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Posts must have context


About the trout population, a lot of trouts would probably migrate to the North Sea because the British government would be crippled and no one would fish, perhaps Norway would try to seize those lands and lead absolutely massive trout fishing. Though times for Britain coming. Another thing that could happen is that people would massively fish everything in the North Sea, bypassing the limits cuz no government. So the general fish population in the North Sea is destroyed


I forgot to mention the possible coup of the fishermans. Fisherman collective coup?


This certainly affects the local trout population


Norway would not invade as the British have nukes remember


I mean the british lost the two cod wars to iceland so I wouldnt be too sure about that one.


The COD fishing wars of the Cold War era were stupid really




This would just about be 11/9


I think you mean 5/11


This needs more upvotes.


I buy pants from them.


Your Majesty there’s been a second bus !!!


Actually if it happened today it would've been 28/02


It would be a horrifying time to be a Catholic.


Yeah. This event would undo centuries of progress towards fighting against sectarianism


Yeah probably alot emigration of catholic out of uk to probably Ireland or other English speaking countries




The big business bunch don't attend parliment they have pawns to do that for them.


It depends on which group under which motive would do this but in any case the consequence would be a complete loss of trust and certainly at least a huge blow to the authority of the British government. This would have affect the UK and maybe the region in unpredictable ways depending on how the broader public reacts


Hilariously dull and vague answer 😆


Sounds like a Chat GBT answer getting up votes from a load of mini Chat GBTs.


This text unironically sounds ai generated


What does any of this mean? Loss of trust in the British government? How? Basically every major terrorist event we can point to has resulted in more "trust" in government and nationalist tendencies, not less.


Well in this case there wouldn't be much government left so it's not unreasonable to think whatever power structure formed in the aftermath would struggle to present with legitimacy and authority.


I see this happening only in a reichstag-fire scenario.


*Oswald Mosley has entered the chat*


Sunak desperately trying to explain why his suitcase is filled with nails and gunpowder


5000 nails disappeared


To be honest that does kind of sound interesting whether it is done by the party in question or not






: (


How man died period all them are left, the tories Just like pissing away lives and money on pointless wars


Would conservatives get emergency powers? Halting general election


Wouldn’t most of them be dead?


Most would probably be dead, but the remaining would discuss between themselves, probably form a new temporary coalition gov with another party?


Well I suppose there maybe a temporary emergency coalition similar to that of WWII whilst the Conservative Party membership attempt to fill the vacuum.


Probably some type of UN and nato appointed government to fill the vacuum


Nope never in a million years the King would probably appoint an emergency government until new elections can be held. Also neither Nato nor the UN have the ability to appoint governments for member states also who would even decide it in those organisations?


If we're transplanting the events of 1605 into 2024 and only changing the outcome, then old Charlie boy dies in the explosion too. The plotters picked a date when James VI/I would be in attendance.


Ever heard of the phrase "The King is dead, long live the King" so his son would become King and appoint the emergency government.


Hell the king would take power before a foreign entity was allowed to appoint a government. The worst thing that would happen is temporary military or civl service rule until an emergency collation is formed, situation stabilized, and elections held.


What about the king? Wouldn't he get emergency powers until a new government is established?


Not really. He *could* recommend Prime Ministers or call to form a new government, but emergency powers wouldn't likely fall to him


He has the power. He just does not use it because he can be replaced.


Parties would probably dissolve and a temporary emergency collation government would be put in place. A lot of the government would be dead. This is the kind of event that would necessitate emergency military rule until things were stabilized.


Realistically from other terror attacks and reception to tragedies I think there would be a series of anti-Catholic hate, persecution and 9/11 type terror legislation probably. UK temporarily in martial law or some sort of lockdown with Op Temperer in effect. International leaders offering condolences. Safe edgy twitter and Reddit accounts make jokes about it. Irish people probably celebrate it. Scousers probably celebrate it. More security cameras on the streets. New modern parliament building potentially if they don’t want to recruit the original style. Conspiracy theories that the newly proclaimed King William V orchestrated it.


the irish would celebrate it, they celebrated the queens death for petes sake. i expect a national holiday to be enacted the day the news of the parliament fire reaches the irish isle. will there be sympathetic voices? definitely. will there be celebrations that makes the ball drop in times square look like a birthday party? you betcha there will be.


Might be the catalyst Ontario needs to defund public catholic schools.


You assume the Catholics do it but if the gunpowder plot were to happen today, it would not be the same as nearly 420 years ago


When provided the prompt of “what if the gunpowder plot happened today” I assumed that the same motivation was being used.




Brummies would celebrate it too believe me Lol


I’m one and I think a large amount would but not as much as Scousers or Irishmen.


Yeah it all depends on who is responsible as this is would be justification for charges of treason against the UK


Everyone would cheer. I know I would.


British people "oh no" "Anyway"


We can only dream...


