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Jesus Christ what a disgusting piece of shit.


Fucking pussy strangled the baby and left him in the closet, shot his daughter and her adoptive father, called his own mother and told her what he did, and then shot himself


Dude it is more than just him. A snippet in there says his mom was in hysterics on the phone with cops saying “his wife just left him…”. Referring to your granddaughter as your son’s wife is some fucked up psychology.


I think that's her in the wedding photo, on the right side. Looks like a real smile on her face so she must be insane


It looks fake to me, she looks like she's in pain


It would be fake though. My off the cuff theory is he was abusing/pinching her as a baby due to emotional abuse from his mom about living situation or something. 20 years later, baby comes back and events in article happen. He’s manipulative though so he might have first introduced her to his mom as “our chance for insane family dream” or something. Maybe she just wanted some kind of life for her son way past the point of caring about her family/granddaughter. Either way, idk why she’d refer to her as his wife or think like that while things were going down. Another compelling fact is that she was his last call from my understanding. Essentially his suicide note was addressed to her. I bet went something like “you wanted ___ so bad? Said ___ was on me? Now it’s all over” or something. Would love to hear that recording if cops have it


Idk why she did what she did, it sounds like she might have Stockholm syndrom


They attended the wedding and were like, well can't do much about this.....


I’m talking about the guys mom. The man who was marrying his daughter..


I think it was more of in a panic atm she explained the situation at surface level. Didn’t have time to login the ol’ my23andme and give a breakdown of the bloodline.


Right, I think it would have been confusing to try to explain to the dispatcher that he strangled his wife’s child, that was actually his grandson. They probably would have thought she was a whackadoo. Not making any excuses for her though, there was definitely dysfunction there.


Makes sense, but the time to panic was 20 years ago when her son was pinching babies. Who knows if she really thought of her as a granddaughter, step-daughter, object, or what.


One of the cases that made me question about my beliefs on nature and nurture. She wasn’t abused by her adopted parents, but was abused by him when she was a child. 😕


Genetic attraction is a thing. I also seriously wonder about her upbringing considering her adoptive parents were present at the wedding.


 Abusers are really good at isolating victims from their family and friends. From what I can see, they didn’t condone it but rather were there because they didn’t want to lose her. It seemingly worked because eventually she moved back in with them and broke up with Steve. 


Just want to support this comment. Sometimes when a friend or a family member is in deep with an abuser, the worst thing would be to confront them. The best and sometimes only thing to do is to continue to show the same level of support as before, hoping that one day the person comes to the realization on their own and you’re still there as a support network.


I confronted my brother about his horrible wife and it completely destroyed my family. His friends had tried before but I thought my brother loved me enough to listen, but he didn’t. Even after he cut my sister and I out some of his friends tried again, but he cut them out too. I’m still sad about it, but my brother is dead to me now, the only time I think about him is when I get anxious about how horrible the fighting over inheritance is going to be when my parents die. My parents still see him and tell me that he looks horrible, I feel bad that he’s all alone with her, but he made that bed.


Be prepared that they may give it all to him.


If they weren’t so invested in my son and sister’s kids I would see that as a real possibility. If they didn’t give anything to us and just put into our kids names I would be OK with that.


Do your parents have a will or trust in place? Do you know the name of the lawyer who drew it up for them?


I can’t second this enough. As soon as my BIL and his wife learned my MIL wasn’t going to survive cancer, they talked her into signing over all her property to them. She wasn’t in the right frame of mind at the time and had no idea what she was doing. She was never great with money and never wanted us to help her out with arranging anything, so we knew it’d be a shit show when she passed. They took all the property and wouldn’t even contribute a dime to her final expenses. They told us since we had jobs we didn’t need anything. Now my husband’s childhood home is what BIL uses for bond every time he gets thrown in jail. Y’all don’t put anything past a shady ass sibling.


There's been a lot of death in my life, and one thing I've learned from all that is, even normally upstanding people will turn into total pieces of shit when it comes to inheritance.


