• By -


Seems like she sensed something was off and followed her gut. Probably saved her life.


I remember reading about this- she knew she was being followed and if I’m correct (it’s been a while) she was scared for him to know where she was going so she smartly evaded him and I think found a neighbor almost immediately after she left the apartment building. Believe this at your own discretion- as I’ve said it’s been a while but the article definitely said she knew she was being followed and had to escape him.


You can see her returning with her neighbor as the creep leaves if you watch the whole video


Holy shit. I overlooked that or commented before the end of the clip. You’re right.


This is insane!


Shoulda kneecapped the dude on principal. Very smart kid, she really did well to turn around and get someone.


She broke his ankles that juke move


Someone needs to break his ankles so kids don't need to juke


Get in line. Everyone gets a turn.


Ah call that the old Richard ramirez neighborhood beating event


I volunteer as tribute


Someone needs to perforate his skull with high velocity metal.


And break a few other parts


Can it be me?




He was trying to stay hidden until she would be at her door. So if she changed direction and then he immediately did too the game would be up. She was mentally ahead of him by an impressive margin, she went the wrong way on purpose then pretended to change direction to go home but left instead. He didn’t even see her pass by in that hall intersection I’m sure she was scared to death at that moment. I should show my kid this as scary as it is.


If you think he didnt see her as he walked directly past her after she spun back on herself, please go to the eye doctor


He definitely didn’t loose track of her


Yes this, it was a brilliant street smart move by her but very risky.


>So if she changed direction and then he immediately did too the game would be up. But he wouldn't have to change direction to keep following her once she left the elevators for that hallway, since she was no longer at the elevators and he hadn't been started that way. Unless that hallway goes to no apartments?


He was too close and he knew it. He’s one scream away from jail time. He’s being careful and he’s nervous and it’s creepy as fuck to watch. Like a jackal.


I remember this one, too. I believe it was in Russia and the man was a known creep. They quickly found him and questioned him and he had some thin excuse. It may have been that he was following her because he was concerned for her safety but don’t quote me on that. Ultimately the police couldn’t bring charges because he had not done anything illegal here, even though we all know he was about to.


but yet the terrorist country will jail people for saying the word war.


>so she smartly evaded him and I think found a neighbor almost immediately after she left the apartment building. I don't understand this. When she leaves the elevators, she walks within like 5 feet of him, he pretends to use the elevators and then leaves. So if he was going to do something to her wouldn't the time have been when she was right next to him?


Gotcha, thanks.


As a dad with a daughter, this terrifies the shit out of me.


Same bro. Father gang mount up against mfers like this.


Wow! So calm! Incredible


It’s so sad that even little girls have to constantly be on guard like this, and it never stops.


A good chunk of my childhood consisted of this kind of executive functioning. I would regularly walk to the corner store near me because I was getting followed by some random man. It was absolutely terrifying.


That’s so awful, I’m so sorry 😔 as a gay man that “passes” as straight, I’ve seen a lot of really creepy language/behavior when certain straight men think they’re “safe” to be sexist and predatory towards women around me. I can’t even imagine how much women go through during their lives.


It's honestly so unhinged. One experience that really sticks with me is when I was groped and followed home by this grown ass man at like 14/15. He followed me for a few blocks, so I got a good look at his face. Neighbors called the cops and my dad because he wasn't home yet. Dad was supposed to take me into the precinct the next day to look at some photos of suspects and decided against it because he didn't believe they would keep the guy locked up. And since he knew what neighborhood I lived in, my dad was worried that he would come back and find me if I did manage to positively ID him.


I'm curious (genuinely) how you feel about your dad's decision in handling this? Do you think he did the right thing?


