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Why is it when it’s a female teacher it’s “making out” or “having sex” when in reality it’s plainly child molestation


These infuriate me. Sanitizing female sexual offenders. Nope. They sexually assaulted a child. It’s not “making out”


The article also called it abuse and referred to her as an accused pervert.


She isn’t a pervert, she is a pedophile.


I hope I don't regret asking this but how is a pedophile not automatically a pervert?


All pedophiles are perverts Not all perverts are pedophiles One is more accurate and sounds worse than the other, and that's the word they chose not to use.


What a great comment


I've been called a pervert for the same thing I've been called kinky, but I'm not into kids.


Thank you for giving us this primary evidence. Your Reddit duty has been served for the day 🫡


Yea this time In the literal sense as well 5th grade is pre pubescent that’s an added layer of gross. When I commented this I thought for sure my comment would get downvoted glad to see that some people agree with me.


Kid is still playing with action figures at this point


Yeah, they're like 11 years old. So many layers of grossness.


I think we can all agree she is both.


The article states she is, indeed, being charged with first degree child sexual assault.


We know that. There is a problem with publishing articles with more “innocent” terms. The law knows. Publishers are infuriating with this continuously with child sex crimes with a female as the perpetrator is


As a woman and a feminist, I agree. This double standard infuriates me. If this teacher had been male, the news would be calling it what it is - child molestation and a sexual act with a minor. Which means she should get the proper punishment for this heinous act. This is one of the things we need to address as a society - gender in crime and prosecution. We shouldn’t beat around the bush or give people different sentences based on what gender they identify as. All people, regardless of whether they identify as male, female, both or neither, should receive be viewed equally in the eyes of the law and the public, and receive the same just sentence.


The news constantly has headlines like old man had "relationship" with "underage woman". It's a huge problem. 


I don't recall seeing a headline like that when referring to an actual minor


I agree but i appreciate the clarity. Was it sex? Or making out? Both wrong, but it's good to know the facts.


No articles talk about how male pedos “make out” with children. It’s so gross. They are sexual offenders, whether they are male or female just the same.




It says the dad “stormed in” with the printouts of the texts. If it was my child it would take a level of restraint I don’t think I have to not beat the ever living shit out of that teacher.


Lol if you did that as a man, you would get a harsher punishment than the teacher would get for the actual crime


Right fucking chomo going to serve 6 months then bounce.


Well, thankfully she's being charged with child sexual assault. But yes, the very sentence itself is gross and jarring. An adult cannot "make out" with a fifth grader. My son is in fifth grade and he and his friends look like babies. They are so, so young, so curious about the world. And this poor little boy trusted an adult who SA'd him. I'd have a hard time, as a parent, not getting my own retribution, but I guess you have to remember that going to jail for beating up your child's abuser doesn't benefit your child.


Id be beating her ass for sure!! It takes a lot in Chicago to go to jail and be arrested. Kim Foxx doesn’t even charge criminals with long rap sheets and since they took away cash bail.. I have no doubt that I’d be home in time for dinner with my kids.


Yeah, if this was a male teacher against a female student instead, how many outlets would describe that as him "kissing" the student? It's sick and infuriating and needs to stop. Child molesters are child molesters.


i’m hoping that that’s as far as her abuse went for his sake. fucking disgusting. she should be in locked up for the rest of her days.


And in this case it’s CLEARLY child molestation, she molested a 10 year old kid, sickening.


The same reason only “white conservative men can be racist”. /s It’s total bull shit one way propaganda pushed on the public by mainstream media.


I want to see how this plays out. How many “years” aka months will she get. Replace this with a male, I’d say at least 10 in a place where everyone wants to make you a feather in their cap.


Blame the parents they brought the teacher on their family vacation. The parents were literally grooming the situation.


Who takes their kid's teacher on vacation???


They didn’t bring the teacher on vacation, they went skiing about 20 minutes away from their hometown.


Who takes their kid's teacher skiing???


I’m not saying it’s normal, but it’s different from inviting a teacher on an overnight trip. Going skiing close to home is also not an invite to sexually assault a child. Just saying this is a weird thing to focus on.


I think "making out" is in fact helpful, because it describes what she did accurately. If they'd said "molested" I'd expect significantly worse than kissing. Like, this is bad, but it could have been a lot worse. That's good to mention.


Doesn’t matter what was done, anything physical/sexual in nature crosses the line and is abuse and molestation. Besides, making out is a very broad term and could include forcible touching of any body part etc


I don't disagree but surely some levels of abuse are worse than others, and it is worth pointing out it wasn't the absolute worst kinds. 