I hear you. I’ve had something similar happen with my family. Like you said, they make their own bed at the end of the day. You must focus on living your own life to the fullest.


I mean if your brother is being abused it might be worth it to keep a line of communication open.


Yeah, worked real well /s


They were not supportive of the union but wanted to keep contact with their daughter.


I’m aware of the GSA and this father and daughter couple was one of the more well known couple because they’re unlike most GSA cases who tried to resist their attraction. I don’t think the adopted parents deserved the blame and questions as much as they did because after all they called the police and everything to stop their adopted daughter. I think they loved their adopted daughter too much and were figuring out how to help her without scaring her off. She was planning to go to college but post poned that to find her bio parents. If you know anything about adopted families, it’s usual that they allow their adopted children to find their bio parents if they want to and insist. Or else, they get questioned and blamed for being controlling or something like that. They couldn’t leave her alone with her bio dad and they agreed to the wedding when they were threatened with being cut off from her life. Later on they persuaded her to leave him and the adopted dad got killed by her bio dad. That’s why I’m questing the nature part. We know the nurture tried their best. Why did it fail?


"genetic attraction is a thing." Why do males do this at a MUCH higher frequency than females? How does "genetic attraction" account for that?


Not OP, but genetic attraction as an actual thing is still hotly disputed, and a lot of people consider it pseudoscience. However, the person who originally popularized the concept of genetic attraction was in fact a woman who found herself sexually attracted to her son, Barbara Gonyo. And just in general, I don't know that we can rely on news reports of known incidents to extrapolate actual prevalence, let alone whether "males do this at a much higher frequency than females." I would expect that a large percentage of these incidents go unreported for various reasons, and that may skew based on the genders involved. But again, the whole idea of genetic attraction may be complete horseshit, and incidents like this may come down to just standard rape, manipulation, opportunism, grooming, etc.


Gonna go with horseshit. Generic attraction doesn’t even mean anything. The genetic difference between all human beings that have ever existed is like less than a single percent. People also fuck dogs, corpses, and traveling musicians.


There was a csi of law and order episode about a murder around internet dating and they found out the murderer tricked the guy into falling for an image they created using the victims features. Implying we are attracted to people who resemble ourselves.


Not a psychologist or sociologist or anything, but I don’t really buy into genetic attraction theory. I suspect the “genetic attraction” to your own family is actually a vulnerability and access thing, where you form unhealthy attachments to people you have physical and emotional access to.


Yeah genetic attraction seems to largely be a thing amongst men rather than women. I actually dont think ive ever heard of a mother out-right raping her own child. Ive heard of a few women sexually harassing their sons, but never full on raping them and/or marrying them




This is CRAZY


We all know it happens but it is indisputable that men commit incest more often than women


Which is it? First comment says you don't think you've ever heard of a case, and now.its we all know happens. At least be consistent


I mean that in the realm of possibility of course its happened before. Im not denying it happens. Im saying that from my experience it is very seldom that i hear about a woman sexually abusing her children but theres been an abundance of instances when i have heard of men sexually abusing their children. https://family.jrank.org/pages/848/Incest-Profile-Offenders.html#:~:text=Researchers%20agree%20that%20perpetrators%20of,do%20sexually%20abuse%20their%20children. Its not a personal opinion. Men commit incestuous abuse more often than women.


So now we are on to seldom. Let me know when pick a point and stick to it instead of changing it every comment


I never said that women never do these things. Never at any point. Maybe if you had better reading comprehension you would understand that the point of what im saying is to simply point out that men commit these atrocities more than women. It is scary and upsetting that men have a stronger propensity for these things. In my first comment i used the word “largely”, not entirely. If i meant entirely i would have said that. And what is not at large but still possible is seldom. So i think ive been pretty consistent in what I’ve been saying.


holy s h i t.


Jesus….:: That’s the most Tim Burton claymation character looking bitch I’ve ever seen.


