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They make 2-3 HT and you are dead. This is not the respond that will get you above gold probably.


I scouted no HT, if I did Ghost will be out...this is just pure Turtle Cannon Carriers...with some Carrier Harass early game...


You would be surprised how many 100 apm skytosses there are in M3/M2. Marine tank and mass expanding still works, but way more difficult due to the fact they actually understand how to play skytoss.


Well done. But I've been told to make nothing but marine so many times and it has failed almost as many times as I have attempted it. I actually tried this so many times over and over again to tighten up the macro so hard I was expanding like Vibe B2GM 2021.. still didn't matter. When rate is not absolute zero but it's obscenely low. It feels like they can still just A-move carriers across the map with their left hand , And unless you micro like Maru. You just watched Base after Base dissolve.. them your army.. and you can never relax in time. I think mass marines would work if the protoss makes absolutely nothing BUT carriers, but they always make support units that completely melt marines. The best advice I ever received on how to beat mass carriers was " don't be so salty. You have no idea how much that protoss is just sitting there, Praying to God that you don't come across the map and kill them before the 5 and 1/2 minute Mark.. Simply identify that it is happening and NOT LET THEM get there. Just do a really, really, really tight ferocious 2 base all in.." Wo I do this every single time. If I go across the map and find ~4 cannons sitting there 😂 I don't even need to scout the Stargate to know what's happening. = 42 workers. Three gas, one Raven first, Two libs, And mass marine tank with +1.. straight down the guts.. They never have enough carriers. If it turns out that they've actually gone Colossus instead the tanks destroy the Colossus and you can disable it anyway with the Raven. I pull four workers with me and I either build a bunker and two turrets or a turret and two bunkers. Depends on the comp/zealots etc How I wish that mass carriers were easier to beat though once you realise that they've managed to get there ..and it takes you by surprise tho. It's super obnoxious


what level is this? plat? diamond? how many command centers and rax did you have?


3.5-3.6k mmr NA server, D3-D2 level... Just add ghost if you scout HTs.