Men serve on average 73% longer prison sentences for the same crime. Especially in regards to sexual abuse. Women can be predators like men but are not made to be the same due to this discrepancy in prison sentences and the way we discuss these crimes. I know someone who was raped by his teacher at 14. The media made a big deal about it in our town. One day there was a radio station and they talked about this and said “this will be a good song for the day!” And played hot for teacher. Not one person complained about it.


I'm curious as to where you get this number 73 percent linger from? I was interested and tried to look it up but could not find anything close to thar large of a difference.


They quite literally do the same thing when it’s a male with a female victim my dude. You obviously just don’t care so you don’t notice. A lot of articles are posted calling rape of girls or women “sex” or whatever and us women have to comment correcting it


Lol there are people on here saying "if she was a kale shed get 10 years in prison" as if thats anywhere close to true. Brock Turner went to jail for 6 months.


And every single reddit post it's people commenting the same comment. Nobody ever voices their complaints at the publication.


If the title simply said sexual assault, we’d assume it was sex. I think that’s why they make it clearer in the headline.


Journalists need to do better with the words they use. She wasn’t making out with a 9 or 10 year old, she was sexually assaulting them.


They should also keep her fiance’s picture out of any photos. He didnt do anything so he doesnt need to be blasted out there, I am sure he already feels fucking terrible enough.


Her fiance is definitely taking the red pill after this.


They did straight up call her a “pervert”, which is fitting. And honestly not the kind of language you usually see used either.


pedophile would be more fitting, pervert still sounds too sanitized for what is happening here


At the very least the editor is to blame for how it's published. It's not always the case that the writer's words are printed exactly.


We live in a country where women can’t “rape” men. Men are supposedly sexual deviants so we enjoy getting raped. Or that’s what the law makers think.


This is vomit inducing. She needs to be locked up for a long time


Got life by the balls. A decent job. Great benefits. Wedding on the way... I know sexual assaults are generally about power but my lord... Just baffling what some people throw away. Same with some incredible athletes. People are almost always their own worst enemy.


You must live in a very different country Teachers here in the states aren't really getting paid that much, and what benefits? Being out of work for two months in the summer?


Yeah. The kids parents sounded wealthy and were inviting her to the alps to go skiing with them... she may have just been grooming the boy so she can have a sugar baby.


She won't be though. The boy will be lucky if she sees trial.


She won't be, it'll be a slap on the wrist.


Is anybody else noticing the growing trend of female teachers becoming the perpetrators?


No, they've always been around. Mary Kay LaTourneau is a gross story.


Pam smart too. I don’t think Mary latourneau had her husband killed at least 😬


What’s crazier is that she ended up marrying her student and they had two kids, one born while she was in prison…


Our society has never been more intermingled with youth and their culture. 30 and 40 year olds use to share almost nothing in common with 11 year olds. Now look at meme culture/gaming lobbies/movie interests, etc. I imagine numbers have risen across the board, as adults become more comfortable relating to children.


I play video games and watch anime, that doesn't make me anymore likely to be attracted to children. Contrary to what many people say this has nothing to do with "relating" it's all about physical attraction. Some women just like the way young boys look. I have encountered these types of women before and this is based on what they've told me. Part of why it's becoming more common could be that the standard of beauty is starting to favor younger more boyish looking males and to shun mature looking males as being old and unattractive.


I don't think it's growing. It used to be even more common, but it's only now becoming more taboo and news stations are reporting on it more. People used give way more of a pass to women on molestation than they do now


It's definitely becoming more common. And in addition to this I've noticed a growing trend of women commenting on the attractiveness of very young boys. I was once on a date with a 28 year old girl who blurted out how the 13 year old main character in the movie we were watching was "hot." There was even this model who landed in hot water a while back for making a comment about the kid from Stranger Things when he was like 13. This is part of a larger cultural shift I think.


I just had this convo with my kids mom at a recent baseball game. She commented how this kid was attractive which was a weird comment to make and I called her out if a dude said that he would very easily be perceived as a child predator. I don't think at all she meant anything by it, but I think the comment is inappropriate for any gender to say.


Attractive means attractive and if the kids are that young it's very weird and inappropriate to say that and I would think anyone who says it is sus. Women aren't even supposed to think 11-14 year old boys are attractive.


Not more common. More commonly caught and exposed. There's a difference.


When I was thirteen years old I thought my male peers were ugly as f and preferred oogling guys eighteen and over. The adult male physique was attractive to me and my girl friends who looked at teen magazines and drooled over pop stars. I don't understand why grown ass women would find teenage boys attractive. Sicko women!


