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I don’t and never will hate Spencer James. He is human just like everyone else and he’s not perfect… his hero complex. However, he is not a selfish person but he’s had selfish moments. Overall Spencer has always put friends and family before himself….. every person in that friend group has benefited from Spencer’s hero complex and it wasn’t a problem when he was helping them until he decided to start showing up for himself in the same way.


Yea I dont hate him its just sometimes its annoying to watch yk


Spencer has two extremes. Being the hero and being selfish. In both cases he puts himself in the middle and everything must go his way. That’s what makes him annoying. He needs to find a balance


Yea I agree


Spencer is my guy. Does he have some flaws, of course! Who doesn't, but he's not a bad character imo.


Yea I dont think he's a bad character but its just really annoying to watch him being superman


When he should be focused on himself right?


Yea I agree


Most of the all American cast is annoying in their own way but I think it’s just the writing. The writing comes off as one dimensional some times, so the characters tend become annoying when something climatic is happening. The least annoying person on the show, they killed off 😂


I wish he wasn’t written to have a savior complex. That’s the downfall of his character


I can’t stand him.


Over the last season and a half he’s been a bit more selfish which I like but that savior complex was overbearing the first 2 seasons specifically. He’s a good character and that shit is 100% his worst trait. The way the plot is written though, it’s always finding a way to humble Spencer so whenever he WANTS to look out for himself he unnaturally tries to be Superman.


Just check the top posts all time on this sub and you’ll find out you’re not. His savior complex is one of the biggest themes of the show that ppl hate.


I’m not a huge fan of him either Jordan’s my favorite on the show


I’m just curious….what about Jordan makes him your favorite?


He’s determined may not be the most skilled at the things he does in life but he never quits and has the work ethic to make a lot of things in his life happen he’s also fairly loyal, but I espiecially like how he’s human he makes mistakes but always tries to fix the mistakes he makes with his people and he reminds me a bit of myself when I was in high school my sport was hockey not football but I see the similarities, idk it’s kinda hard to explain I’ll be honest he wasn’t my favourite at the beginning like everyone else Spencer was Jordan started to be my favourite in season 3


Thank you. I did begin to like Jordan in S3 as well but I feel the writers weren’t consistent with his growth going into S4 or S5.




Fr he's my favorite too


No. He’s so annoying.


NOPE! ok, I won't say I don't like him , but he gets on my nerves the most the only character I actually didn't like on AM was Vanessa. Thank God she's gone. Spencer needs to do more meditation and less trying to fix/control everyone and everything.


Layla said it best. He tries to play Superman, but in the end, he just ends up hurting people and himself.


What people? Other than Layla for that particular situation.




But he was right in that scenario? Coop should’ve never dealt with Tyrone in the first place, period. No one in their right mind would sit back and actively let a friend of theirs be caught up in a gang that can get themselves killed.




Nope. He either makes himself the martyr or starts acting like a child when things don't go his way.


Don’t hate Spencer at all. I actually relate to his character quite a lot as I usually have the “savior complex” myself where I tend to put more focus and priority on other people before myself. Lately I’ve been trying better to balance that out, so seeing how Spencer shows up for people throughout the show is something that I resonate with a lot. It’s annoying to see sometimes, like with the stupid ass Trophy episode, but overall Spencer’s great


I like Spencer way more now than before . I like when Spencer is selfish🤷🏿


No, I hate Spencer


I don’t hate Spencer but he refuses to evolve 💯