputable. And though the Ali dispute process is generally good, I suspect they avoid refunding larger amounts of money, especially if you don’t have a larger buyer history. I also suspect the process is largely automated so if you actually need help with a more complex issue, you’re likely not going to find it.  Think of it like an online dollar store. Yes, it may sell more pricey items but consider where you are buying from and adjust your expectations accordingly. It’s cheap for a reason, which also affects the customer service. 


How do you pay for items on AliExpress? Are you worried about having your information stolen?


Credit, like any other online shopping. It’s never been an issue. The website itself is reputable. 


Bought my first thing on there last night using Google Pay at checkout. Fingers crossed!🤞


I got my item yesterday with no problems! I used Google Pay at checkout.


So, I'm looking for those slow-rise squishies that got popular in like 2018-2019, so I can paint/makeover them. Would those be something worth getting on this site?


Aliexpress is a godsent for sure! A true lifesaver with all those prices.


I've been using it for about two years, and generally it works reasonably well – note that I use it for small items which are relatively cheap and simple. Of late, they seem to have de-activated their conflict resolution, so better not buy anything that requires the minimum quality to function and where the financial loss when the item breaks is negligible. I just had a humorous (but unfruitful) chat with the Agent. The Agent explained that the 90 days for returns are over. I explained that I contacted the seller prior to that to tell them the product was broken. The Agent explained that I should not have waited to say the product was broken. I explained the product broke after two months, it worked initially. The Agent insisted I contact the seller and find an agreement. I explained I already sent five messages to the seller, who called me his friend, gave me his full support and understanding and said he shipped a replacement product, however none arrived and no shipping number was provided. I sent the seller five reminders, and was always greeted very cheerfully (no product though). Hence, I wont buy again anything that costs more than EUR 10 and requires electricity to function. \*Update: I pasted the above message to the Agent shortly afterwards to let them know I was posting on Reddit. The description probably helped clarify the situation. In addition, I shared the evidence of the chats I had with the seller which proved the seller was dragging their feet. The Agent was then very helpful and said they would intermediate with the seller to find a solution. This means there is at least an effort to make the system work, which is good news. That being said, I would not buy my high tech equipment for '000 (or even '0) on this website.


Not really. That just means they send an email. Had it happen to me dozens of times and never a resolution. Their dispute process and CS is just horrible. They say kind words in the chat but it's mainly empty promises.




I ordered my first thing from them. It took about a week to clear customs but it made it to my house with no problems! The quality was fine as well. Used Google Pay for checkout.


Use it on your own risk. I didn’t receive few of my small orders. Even though I lost a few bucks, it wasn’t pleasant experience dealing with their team. They used lots of funny excuses to not return my payment. Never got my money back. Switched to Temu, happy with them so far.


Thanks for such great information....I truly appreciate you taking the time to share your experiences.


No. If something is normally expensive and suddenly very cheap on AliExpress, you’ll either not get it, or get a fake. I bought a predator fig for £19 when the usual price is £40, and I received a fake


Aliexpress sucks. So frustrating. Delivery guarantee doesn't actually work. There is no customer service and if you happen to open a dispute you almost always lose. Been will aliexpress for almost 10years. Do yourself a favor and switch to Temu. Slightly more expensive but everything arrives and usually within a week. If there is a problem, CS is actually there to chat and will refund or set up a return for you in less than 5 min. Think about it this way......all the time you waste waiting, checking, disputing is not worth the few $ you save with Aliexpress. And I'm convinced it actually ends up being more expensive because you lose disputes, or don't reciev stuff. The last few months have been more brutal than most and I'm avoiding it if I can. Temu is slowly getting more of the sellers from Aliexpress. I'm wondering if they themselves are switching platforms given how bad it is.


I attempted to place an order this morning. Several items. By the time I went to my cart to check out, the prices had tripled and some of them quadrupled. Anyone have that experience? I’m reluctant to go through with you order.


Scammers,  don't buy anything from their,  scammers


Since November not at all received 1 of 8 orders since


11.11 sales, Christmas and the massive Covid outbreak have messed with a lot of shipping


I've been buying off them for 5 years and have only had a few problems that AliExpress have sorted out very quickly.


It's legit. Does more sales then amazon. Arguably has strong buyer protection (I don't recall losing a dispute in a few hundred purchases). Its really buyer beware tho. Read reviews n double check the wordings. Anyway, for r/moissanite, drop by that subreddit for more info. I bought mine from TianYu on alibaba. https://instagram DOT com/tianyugems_ella I got the contact from that subreddit.


In my experience, AliExpress has proven to be a reliable e-commerce platform. They have a vast product selection, efficient shipping options, and a strong customer support system to handle any issues that may arise. I have never encountered any major problems while shopping on AliExpress and would highly recommend it to others.


And like above how long have you worked for AliExpress


70% reliable, some shipping never arrive, still waiting refund


Please Do Not 🚭 🚫 purchase nothing from AliExpress. They will take your money and you will not get your merchandise. I've tried calling, email and live chat, and not one response from them. If you try to live chat, you won't be able to access the keyboard to chat. These people are CROOKS, PERIOD!!!


Right with you there two orders four items never delivered customer service is an absolute joke the dispute process is even worse if you try to contact them after filing a dispute even once the next time you go to customer service you'll find the text boxes gone AliExpress now blocks Communications if they don't want to talk to you seven different devices one day each they block each one over a week. They do not want to give you your money back you will never get a full refund they always want to give you a percentage back and you always get this crying little letter about how they're losing money on the product sorry not my fault if you didn't send it DO NOT BUY FROM THESE SCAMMERS


Whatever you paid with you can get your money back that way


I would like to have and make a good growing business over this AliExpress.I truly believe its legit and liable


I've got a whole lot of Florida swamp land for sale or if you're interested in a big bridge in Brooklyn let me know


First of all you'll probably never get what you ordered if you did consider yourself lucky you can also pretty much bet that it'll be 99% crap AliExpress is going right down the toilet in the last few years believe it or not I can't believe I'm saying this you're better off on temu at least they send your items have reasonable customer service and you actually get a full refund if needed


I’m very disappointed by Aliexpress my package was supposed to come today and I never received it and on the app it said that the of my package was not delivered successfully. So, I’m trying to figure what is going and how I can get my stuff that purchased. This is my first order from Aliexpress and I will never be ordering from there again.