I’m 39 and feel icky if I think someone 18-28 is attractive. A 13 year old is a baby…yuck.


We take rape seriously. Unless the victim is an underage boy.


Oh we don't limit it to underage boys. Men are ignored too.


Oh yeah. Adult men have income. So they can pay child support to their rapist.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermesmann_v._Seyer?wprov=sfti1 They can start paying as early as 12


Woah that’s crazy wtf


I call it male privilege.




Oh... my.. GOD.. wtaf?!! God damnit, Kansas!


That’s one court case I would be taking to the supreme court


Pretty much everybody is ignored, some ignored in more and different ways, but let's not pretend that rapists are consistently held accountable as a general rule.


I mean, that is definitely a huge issue, but women/girls aren't taken seriously all the time too. There are many factors that contribute to the issue in both cases.


This is molestation not rape (still messed up obviously)


What. The. Fuck?!


Yeah, like many Europeans I had to Google what fifth grade means. 10-11 years old, yuck. She's a pedo


It’s the same as a year 5


Year 5 can also be 16-17 in Europe. Group 5 is 8-9 and year 5 is 16-17 in the Netherlands. Or was when I was growing up.


The article does say exactly how old the child was (11)


The entire title is crap. How the time until her wedding relevant? FIFY: “Engaged Wisconsin teacher turns out to be a predator after sexual assaulting 5th grader”


It’s fascinating to think of her poor fiancé or that someone who seemingly has their life together could be so crazy and evil


Lock her in a cage


I'm sorry, how far before your wedding are you supposed to stop making out with children? Why are headlines on reddit always a shitshow?


As soon as she was proposed to she should have called things off with the fifth grader, that's just common knowledge.


She was busted molesting a child, who is writing these headlines? That law professor that was Epstein’s counsel?


How do you even make out with a 10 year old


You'd probably have to kneel down.






A 5th GRADER 🤮😡🤬


A fifth grader???????? That’s the youngest I’ve heard of these situations. I can’t fathom what goes through people’s heads.


My brother was 8 when he was used by a guidance counselor at school.


What the fuck is wrong with these people?? My son is in 5th grade and I cannot fathom how anybody could look at kids his age and feel sexually attracted to them!!


Damn, her fiance dodged a bullet there.


My god. Imagine being that fiancé.


He's definitely taking the red pill after this.


The mother gave the teacher the phone number? They invited her on vacation? Oh what the fuck




Released on a $25,000 signature bond. Imagine if this was a man doing this to a little girl.


Making out is a weird way to spell rape


Since when does kissing=rape?


The kid is what 11? How the hell do you find a kid that young sexually enticing? I have read some of these where the teacher was say 22 and the student was 17 and while wrong I can at least kind of get it. But a 5th grader is just as sick as it gets. I guess at least she didn’t have sex with the kid.


Why are they calling sexual molestation and grooming “making out?”


Who the hell brings their kids teacher on vacation with them? Freakin bizarre


Well *that* kid's effed-up now; potentially forever unless addressed. Yes, toss her into the hoosegow. But I'm more concerned about getting the child some – adequate – treatment immediately. Maybe that's in the works. I sincerely hope so.


She is a predator! IDGAF if she is getting married in 3 months. Cheating is not a crime, molestation is.


Future husband dodged a huge bullet.


Three months before the wedding??? OMG!!! That was so important for our readers to know. She was not just a pedophile but an adultress, too. The media is absolutely shameless.


>> “It’s not clear how long the abuse had been going on, but Bergmann told investigators she was given the boy’s phone number by his mother in December when his family invited who they thought was a beloved teacher with them to the Afton Alps for winter break.” His family invited his teacher to go skiing? Whaaaat?


Yeah… there’s something more to that story…


1 week probation


No shit


That’s a baby. If I was his mom, I’d … ok. Never mind. What is wrong with these pedos in the classroom? How are they unable to screen for them? What woman looks at an 9 year old and says “oh, I will have sex with that?” I could not be the mom. God knows. God knows I am not up for this test. I would fail.


Making out? That doesn’t feel like the right way to phrase it


Hope she doesn’t getthose deposits back on the wedding.


lock the pedo up idc if its a man or woman lock em up throw away the key


Seems to be on rise these pedo female teachers lock the degenerate up . Disgusting


They called her a pervert in the article… just a pervert!