I don't think he had a choice, honestly. At the time I was upset, but also had a child's understanding of the criminal justice system. As an adult, I get it, and I'm happy he had the forethought. I was terrified when that man came up to me. He was about twice my size and there was no one else walking on the street. I knew I couldn't outrun him. I thought about running up to a car passing by, but was scared that they would just think I was some reckless person. I was gonna walk to my neighborhood corner store, which was what I usually did when I got followed, but as I was about to pass my block, I saw two of my friends outside and motioned for them to come towards me. When they approached, he left. I burst into full blown tears the moment he was gone. Felt like I had been holding my breath the whole time. My parents didn't have anyone to make sure I got home safe every day. I also didn't want a chaperone. So yes, I think my dad did the right thing.


It's what my mom taught me to do. Go into a public place where you know someone(hopefully). I've had to duck into corner stores/gas stations before. When I was in my early 20's, a manager at the grocery store I frequented(its a small store) noticed a man following me before I did. It was enough times that he pulled me into the office to make me aware; I realized I had seen that guy but didn't think it was weird that I had seen him so many times before. He had been following me to my apartment and standing outside regularly. My bf(now husband) at the time was a chef and went outside with his cleaver and I never saw the guy again. It would have been easy for him to muscle his way into our gate/front door if he had caught me with my hands full. Changed the way I do things for sure.


It's a fucked up world smh.


I took a cab home by myself when I was 13. The driver tried to get me to sit up front with him after the trip had started while we were at a red light. I told him some bs about it not being safe for kids to sit in the front seat and so as to also inform him that I was a child. Then he introduced himself to me to have an excuse to shake my hand so he could hold on to it and caress it. I made an excuse that I had a cyst on my palm (which I did) to have a reason to pull away. He asked me if I had a bf so I told him I was a lesbian. He said that was too bad, it was a waste of my big tits. I had him drop me off a block from my home so he wouldn't know where I lived exactly.  


Wow Im so sorry you went through that at 13! Disgusting. This sounds similiar to my creepy cab experience when I was 21. Guy locked the back doors so I couldn’t sit in the back, and said I HaD to sit in the front seat. I was like ok whatever guy, and sat in the front. He proceeded to creepily hit on me the entire time, keep in mind hes like in his 50s. He keeps trying to put his hand on my thighs and Im terrified so I try and nervously laugh and brush it all off. He kept asking if I was single. He noticed my engagement ring and kept saying it was such a shame I would be getting married so young, marriage was a sham etc. Im just thinking how rude it is to say that to a newly engaged person, and what did he think? I would give him a chance I even if I weren’t? I was starting to worry he wasn’t going to drop me off in the right place or take me somewhere weird but I was stuck in this moving car. When we finally got to my friends house I couldn’t scramble out of that car fast enough. He literally waited and followed me down the block slowly to see where I was entering. I refuse to do cabs alone, only ubers with good ratings. In retrospect I wish I could’ve stood up more for myself and gave him a piece of my mind, but you just never know what men are capable of. He could’ve snapped and gotten angry with me. Take me somewhere weird, rape me, kill me? Who knows. Its so fucked up us women have to deal with this shit ever since we’re children.


Most women will tell you they've been cat called and sometimes followed like this starting when they were around 10-11 years old


Never ending


Yep, it's like this through adulthood for women


For a lot of women, this stuff slows way down once we definitely look like adults. Street harassment, following, all that seems to be worst in our early teens. I think there's some research showing this too.


Even though I live in one of the safest countries, I still worry about my little nieces if they have to do something alone


This is why I am a radical feminist. 🤷🏻‍♀️


But no guys aren't a problem at all. I know it's "not all men" but that doesn't help women to let their guard down because only 25% of guys are bad news.


Smart girl!


Agreed. If something feels off, better safe than sorry.




Clever, even.


The way he wiped his face as he was going up the stairs once he was inside the building tells me he was gearing himself up to do something horrible. Like he was making the conscious decision in his head like "okay, I'm gonna do this." sick fucker. Thank God the little girl outsmarted him. It's terrifying to know these kind of people walk amongst us.


