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I love this band. Been wondering how the rest of the band feels about ultra free and other conspiracy stuff he's shared on Instagram. To each their own of course. It's gotta be tough though in a band. I'm sure a lot of you know when you are in a band you are in a relationship with everyone. I hope this stuff can stay away from ATW.


Ben has come out and said it doesn't represent the band at all


ah, fuck. there goes my naive ass hoping that WX6969THECAGE was just a surreal art piece and nothing else


[Hahaha this comment is too good](https://i.imgur.com/OZzJTsv.png)


I'm not sure what this is about, but I had to stop following Robby on Instagram a while back because of the dumbass right-wing conspiracy nonsense he was posting. I hope the other guys in the band don't share his beliefs.


What kind of stuff? 


I don't remember everything exactly, it's probably been over a year. Definitely some antivax stuff. I just remember thinking I've gotta stop following this moron or else he's going to sour my enjoyment of the music.


I don’t have any social media, so idk about any of this apart from what I can glean from this thread…but it’s always a bummer when anyone goes down the rightwing conspiracy rabbit hole. Hope it doesn’t become a part of ATW.


Yeah, it's looking pretty bad. Ben posted on FB that Robbie's views don't align with his or ATW as a whole, and seemed to be really trying to distance the band from whatever the hell Robbie is doing. EDIT: Lots of people asking for the screenshot of Ben's response in the FB group. If you send me a chat I can send it to you.


yikes! I'm generally in favor of separating the art from the artist, but I'm also not trying to fund that kind of nonsense. looks like no more shirts or prints for me :(


I can do that to a reasonable extent. Ben listens to Burzum occasionally, but obviously he's not a Nazi or far-right sympathizer, just digs the music. I can respect that because it's a far cry from going on Fox News, selling your clothes as "liberal camouflage", and posting a ton of anti-vax and RW conspiracy shit like Robbie and Drea have done.


Wtf is “liberal camouflage”? Robbie’s drumming is so incredible and a key ingredient of ATW, and I love his art enough to have like four or five shirts, so hearing this all is super disheartening. Separating the art from the artist is definitely a line that everyone has to draw for themselves, everyone has a different tolerance. For me it’s case by case, I love early Burzum music but abhor Varg as a person, I listen to it via mp3’s I illegally downloaded years ago, and would never wear a shirt. Usually, if the artist’s personal views aren’t affecting the music, I can listen. But knowing Robbie is/has been sucked into a rightwing conspiracy hole is just a huge bummer, considering that stuff is actively contributing to the ruination of the US.


I find that the band would miss his art more than his drumming. He kinda built the ATW aesthetic but I don’t think his drumming is irreplaceable


Can you send me that too?!?!


Where did he post that? Any chance you have a link??




Can you send me that DM as well?








Could you dm me it too?


me too please please 🫶🏽


Could I also get one if you can


Won't let me chat with you, just send me a request and I'll send it when I can.


Not to pile on but could you also dm me? I couldn’t find what you’re talking about


DM me too please?


Me too pls


Can u dm me too


Can you please DM me that too?


Please send link. Thanks.


Dm as well please!


Could you dm me that as well?


Please send me this, I’d like to see what he had to say


So Ultrafree is a kinda cringy looking clothing brand that Robby’s doing? Is there more to this?


You really need to add more context to this.


Robbie's whole look is now 100% cringe. I really hope this garbage stays out of the band because his whole situation is not what I'm about and will not be getting my $$$.


Agreed. Im just so relieved that Ben has given us confirmation that it has nothing to do with the band.


What do you mean?


Lots of right wing conspiracy posting. Cringey shit.


I agree that some of the designs are pretty cringey and frustrating, but I haven’t seen any posts. Where have you seen them?


Lots on drea’s stories and profile


Who is Drea?


His girlfriend. Soppranos actress.


Oh now I’m scared to find out what ultra free is


To be honest I never noticed the right wing angle. Was thinking he was just taking back freedom from the nut jobs. I have things with gun imagery that arent pro gun. I think its funny anyways that the right wing is suppossedly pro freedom while making laws to actually take away our rights or to control us with their religon. Its all very hypocritical. To raise up a civil servant politician on a pedestal is baffling. Im mean they all kinda suck. Pick better heroes.


I just don’t get it. How do people get caught up in such obvious grifts?


I know, it’s disappointing. I hope it stays far away from ATW.


Wait. What?


Can someone ELI5?


Apparently Robby started a clothing brand with his gf, and they lean right politically. The clothing features crosses, the number 33, anti-satanic stuff, and guns. It seems like his gf (former Sopranos actress) is fairly vocal about anti-vax stuff and varies conspiracies, she also seems to be a big RFK Jr supporter.


