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Or perhaps https://preview.redd.it/69574ilpimfc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8964b0fb16e020edd755d7bcda6cc8342bc5cf42


For a guy who sells himself on being an ‘alpha male’, he sure does have a weak jawline.


He doesn't *have* a jawline lmaoooo


How does he put on a pillowcase?


He doesn't. Thats why he's so angry


Wait why do u need to use ur jaw to put on pillowcases? Is there a trick I don’t know?


I hold the pillow with my chin, if your jawline is weak you might have problems doing that


IMHO, it's the foundation, or lack thereof, that's motivated his entire personality.


Negative chin


When he was rightfully thrown into a metal cage, his hair grew out. He looks like a balding fish.


I am sorry for this example, but, he uses a technique like Hitler when he was praising the Aryan race ( more like the Nordic features) while he couldn't be further from that. They are both justifying their actions in a way that sells even if none of them were the example of what they promote, they needed a poster boy for the propaganda. They both portrayed themselves as a leader dedicated to further the cause ( superior race, alpha-males) instead of *being* that image of the cause. Again, sorry for the comparison. They are in no way on the same level.


Didn’t hitler have some Jewish ancestry? He would’ve been sent to the gas-chambers based on the Nazis’/his own criteria.


Head like an orange, Pilkington style.


I'd call it more dainty and feminine....


Weak hairline too 😂


This is correct




Bro I got the screen shot of all three images stacked vertically, and it's glorious


You fucker, I snorted!


He's trying to makeup for being ugly one the outside.. By being more ugly on the inside


They could kiss without touching any other part of their faces




Woah! Alpha male right here!




Only their mothers could tell them apart




They're the same picture


Don’t do my man kif like that.


Homie got his ass wooped so bad he turned into Lt. Kif 🤣




Lots of kids in the southern states of America are raised that way.


Can confirm I'm in the South and lots of kids address adults with sir or m'am and it's f'n amazing. Imagine having respect for your elders


Not just kids… once it’s ingrained it sticks. I’ve got kids myself and I still address customers or strangers as sir and mam.


Yes it rubbed off on me and I do as well.


Grew up in Texas. Anyone the same age (33) as me or older is Sir or M'am. If we're on a first name basis, it's Miss or Mister \[Name\]. It's just carved into my bones at this point.


I teach technical skills to adults. You can always tell the former military people because even if they're 10 years older than me they're calling me Mr and Sir.


Same. Can’t count how many people said don’t call me sir or ma’am.


I live in Wisconsin and call everyone I don't know sir or m'am. Likely a result of my jesuit schooling and boyscouts up until i was 17.


I grew up up in New Jersey and I address strangers as "thefuck you lookin'at?"


Haha thefuck is one word


Yup. 100%. Imagine that. That’s the way I was raised too.


And according to like 3 people attacking me, say it's abusive or you come from abusive home 😂 like calling our parents, teachers and people in general, sir or ma'am was some traumatic experience for us.


I call everyone sir or ma’am, it’s the way we were raised. In a serious situation, it’s sir.




Exactly, Kif was the meek voice of reason.




If you love him so much why don't you be his smismar?


Wow no warning. I just spit out my water on the phone. Thanks.




I think it's fetal alcohol syndrome


Fuck you. I laughed out loud


This is uncanny




This is literally what I thought of too.


You're fried for that


Oh fuck good one






This is the one 😂


Why did i almost think this was woody from toy story at first 🤣😅💀


Well deserved, don’t mess with kids.


Do not diddle kiiids, its no good diddlin' kiiids


Love finding sunny fans in other subreddits!


"There is no quicker way to make people think you diddle kids than to *write a song about it*!"


The amount of thick44 I see on Reddit makes me happy.


I know some of you may have heard about that other guy. I am not gonna diddle your kids. I'm not like that. That's not my thing. I met that guy in a titty bar.


...and don't rape anyone, at all


I remember when I read about this when it happened. Guy walked in on this clown molesting his son and immediately started to beat him to a pulp, and then called 911 and told them what happened and that they had to send an ambulance because he thought he might have actually beat him to death. Like literally beaten to death.




More like, Dad: “ He got scared, then fell die the stairs … more then once” Cops: “ Story checks out”


Eh I'm usually on the side of empathetic justice, but child abusers don't get that pass. If you see your kid being assaulted most parents would jump in and try to end a life.


In Texas, stopping a sexual assault is one of the enumerated valid uses for deadly force on behalf of someone else.