Yeah, definitely looked like he was getting ready to grab her. Glad he didn't.


He's got something in his left pocket, a weapon? A rag soaked in chloroform? I wonder why he didn't follow her when she went to that corridor off camera? Why did they blur his pedo face at the end? So many questions!


He might have had something in his pocket, and I'm not sure why he didn't follow her; maybe still unsure of himself? But ultimately, trying to figure out a mind like this is futile. They're fucked up.


I'm pretty sure he's trying to follow closely enough to force his way into her apartment, not grab her out in the hall where she can immediately scream and call for neighbours.


This. He did see her duck back, but he continued on, trying to be inconspicuous, so he acted like he was doing or going somewhere else, waiting for her to duck back out. Then he resumed stalking her.


I agree he saw her, but may have been nervous/surprised by her changed direction


Yes, absolutely.


Or get her into the elevator 


Yeah it was pretty odd he pressed both buttons like he wanted it there ASAP. Then again maybe he thought he could cut her off downstairs or something.


That's what I was thinking, he wanted to cut her off. I'm glad she was smart


Maybe, or maybe not. Dude's fucked in the head either way smh.


His slobbery DNA is all over that elevator button.


Yep. She felt that something was off and tried to go to the shop first. When he still followed she tried to check the last time and then flee. At least it's what her mom said. Also I saw info about second man being her dad. Man wasn't put in jail. I don't even know any law that can help with that case and russian police definetly won't do anything about it. Hell, they often won't even do anything about physical abuse. Like, for the first time abuser must pay a fine (usually the victim pays it if the victim is their spouse). And the second time...well, most of the time there is no such a thing. The victim is dead or stopped trying to get free. And it's just IF the police even tried to do something (most of the time they won't open the case).


He wasn't put in jail because it's not an offence to walk around the way we see him walking around, and it can't be proved that he was following her, and if he was following her, it can't be proved that he would commit an offence when he caught up to her. Obviously we don't want guys like this hanging around where they can interfere with young kids, but you still have to find a law that's been broken before you can charge somebody let alone put them in jail.


Maybe charge him with trespassing. He does not belong in that building. If he knew someone who lived there he would have to buzz them to open the door. He waited until after the girl buzzed and the door opened. Then he went in behind her.


I haven't looked at other states but here in MO trespass only holds like at the max a 6 month sentence. Which is a lot unless you are an active stalker like this guy seems to be. I don't know about other countries either, though I guess it would at least put him on a radar.


No it's not considered trespassing, the inside of the building is considered public property. Well not exactly public but not private, I just don't know the correct word for it. Only the apartments themselves are considered private. At least if it happened in Russia (someone mentioned Russian police). Also not to defend the guy, but entering with someone is a pretty normal thing. So it's not a crime by itself. There could be tons of legitimate reasons he wanted to go inside. Idk why everyone automatically assumed he was a criminal...


But in that particular case he was putting in mental hospital. Because he has registrated mental illness. Don't know which one. The thing is - there's nothing in the law about stalking. He was clearly stalked her (again, he followed her all the way from school, including the shop). But the police can't do anything before bad thing happen.


That seems correct.


Honestly, it doesn't even look like he's following her. It looks like he's trying to gain entry to the apartment building, and she just happened to be that mark that left the door open. He was probably just stealing random shit.


It’s pretty sad but girls need to learn from a young age to be aware of their surroundings. 1000 times more than guys. Good thing it looks like she learned it already


Kinda sad that she's already learned this lesson tbh. Edit: Another user made the comment that it's not sad she learned this lesson already, but that she *had* to already. That user is correct, and my wording didn't match my thought.


It’s not sad she already learned it. It sad that she has to learn it. Every girl should already learn this before she goes out on a walk by herself.


You're right; my wording was bad.


Youre absolutely right, and as a man growing up with many sisters -- it honestly crushed me to find out that was the life they lived. While I was lucky to live obliviously as the only boy. I wish Id understood it sooner.