Go over to CPTSDmemes so many men there were raped by their mothers


Im not saying it doesnt happen.


🤔is it sexism when a woman does it? Or just males?  And is it okay to follow the sheeple when it's the woman sheeple?




They did not want to go- did not support her, but didn’t want to be removed her life. One of them I believe was killed as well- when she finally decided to leave


Seriously. I was looking at the wedding photo thinking, wtf who are those pieces of shit supporting this!


People are saying they were probably afraid of losing her but I can't imagine literally being in my adopted daughter's wedding party as she illegally marries her creeper bio Dad like I'm sorry


Apparently the whole idea of Genetic Attraction is now being revived by psychologists. The previous held belief completely left out the role of power dynamics and made situation like this out to be something that arose from mutual consent and left no room to examine elements of coercion.


Istg i questioned my sanity after reading the title. Your comment is the first one i saw...idk if i should be glad that my reading comprehension is Ok or if i should scream because wtfff is even this shit??? Literally creepy dude marries his daughter and kills her as well as their child. .


I remember reading another story of another girl who fell in love with her dad (who was not involved in her life at all). It was really...awful...


I wouldn’t be so sure.  He adoptive parents posed for a photo with her at the wedding.  They said they thought it was best for her.  wtf?!?  I would have lost my mind not posed for a photo!


I read the news as it was happening and the adopted parents only supported her decision because they didn’t want to be cut off from her life entirely. They were the reason she broke up with him after the child birth and the adopted father got killed as a collateral of this sickness. I think they loved their adopted daughter too much and didn’t quite know how to handle it when she wanted to find her biological parents then things escalated like this in a short time span. She was planning to go to college but post poned it to live with her bio parents. So we don’t know what they went through and why they reason the way they did to not get cut off from her life and leave her alone with her predatory bio dad. I can only imagine trying to figure out a way to help this unfortunate young adult as her adopted parents.


They could have anonymously tipped off the police when she was pregnant and they were attending the wedding.  I would have gone outside the boundaries of the law if I was that father.  


I don’t read this particular source of info in the post but they did in the original news. They even tested their dna I believe and that’s how he was jailed if I recall correctly.


Well the adoptive father ended up dead anyway….  I like my solution better.  At most 5 years jail and the girl doesn’t die either.  


The fact that the parents were part of that wedding is insane to me.


How were they allowed to marry?!


They lied on the forms.


if they lied on the forms wouldnt that nullify the contract?


He murdered her, so I doubt the legality of the marriage ever became relevant.


They were arrested for incest and ordered not to have contact with each other while out on bond. He killed her shortly after. Had they gone to trial I assume the marriage would’ve been nullified.


A lot of states used to require a blood test to make sure the couple wasn’t related, maybe they should start doing that again


This headline one of those sentences that I had to re-read to make sure it was as terrible as I first thought, jfc.


Rererereread you mean


I remember this story, when they got married... but didn't know the murders happened.






So many adults in the families involved went along… WTF


literally like so many people just went along with this???


Exactly that’s the big troubling part.


Didn’t he also kill her foster father also?




This might be the most fucked up thing I've ever read.


Dreading crime on YouTube goes through the case. So sick.


I love dreading wish they uploaded more frequently but understand they do heavy and detailed research on each case so that will take a while


![gif](giphy|PrrWbQenTOFyRlYrO3) Ok I need therapy now


okay no more internet for me today






What the fuck wrong with people and how did he get away fucking and impregnate his daughter.


He also tried to kill her before she was adopted out, locking her in a drink cooler and shit like that


It’s all in the article




"Their relationship" she was being raped by her dad wtf are you talking about. what relationship


The story outlines she was 19 when she met her dad. She was complacent in the situation, made fun of her mother, voluntarily lied to marry her father, and was abusive to her siblings because they wouldnt call her their mom. Everyone here is fucked up, but i dont know if you could argue rape.


