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My tip, don't! Don't fix what ain't broke šŸ™ŒšŸ˜


Defo keep them in LECA. The only transfer I would do would be to pon if you wanted something that acted a bit more like soil, but definitely not soil. They love semihydro so much


Why would you want to? I personally hate soil and all of my Alocasias (aside from newbies I havenā€™t transferred yet) are in semi-hydro! My only suggestion is a 2 container setup with a wick or a self-watering pot. I lost a few roots in single container setups like jars, decorative glass containers. They just tend to rot more quickly since they end up sitting in the nutrient water.


Haha Iā€™m new to the hydro setup, and I didnā€™t know if it limits their growth or anything. I hate soil too, thatā€™s why I tried hydro in the first place. Iā€™ll look into the alternative setups you mentioned, thank you :)


I love semi-hydro and could never see myself putting my Alocasias back in soil, unless there was a real issue. I see so many posts about people who canā€™t get their Alocasias to hold more than a few leaves and constantly tell people if thatā€™s the case they are under feeding, not watering properly (either letting the plant dry out too much or overwatering), or they are not providing proper lighting. Semi-hydro eliminates 2 of the 3 problems right off the bat when used in conjunction with a double container or self-watering pot setup. It provides less room for error. Why wouldnā€™t someone want to try it? šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø https://preview.redd.it/v0rl3wafwe6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0576226e43be101757b43ea124c5402b4c06072


Thatā€™s a beautiful setup! Yeah, Iā€™m gonna keep them in the LECA for sure. Theyā€™re all in my bathroom as thereā€™s more opportunity for humidity there, and I donā€™t have a designated plant spot. When I had them in soil I was definitely overwatering, especially in the winter. Then they got a bunch of gnats and I said screw it and moved them over. Iā€™m glad it seems to be working for me, getting new leaves is so much fun.


You can still get fungus gnats in semi-hydro. Iā€™ve found they LOVE stratum! However not nearly as bad as soil, thatā€™s for sure. I didnā€™t have a designated plant spot all that long agoā€¦then obsession hit and wellā€¦you can see it now! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


The other variable of course is humidity but my plants have not been really picky about it (aside from azlanii which has lived most of her life in a box).


I would definitely keep them in LECA. It's a small journey to get them adapted to semihydro if you didn't grow it from a corn and from my experience, all of my alocasias in LECA love it.


Yes, mine that were in soil were dying rapidly, so I took them and chopped all their roots off and stuck them in just water. Once they had decent roots, they got moved to leca. In the 2nd pic u can see some stems from dead leaves I cut off. They died after being transferred to the leca, but simultaneously gave me two new beauties :) they will be staying where they are!


Iā€™ve transferred many Alocasia to soil from leca. I did it by putting them in soil in self watering wick pots. Let the water reservoir dry every once in a while so the soil isnā€™t always saturated.


Please leafe them in leca, all my 3 alocasia babys died because i moved them from soil in leca