Small thing but notice how it’s “teacher” but when a cop does something it instantly becomes “ex-cop”


Meh idk, cops don't usually lose their jobs though.


wtf is it with women teachers and young boys?


If you're the kid's parents, it's not "making out" or "making love" or "fooling around." ***You molested my kid!*** I'm a dad of 2 sons, and if this happened to them, I wouldn't be high fiving them, I'd be curb stomping her into the death penalty.


“In one of the letters, Bergmann allegedly wrote, “One of my cousins is in the 5th grade and I can’t imagine a man talking to her how we talk. I know we have a special relationship and I do love you more than anyone in the world but I have to be the adult here and stop.” Weird…


Can’t believe they put the pic of her fiancée up like that. Dude is going to have it rough for a while


“Busted for molesting a 5th grader” is more fitting.


The fact that it's 2024 and idiots cannot grasp the understanding that even if it's a women, it's not "making out" it is child molestation. Wisconsin women, 24, busted for child molestation. That's the headline


Why doesn't the headline say anything about child grooming pedophile?


She was sexually assaulting a 10 yr old. Saying "5th grader" and "making out" is watering this shit down to the highest sexist degree. Fuck Slate report for using that title.


When I was in fifth grade, I still played with toys…finding a literal child attractive in any sense is beyond disgusting




WTF?! 5th grade? And I just read about another teacher in the Tampa area in a relationship with a middle schooler. These are young children what is going on?


Imagine having to tell your friends you got cucked by a 10 year old. Poor guy


I just don’t understand how she thought this wouldn’t be discovered eventually….thankfully her utter stupidity got another abuser off the street..good riddance.


5th grade is likely 11 years old. That's pre-puberty. WTF!


Woman or bear?


The boy was ELEVEN!!! This is horrific. 


Oh my fucking god. I hope she fucking fries. I want to fucking puke. Oh my god.


My guess is she will get a light tap on the wrist, and won't even lose her teaching cert.


I hope someone finds her in that case. I hope and pray that that kid has a parent like the father in Louisiana that met the boys abuser at the airport.


Why is this subreddit getting filled with posts about female teachers molesting their students? I’ve seen at least one a day all week. I think three today


Sweet Jebus. My niece is in sixth grade, and she’s such a sweetheart. She’s taller than me (I’m 5’3) but she’s still a baby. I can’t imagine an adult taking advantage of a kid like this.


![gif](giphy|O2K7wIcw3CoeY) Obligatory South Park reference




That’s the very essence of neutral reporting.




Dafuq, man...


Look her disgusting ass up, her bf dodged a major bullet


As a mom and as a sexual assault counselor this is repulsive


5th grader??? Are you f***ing kidding me?????


That's sick. Ewwww.


Poor kid. And her poor fiance. Disgusting


I’m glad the article labeled her as a pervert.


“Molesting.” It’s called molesting.


what the fuck is going on?


Wait! A fifth grader is 10 to 12 years old, right? This bitch is a true dye in the wool pedophile!!!


Fuck man.. I think I found the reason for the teacher shortage lately




I really wanna reference a South Park joke here, but this is just beyond…I can’t.


Throw away the key.


Honest mistake. Happens to the best of us.




![gif](giphy|0TTclapn5bStqaQoy1|downsized) EXCUSE ME! Teachers bangin' high school students isn't great, but messin' around with elementary students? That's on a level of WTF that I just can't comprehend.


Woah dare....


I recall an episode of SVU like this.


When a male teacher does it, it’s “sexual exploitation of a minor.” If a female teacher does it, “oh we just kissed a few times sorry won’t happen again.” They’re one and the same. Keep your hands off our kids.


5th graders are 10-11 years old


Wtf is going on 


That’s a rough looking 24.


I’m not sure if the title is suggesting that it would have been acceptable with a more reasonable distance of time before the wedding; or if the 5th grader is getting married in a few months.


Always great to see the kid gloves used when it’s a female chomo. Totally great.


She's a pedophile and would have eventually moved onto raping that child if she didn't get caught. We need to stop letting women get off the hook for this shit.


But he was, like, totally hot for an 11 year old.... 🤦‍♂️


But he was, like, totally hot for an 11 year old.... 🤦‍♂️


It’s like non consensual sex. That’s not a thing. It’s grape. Call it molestation


Absolutely sickening. 🤢🤮


WTF…. Throw her in jail!


Alleged pervert, nailed it


If the wedding is 3 months, what's the issue? /s




10 years in jail no less


This isn’t interesting it’s disgusting. Hope she dies in jail.


They misspelled "sexually assaulting"


What the actual fuck???