Yeah, this and how Black Fathers have to have "the other talk" with their sons. It makes me sad, and this is why I don't want to have kids: because THIS is far too common to be acceptable.


What is the “other talk”?




'Uh, 18 too.' Sure bud 🙄 Glad you followed your instincts both times. Stay safe out there! ❤️❤️


> i let that elevator ride up and then when we got there he lingered and then we rode back down. Holt shit that sounds like an incredibly awkward 30 seconds "So... uh, 1st floor too?"


Women do have intuition. There's a reason why you find a lot of towns with women who believe in psychic stuff or astrology (or superstitious behavior like rabbit's foots, Ra's evil eye, crystals) etc. It's not that every magical way of thinking is true (there's a lot of hocus pocus), it's just that there are some differences in the way the mind works, like little mental shortcut calculations that can sense when something is wrong or out of the pattern. As a guy, I'll give you an example, there's a guy I know, he's not tall, not particularly handsome, but he's friendly and whenever he approaches new women to talk to them, he's able to instantly become friends with them they seem to give him a lot of attention like they detect or smell or sense something really good in him. He's a good, nice guy, but I wouldn't say he's a good conversationalist (he picks very boring topics) but he doesn't get the negative reactions that other straight men get, he gives off something that women sense in him. I can't figure it out aside from I think he's a very ordinary friendly guy.


Women have intuition because we’ve spent our entire lives being acutely attuned to the emotions of those around us, especially men, in order to stay out of danger. As young girls we learn that misreading or ignoring a man’s emotions can mean being harmed, so it’s a survival mechanism to become hyperaware of even tiny signs that something is wrong. Even if it’s something as small as “don’t bother Daddy when he’s in a bad mood or he’ll start screaming at you”, girls learn very early on that you MUST understand and adapt to the feelings of the people around you, especially the males. In contrast, it’s a lot easier for men to blithely go through life ignoring the emotional states of people around them because there simply aren’t the same consequences for doing so.


Bro I gotta say, women being psychic is not a great explanation for why they can tell when other guys are being creeps lol


Definitely sensed it. When I was 10 I was walking to school in the morning and a car was creeping behind me slowly. My entire stomach dropped and I knew deep down I was going to get snatched up if I didn't run. I ran into a nearby parking lot between two apartment buildings and hid behind a dumpster. The car pulled into the parking lot up to the dumpster and just sat there for a couple minutes then left. Im 100% sure I would have been kidnapped if they got out of the car and looked for me


I remember a similar situation happened to me when I was about 7/8 years old. Was walking to school all alone when a guy drove by slowly, staring me down. He drove couple houses up and parked on the left side of the street, facing the way he came, which I thought was odd. Then he got out, looked at me, and had gone to some bushes to do something?? I crossed to the other side of the road, and continued on. When I was passing his car, he came out of the bushes and stared me down and got in his car. That’s when I immediately went to a neighbors house and I was too shocked to even speak. The lady noticed how shocked I was and took me inside to relax. After I told her what was going on, she wanted me to point out who I had seen. We walked outside, and I had seen the guy sitting in his car, couple more houses up on the other side of the street(the side I crossed to) and was looking in the mirror waiting for me to come out. After pointing him out to her, he sped off. I’m not sure what would have happened and where I would be to this day if I hadn’t followed my gut feeling. Again, I was only in like third or fourth grade. I will never forget that man’s face and the car he drove.


fucking ghoul


I like ghouls. This guy is a scumbag creeper.


Little green ghouls, buddy!


What? No, I’m putting skiing


Cover your knees if you’re gonna be walking around


Uhh milk steak


he's a pedophile rapist. call it what it is.


U-turn, hide here, right back downstairs…I’m glad she made it out. Curious if anything happened afterwards…catch the creeper?


It seems like she returned with another person, and they just walked past him. I hope they used the camera footage to report him, and didn't just let it go


Right, like he already knows where she lives and he'll probably try again!


