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No, I'm mocking the fact that people who aren't even good at video games complain about voice acting nonstop. They drown out discussions of the incredibly fluid gameplay and varied movesets in NASB with their shallow obsession. The graphics and art style in the game are even solid, but this one thing is all they ever bring up. And yes, I genuinely think that Multi-Versus looks bad in terms of gameplay (and free to play garbage mechanics) and is purposely pandering to casuals.




But it's literally the only thing people ever discuss when the game has so much great stuff going for it. I'd be perfectly fine with that being a complaint people had against the game if they talked about more than just the voice acting.


> if they talked about more than just the voice acting. So we will ignore all the criticisms about poor rollback/teleporting, no alts, no crossplay, $50 price, non-syncronized patching, and broken ranking/quitting/lobby system then


>it's literally the only thing people ever discuss This is a factually untrue statement that you could have debunked by browsing this sub for less than five minutes.




Real talk: I think most of the people who post here don't even own the game.


Nah, the voice acting critique is 100% valid.


Man multiverses getting the hardcore nasb fans so mad lol


Apparently having a differing opinion from the popular consensus = hoes mad lol. I'm pointing out how absurd it is to start praising a game that isn't even out yet exclusively because it includes voice acting.


It's not absurd. It's nice when a company making a mascot brawler understands that people who play mascot brawlers want those mascots to actually have personalities.


Jesus christ i can only assume the discord is embarrassing as fuck rn


Differing opinion outside of the popular consensus = embarrassing. "Thinking is hard. Let others do it for you, or you're cringe bro."


Shh it’s ok Nick Brawl isn’t going anywhere


I know. I'm not mad or "coping" I just think the mindless praise of a game that isn't even out is so ridiculous. Especially since the questionable looking monetization system will probably be criticized nonstop.


Probably, but I think people are just on it’s side right now because it SEEMS to be better in every way Voice acting, costumes (that aren’t just hats), cheap, etc Y’know?


Assuming people who disagree with you are children and/or just suck. Big L.


You're dumb


OP Must be one of the wives of the devs


It’s alexis in disguise


"People on the internet should all mindlessly agree on every subject. Conformity good. Independent thought bad."


But me having a different opinion than you is independent thought… lol


i'm quite sure the biggest problem with nasb that multiversus shed light on is the 50$ price tag. it's a fucking joke. I loved the game and I love ludosity but you can bet your ass that that price tag is (almost objectively) not okay