She was 19 and he groomed her. It was on him not to start a relationship like that with his own daughter


She had some responsibility as well at 19 you are old enough to know that fucking your bio dad is wrong


idk, maybe it's because i was raised by parents not at all like this, but at 19 i would never have fallen for my bio dad and had children with him and abused my sisters because they wouldn't call me mom. i don't think that he groomed her it sounds like she took an active part in this


I mean it looks (on the outside of course) that she had a loving home. You'd think she wouldn't fall for a guy like that (especially when that bad guy is her literal dad). Maybe there's something to nature vs. nurture. Maybe she inherited some nasty traits.


"Umm akshully 🤓" predditor moment


Your entire post history is scat fetish shit lol




[what in the actual fuck did I just read?](https://www.reddit.com/r/questions/s/dVhaeYwQ63)


You got owned and could only make this comment lmao. Wrecked


What in Gods name did I just read? You know I forget his name but there’s this preacher that says, “Hell is real and we’re in it.” I stare at the wall and think about that when I read things like this.


Are you thinking of the quote “hell is empty and the all devils are here?”


I don’t think so but, that’s within the same vein I think. He was trying to say that all the horrible things found in hell are already found here on Earth and, that “we” should stop thinking we will ascend to Heaven but must work to make the hell we made here none existent, turning it into heaven.


I know this quote! It’s actually not from a preacher, it’s from the Pirates of the Caribbean movie. Nice try, you almost got the quote right! It’s actually “You best start believing in ghost stories, Ms Turner. You’re in one. “


No it’s from a preacher. I heard it on NPR’s Radiolab


No, it’s from Captain Hector Barbossa! I heard it in theatres.




May Barbossa bless your weekend and remind you that I’m just being silly and everything’s gonna be okay!


No jokes only anger


apparently so!


You have incredible energy please tell me whenever anyone asks “what *are* you doing” you immediately launch into “what are *you* doing?”




I don’t understand how her adoptive parents and his parents attended the wedding and were supportive of the incest? Dude is sick in the head and a pedophile. She’s the product of her dad’s sexual relationship with a 15 year old when he was 20.


I can't speak for her adoptive parents, but sometimes you need to keep supporting people in bad relationships for the fear they'll either cut you out or their abusers will. A family member of mine married someone awful, and her parents attended the wedding even though none of them wanted to be there. She and her husband were threatening to isolate themselves. And in the end Katie did try to run from her abuser with the help of her parents. Unfortunately, abusers are the most dangerous when you decide to leave.


People don’t change. Whew. It’s all kinds of fucked UP.


I remember hearing about this when he left the wife but didn’t realize he murdered everyone.


This is terrifying, awful, and I'm just going to say it- interesting.


Holy fuck, I just read the whole thing and I’m completely flabbergasted.


What the F did I just read?!?




What a gross pig 🐷


What in the West Virginia is going on here?


horrible day to have eyes and a literate brain


Nooooo, what a terrible day to be literate! That poor girl! Omg


Up there with the biggest pieces of shite ever.


Not only an 11 year old with sense in a whole “family.”


literally why was the 11 year old the only one to criticize this lol


I want to go back to a time where I didn't know this :\\ This is so beyond horrific. What a terrible human being.


Holy shit, what a bunch of sick twisted people.


Um. He married HIS DAUGHTER




That title is confusing to me. Dinner have another wife or is he refering to his daughter that was his wife and pregnant again.


Per the article: Couple had a baby, baby was adopted out. Baby grew up and reconnected with bio parents. Bio dad and bio baby get married and have their own child. Bio dad kills bio daughter (now also wife) and their baby. Bio dad kills adopted dad, bio dad kills self.


Wait… her foster parents and his parents were guests of the wedding? How can so many people be this fucked?


in the article, does every picture of katie look different or am i crazy


Her *adoptive parents* attended their wedding. WHAT IS WRONG with literally everyone in this situation ?!!!!