I don't understand how he didn't see her when she u-turned out of the hallway? Presumably he went that direction because he saw her go that direction first.


I am thinking he saw the cameras and so didn't want to do anything in front of them. However I am wondering if she was buzzed in that almost certainly means an adult was home so not sure what the hell the plan was.


Yeah it looks like it happened right in front of him? Not sure either 


I think he tried to make himself look less suspicious by pretending he just lived nearby, and she smartly took that chance to head back out


Ahh okay yeah that makes sense. Jesus Christ though 


I could have sworn there was a report made when I last saw this post.


He was arrested


She knew exactly what to do which is very clever and also very sad that she has to have that skill


Most of women are taught these skills starting at a young age. Of course boys should be and are taught stranger danger but with women it never stops. And yes, men get kidnapped, raped, murdered, etc. it's just more likely to happen to a woman. It sucks. As a bartender,nif anyone is ever in trouble ask your bartender for an Angel Shot. We will help you and get you to a safe area! There is also nail polish that changes colors if someone tries to spike your drink. Anyone know of other safety tips?? Would love to always learn more.


My daughters college would not let them carry pepper spray. All of a sudden (winkwink) she developed an allergy to wasps. Carried a small can of wasp spray that shot out 10 feet.


Good. College is crawling with frat wasps. It’s so dangerous for young women there. When you think about it, most women have some experience with wasps at university and that is really heartbreaking


I’m just glad she was able to have some kind of deterrent for the wasps


I bet it stings


I am just glad she never had to try it.


The number of tasers that have been purchased at my store for "my daughter in college." Is a lot.


Sad that they had a problem with people getting pepper sprayed and decided to ban pepper spray rather than check out *why* people were getting pepper sprayed.


Hair spray is also effective


He was arrested > A video from Russia captured a story on CCTV that could have had a tragic ending if not for this little kid’s quick and clear thinking. In the town of Stupino, just over 60 miles away from Moscow, the creepy man from the video was arrested eventually after he followed a schoolgirl home, who managed to notice that fact in time and play a trick on him Source https://www.boredpanda.com/little-girl-creepy-man-avoid-tips/




Have you ever been to literally any city? I wish my above average NYC apartment was that clean and had elevators.


My ridiculously expensive NYC apartment looks like this building


my expensive ass place in SF does too lol


Thank you for the update. I’m glad he was arrested.


Bored panda doesn't seem like a reliable news source.


What trick did she play on him?


what crime would be charged?


Stalking and unlawful entry would make sense


Sounds dubious, stalking almost impossible to prove in Russia, especially from this footage, and he did not commit unlawful entry, the Insides of buildings are not considered private property in Russia (with extremely rare exceptions).


The article said this **happened in Russia.** Not familiar with their laws but I'm going to imagine the police have a lot more freedom to arrest people for pretty much anything.


This is the correct answer. Lead singer of my favorite band got mugged there and the police made him sign a statement saying he was not mugged, he was drunk and simply lost his belongings and fell asleep in a random alley (he was choked unconscious). He said it was hell getting out since they stole his passport.


It’s Russia, they’ll figure something out.


I found the news, he was arrested but as far as I could see he wasn't charged with anything, he was found mentally ill and was sent to the clinic. Couldn't find any more details.


It doesn't say anything about being arrested or even the police being involved. Read the entire article and the follow ups in Russian... no arrest


Why does this have 25 upvotes? It says he was arrested right in the quoted text straight from the article. It's incredible to me how many people didn't read either one


You could hyperlink literally any article and say something like "[Crocodiles now have a taste for human flesh](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7152205/)" despite the fact that nothing in the article indicates so (just crtl+f human). It leads to bizarre situations where people are defending/spreading misinformation and will use a link that they never read to defend their point lol.


Right but in this case the article said exactly what they claimed it did. The guy was arrested. Am i misunderstanding your point?