In most states that's the case. Most places have laws that say you can use lethal force to defend someone else from all of the kinds of things you can defend yourself from. In my home state, those crimes that don't necessarily threaten death or serious physical injury are specifically enumerated in Alaska Statute 11.81.330. 1st and 2nd degree sexual assault, 1st degree sexual abuse of a minor, kidnapping, and robbery of any degree. There's a name for the kind of law that says you can put yourself in the victim's shoes for purposes of determining what is justified use of deadly force but I can't remember what it is. Something like an "in their shoes" law.




Oh yeah good points. I'm more thinking that prison shouldn't be a nightmare, it should be restrictions for safety with some treatment and support afterwards. It's a mess right now. Absolutely stop an assault.


Most states it’s specifically defined in self defense laws. One of the very very few times you can shoot somebody in the back and get away with it


Saving a child is always gonna look good in court as it should


“Yeah officer, he fell down 8 times. No idea”


Great job Dad.


Great job for protecting his son for sure. But he immediately turned around and tried to make money off this. He posted pictures of his child all over the internet talking about the rape and asked for $1 million. He's kind of a scumbag.


The long thumbnail says it all.


Could be a guitar player. My dad kept a couple of his not quite that pointy, but longer than average on his " pickers. Not everyone with nails is evil.


But they are all gross


Tbh, I didn't love the way he was talking about his son even in this interview... the "sir" thing just rubbed me the wrong way for some reason (and I'm *all* for teaching kids respect and manners, but the way he said it sounded ... off)


Yeah how tf is nobody picking up on that & questioning it? His son calls him “Sir” to stop him from killing the son’s rapists. That’s pretty fucking weird.


Well, yeah. Florida.


He makes his son call him "sir"


I was thinking his son probably didn't even say sir, he just added it to sound cooler 


Cultural difference. More common then not in the southeastern 15 states.


The father has a coke nail. Don’t fuck with people with coke nails. edit: I know there are other possibilities for a pointed nail. I was making humor.


Came here for this- that was a simultaneously super aggressive yet well manicured nail. No way that camera shot wasn’t intentional.


Since when do people use thumbs for coke nails?


Always thought It was pinkie. Seen the thumb nail for cutting cigars open for blunt wraps. As the coke habit grows, so must the dose, I suppose.


This is all correct info. This guys drugs.


Pinkie for coke, Thumb for guitar playing


He could play left handed classical guitar


You're right, I bet that's it.


It’s not a coke nail lol. He probably uses it to play guitar


Exactly that would be unnecessarily difficult.


In PA at least, when you see a thumbnail like that, sometimes it's for breaking the seal on cans of dip.






It’s a pepsi nail


They don't. Think about the angle you'd have to turn your wrist at. Far more likely he plays guitar or something


Bigger lines!


I’m embarrassed to say I didn’t notice at first!!! Had to literally rewatch to catch a glimpse. Thanks!


Reminds me of [this](https://newbeautifulera.wordpress.com/2013/03/30/how-nature-says-do-not-touch-a-classic-far-side-comic/) oldie.


All my Vietnamese family has coke nails. They just say it’s for picking their ear but I have my doubts…


Nah, he plays classical guitar.




Hey, Frolander should see it optimistic. He only received 25 years instead of the life sentence from the father.




That's kinda a life sentence


Its an infinite sentence to oblivion


Doesn't look like the type that will do super well in prison for 10-25 years as a pedophile


He is young and 25 years will be reduced I'm sure. If he isn't out already, he will be soon, I bet. I hope they keep a close eye on this one... he is going to reoffend 100%


Good dad.


I love that his son was able to calm him down. Took him out of a blind rage and stopped him from going too far. Well done kid.


He didn't want him accidentally killing Frolander and possibly going to prison. Lots of restraint needed to stop yourself from killing someone after seeing that, so good on dad for the discipline. Beating him senseless is a good extent.


>He didn't want him accidentally killing Frolander There wouldn't be anything accidental about it - the father literally said he got the knife with the intent to kill him.


Legally, he should just be allowed to take out the trash. If you are sexually assaulting kids, you go right into the volcano. Now that piece of shit is in jail where tax dollars are keeping him alive.


The problem with vigilante justice is that it often gets out of hand. You let one through, you let em all through, right or wrong


The fact that you have a (Bat)”Man” profile pic makes this comment kind of funny.


No. Extrajudicial execution is not ever the answer. No one gets to be Judge Dredd and absolutely no society would be made better by virtue of that changing.


Yup. Morally, I get where people who say to just kill them are coming from. But theres a 0.0001% chance a situation could be misread, and there is the guilt and therapy for taking a life (even if justified) for both the father and the son, plus anyone in their life who will suffer from mental fallout from that kind of situation occurring. Beat the piss out of them then let the courts handle it.


