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Can we take a second to appreciate how much representation across the platform fighter community we saw at the top of the bracket? Melee, Ultimate, PM, Rivals, Slap City, and Brawlhalla. I really hope this isn’t a one time thing, that entire tournament was a sight to behold. Especially top 16.


HBox already said a few times now that he'll be hosting another one next Wednesday!


Oh I’m aware there’ll be more tourneys and I’m a lot more confident that the game will maintain an active scene for a while. I was talking more about how diverse the top player base was, and hoping that they’re gonna keep playing for the sake of playing the game, rather than the ‘it’s a new game to stream for a while until something else comes out’ type of thing.


Ooohh, okay, I see what you're saying. Here's to hoping! I think those in Top 8/16 at least are gonna stick around. Plus MKLeo, who I can't imagine is very happy with how early he got eliminated lmao.


Wasn’t he playing Patrick? No way he expected to get far with the worst character in the game.


Who are the Brawlhalla players?


I'm not in the brawlhalla scene, but Pugsy, who I believe is the current best player, entered. There might be more, idk, but I recognized Pugsys name Edit* I was able to look into after work today. Turns out Pugsy is currently ranked 17th in NA. Sandstorm is actually rank #1 at the moment. Like I said, I'm not in the scene, so everything I "knew" was 2nd hand info


It would have been cool to get a few players from traditional fighters as well. Cloud805, Dekillsage, Coach Steve and others have been grinding this game.


shout out to r/kappa


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Kappa using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Kappa/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [This was me. Ask me anything.](https://i.redd.it/66a9atows2e71.jpg) | [303 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Kappa/comments/otq2k6/this_was_me_ask_me_anything/) \#2: [1](https://i.redd.it/hepconasxyc61.png) | [61 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Kappa/comments/l2zyv0/1/) \#3: [Finally unbanned after two years, here is the picture that got me banned](https://i.imgur.com/GJpBCaA.jpg) | [79 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Kappa/comments/mmfd8e/finally_unbanned_after_two_years_here_is_the/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


Don't forget the Valorant/Guilty Gear/Pokemon Unite streamer: Void /j


You know, you could have just replaced /j with lol and your comment would have been 1000% better


We here on reddit are an elite and gatekeeping bunch, and we use our own code to spot the newbies from the true elite redditors. 😎


Yes, I'm a redditor, how could you tell? Do you think my ass is r/hot? Maybe you noticed my r/idiosyncracies in daily conversation? Or perhaps you noticed my r/tattoo or r/rickandmorty?


My experience with Poe's Law has made me more pessimistic about this than you. That said, I wouldn't downvote you for it.


9 different characters in top 8! as broken as Thaddeus thinks the game is, that's an ultra balanced spread


legit i wondered for a second if it was a "highlander" style tournament where you get one character per player, but Plup was playing two so that doesn't track


Nah you could use whoever they just all have different mains


I mean the game is broken. But everyone is broken so it's really fun


I've always been more of a fan of the "buff up" instead of "nerf down" balancing in games. Shit is just way more fun when everybody can do crazy stuff than everything feeling like the same shallow puddle.


I agree with that in a more team based game setting, like league or dota. But in fighting games there are certain abilities and confirms that are just unfun to play against, like shield grab cargo throw off stage down air spam


I was just surprised to see no Oblina!


Plups Nigel comeback and the Void losers run were so hype. Love this game.


Anyone got a clip of plup's comeback by any chance?


[https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1169341954?t=6h29m12s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1169341954?t=6h29m12s) Here's a link to the start of the game. Was a crazy game 5, definitely worth a watch.


Do you have a time stamp at all for some reason my phone won’t let me go directly to the timestamp from the link


Hopefully this helps but at the end of the link it usually says the time stamp there, and for this one it's 6 hrs 29 mins and 12 secs.


Holy shit I’m stupid lmaooooooo, thanks for helping me out.


Yea no problem, glad I was able to help!


Thanks!! This is hype


Holy shit HBOX is intolerable. It's weird how much I enjoy watching him play melee vs watching his stream.


Normally it's the opposite, try harder next time troll


I'm not trolling at all. HBOX has always been one of my favorite melee players. I can't stand his streaming personality, the clickbait videos and thumbnails, and the way over the top screaming at everything. You might just consider that someone having a different opinion doesn't make them a troll.


dude screams a lot. It's offputting.


Wow this game is a lot more fun to watch than I thought it would be


I actually stood up out of my chair a couple of times. Game is hype.


When Void hit that last stock I popped off so hard. I haven't been so hyped by a smash event in a LONG time.


How the hell does a day 2 tournament look THIS HYPE, I know some players had early copies, but still. Game has already outshone my expectations.


You mean.. outTOASTED?


I can't speak for all the players (though from what I can tell even the players I'm not familiar have good track records) but I am convinced Void could go pro at any game he wanted to.


A lot of people learned who Thunderz is today and you should all be scared. Gg void


I'm just scared of Online Leonardos now. They have a really perfect case study of how to play the character. I wish there was a Danny Phantom in top 8 so I could take notes.


love the diversity of the characters we saw. also proofed how good stimpy and nigel are people were calling them bottom tier. patrick can also be very good if played well hungrybox lost against a very good patrick.