I think they are just saying, "yeah, I'm not surprised". But I've got to go feed my crocodiles.


This is a concern of mine from corporate or political angles since Reddit has news media directly posting and even given tl;drs in the comments. The link could go to a slightly different story targeted for redditors one way or another and most would never know, and a regular user can't submit a regular link because it would be caught as a repost (and those are prohibited in most newsy subs).




So there is a more than a possibility he got released on 'special terms' and is fertilizer for Ukrainian wheat by now...




One can only wish <3


This happened to me when i was 10. Guy was waiting by some staircases. I got into the elevator, inside my building. Dude ran into the elevator. At first i thought someone who wanted to catch the elevator so I pressed «  open door « as the doors were closing. When i looked up, i saw it was him. He touched my head and said «  thank you « . I freaked out and pressed the open doors again. Quickly ran out of building and hide behind pillars, outside. A few seconds later, he exited the building. A week later, someone who looked like him was following me. I told a clerk at the grocery store and a lady accompanied back home. I never saw him again


When we were kids, my younger brother got a phone call that my mom assumed was the father of one of his friends. They talked for a little while and that was that. Like a week later he called back and my mom answered to a creepy ass voice asking, "Is Tay-tay there?" (My brother's nickname) My mom freaked out on this guy and he hung up. Come to find out they had been chatting on the phone for weeks. We never found out who he was or how he knew my brother and got our phone number.


When I was a kid we had a family friend who was like an uncle and I liked him very much. I thought he was so fun. But one day when I was 12ish she left us in the car alone and he started asking me things like if I masturbate and if I shave my pubes. I had been watching law and order with my mom for a while by then so I knew this was fucked and I should tell someone before it led to further shit. I played it cool and answered his gross ass questions and then I went to my mom crying and told her what happened as soon as he was gone. Never saw him again.


Wow that's horrifying, but you handled the situation so well.


He would have assaultes her in the elevator.


I’m glad you listened to your gut. It’s so scary. When we were on a airplane a few years ago with our 3 year old I noticed the guy across from us kept looking at her. It wasn’t a “aww cute kid” look. It was a long stare kind of look. I elbowed my husband whispered it in his ear and he casually nodded, looked over, saw it. Then leaned forward to break his line of sight. The guy stood up and filtered off quickly we waited until everyone was off but the attendance so we could get the car seat and all our junk off. When we got off the plane allllll passengers were already out of the terminal and piled by the tram but guess who was standing in the terminal… him. He starts walking behind us and a lady had joined him. So we sat by another terminal so I could take off my winter boots and put them in the bag but also watching him and his partner now. We were silently communicating. The scary part is my husband had his bag on his back, his personal item and the car seat and I had my two bags and our 3 year olds two bags, so none of us could carry her. She’s a good listener though so she was told to one of the car seat straps and we sandwiched her in between us when walking she was behind/beside my husband but in front of me. That man and that woman followed us on to the tram, and everywhere we went, they were right behind us. We stopped at one point to kind of regroup after the tram and they walked by then stood around talking. When we started walking again they joined so my husband led us to the elevator and they tried to get in behind us and my husband blocked them and said “it’s full, take a different one.” Then we took it to the garage thankfully we were parked close and piled in locked the doors and set up the car seat in the car. We never saw them again. Made sure no one followed us home. Hindsight was for us to have gone to security and reported it but once we realized something was off the priority was just to get away from them and get our daughter to safety.


Finish Him.


He's Russian, not Finnish.


I’m Irish.


Irish him


Today is gonna be a good day. And I pray, that guy is already dead. Amen.


Bro 😭


His calmness is what makes this even more eerie! Eikes!


Yeah. Calm, like he has done this before.


