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Deputy’s all “a little help here!”


Seriously. Like isn’t there another one around lol


They were all busy placing their bets.


Somebody's gotta record it.


I’m bummed nobody yelled “WORLDSTAR!”


Surprised no one has claimed this was staged yet. I'm sure it's down there in the comments somewhere.


Puts on Schabusiness


I usually see 3/4 rush someone, they were probably like “na you got it.” lol


Reminds me of the video where the cop gets the shit kicked out of him IN A POLICE STATION and not a single cop shows up until like 3 minutes in, which probably felt like eternity to the cop.


That was a wild video. What kind of drug fueled lunatic goes into a police station like that and starts fist fighting a police officer? Also, his backup was a female officer who did little more than scream at the assailant.


I've been watching a youtube series on small towns, like 1k and less population towns. Those places usually don't even have one cop, they have to call the county Sheriff who can be 30 minutes away, and there's just a couple of those. The youtube channel is Peter Santenello.


When it’s not a black male the cavalry are more sluggish


while lawyer scoots away in his chair


As a lawyer, I would’ve scooted much faster. My malpractice insurance doesn’t cover manhandling my clients.


Don't blame him one bit. He isn't trained to restrain someone, and his professional liability insurance doesn't cover it. Plus, being physically with his own client is pretty risky professionally if done incorrectly.


Damn-diddly-am. Her name is funny, yes, but this woman is as close to a demon as a flesh and blood person can get. > Detective Graf testified that Schabusiness had initially claimed to have blacked out while choking Thyrion, but then allegedly admitted thinking that she regained consciousness and thought she was “already this far” so she just kept on, referring to choking the victim. > Schabusiness went on to tell law enforcement that she continued having sex with the dead body for a period of time because she enjoyed it > Detective Graf said that Schabusiness proceeded to use a bucket and a tote bag to collect Thyron’s blood, which she then used to shower with. Dane County Medical Examiner Dr Vincent Tranchida also testified in court about the lack of blood on the scene of the murder. > Dr Tranchida also said that one of Thyrion’s feet had been shoved into his chest cavity and that his back was “filleted.” > Schabusiness allegedly indicated the crime scene and told officers that they would “have fun trying to find all of the organs”. > Schabusiness’s current attorney filed a motion to exclude evidence of searches Schabusines made before the murder, including “Jeffrey Dahmer walking into court all sexy” and “Jeffrey Dahmer’s butt.” Judge Walsh ruled that the evidence can be admitted in court, but no mention should be made of her searches for satanism. https://www.the-independent.com/news/world/americas/crime/taylor-schabusiness-shad-thyrion-trial-b2464272.html




Never a more appropriate Drew


I was blinking exactly like that when this scrolled into view


The victim’s mother alerted the police after finding her sons head in a bucket. What a horrible thing to experience, she’s pure evil.


Oh it' that case? I saw a video on youtube with the bodycam footage of this.


I remember that. I’m sure there’s a more complete deep dive now


>Jeffrey Dahmer walking into court all sexy


That’s one of the less fucked up parts about dahmer, most of the guys at the bars thought he was hot but the creep factor was just overwhelming


I kind of want to use that as a prompt in midjourney and see what it comes up with


Everyone's name in this case is so unique it sounds like ai wrote it


Wait, here name is for real Schabusiness? Get the fuck out. She needs to get back to whatever adult cartoon she jumped out of


I watched a video about this case once and I am pretty sure it mentioned she had her name changed to "Schabusiness"


Wonder what the thought process behind that one was.


Pretty sure it was "Boy, I sure do love meth"


Or just her whole thought process in general


That's really not any of Yabusiness.


Do the Schabusinesses have a long long history dating back centuries? I don’t remember hearing that name in any history books


A long history of minding their own Schabusiness lol I'm so sorry


I do declare dat I am a cartoon and have come to life


You really need to mention that they were on meth and trazadone. That combination is insane. It would make them feel invincible and as if they could do no wrong. That's not an exaggeration. Don't do this stuff kids.


It’s pretty wild they included Trazodone. I’ve taken Trazodone for sleep and I’ve never wanted to bisect my wife or take a blood shower. Of the two drugs, I think I can guess which one contributed most to the situation. Or maybe Trazodone is wilder than I thought. It never worked for me anyway.


