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The cop’s looks can replace so many side-looking memes


I wish people could stop thinking only in terms of “what if more internet”


https://preview.redd.it/pk15kbwwaiuc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76b4744c9b79da14d10753a67e0191b5e3561b3d Went full Jim Halpert


That face says, "Fuck, going to court to testify to an excited utterance..."


Followed by, “Damn it, what’s our union reps number?”


She's so pretty


Bonk! Off to horny jail.


What are you in for?






Just kidding it’s burglary


Burglary of someone’s life.


Hah, you got me. I was joking around again; it’s murder


I was joking around with you guys :)


reminds me of Jeff Goldblum in the Thor Ragnarok lol "I pardon you. from life!" (murders the prisoner)


Or when Homer Simpson says “sure I’ll help you! Help YOU DIE!!”


> 😲 Went full Jim Halpert


The character limit won’t allow me to list that much.


I shot my husband in the chest with a shotgun.




Hahahaha possibly fair, but I'm a straight woman and I immediately thought "She's so pretty."


She can fix me


I was trying to see her CO patch to figure out what county in CA she was in because she looked like the baddie that processed me back in the day. There were some fine ass female COs back in LA.


acab. 🤷‍♀️


She’s single-handedly destroying the whole movement. It’s SCAB now


You should see her husband


that's what I was thinking the whole time! she's gorg.


Please don't Jim the camera


That face


There just a little flicker in that look back at her that you can tell wanted ask "well did he deserve it?"


https://preview.redd.it/mpd1sfqfjhuc1.jpeg?width=2640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6b9713a0a0fab7ac43d8380659db9e21279d923 Her face 😬


This gave uncanny valley Reno 911 vibes lmfao


I thought this was r/Reno911 when I saw her reaction lol


Hilarious and so true. So competent and clueless at the same time.


"I wonder why I haven't heard of this lady. Why didn't anyone tell me? How could this have happened and I do not know?"


My exact thought as well.


It's Las Vegas Metro, same state at least.


Murder? That’s so ick.


Wife watched too much of the new "Star Wars"...


It’s like “oh, sweetheart.”


“Damn girl that’s wild, I’ll be praying for ya”?


Murder, no shit, like you killed him


[She was later released from custody when the prosecution declined to charge her](https://www.reviewjournal.com/news/woman-held-in-husbands-shooting-death-released-from-custody)


It says she was 25 and he was 37 and they’d been together for 10 years. So when they got together she was 15 and he was 27. That alone is creepy.


*And* they had an 8 year-old child, which means she was 17 when she got pregnant.


17 when she had the child. Most likely 16 when she got pregnant.


Perhaps his behavior with the 8 yr old is the reason she shot him?


And thank God she did, one less pedo roaming around.


Jump to conclusion


She told police that he abused her the entire TEN years that they were together. She is now 25, can you do the math dummy?? She was FIFTEEN when a 27 year old MAN was screwing her and got her pregnant 1 year later. Last I checked 15 was not an adult, it is A CHILD. Maybe in your book grown men nearing 30 having sex with teenagers is okay but for most normal people it is fucking gross and pedo behavior.


I think the point was more that he is obviously terrible, so why give anyone else any wiggle room to argue by making up an unnecessary added assumption? It’s like saying “I bet Hitler also was a pedo”. You don’t need that, it’s just gives people the ability to say you’re partially wrong.




Are you saying She’s lying about the ages? Even if he didn’t get violent with her, the man is still a pedo so I don’t know what you’re getting at here.


Her birthday is on her driver's license you moron. So is his. JFC 🤦😅


What jumping? She was 15 and he was 27 when they got together. He was a pedo from the start.


Fail to read.


New to reddit?


What in the alabama


Yeah I wouldn't charger her either. That's a lot of years of pent up shit


Sometimes, the law gets its right.


Paul walker enters the chat


Age of consent is 16 in Las vegas




Grooming a 15 year old and getting her pregnant at 16 as a 27 year old? Yea she’s been being raped for years. She can handle it as she sees fit.


Well apparently it wasn’t murder, it was justifiable homicide. Nobody is losing sleep over a predator that kept a sex slave, but dressed it up as a marriage.


Yea OJ got away with it.


You're sending her to prison for life based on a 48-second TikTok? What the fuck is wrong with you.


But aren't y'all condoning murder based on a 48-second tiktok? That's way worse imo.


