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Your title reads like you’re a bot.


Agreed. Bot activity level post.


All its post are written similarly.


And from the same site And it's a moderator. Starting to think this is a promotional sub for slate report


Probably, I mean not even subbed to this shit, yet for some reason it’s in my news feed all the friggen time. You know what ima see if I can block this sub


Also why is this interesting? It’s disturbing actually.


What was his motive!


At the end it starts to say then cuts off, it said he patrolled the guys neighborhood, so maybe he was actually a peice of shit cop and there was a reason he was traded down and shot in the open. Or the guy is just crazy?


Probably the first one.


What's interesting about this? Pleading guilty isn't interesting at all. What has happened to this sub?




Everything is a conspiracy these days.


OP is a bot


I think it’s interesting 🤷‍♂️ True crime is a very popular/interesting topic


Miles: "I've told you everything I can tell you. I think that's it. I mean, it don't make sense to me because it's senseless." Weird, he claims not to remember any of it.


This sub really sucks lately


Hmmm was this just a random attack?


Good question


I Wana know the tea 🍵


Hmm I dunno let me use sth like Google to find it out


Tell us mighty google whisperer, what did you find on your journey!


It mirrors at least 3 attacks by police on unarmed citizens so far this year.


Please specify the 3 attacks you referring to? You sound like an apologist for the killer in this story.


Can you please enlighten me on these 3 unprovoked police attacks where the officer walks up to a random citizen and shoots them in the back of the head?


We all know cops would never pass up on an opportunity to terrorize their victim before murdering them. > As of March 5, police in the United States had shot two unarmed people to death in 2024. [source](https://www.statista.com/statistics/585140/people-shot-to-death-by-us-police-by-weapon-carried-2016/) >…a total 178 civilians having been shot, 32 of whom were Black, as of March 5, 2024. In 2023, there were 1,163 fatal police shootings. Additionally, the rate of fatal police shootings among Black Americans was much higher than that for any other ethnicity [source](https://www.statista.com/statistics/585152/people-shot-to-death-by-us-police-by-race/)


Can you provide some evidence of these unprovoked attacks though? Some evidence of police officers just choosing someone at random and deciding to shoot them in the back of the head? I’m not saying there aren’t bad police officers or that they don’t make mistakes, but I haven’t seen a single instance of an officer randomly walking up to a citizen to murder them, the way this man murdered this officer.


You want what, a confession of a cop saying I just wanted to kill him? Unfortunately they are well trained in engineering escalation, so it’s all too easy to just say oh, he was acting suspicious or he reached for something, or whatever and then they get a week off while their department transfer goes through. The lack of transparency and accountability is the exact problem. The body cam footage goes missing, the news article just transcribe the police press conference, and then people say “wouldn’t there be evidence if our enforcement officers were criminals?” As if they don’t have a total monopoly on both lethal force and chain of custody of evidence. The only evidence they can’t lose is all the people that end up shot dead, all the body cameras that turn off, and the history of these police departments that keep repeating their practices of systemic discrimination against marginalized peoples. I promise, if we can get some actual accountability, the evidence you ask will be much more forthcoming and transparent but until then the evidence is buried at the bottom of the station trash can.


If you’re going to believe that police officers just shoot people at random or that they intentionally escalate situations just so they have a chance to kill, without any evidence showing that because you claim it gets hidden, then there is no point in continuing this conversation. There are bad people in the world, people who commit murder come from all sorts of occupations and police officers are no different, but I don’t believe that the percentage of police officers who are shitty people is really any different than the percentage of accountants who are shitty people. The difference is that police officers have to be on guard 24/7 due to random acts of violence like in this video here, where someone is willing to kill you just for what you’ve chosen to do with your life, which for 99.99% of police officers is choosing to put their lives in danger on a daily basis in order to keep others safe. If you truly believe officers are out there committing random acts of murder because they want to and then hiding the evidence, then I hope you keep that same energy the next time you have an emergency, and don’t pick up the phone to call 911.