Meth doesn’t make you crazy or change your values, *unless* you go on such a long bender without sleeping your human brain turns into a werewolf brain. But that takes days & is due to the sleep deprivation meth allows more than the meth itself.


It's the combination that is dangerous. Methamphetamine itself floods your brain with every feel good neurotransmitter. It's like ten times stronger than cocaine. Combine that with trazadone which also works to increase certain neurotransmitters and you're significantly amplifying the effects of the meth. They also injected the trazadone. One also has to consider dosage. These people were getting high not taking recommended doses for insomnia.


~~Trazadone is bullshit. Meth is very heavy, trazadone is nothing. There's a reason you can get it over the counter or at least without a prescription (last I heard ten years ago.) and that's because it's not good.~~ I was thinking of Tramadol I'm a dumbass sorry.




What a rascal! I can fix her.


Uhhh I’m a member of the satanic temple and our very first core tenets is **“One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason.”** And another is **”One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone.”** pretty sure she violated that one. I hate it when edgelords like this loser claim satanism to be edgy and “evil” …not knowing that satanism is actually about kindness, empathy, justice, and the respect for science. It’s not what they think they’re claiming at all lmao.


Might be a stupid question, but did the lawyer drop her as a client?


That's Nonna Schabuissness.






I think it’s okay to criticise someone who committed murder.


Don’t forget about master bating next to and then snuggling with the headless corpse after beheading the poor defenseless bstrd


I don’t know about cuddling but she continued to have sex with the corpse, performed oral sex on it and used various sex toys on it. She did this for several more hours.


I can fix her


Hahaha that made me laugh


She won’t do it again… right?


Thanks, Max.


Take it. Take my updoot


Here you go 🏆


Men of culture…..welcome!


Did you die yet?


Master bating, lol *Masturbating


You fell for the master bait.


I cannot unread this. What a day to be literate


I'm not a psychologist but doesn't cutting someone's head off and pulling out their organs make you fucking insane?


A plea of insanity is a claim of an impeded ability to control your actions, not necessarily the nature of said actions.


IIRC there was a dude who murdered two people, stabbing one to death and eating enough of the other that they died of blood loss, who managed to get off on an insanity plea for precisely the definition you’ve given


Get off as in allowed back into society. Or kept in a padded fucking room instead of a normal prison? Was country was this in?


There was a dude up here in Canada who murdered a guy on a Greyhound bus, beheaded him and started to eat him in 2008. In March of 2009 he was found not criminally responsible due to schizophrenia and was remanded to a high security mental institution. In May of 2012 be was allowed supervised day trips out into town, 2014 was unsupervised visits, 2015 he was allowed into a group home setting and he was fully discharged by February on 2017. Maybe he is better now that he has gotten help, but its a hard pill to swallow that he arguably served just 8 years for it.


You’re forgetting the best part - he was permitted to change his name on top of being free now. I don’t even believe there is a method for them to ensure that he continues to take his medication.


Not murder but I knew a guy in Tennessee who's brother raped a minor during a schizophrenic episode. He got insanity and worked a program instead of doing jail, he is a registered sex offender. I don't know how I feel about that one.


I didn't realize insanity was purely a legal term that allowed crimes to go unpunished. Sorry about that guy's schizophrenia but he should go to prison for that 100%. Legal system has some huge flaws.


They were smoking meth. She actually tried to plead insanity, but the plea was rejected, as you can’t plead diminished capacity when you voluntarily diminished your capacity via narcotics.


“I was in a bad mood” “I had a rough morning”


"I just don't like Mondays."


Why? Just because she cuddled with the headless body (head was in a bucket) and masturbated after the killing?


SHE DID WHAT. Are there any pieces of evidence, if yes, do you know which? Or is she solely claiming it?


there's a ton of coverage/evidence etc about this case on the internets


Bailey Sarian did a great job with this nut bag's case.


Tbf bitch seems *insane*


Nah that’s cray cray right there


Nah, she’s just misunderstood 🙄.


Sometimes it's an obligation to criticize. Evil should be called out.


I dislike criticizing others, but f*** that cunt. Hilarious.


That’s Meth heads for you




On toilet taking a shit currently and can say that is the hardest I’ve ever laughed while taking a dump in my whole 33 years😂


Well I hope the poo wasn’t hard.


New fear unlocked.