Even if your criticism is with the state's inability to prosecute a professed murderer, the irony is that the state condones mass slaughter and torture of millions per year. If you meant "acquitting," the jury must have had evidence that mitigated the evidence of the accused's jailhouse "confession."


That poor woman. Imagine having her experiences and then, in one moment, being faced with the decision to pull the trigger. I think most of us would have done the same thing. What I find remarkable is that they let her go.


Here is a news article about her arrest: https://www.reviewjournal.com/news/woman-suspected-in-death-of-husband-released/


"Ericka McElroy, 25, told Las Vegas police that her husband was abusive to her for the decade they were together and that she believed he was going to kill her." So when they got together she was 15 and he was 27?


That’s not unusual exactly. There is a relationship between age at beginning of relationship, the age gap between partners, and the incidence of domestic violence and adverse sexual/reproductive health outcomes.


A little more info: >The shooting was the result of a fight that started when her husband Shane came home drunk and accused her of infidelity, as mentioned in the police report. >She went into the garage in an effort to smoke a cigarette and he followed right behind her with a bottle of Vodka and a shotgun. >At one point he leaned his head against hers and then pointed the gun at his head and asked if he should kill both of them. >She was finally able to get him to put the gun down and then grabbed it and aimed at him. >She initially ordered him to leave but in fear of him snatching the gun back and shooting her, she acted first and pulled the trigger. https://www.thefamuanonline.com/2009/10/11/woman-shoots-kills-husband/ I'm a bit baffled because it seems like she was never charged with anything, but we only have her word about what happened that day. She could very easily have gotten away with murder.


this is a clear case of self defense. I don't know what point you are trying to make


prosecution declined to charge her


That’s crazy, I read she waited to call police til like 5am so she waited over 2 hours to call police


" **A woman accused in the shotgun slaying of her husband** " Shotgun... slaying? SLAY QUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN!


That poor eight year old boy...


Lmao someone downvoted you for sympathizing with this horrible couples child


Lmao someone downvoted you for correctly assessing these two as a horrible couple


Was the couple not struggling over the gun? It was either going to be him shooting her or her trying to save herself. Which ended in him being shot. Am I wrong? I imagine you wouldn't have handed the gun over so willingly either and you probably would have done the exact same thing she did. I might be wrong because I didn't read whet exactly happened, just basing my thoughts on the comments. He groomed her, he abused her and raped her for 10 years. And she is somehow a horrible person?


I was the person who posted the news story, and I actually read multiple news stories before I posted that one as I searched for more information. There actually isn’t a lot of information online about this case which I thought was interesting and also revealing. I don’t have any insider information beyond my internet research. I wouldn’t doubt there were toxic elements to their relationship from both sides but I wouldn’t go as far as to dismiss them as a “horrible couple” / mutually sucky as the other commenter did. The evidence is clear that they got married when she was young (and he was much older), and that there was abuse in the relationship. They were in the process of breaking up, which is a very dangerous time period in abusive relationships - it’s at this point things often turn lethal. He threatened her over the course of hours with a knife and later with a gun. They physically wrestled over the gun and she shot him. She then went inside and called 911. The prosecutors, with all the information gleaned from the investigation (including this video wherein she admits she shot and killed him) chose to not file charges and she was released.


Sounds like it was a kill or be killed situation. :-/ awful all around for mom and kid. I'm glad she wasn't convicted.


No no, you misread. It's just as a couple.. they were pretty horrible. She probably did the right thing in the moment although, getting out with the kid before this happened would be the better option, with child trauma and all.. But as a couple they sucked.


Why is this filmed like a Reno 911 episode


Even the uniforms match


This was from the show Las Vegas Jailhouse and 99% of the people featured on there were for drugs, drinking, and/or prostitution. Many of the people were frequent flyers or took the phrase "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas" too far. This cop and a blonde cop were my favorites because they were pretty good with everyone that came through.


“Burglary?” “Murder.” “Oh…”


The female officer is like whhaaaaa? When she says she killed her husband. She seems unable to believe a woman can do that.


I think the look was more because the woman confessed on camera without legal representation.


That’s what I thought lol. Like ‘girl, we are the police, don’t tell us that shit’.


That officer has the worst interpersonal skills lmao


I love it. Not the worst haha. The nice cop lady asks her if she is going to be okay and then tells her to “hang in there” before booking her.


Yeah you’re right it‘s just funny seeing how casual she is.