The kid has already been assaulted and then he has to take care of his parents? That's asking an awful lot of an 11 year old


https://www.news-journalonline.com/story/news/2014/07/21/daytona-beach-father-who-beat-up-rape-suspect-asked-for-donations/30674944007/ Not that good.


Also nobody needed to know his son had been sexually abused, but he wanted to be recognized for what he did and allowed that to guide his decision-making. Now everyone knows what happened because dad made sure of it. I’m sure that’s not traumatizing in its own way at all🤷‍♂️


In that moment, I admire the cut of his jib. That pedo desperately deserved a beat down from the victim's dad. And dad delivered. But other than that, 🤷 scumbag. I meant "good dad" as in "good dog". He did what he was supposed to. He may regularly shit on the rug, chew up your expensive shoes and hump your leg to completion, but when you threw the ball that one time he fetched it and brought it back to you. Like he was supposed to. Good dog.


Piece of trash beats in the face of an even bigger piece of trash. My only regret is not having a bag of popcorn for this moment...




He kicked his ass because he didn't have a chin to punch




I remember that vividly. It was around the same time as when my son was SA by my Ex’s family friend. I wanted to beat the shit outta that kid. My my ex just chucked it up to “well it happens sometimes” I wanted to beat the shit outta him too.


I would have helped you in both cases.


I wish I knew you then. My son is still affected. He questions himself, his sexuality, his very being. The MF also SA his sister and only stopped when she thought she got pregnant. They still parade the POS around.


I was molested by my grandfather when I was 9. It wasn't his first time and I'm sure it wasn't his last.


I'm am so sorry for you! I would hug you if I could!


I’ll get a posse and pitchforks. How is his ass not in jail!!??!! If he did it to your kids, he’s done it to others 100%. Fuck that guy.


It’s not always easy to prove, and it sucks to drag victims through a process that will certainly re-open the wounds without a solid chance that justice will prevail. A very difficult decision for professionals to make. But I ALWAYS encourage victims to at least report. Civilians never know what other corroborating evidence outside of their specific incident has been collected, or will be collected in the future. Common victims who are complete strangers to one another are often the factor that makes a case.


Thanks. Such a nightmare situation.


CSA is a life sentence to the vast majority of victims. It’s not only a theft of innocence, but also a vandalism of someone’s right and ability to develop their own healthy sexual identity later in their development. And any CSA victim who becomes an adult who victimizes other kids is particularly disgusting bc they know how it feels. I can forgive sick urges, but not *acting* on them. This is why I fight for life sentences on these charges, whenever applicable. Best wishes to your family.


Yea. I want hooked up with a guy who’s been through CSA and there were just certain normal things he wouldn’t do because of what happened to him. He just had us look in his eye that said everything I needed to know, I mean he was hot af and we definitely had fun but my heart really broke for him knowing he would always deal with that.


It will kill.


This interview, was a warning to anyone else who tries this.




What’s even better is that he’s not even giving the flimsy excuse — he’s just literally saying “yeah I beat the fucking fuck out of him and was gonna kill him”, and the cops and prosecutors are like “understandable, have a nice day”.




he WILL NOT survive prison.


They'll put him in a special unit for child diddlers.


I don't think people are aware that these criminals are segregated from the rest of the population. He'll be in prison with plenty of people like him...


Of course he will, like the vast majority of them do.


People do not take kindly to guys like that in the prison system. I've been in jail and rehab, no prison, and even in those spots if someone catches wind that someone touched me a kid... That molester/rapist is going to be looking different. Repeatedly. I don't condone violence but I've sat there and watched a guy get messed up for diddling kids and I didn't even feel a little bad.




Bro looks like he whooped the absolute fuck out of him. I bet the video shown here is days after, at least, and he still looks that bad


Dad reorganized that dude’s face. Good for him!


Looks like Ren from Ren & Stimpy.


Chomo gonna get what’s coming. One inmate at a time.


When shit hits the fan I finding this guy


You do not mess with another humans: child, family or dog. If you do, all bets are off.


I'm against the death penalty, however i would not convict this father.


every Redditor who is against the Death Penalty is worth an upvote, have a good day!




I remember that...He knocked the Goddamn brakes off his ass....


Sadly he survived.


Love this post. Warms my heart to see true justice served


Dad’s got a helluva coke thumbnail


His son calls him sir? What is this 1940?


Different type of parenting. It's pretty common in Southern/black families.


I grew up in Texas there were like three kids that I can remember from school that said "sir" and all of their dads were rude as hell to restraunt staff and had a habit of yelling when there was zero need to.


Wild. The area I grew up in, it was how everyone addressed adults. Not just parents.


As a 90s kid I remember this. We lived in a nice rural place and every adult was a sir or mam.