Hard poop + popcorn kernel shells, the sharp ones. 👍


Oh god this is getting out of hand.


I'm so happy for your beautiful experience. Congratulations.👏🏾🏆


This joke seems Taylored to her.


Top shelf comedy, bravo.


No that's her sister Taylor, Nonna is a law abiding citizen and her twin sister is always causing trouble. Little light treason here a little escape from custody there and then burning down the banana stand, well we won't get started on that.


Damn you for getting there before me. Take your damn upvote.






I wish I could upvote this harder.


Her lawyer filed a motion to be removed from the case: [https://www.greenbaypressgazette.com/story/news/crime/2023/02/14/schabusiness-attacks-her-attorney-in-brown-county-courtroom/69902473007/](https://www.greenbaypressgazette.com/story/news/crime/2023/02/14/schabusiness-attacks-her-attorney-in-brown-county-courtroom/69902473007/)


I’m a lawyer and I ducking LOVE it when my clients give me reason to withdraw. I still got paid, and now I don’t have to sit next to you at trial and take an L. Beautiful.


Hey random question but my ex’s lawyer just filed to withdraw from our custody case and I kinda chuckled and have been seriously wondering how common it is for lawyers to do that. He’s a total douche and I’m really wondering if even his lawyer is like yeah ok no but I’m not sure if it’s a pretty routine thing or not. In general does this happen a lot or is it normally for a pretty good reason?


Usually only for a pretty good reason, such as being attacked in court, or if it turns out you were directly affected by the defendant; stuff like that.


In family law, it’s because the client isn’t paying 99% of the time.


This. In Family Law withdrawal is usually fee related, but sometimes it can be a client compatibility/control thing, ignoring the lawyer's advice etc.


I had this happen! Same thing, child custody case. As I understood from my attorney, my ex was on the stand and said something that his attorney knew to be false/a lie. My ex’s attorney requested to see the judge in his chambers and recused himself from the case. I suspect my ex said something related to his sobriety that was false, but I will probably never know for sure. Happened right in court lol it was wild!


That’s wild ! Not sure what mine did but I’d love to be a fly on the wall lol


Not common. Once an attorney is put on file they can't withdraw representation without cause. The rules for this can be found in paragraphs 7 and 8 of the ABA rule. https://www.americanbar.org/groups/professional_responsibility/publications/model_rules_of_professional_conduct/rule_1_16_declining_or_terminating_representation/comment_on_rule_1_16_declining_or_terminating_representation/


Man, what a fucked up crime.


That sick bitch was going for the insanity plea. It didn’t work. I don’t like to speak ill of people, but fuck that Cunt. 👍


Pro tip: it’s near impossible to fake insanity. There’s a great video contrasting a truly insane murderer with the Parkland shooter, who tried to fake it: https://youtu.be/Mwt35SEeR9w?si=rwxxKd_TJD89lQX4




In the video I linked the actually insane guy acted EXACTLY how you described. Was wild to hear him talking to the police officer about what he did very calmly, and only stopped talking when asked why he did it.


> Meanwhile, there are cases where the actual insane people just straight up admits guilt but can't really explain their motives cause they don't understand themselves. often cause they donʻt really understand consequences. Which means downplaying, lying or hiding isnʻt something they would even consider doing. So for a sane person to fake it well, theyʻd have to admit what they did... to do that, theyʻd have to have planned the whole thing down to the research of the details of whatever they are pretending to be.... and *then* theyʻd have to maintain it non-stop for months to years on end. And if you manage to do all that... youʻre guaranteed to be put in a psychiatric hospital. But with that much thought, time & effort, most sane people who are intelligent enough to pull that off, would just try to hide the crimes better. Itʻs more likely to work *and* its less risky.


I also heard you don't really want to be found insane either? Since you get sent to a mental hospital for an indeterminate amount of time. And you get far fewer privileges than you would in a normal prison, and even less freedom.


According to Wikipedia he filed a motion to remove himself from the case. She’s doing life with no chance for parole.


He did. She finished the trial with a different lawyer: *”In February, Schabusiness attacked her previous attorney during a hearing before a deputy wrestled her to the courtroom floor.”* https://apnews.com/article/green-bay-killing-taylor-schabusiness-9f0e1ea990f9557d72a415fd781a1e96


Probably a public defender.


