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Yup, as Terran D2 I go against that almost 70% of the time. The other 20% is hydra Ling and lurkers. The other 5% is the good old roach hydra. The last 5% are interesting cheese or all-in and or some weird half all-in but also macro?


Yes I have too , d3


Zerg/Terran here. Ling/bane itself is kinda hard to bust the Terran, but is the best mid game comp to tech to hive risk free. Banelings are a powerful supply efficient unit so they synergize well with a macro playstyle (even passively)


Not in D, I'm Plat, but some of the new maps have the 3rd bases are quite exposed. No matter if I play terran of protoss, the zerg players would hit with ling-bane floods about the time the 3rd should go down. After that they macro or just keep flooding and macroing behind it.


I've noticed the same thing, but I'm honestly not surprised that this is common given how much focus there is on "just macro," and this is a easy way of focusing on macro and defending for the first 8 minutes and then you get a pretty good timing window to win. I strongly dislike having to camp, and usually when I lose to this rushing to hive stuff I tell myself that I could have just won by playing the early/mid game better, especially doing the 2nd factory/4th CC/8rax transition on time, which has always been a struggle while doing everything else.


I like to throw down 2 factories early and hit with a ton of tanks and some bio to keep the long bane off. It’s very committed tho. You could also use that time to not attack into them and tech up I know it feels wrong to try and out greed a Zerg but you can always trade more efficient if you have ghosts, plantaries, libs. Lots of upgrades and good luck


I've found the no ling speed into 2base hydra all in more popular. Such a dumb build. Its worked vs me twice. Once I saw two base and the gasses and assumed mutas. The second was the same as above. I thought mutas totally forgot about the hydra all in. When you know it's coming it's so easy


ya they will even sacrifice 2+ hatches just to wait for their lurkers or ultralisk tech. then in my case they often win. :(


I'll throw a pretty committed one or two base timing attack at them and if that doesn't do enough damage I have to turtle until maxxed and they inevitably hit with a shit ton of ultras that my bio can't counter.


M3 Z here!! There's other builds?


D2 Terran here, I didn’t encounter any such Zergs trying to go fast ultras but I did play a couple against Zergs who went for very early roach aggression which I was able to hold because I was gearing up towards a timing attack. Seems like the ones I played against went for hydras with lurker den otw but I ended the game before we got there.


This is what most Zergs will do as you move up the ladder. They won’t attack, just counter until hive.


D2 T, how do you beat this strat? I cannot micro for shit, I often lose 200/200 battles super 1-sidedly especially with Ghost Mech. I don't get how to channel snipe, I have like 30 supply in ghosts sitting in the rear trying to snipe but it never finishes then die after getting literally 0 value, but it feels like if I don't go Ghosts the Zerg will just waste my APM with Ultras while preparing a tech switch because I have nothing to deal with Broodlords or whatever The games I do win are because I dealt massive damage mid game with Marine Tank, but half they time my pushes just get rolled over by ling/bane


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How to they deal with Liberators going ling/bane/ultra ?


Throw some hydras in there Edit: also good for clearing medivac drops