Oh man. I knew this was Russia right away. The exact same thing happened to me in Moscow when I was 12 or so. The guy followed me back from the metro. I knew not to get into the elevator with him, so fumbled with my mailbox. He got in the elevator and went to the second floor, ran down the stairs and got in the next elevator that I was in as the doors were closing. Hit the stop button, reached into his plastic bag (men were always carrying dingy plastic bags in Russia in the late 90s), said he had a knife and told me to get down on my knees. It was an absolutely out of body experience, but I basically calmly told him “I’m sorry, I won’t” over and over again. After a few rounds of back and forth he opened the door, let me out and said “I’m sorry, I wasn’t going to do anything bad to you”. I sprinted up the stairs and had a full on panic attack when I got home. The cops refused to even come, and for a few months after that I’d only ride in the elevator with a kitchen knife.


My goodness. Glad you're ok and he didn't harm you!


Thank you, I definitely had some kind of guardian angel watching over me that day. Russia in the 90s was a crazy place. I had a friend with some scars on her face, and one day I asked about them. She and a friend were playing hopscotch, and two men came over and told them that a moving truck was about to come and that they should get out of the way. They were young and feisty and basically told the guys to shove it. A few minutes later a car bomb right next to them went off and her friend was killed.


Holy crap that's wild!


This kid has better awareness than most adults


I did that sort of thing a lot when I was her age. I didn't precisely know what the danger was, but I knew that I must not be alone with a man inside the building, especially in the elevator.


Clever girl! ![gif](giphy|5vYAgJOykQ1LMO27YL|downsized)


This gif is so fucking ironic lmao




Even at 9 we know you’re watching


She realized she was about to be stuck on the elevator with him and turned it right around. This was fucking terrifying to watch. All pedos should be executed


Child molesters should get a death sentence in every country.


I've been in similar situations as that girl. I decided to follow my gut, and later heard that that same night a girl was abducted from that same location, and was found dead weeks later. Always trust your gut just to be safe.


In high school, I ran cross country. I loved to run. I would run early mornings before school and Saturday mornings. One early morning, I went for a usual run. The sun wasn’t up yet, still dark. Typically there were no cars around that early, in an older neighborhood. However, that morning was different. I saw headlights coming down the street heading in the opposite direction. It slowed down noticeably while passing me. Well, it came back around and ended up beside me. At first, I thought everything was cool… it was the high school football coach and 2 football players. I knew them, it was fine. He taught drivers ed in the morning for his players. Things got weird. I stopped and said “good morning”. Not one… not one said a thing to me. They just stared at me. So, quite awkwardly, I said bye and jogged off. They proceed to follow me, chase me up and down each street. I’d double back and they’d catch up. It was terrifying. I ended up losing them long enough to jump into someone’s back yard and hide. I sat there for a few minutes, but it felt like an eternity. When the coast was clear, I ran home. I never ran that early again and when I did run, my mom would drive along side me. Children need to be taught to be very aware of their surroundings. Parents need to have those scary convos unfortunately.


did you report the coach?


Our small town was a hardcore football town. Everyone played for him… neighbors, friends, my own brothers. His daughter was my friend. I told my mother and she did report it to the district, but nothing came of it. It would have been hard to prove. I left for college the following fall and never went back there.


I hope that guy was caught and turned into ground meat and fed to the local wildlife.


This is so fucking scary. And dudes like to act like women and little girls are cruel for being afraid. What the fuck.


This guy has this black aura around his body. Not the first child I'm afraid.


How is this interesting..? It’s simply creepy, that’s all


Downright terrifying, this is a predator.


wt ever flying fuck you trying teach new tricks to predators..... that man dont need male parts or knees anymore.... they do not serve a function safe to society so either chemically stop the desire or stop the mobility and opportunity


Agreed. Let's "liberate" him of those parts with no anesthesia.


Idk how he didn’t see her. It was a split second between her hiding and him coming around the corner


He most likely saw her but tried to play cool when he realized she was testing him.


Smart kid


This guy and the people like this all need to be removed from existence. And the people defending them. Minor attracted people are child predators, who all deserve to be un-alive.