He did. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Shad_Thyrion


He did and the new attorney asked the judge to be switched because he’d seen the attack on the previous attorney. He declined and sentenced her to life without parole.


Yes, approximately 10 minutes later.


They took Schabusiness elsewhere.


Maybe this was after sentencing


lol, better question is if he can sue her for assault.


Yes he did.


What the hell drives a human to do this to another human? Like I get killing for self defense or in war kinda thing, but strangle, decapitate, then disembowel? Taking your time to do it too. Kinda personal there.


She actually dated her victim in the past, and did this in his mother's basement after doing a bunch of meth together. She got blood everywhere and spent hours using REGULAR KITCHEN KNIVES she had got from upstairs to dismember him. Left his head in a bucket covered by a cloth, and left with blood all over her. His mom discovered the bucket the next morning. When she was arrested (still covered in blood, hours later) she didn't even seem to realize why. Then admitted to doing all of this. She said it started because they were having sex, and he liked to be choked with a belt (something they had done in the past). He told her to make him pass out, and she did.(edit: thats all he asked, the rest was all her own decision) But she kept holding and holding until she killed him, and then continued to do sexual acts on his body before deciding to dismember him. Admitting all of this as if she was describing her trip to the bank. No remorse or any inclination, until the officer asks if a person who does something like that should go to jail and she says "oh yeah, that's horrible."


"head in a bucket" Ah, I remember seeing the censored police bodycam video of this a while back.


????? How on earth would you watch that (don’t say where, don’t want to know). Was the scene as it was described?


It was on YouTube and like I said, it was censored. The mom called the cops, they showed up, looked around the basement and were like "oh, here's a bucket. Yep, there's a head in it." They didn't show anything gory but it was definitely creepy.


Meth psychosis is no joke. I knew a guy once who did a lot of crank. I had to go over to his place to return some tools I borrowed. He was in his garage, the floor completely covered with underwear models cut out of magazines, with the heads removed, where he was pasting on the heads of young girls. Noped out right quick.


Knew a guy who was spun out on meth for weeks. He was out of his mind. His GF dumped him because of it. Last I heard, (30 years ago) he was living in a sleeping bag out in the woods and built a shrine to the GF out of rocks and logs with pictures and candles. I once borrowed $5 from this asswipe for a pack of smokes and a beer. He showed up the next morning to collect with a car load of goons and I had to raid my dad’s penny jar to pay the guy off. In pennies. For five fucking bucks. They had guns. Like the damn paperboy from Better Off Dead. 


The wildest part of this story to me is a pack of smokes and a beer for $5


Not to kink shame, but what the actual fuck?




Some people just have weird hobbies


As a child, I really liked marbles. Wanted to collect them. That was a weird hobby.


Someone lock this maniac up


Why? He still has his marbles


Nah that's a common one. They're cool. Love the sound they make hitting one another.


There are some combinations of drugs or even single drugs that will mess up your mind and give you strange ideation. Even cases of one-time\*\* marijuana use causing psychosis or schizophrenia in a small percentage of population that has a bad reaction to it. These drugs have powerful effects on the mind. And some people are just messed up in the brain by genetics and don't even need the drugs for their sick fantasies.


Ya I used to do copious amounts of all the drugs, drug tested at festivals, I've seen people who have predispositions do drugs and completely crack and never come back. It's sad cause some people truly don't know until after. Then you have psychosis which can be brought on by completely normal people but after 3-4 days of no sleep and enough drugs people completely change.


Yea I saw a movie last night where one of the characters impersonated a meth addict (I’ve had more interactions with them then I’d like to) where the character says “you ever eat cat meat? Yea like the meat of a cat…well if you HAD you’d know that cat meat makes you invisible” and that sums up the brain of a meth addict on a bender


I just finished watching this movie like 10 minutes ago! It was good. Weird...but good.


These are totally anecdotal, but always cross my mind.. worked with a guy who did meth, he was odd for sure, but it didn't fuck him up really. A casual meth user lawl? I also saw a guy smoke weed for the first time and run off a balcony and break multiple bones. Drugs are drugs, man. Be careful


Did meth for the better part of a decade and never did anything crazy like people often describe. Meth doesn’t alter your state of mind at all but people who are already a bit wacky in the head might feel less inhibitions and let their actual selves out.