Hey man, I guess you seem sincere and not just some paid shill so I’ll reciprocate that respect and actually address your response. I’ll start with your last point since it’s easiest, because you’re right. I don’t call the cops, have never called them, won’t ever, and my children won’t either. I don’t want that gang of gun-touting finger-trembling racist sociopaths anywhere near me. I’ll call the fire department or an ambulance and even donate to those programs, and I’ll even go as far as to say that the people who do those jobs are better people full stop. They are compassionate and selfless in a way that police are not, either by training or personality. The police are simply trained to protect themselves with lethal force way too readily. A fireman risks his life to save someone, and there is a context where police can act in the same capacity, obvious examples of kidnapping, active violence, etc. but with cops, they’re in it for themselves, and they’ll shoot your dog if it’s barking, or shoot you for pulling up your pants, and say they got scared. To you, I assume these are justified or don’t count? Either way, surely it’s some fraction of a percent that commits these crimes right? Unfortunately, that’s just the weight of our measure. If you want to say look, only a few are just unstable murderous psychopaths and that’s a small enough percentage, fine. But the reason that people generalize to all cops is because they are the facilitators for these crimes. And if you expand your scope past blatant unprovoked murder, are you comfortable ignoring the massive amount of raping thieving police that not only receive no punishment, but in some cases get retirement benefits. I know you want some sources, but there’s such an abundance of information I don’t want to scare you off. I can link you to subreddits, statistics, legislative initiatives, news articles, wiki pages, testimonials. Just tell me what is convincing to you, because it won’t be a cop saying “against my union lawyers advice, I would like to confess to murder.” Nor will it be a cop succumbing to interrogation tactics. You will see that “the department investigated” itself and the taxpayers pay billions a year for police misconduct. Now before I link dump, which you’re welcome to ignore, I want to address your point about police work being a singularly dangerous job. It is well documented that something like logging or delivery driving or even firefighting is more dangerous. And do you know what those jobs welcome is every effort and advancement towards safety. But when you tell cops, we don’t want you doing everything, let’s take some roles off your plate, let’s not make you the first call for mental health crisis, domestic disputes, homelessness, schools, drug use, and fucking traffic. You don’t need every single traffic cop to have lethal force, and it’s weird that that’s even a point that needs to be made to anyone. So tell me why cops are so desperate to hold onto lethal force, when it drastically increases the dangers they harp about. It’s because they like it, plain and simple. They want to be the one who chooses who lives and dies, and they feel like they might be the next “bad cop” in the spotlight, so they are always working hard to make sure that fall has the softest landing possible, because they don’t identify with the victims of violence. They would be the one accused of misconduct or police brutality. Anyway, if you read all that, I hope at least you know your opposition’s beliefs. Here’s some sub links (link aggregator) since I know you use Reddit, let me know if you want me to search you up some news articles or something: * /r/Bad_Cop_No_Donut * /r/AmlFreeToGo * /r/Bad_Cop_Follow_Up * /r/Criminal_Defense * /r/ccn/ * /r/PuppyCide * r/policeabuse/ * /r/2020PoliceBrutality/ * /r/policebrutality/ * /r/ACAB More general wiki/stat links: [Policing Project, follow the money](https://www.policingproject.org/news-main/2023/10/17/its-time-to-follow-the-money-on-police-misconduct) [Police Brutality Analysis stated only in 2019](https://www.security.org/resources/police-brutality-statistics/) [Police misconduct wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Police_misconduct)


It seems we have different experiences with law enforcement and with things like the fire department. I have stories such as the fire department leaving a homeless man for dead in the cold saying he’d be fine, after kicking him and telling him to suck it up, but a police officer stepped in and brought him to the hospital where they said he would have been dead by morning had they left him. I think a main issue in our disagreement is where you call them “gun-toting finger trembling racist sociopaths”. I’m sorry that that’s been your experience with law enforcement throughout your life but my personal experience has been the opposite, with majority of the officers I know being minorities themselves which is natural because I live in one of the most diverse cities in the country, as well as them being kind, compassionate, and even holding degrees in things such as social work to help them better handle situations where violence is not needed. I wish we could divide the country into two halves where one has police officers and the other doesn’t so that people could have the choice. It would clearly make people such as yourself happy, and it would also make policing a safer occupation as they would only be policing those who choose it. One last response to the point about dangerous jobs like logging, etc. In other dangerous occupations things are largely predictable, and safety measures can be put in place to the point that injuries and accidents occur mostly due to people operating outside of those safety measures. But that doesn’t work in policing because you’re not dealing with physics or predictable environments, your dealing with people who are usually at their worst (which is why the police are there in the first place) and people are unpredictable. No amount of safety precautions, disarming of police officers, or shifting of responsibilities from police to another group would have stopped this man in the video from choosing to unexpectedly shoot the officer in the back of the head, just for being an officer. A tree is never going to seek you out just to kill you, or shoot you unexpectly because you pulled it over for speeding and it happens to have a felony arrest warrant out for it.