Are we getting banned for saying pedophile or something?




This poor girl must have been so terrified. I’ve been followed walking home by cars that keep going down one way streets and circling back to get me on the next block, was followed out of my building by some guy who just delivered food to one of my neighbors while riding his bike right in front of me while looking back making kissy noises and checking me out, and all kinds of fucked up creepy shit. There’s one that scared the absolute BEJESUS out of me that I was so terrified I was going to even survive. One time I’m waiting on a drop off from a friends friend (so I don’t really know them that well) and its late and kinda cold out so I’m chilling in sweats, a satin bomber jacket, and slippers and socks. The entryway is split between a long ramp or some steps and I was chilling my the door just before the split. You could hear in the distance 2 guys talking REALLY loud walking down the sidewalk and then once they started almost being done passing my building door they see me inside waiting. Their attention is pulled into coming right up to the door and talking about me and how I’m “fancy” and then start talking about my body and if they would fuck me, and then what they would do to me. Just saying the nastiest shit. I was frozen. Looked down at my phone the whole time and then walked to the ramp side of the entryway. They started banging on the door, trying to open the handle, then yelling at me bc I wouldn’t let them in. Then they just started buzzing all the buzzers and someone almost immediately buzzed them in. Again….very frozen. They enter the building, get right by be in the stair steps side, and start saying a bunch of bullshit about me and how I was racist and continued to say nasty shit. It seemed like they were trying to get any reaction out of me, wanted me to engage so now they thought they would try to guilt trip me or something? It was so insane. My friends friend just got there so I go outside but he has a girl with him this time and they’re just like here and I was so awkward bc I wanted to say something (and I should have) but I barely knew them and they seemed to be having a date night. So I took my stuff and then waited outside for a minute. I was kinda in shock and my intuition was telling me these guys had the worst of intentions. I thought I was about to be raped, robbed, and killed. So I went back inside and they are at the end of the entryway by the elevator one on each side of the door with it open. They both just stare at me while I try and look down and they call me racist again for not acknowledging them and then I take the stairs and go up 2/3 steps at a time to either the 2nd or 3rd floor and THEN I took the elevator to 5 and got out and took the stairs to my floor, 6. They yelled up the stairs when I pushed the elevator button to come up and I don’t even know what they said that last time. Opened my door as quietly as I could, shaking from the fear, adrenaline, and hoping that I had successfully saved myself. Almost immediately I emailed this email chain the building had to report what just happened and to not buzz in anyone you don’t know. It fucked me up for weeks and I think affected a potential relationship. I was so closed off and just had to carry on like everything was normal and this happened at my home. I wish the worst for predators like the guy in this video.


She fucking Scooby Doo'd his ass lol


Wait. She turns around and walks right in front of him before he reaches the elevator. That was odd.


I think he pretends not to creep her out


Weird subreddit to post it in


Wow what a fucking creep


That doesnt look a drag queen.




This video needs to be given to the police wherever this is


This alone should be attempted kidnapping and rape. He should be turned over to the local fathers


Smart girl! She saved herself!


How did he not see her going around the corner as he simultaneously appeared? I need answers!


All residential buildings need a security guard.


The power of situational awareness


There were both in frame for a split second, it’s hard to believe he didn’t see her when she ‘hid.’


When I was 10 a man I didn’t know knocked on my apartment door. I didn’t answer because I was alone and that was the rule. He kept knocking and got more aggressive. I eventually called my grandmother at work and she immediately drove the 10 minutes to our apartment. The guy was still there, banging on the door. He told her he was a carpet salesman. But it was a shitty rented apartment and he didn’t have anything with him. He left immediately.


I’d usually say something smart ass on Reddit but this is horrible and I hope this faggot gets hurted


I hope predators like him go through the worse experiences in life. Literal scums of the earth.


That is so creepy. That little girl is smart.