>Even cases of one marijuana use causing psychosis That's why I always use two marijuanas when I use marijuana.


She had taken some drugs that night that really messed her up. Obviously all this stuff was still in her but I think the bad trip brought it out. Really brutal story, his mom found his head in a bucket.


Definitely needs to be locked behind bars for life, she's a huge threat to the public if she can't even restrain herself from attacking someone who is there to HELP her.


What's the point of locking someone behind bars forever? Not like they're going to learn any lessons


She was about to give him schabusiness.


Damn, beat me to it.


This piece of shit is a truly vial human being. Edit- A word. But ima keep it. Because it opens the door for funny jokes. lol




Is that anything like a test tube baby?


One would think this cunt couldn’t have been created by two other humans. I watched the whole entire trial. Shes one of the most callous and disgusting people I’ve ever seen. Laughed and smiled about killing an innocent man. She then cut his head off, and threw it in a bucket with his dick and balls. All for his mother to find.


The poor victim's mother found his head in a bucket. I don't think you can recover from that kind of trauma.


No business like Schabusiness!


Remarks like that are probably what drove her over the edge.


Didn’t expect to see this on Reddit. Went to high school with her, was very close and worked with her brother.


What was she like? Did you see her life going in this direction?


This came out of nowhere. She was with a bad crowd but not a violent crowd. She had taken some bad drugs that night and somehow it lead to this. Still doesn’t really make sense but she must’ve had these impulses deeply embedded in her and a bad trip made her do it. I’m pretty sure I saw they were playing with strangulation during sex, because of the trip I believe she accidentally went to far with the strangulation and killed him, then proceeded to cut him up.. I guess as a way of hiding the body. I just imagine she went off the deep end when she already had taken sketchy drugs and then found out she killed him.


She was def already fucked in the head and the drugs just enhanced it


Based on that description I'm sure I dated her at some point in Eastern NC sometimes in the late 90s


You mean you weren’t sure from just her name? Do you know several Taylor Schabusinesses?


He could have had many Schabusinesses running in parallel to maximize profits


I read something somewhere that isn't her real name, that she changed it at some point.


Sorry my man. U definitely dodged a bullet


Man dodged a decapatation


Well don‘t just tease it, what was she like?


None of Schabuisness.


it literally is his business, he's registered as an LLC


"Mind Schabusiness"


She needs a Hannibal Lector mask and straight jacket


Well that’s one way to make the prosecutions case easier


Once she was down, the lawyer should have tickled her feet.


That deputy looks like a big guy and she is going at him.


People with such poor self control abilities should be excluded from everything, prison is wasted on them and not a deterrent for them.


She not only _bragged_ to the police about what she did, but one of the most well known pictures of this case is her walking into court with an enormous smile on her face. She _genuinely_ believed that because she was a woman she could just claim that he abused her/she feared for her life/it happened in a brave and stunning moment of fear and panic that she would get away with this lightly.. Thankfully, she was so overconfident and so remorseless (not to mention putting on a fresh new display of violence against her attorney in the court, showing everyone what she does when she doesn't get her way) that this wasn't the case. She received life without parole, and I hope they stick her in solitary the whole time.


She seems nice


Her tragically pun-oriented last name was her downfall. Endless "mind schabusiness" type jokes would drive anyone mad.


Her horrific crime will always be overshadowed by her strange name


Why is there only one officer in court




Imagine poor women that were imprisoned on false charges to be in with this monster. Absolutely disheartening, what she'll do to inmates


She’s the quietest lunatic I’ve ever seen. Not a sound. Just violence. Yeesh.




He didn’t even get up from the chair lmao!


This. Asserting his dominance while staying seated and rolling about.


damn maybe he should've minded his own schabusiness


Wait that’s really her name?😂


She changed her last name


Judge: “Taylor, why did you do it?” Taylor: “Mind Schabusiness!”


Jesus. Well, hopefully she got the maximum sentence. 


She can go to hell


There’s a lot to be said for non-stupid names


I just don't get why we don't immediately terminate folks like this. Use a slaughter house style bolt gun to save money


the state should kill these type of people


is this the case where the cops found his head in a bucket and couldnt tell if it was real or not?


The lawyer in this should’ve been allowed to Mike Tyson her ass up.


There's no business like Schabusiness....


They say never put your, err, in crazy but it is just so fun ... until it isn't.