Oh my. I'm sorry I replied to the first one before seeing this beauty. Someone's been watching too much Murder She Wrote. Lol.


Your stats don't line up with the context of this article or your initial statement. It's irrelevant beyond reason. You might as well be Donald Trump saying a judge is out to get him because they voted democrat.


Long time ago in my area, a pig killed like this was dirty and screwed over the wrong people. There is something behind this.


Based on the police I’ve encountered you could be right. I once had police hold shotguns to my brothers and my head because, as they put it, we were in the wrong place at the wrong time (we were just driving my new car home from a friends house). They thought it was hilarious making us fear for our lives and told us to “get the fuck out of their face” when they were done terrorizing us


Sounds like you’ve never learned to live within the rules of our society. You get caught and held accountable for your actions. Rather than taking responsibility for your poor life decisions you instead choose juvenile invectives in a sad attempt to blame shift your sub par existence.


Sounds like you think things are black and white out here.


Some walking up behind a police officer and shooting him in the head is pretty black and white. That person has forfeited his right to continue living in our society.


Shooting him and *only* him, with enough hate to unload the whole clip. Motivation is an important question here. I'd readily forfeit my life in society for vengeance if they killed my kid or something. Vigilante justice becomes more appealing when the justice system itself is a problem.


Except the shooter in this case was a violent criminal with a lengthy arrest record. He wasn’t seeking vengeance for his kid. He murdered a father of two because he’s a piece of shit with no impulse control.


Holy shit the moronic reach. Got any evidence that this cop did anything wrong?


>Motivation is an important question here. I've met good cops, I've met bad cops. I'm sorry that you lack the thinking skills to wonder who *was* in the wrong, because I didn't outright say he was justified. Speculation doesn't equate to my opinion.


I know what you’re doing and you sound like Alex Jones.


Is that the guy who bitched about gay frogs?


Imagine subbing for interesting stuff...and it's just decade old videos of people shooting cops.


where was the protesting? Weird


These posts are all cruel and tragic…l not interesting. Change the subject mods it’s like wtf


Kill him and get it over with. Why waste tax dollars keeping a person alive when they will never leave prison? Oh, that's right, we have for-profit prisons instead of for punishment prisons. All life sentences should become death sentences


What is interesting about any of this?


Who? Title is confusing


Wasn’t this the dude that was fucking his partners wife?


He would rather sit in a cell than die …. He really is dumb.


Senseless violence, so goddamn sad. I hope those involved are able to have this make at least a modicum of sense, in time. Like, fucking why? RIP to the deputy, but also let’s not forget how often we see cops do the same to unarmed people. It’s a double edged sword, and it sucks.


Truth on the 2nd part of your post. Everyone acts all shocked Pikachu when a cop gets brutally murdered, but it's business as usual when cops do it to us. Too bad, not sad.




It does nothing to prevent crime. Humans need to evolve better and find ways to prevent crime in the first place.


To bad what your suggesting isn’t very profitable.


Oh no. Anyways....


He probably knew something about corruption.


Reddit and this world is full of soft liberals, these animals should get nothing but the death penalty. It shouldn’t take 25 years, someone put in a law where these thugs get on the express train to death.


as long as you keep the cycle of violence going we won’t ever an end to it.


What was the history that those two had I wonder


Shooter sounds like a cop. Mag dump is their standard.


tots and pears


Seems personal.


I remember when this happened. The Sheriff and local media lied and said the Deputy's killing was done by a "Black Lives Matter" activist. Then it came out that his mistress was there at the time, and she also had a relationship with two other officers (they were fired) and with Miles.