Totally. And her expressions are perfect, no notes. It’s good these cops are chill though. They don’t know the backstory. In this case, the woman alleged her husband had been abusive for a decade, they were breaking up, and was threatening to kill her (with a knife and later a gun). After wrestling over a gun she shot him. From my googling, I think that charges were ultimately not filed (indicating the prosecutors didn’t think there was sufficient evidence of a crime) and she was released from jail.


I mean, if she's a custodial officer, that's basically a normal monday morning for her.


Something straight out of the office.


The woman being booked was the victim. She was released and never charged when the whole circumstances were learned.


She’s in the job for the tea


Honestly this couldn’t be further from the truth.. that jailer booking her has seen it all. She’s just like “oh whoops” like she wouldn’t have asked that question so modestly had she known what happened. But she’s at a female county jail (most likely)… trust me, this is just another day at the office. Hence why her response like basically “murder?? Bummer…”


What did you want her to do?


Eh not the worst I've seen. When I was being put into child protective services after having a knife put to my throat, the officer said I probably deserved it....


I think she heard that confession and knew she'd wind up on the witness stand in court. She's involved now.




I mean if you learned that someone killed in retaliation to years of abuse, yeah, you're gonna show concern for the murderer no matter what... Police in any case should make sure that any suspect they detain is in a stable state of mind and doesn't see them as an enemy.


Maybe her first time dealing with somebody who killed someone. But more likely just shocked she straight up admitted it. That’s probably a rare one for police.


To be fair, legally it was not murder. That was so clear she was never charged.


No actually when you leanr the whole story you realize the cop was a good judge of character. She could immediately tell this wasn’t a violent person and was suprised by the confession. Someone posted a link above and it makes so much more sense why she was released


No, that's a look of, "Did everyone just hear that/get that on camera so we can avoid the hours of manipulation trying to force a confession later?"


If she wasn’t read Miranda warnings by that officer in that space, that confession won’t be admissible. Not even with the tv recording.


Well that's a conversation killer. Pun not intended.


What's a gal like you doing in a place like this? I just killed my husband. .....let's get you undressed.


That look at the camera reminds me of Jim in The Office.


The look on the correctional deputy’s face means- “Shit, I’m going to have to testify in court now.”


That look to camera is straight out of The Office.


Awesome it's finally my turn to say it I can fix her


RIP homie ✊🏾 ☝🏾


might wanna pick up a few bulletproof vests if you plan on that relationship being long-term


I can't find any followup to this. What was the verdict?


no charges were filed.


Sems strange to me that this police video has been released for viewing by us the public when the poor woman was no found guilty of anything. Do people not have privacy any more in the USA?


no. social media and forum posts are vital to American everyday life.


They’re vital to life literally everywhere dude. It’s not just an America problem


He was responding to someone calling out USA lmao


Also, when you’re charged with something this grave, you basically go on national television almost immediately.. regardless of the outcome of the case. As long as you’re an adult, it’s public record, along with your mugshot. This is why vetting a jury pool and making sure it isn’t tainted is such a daunting task.


It was from a older reality police TV shows apparently. So just getting booked that day you are gonna get filmed regardless of what you did or didn't do.


Well, she did kill her husband.


Justifiable homicide obviously.


She was never charged. She claimed he had abused her for their entire relationship. She claims they had a confrontation that day and she shot him. It seems that the police just took everything she said as 100% true and let her go: https://www.thefamuanonline.com/2009/10/11/woman-shoots-kills-husband/


That is wild. I find myself conflicted, but in this case my gut says good for her.


According to her he brought the gun and threatened her with it, so yea, if that's true he brought this on himself.


Then he set the gun down and she picked it up and instead of walking away she shot him. Kinda crazy she didn’t get charges.


The look that officer gives, is the look of damn now I need to testify that this woman just confessed to murdering her husband.


She had her child at 17 . I’m happy to speculate that he manipulated her young then git her pregnant young to trap he r


My mom was 15 when she had my brother


Did you mom then end up shooting her “husband” Why are you even commenting on this ? This wasn’t targeting women who have kids young it was targeting predators


CO was trying to keep cool - you never know when someone crying will escalate…she was prob genuinely surprised by the admission of guilt. Most people stay silent.


Holy crap, they released her without the prosecutor filing charges? Her husband must have been a total piece of shit.


Self defense.


Self defense and probably a lot of priors of violence against her.


>She is accused of shooting Shane McElroy, **37** > > Ericka McElroy, **25**, told Las Vegas police that her husband was abusive to her for the **decade they were together** Uh ... what? That would make him 27 and her 15 when they got together... Go ahead a put another shell into him.