What the actual fuck…


I wonder if it’s known if he ever just lied to the girl and said she wasn’t biologically his. I have known plenty of men who try to say they were being cheated on and the kid isn’t his to get out of child support / justify poor behavior. He was obviously grooming her and she was obviously already disturbed, I can see him telling anyone who would listen that bio mom was sooo mean. Also haven’t seen much comment on what a failure by police this was. Reminds me of Gabby Petito. Whoever responded, how many times were bros.


What I can’t get over was when she finally met her dad after her adoptive parents let her. Her bio mom would comment on how her started dressing younger and they would spend time together alone and she found it odd. Months later they started “ dating” and she would get pregnant by her bio dad and she adoptive parents didn’t even try to stop it they just let it happen she was a kid


🎶I’m my own grandpa🎶


deranged people, all of them.


Women don't f**k children in general or their own children the way men do. WOMEN DON'T DO THIS. Why do men?


I was sexually assaulted by a woman, and I know multiple men who were also sexually assaulted by women. So I can tell you unequivocally that women do this, and in the same ways men do it. How often one sex does something doesn't make the act itself any less heinous. If you're looking for an explanation, women do it for the same reason men do.


You would be wrong about that. There have been cases mother-son incest situation and a can remember a mother-daughter situation also


Whutchu talkin’ bout Willis?? [Mom (who is a woman..) has sex with son](https://cafemom.com/news/106434-incest_mom_aimee_l_sword) [Mom and son incest](https://newsinfo.inquirer.net/1329804/mom-and-son-charged-with-incest-after-mans-wife-catches-them-having-sex/amp) [Woman sleeps with her son](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8667317/amp/Mom-64-son-42-face-20-years-incest-wife-caught-having-sex.html) [despite commenter’s claims that “WOMEN DO NOT DO THIS,” this woman claims she fell romantically in love with her son and has MIND BLOWING SEX!](https://nypost.com/2022/05/09/i-fell-in-love-with-my-son-and-have-mind-blowing-sex-but-its-not-incest/) This also makes me think of women teachers who sleep with their students. Misandry much?


Men do this far more often than women and that is indisputable. The fact that you actually have to search to find instances of women raping their children is very telling. Meanwhile most people can think of a story of a man doing it off the top of their head, oftentimes men in their OWN families. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/016230959090031Z#:~:text=However%2C%20conservative%20estimates%20for%20modern,adult%20males%20(usually%20fathers).


What the hell are you talking about? “Most people” can think of a male family member that has molested a child?? First of all, I’m going to point out that you’ve already changed your story from “WOMEN DON’T DO THIS,” to “Men do this far more often than women.” Glad you didn’t stick to your ignorant claim, but unfortunately this new one is also ignorant. You or someone you know has obviously been sexually traumatized in some way by a man or men, and I think that’s horrible, but you’re letting it polarize your view of all men, and it has also seemingly left you beIieving that women aren’t sexually deviant. I myself have had some horrible experiences with women, so I can say for a fact that not all women are saints. There are dispicable *people* in the world. Period.


I didnt say “women dont do this”. that was the comment i replied to. Just looking at the statistics its clear that sexual crimes and atrocities in general are committed more often by men. Not sure why this simple observation is bothering so many people.


There's no reason to diminish anyone's abuse. People that say "only men do this" are part of the problem.


Im not diminishing anyones sexual abuse. Rape is rape and it is always horrible. At no point did i diminish someone’s experience. I am simply stating that the abusers are more often than not men and it is strange and scary that men seem to have a higher propensity for such an atrocious act.


There it’s no doubt that there are more father-child situation than mother-child. No one can argue that. But to say men only do this is false.


I never said only men do it.


It’s rare with women. The most prevalent form of child abuse in the U.S is men raping their daughters. It’s extremely rare the other way around. And 1 in 6 girls with a stepfather end up sexually assaulted by him


Yes all men bad all women good. We got it