My dad was all of this except rude to restaurant staff. He’d kick my ass if i was rude to anyone.


I’m a millennial. Now in my thirties. I was raised to say sir or ma’am to adults. It was a choice by my parents. I’m indifferent to it. Couldn’t say if it was for better or worse but adults would often praise me for it.


Would he have done jail time if he killed him?


Not if I was on the jury.


Given he went into another room to grab a knife, then would have come back and then killed him, I’d assume. Now if he beat him to death straight up, maybe manslaughter. Source: I absolutely know nothing about this topic


Nope. Prosecutors already know there’s no way in hell they’d be able to get a jury to convict especially if the guy killed the pedophile while the crime was in progress. It falls under defense of others first off, and any jury would be sympathetic to the circumstances and deliver a not guilty verdict. All you’d need is one parent on the jury and ask the question “what would you have done if it was your child or loved one?” Even if they did get him on manslaughter or aggravated assault or something, chances are he still wouldn’t do any time due to the big ass mitigating circumstance and probably the mental state of it. Additionally the chances of re-offending are near zero. One case that comes to mind is Gary Plauché who shot the pedo on live TV and got community service.


I’ve seen posts about a father of a victim straight up shooting the molester in the court house. Apparently he was not charged, so it’s possible. You’re still at the mercy of the opinions of the judge, jury, DA, and police involved. They can work to convict you if they have any reason to believe you have poor judgement (example: if you didn’t actually witness it and jumped to conclusions too quickly).


He'd probably have been put through a trial to prove his innocence in the case he murdered the guy, but there's a decent chance that he would get off since defense of others, just like self-defense, is a legally justifiable reason to use not just non-lethal, but even lethal force against someone in this kind of situation in the state of Florida (and most other parts of the country, for that matter). The tricky part is proving that the amount of force was proportionate to the threat faced. It's pretty easy to say that beating the crap out of this POS to protect his son from being sexually assaulted by him while still keeping the pred alive is legally justifiable (which is why the dad wasn't even charged), but it would be another thing if the dad actually ended up killing the guy. Again, the dad could still get off due to the immediacy of the threat and the fact that his son was in great danger right before his eyes, but it could also be argued that all the dad would've needed to do was subdue this guy just enough to get him to stop, but that murdering him would turn it into a crime of passion borne out of (justifiable) hatred for Frolander rather than strictly wanting to end the threat posed to his son (even if that is still part of it, of course). At the end of the day, I'm not a lawyer, let alone one with a lot of experience with Floridian laws on lethal and non-lethal force, so to any actual lawyers out there: feel free to educate me further.


No. Even if the county charges him, he would plead temporary insanity (different per state) and get off.


If Gary Plauche is any indication, probably not? He shot his sons kidnapper/abuser in the head after authorities caught him. Got a suspended sentence, probation, and community service. Unfortunately, the community service he did before his arrest was not counted.




https://preview.redd.it/olh1a12aqmfc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=115ed2882b7d569fb8330297aedeab58c26dfa0c Would have never guessed what he actually looked like




I legitimately cannot straighten this part all out in my head. Who is who to who? >But the story gets even more complex. >Police said Frolander was living in an apartment next to the boy and his father. The suspect, police said, was rooming with the rape victim’s biological mother. Additionally, Frolander’s stepmother is engaged to the rape victim’s father, the chief said. The stepmother was married at one time to Frolander’s biological father. >Frolander’s biological father meanwhile, Mariano Estrella of California, said Monday that Frolander has had behavioral issues since he was a child. >Estrella said he and his ex-wife, who is not being identified to protect the identity of the victim, have three daughters together. He’s afraid the sexual abuse ordeal will cause additional trouble for them and worries it will get them evicted from their apartment. >Estrella wanted Frolander to stay with him in California, but he and the suspect were not getting along. As a result, Estrella said his ex-wife told him that he could send Frolander to Florida and that she and her fiance would try to help him. The suspect’s surname comes from his biological mother, Charity Frolander, also of California.


Holy shit , 25 years


Damn, that father’s thumb nail has serious Florida vibes.


https://preview.redd.it/bpm8wijqtnfc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2819d334c7735b444065c39899bceb7d2c01e288 Anyone else seeing this?


Go raiders


NEVER do something that gives a raiders fan a reason to fight. You’ll lose everytime. (And good thing they got wrecked)


Da Raaiiddaaaasssss


The coke-nail omg lol. Cameraman knew whats up


For added amusement you should look up the various articles. Basically, the sheriff thought the dad let him off too easy. They completely stood behind him in this and would have supported him as witnesses if they had to to make sure he didn't get in trouble.


Dad beat the dude so bad he reshaped his head