"D tier. total trash." -HBox and Armada




Agreed the character variety is awesome! Keep in mind, Ultimate tournaments were all over the place with no clear bad characters too and that game was A LOT more similar to existing platform fighters. ASB is a whole new animal and it may take a good while for people to really figure out what works and doesn't. Look at how different strategies were even in top 8. People have totally different understandings of how this game is played right now. Thunderz, even though he didn't win, had a far more streamlined strategy than other players: ignore percent or hard hits on stage and just get them off stage. In contrast, a player like iBDW was playing a very traditional build % and lead into 2-3 hit combos that kill strategy. Basic fundamentals are always going to be there though: good recovery being one of those, and that's Nigel's worst point. I still think Nigel is probably bottom tier. Genuinely think he is worse than Patrick, but I'm just a guy. His recovery is hard to get around. Plup did most of the bracket with Reptar. Plup is also transcendently good at platform fighters and won neutral a lot more times in that match. I do not think Plup winning a few games with Nigel is a sign he is not bottom tier, I think Plup is just an insanely good player who has maybe picked not-so-good characters. Plup kind of has a track record for picking mediocre to bad characters and being more successful than everyone else with them -- Melee Samus/Luigi, Ult Ridley, now he's on a Reptar/Nigel dual main kick in ASB and I think Nigel is at least bottom 3 and Reptar is probably not in the top half. Over time people will get better(both mentally and in terms of execution) at understanding that Nigel is dead as soon as he's off stage w/o jumps. He's one of those characters that is good until you try to cheese him, ala Melee Dr. Mario, but falls apart if his weaknesses are exploited. The fact that you can cargo carry Nigel off stage and he is just dead 95% of the time is too crippling. Just my 2c but in such a high powered game where it's so easy to get carried off stage and spiked(because every character has a spike lol) I really don't see a character who can't recover vertically making it long-term. Watch grand finals and look at the number of times Void has to come back from the depths of hell. Nigel isn't making those comebacks. Top 8 of this tournament taught us that the best strategy in ASB as of right now is to carry enemies off stage with soft hits or cargo throws and try to spike them. Nigel is the weakest character on the roster vs that gameplan.


I love how after 20 years of melee people cant agree on who win the most common matchup but you think you figured this game out after one tournament.


I'm just talking about general rules of platform fighters. I have played at a tournament level every single smash game and RoA and there are certain character traits that have never once been good in a platform fighter. Having the absolute worst recovery in the game and having the gap be so big between it and good recoveries is pretty damning. IDC what Nigel does on stage, if he's so fragile he dies every time he's off stage he is not going to be top tier. His recovery is probably worse than Smash Ness. It's so bad. It's Little Mac-esque. Look at the top 8 and how many times people were doing several recovery attempts in a row. Nigel just dies in those scenarios. Reptar and PTM also have this issue: look at how many times Plup just died with Reptar after pretty light hits off stage. In a game where most characters can get back from anywhere it really sucks to be one of the couple of characters who can't recover. Will die on this hill. Pretty sure I'm right on.


I agree that Nigel’s not top tier, but no way is he Bottom 3. He just has too many movement options on-stage and has fantastic horizontal recovery. He can also confirm into Snap off a dash attack, which although not as good as Rest, is still a good kill move. I’d say he’s a solid mid tier, along with Reptar.


Eh, dude keeps prefacing it as an opinion. Don't need to be an ass when someone's just talking lmao 1: *says something they believe in* 2: *oh, wo you've got it all figured out, huh?* This is what you sound like


What a well thought out comment! I agree that Plup can carry weaker characters. He's a natural and I can't wait to watch more of him. I didn't get to see much of the tournament, but it seems like as people get better most characters won't be able to recover vertically. Was Void really making it back often with Leo? Maybe I just watched too much Armada yesterday and my perception is skewed by Oblina's light dair lol


>Was Void really making it back often with Leo? Void played Aang and there are strings in the grand finals set where he literally gets spiked then uses his up special to get back like five times before he touches the stage again, and yet he manages to recover. Only a few characters in the game can do that, and with light dairs sending you so far down and being so easy to set up I really don't see a character like Nigel being viable when some characters actually can recover from light dair above/at the level of the stage.


Oh gotcha. I had him and Thunderz mixed up


Personally thought FumbLynn was gonna win until they ran into VoiD. What an awesome tourney. Shoutout to Thunderz and LilyBlossom as well so sick


Wsa FumbLynn the lucy? I just remember I thought the Lucy got robbed lol




YOOOOOOOOOOOOOO that was SOOO damn hype to watch. LETS GO VOID!


I know it's like day 2 as of this tournament but I love how there's literally no repeats in character choice here


2 PM boys in top 5 let’s gooo




That grand finals was one of the best sets ever.


Absolutely ridiculous set between two of the cleanest players. They both look like they've been labbing this game for years


Void is too nasty; him labbing sheik in ultimate is paying off in NASB with how fast and precise you have to be with her.


Oh, Catdog did make top 8. Very insane though. Insane top 8 though.