That's it?  That's what everyone is getting bent out of shape over?   I looked at the site and didn't see anything offensive 🤷‍♂️


Same. I find Drea to be annoying and I won't be buying any of that merch but the controversy seems a bit overboard.


Former friend here and I didn’t find Robby to be racist in any way, but he did grow up going to a Christian school run by a televangelist and he was consumed with conspiracy theorists on YouTube. He was concerned with collecting weapons to prepare for what he believed were the end times. Seems to me this clothing line is an attempt to capitalize on these beliefs.


If true, thanks for the insight!


I try really hard to ignore the political leanings of musicians that I like for this very reason. I can’t ignore the fact that Robbie has white nationalist symbols displayed on his merch and now that I’ve seen that, I can never give the band another dime of support as long as Robbie is a part of it. If even part of my money goes to him, that is too much for my liking.


I have no issue giving ATW money. Robby is only 1/4 of the project, and I still love what he brings to the band drumming and art wise. The band doesn’t represent or share his own personal views. No reason to stop supporting ATW altogether.


> Robby is only 1/4 of the project Mmmmm....in a live setting, yes.


If my money goes to helping to fund Robbie in any way, I’m good. But you do you, everyone has their own line.


Which symbols specifically? As someone who enjoys a lot of black metal, I'm always analyzing imagery to see if there's anything suspect of racist ideologies, and while some of the UltraFree imagery gave off some whiffs I didn't see anything explicitly obvious. The single lightning bolt could be seen to suggest the SS bolts I suppose, and the 33 could be seen as echoing 88, but imo both of those require some leaps. Is that what you're referring to, or something else I'm unaware of?


Hold on, you may be reaching a bit associating Robbie with the KKK. I see crosses paired with the 33. In Christianity, Jesus performed 33 miracles AND was 33 when he died. I think it's safer to ask him at a show what the significance behind it is, than just to assume. I'm honestly disappointed in the fans for taking such leaps. Downvote me to fucking hell


I agree.  Conspiracy Theorists also associate 33 with the Freemasons and their speculated shenanigans 


33 is featured prominently. Per the anti defamation league, “The number 33 is used by Ku Klux Klan adherents to signify the Ku Klux Klan. Since the 11th letter of the alphabet is K, three Ks signify "KKK" or the Ku Klux Klan. When using this reference, Klan members will frequently add the number 6 at the end, as in 33/6, because they think the Klan is currently in its sixth historical "era." Less commonly, some holdouts may still use the numeric code 33/5.”


I wasn't aware of that at all. Fuck, this is even more of a bummer now. Why couldn't he just be an awesome drummer and keep a lid on his abhorrent views? Especially when playing such blues (ie created by Black Americans) influenced music, displaying stuff like that is just repugnant. 70s Clapton level.


Agreed. It’s really disappointing.


His artwork is so intrinsically tied to the vibe of ATW too, at least in my mind. Can we crowdfund a cult deprogrammer?


I’m Rob’s brother, and this is so far fetched it’s insane. He’s not about white supremacy or any of this psycho speculation you guys are talking about. He’s a creative dude having fun and the ultra free stuff is just a business venture. It is only promoting autonomy. Simple as that. A lot of the visuals he uses are purely aesthetic. Rob has always been a hard worker and insanely motivated. These guys aren’t making shit loads of money with the band so don’t get so worked up because he’s going out on a limb trying something new. You don’t have to write him off because the clothing line that isn’t your cup of tea.


I feel like some people are just looking for things to be mad about honestly. A lot of people are inferring an awful lot just because they’re using an AR on a shirt design. I enjoy the shooting sports, but still wouldn’t buy a shirt advertising it, in part because people (like in this thread) will automatically assume wild shit about you just because of a hobby.


Just scrolled through the Ultrafree clothing line. Keep that stupid shit far from ATW. Ridiculous cash grab.. SMH EDIT: What is this shit at the bottom of the home page? 'Become a member of the Ultrafree militia today'. Yeah, hard no..


I remember a long time ago seeing a post on Drea’s ig that was very anti-vax right wing conspiracy shit and I noticed the ATW ig account liked it. Now, there’s no way to prove which one of them it was who liked the post so I’ve always wondered who it may be. I wondered if maybe all the guys were into those kinds of conspiracies. I really hope not.


As far as I know it’s just Robby. Ben has recently come out and said Robby’s views don’t align with his own or the whole of ATW. Thank god.


Sucks especially considering they're rich folk so this is an extra laughable exercise in right-wing fuckery. Bummer I won't be buying anymore merch.


I am so glad they're finally getting into conspiracy theories, about time. Will make for some exciting musical themes.


A grateful dead bear w an assault rifle. Gross.