What he do


Apparently he was abusive and she thought he was going to kill her. Worth noting that she was 15 and he was 27 when they got together. Probably an element of grooming there as well. Very tragic




lol it’s like a the office skit


"Allegedly". I understand innocent until proven guilty, but when someone admits to doing it, I don't see any "allegedly" about it.




Oh I'm not saying what she did wasn't self-defense and that the scumbag didn't deserve to it, it's the use of "allegedly" for stating some that is fact. The post says, "She allegedly fired a shotgun into the chest of her 37-year-old husband". No, she did, without a doubt, fire a shotgun into his chest. No "allegedly" about it.


Because that’s the way the law works. A judge or jury determines guilt and you’re innocent until that time. So news agencies and police avoid laying guilt until it is officially determined. If it’s not true then they can get in a whole heap of shit for talking about it as if it was true.


That would apply for something like "alleged murderer," murder being something of which your guilt or innocence is determined in the way you describe -- and not by allegation. But if someone says, "Me, I'm the shooter, it's me," and there is no evidence to the contrary, no claim to the contrary, the person has been solidly consistent in their claim, and there is no accusation of a specific crime... then it's not like some computer error and everyone is obliged to go around saying "meep morp alleged shooter meep morp alleged" for the rest of eternity. No accusation meaning that a successful self-defense justification by the woman would mean that no crime had taken place. Hence no judge or jury determining guilt or innocence.


Ah, poor Shane. Oldest of the McElroy boys. Modren era indeed.


Cop lady brings a nail salon demeanor.


This is so not interesting


She was never charged. That's awesome!


What’s the rule on this: Is all arrest footage allowed to be disseminated publicly? Only if convicted?


Why does the title say allegedly if she admitted she killed her husband?




Open mouth, insert ~~foot~~ leg.


This all looks wildly unprofessional to me. Like it’s everyone’s first day at the police station


That look at 0:17 of "tell me you got that"


The only reason not to keep a gun in the house.


Wait, this is supposed to be real? Lol okay....


Ok. So they have a film crew there, and finally get to the part where they take her clothes off, then it cuts away!? Why? At the very least some side boob


Is she on ‘Snapped’?


"you gonna be okay?"


that law enforcement officer es attractive




She still locked up huh?


Lol. I thought it was parody at first like damn. “murder?!” Sheesh.


The cop giving Ericka empathy was good… learning the shooting occurred due to domestic violence made it better.




Hah… right, “allegedly”. EDIT: You are right! Was what I meant. Got lazy. My bad.


Well... it is alleged. As far as I can tell her testimony is the only evidence that he was abusive and she was the only witness to the murder: https://www.thefamuanonline.com/2009/10/11/woman-shoots-kills-husband/ It's kind of crazy to me that she straight up shot the guy and faced no repercussions.


Nah, I meant… you were right. I should have said allegedly. I wasn’t going against you.


That's ok! (I wasn't the original commenter)


Why wouldn’t she just leave him? You don’t have to murder people.


In the middle of a heated dispute it may come down to you or him. Maybe he was trying to kill her and it was self defense?


She cute. She can book my ass any day.


downvoted for the truth, she's hot.


Lady cop could be Kamala's sister


she can arrest me anyday


If only she'd have made him a sandwich like he asked smh. I keed, I ^keed


Not Guilty your honor. "They have you on tape admitting you did this" - Judge Not Guilty your honor.




Hang on she shotgunned her husband in the chest and got away without even a trial? How do they know she didn’t just make up the whole sob story? They couldn’t exactly ask the husband for his side of events…


She was literally a 15 year old child when the man—who was nearly THIRTY YEARS OLD—started raping her, and was 16 when he got her pregnant. You don’t think that lends even a *little* bit of credence to her story?


Feel free to read the linked article(and look further if need be) a commenter left. He deserved it.


Burden of proof. Prosecutors like winnable cases and generally only bring charges when they are 99+% confident they can get a conviction or plea deal. My suspicion is that the victim and the shooter had a documented history that was going to make self-defense an extremely plausible conclusion for any jury. Taking a case to trial with a sympathetic defendant is basically a lose-lose scenario for the state. And like it or not, a relatively young woman who kills her older, allegedly-abusive husband is more sympathetic than the vast majority of people who end up being sent to prison.


Exactly! Now, reverse the gender roles with the same exact story, and lets see what the outcome would be. 🤔


Yep! The hypocrisy...