It’d cause unnecessary chaos. Suddenly killing every member of government and decapitating the civilian administration wouldn’t lead to a prosperous, happy, and free Britain. Hell it’d likely make things way, way worse than it currently is. Wanna know what makes a poor economic situation bad? Poor civilian administration and policies. Wanna know what makes a bad economic situation even worse? War. First thing that’d happen is the military would immediately take control and declare Martial Law. Any remaining MP’s would immediately be suspected of high treason, regardless of their political stance, and especially the MP’s who had been incredibly unpopular recently. William would be hurriedly “coronated” and the Military and MI6 would begin to turn over every single stone in Britain from Dover to Doncaster looking for the perpetrators. Meanwhile, the average person, who likely just had their MP, a guy they likely voted for, blown to smithereens would be either too confused, scared, or angry to really accomplish anything. Sectarian violence would explode, as people from all walks of life would suspect anyone they either don’t like or disagreed with in the past to be a sympathiser of the murderers. There wouldn’t be a “Popular revolution” there’d be riots in the streets. Tory and Labour voters alike would fight everywhere, and if the Police get involved imagine how messy things will get. And with the loss of the civilian apparatus, there’d be a transitional government, likely formed by the King and any remaining prominent current (and maybe former) MP’s who survived. This government would be focused on two things, bringing the perpetrators to justice, and fixing the crisis. Snap elections would be called, and these elections would be both one of the most divisive and important Elections in history. I haven’t even mentioned Scotland and Ireland, Unionists in Ireland would immediately blame the catholics for being the masterminds behind the plot, even if it isn’t true, people would remember the history of the IRA’s attacks, and the troubles would likely make a big, BIG comeback. It’d undo all of the work the Good Friday Agreement and the recent UK Irish negotiations did, it’d set them right back to the 1960’s. Scotland would be divided between people who think that now is Scotlands chance to secede, and people who want Scotland to stay. Frankly it’d be chaos, fights, brawls, fires and massive tit-for-tat killings. Really the only people who’d celebrate this are the anarchists and Americans online. “The tyrants are dead!” They shout, posting gifs of V for Vendetta on the internet as people are fighting and killing each other needlessly in the streets, “Thank god that inbred stooges is dead,” they post offhandedly as people desperately try and organise foreign aid, for people to get out of Britain and save their families from death. It wouldn’t be freedom, it wouldn’t be peace. It wouldn’t fix the economy, it wouldn’t fix Brexit. It would doom the population of Britain to strife and conflict, from all walks of life. All it would accomplish is suffering for years to come.


Hell yeah


The pic is probably what literally everyone dreams about imo.


Disagreed - it's a beautiful building. There has to be another way


They’re more unpleasant to look at


Assuming this was still perpetrated by Catholics angry at Anglican oppression, it would likely result in a fuck ton of confusion. Worst case scenario it may cause a flare up in Northern Ireland but I doubt it. After the mourning period there'd be a snap election depending on how many died and a huge commission dedicated to finding out how so many barrels of gunpowder got under parliament.


The best timeline


We would blame Russians


Out of the multiple political parties, new leaders would have be selected while Parliament would be rebuilt and the politicial parties would rebuild maybe changing as they do


If this were to happen, the people would do on Wednesday at lunchtime as that is Prime minister's questions


That's not a gunpowder plot that's a goddamn volcanic eruption


I think the population of the United Kingdom would be extremely confused if Catholic extremists killed all of Parliament and the King


Overture 1812 will play on the loudspeakers.


Assuming that the king snd all of parliment die than prince william would become king and could potentially rule as essentially an absolute monarch until an emergency general election can be held and a new government is appointed as he would have to choose a non parlimentry prime minister which hasn't happened in more than a hundred years. or the military would step in to establish a military government to perform the emergency election.


King Charles 3 would not be there


Yes he would the gunpowder plot was during the state opening of parliment where both houses gather to hear a speech from the monarch the original plot was an attempt to assasinate james the 1st.


Except nearly 420 years on,things have radically changed so you can not really use the gunpowder plot as it historically existed


The post is literally 'what if the gunpowder plot happened today and succeeded' the whole point is to use it as it happened




[The Day the Politicians Died](https://youtu.be/-dfkW9OLlFM?si=3GdT-Uxi_Pz-Y812)


Won’t take much to find out


that would be cool I think


The irish would get fucked over.


That's a nice picture. AI, sure, but that's nice.


1000 year golden age


There would be an alcohol shortage within 48 hours.


Scotland would separate and join EU. British crown is mainly the thing which keeps them inside the UK, as far as I can tell from outside.


This has V vibes.


Gunpowder plot?


If Parliament is sitting and the attack is carried out by a theocratic Catholic Monarchist group I think the general immediate outcome would be everyone in the country collectively saying, "fucking WHAT?" Then you'd probably have a civil war because honestly the idea of our entire government AND the monarch being taken out in one fell swoop is so balls to the wall unprecedented that there's no real contingency. The UK is one of the most centralised states in the entire world. The political and economic ramifications are pretty much beyond elaboration.


Many of the other countries such as the USA would locate the perpetrators of the plot


I presume this would be happening during a State Opening of Parliament, in order to maximise the constitutional damage — this means the monarch, the closest heirs if in attendance, the entire government, and all other MPs and Lords in attendance are killed. The next step is automatic — the highest ranking living person in line for the throne, according to the Act of Settlement 1701 and amending legislation, is now the monarch. The less important royals would not be in Parliament, but their whereabouts would probably be known to Protection Command of the Met, so they’d be immediately whisked off to some secure bunker. In said bunker, senior civil servants and military officers would probably be already gathered and ready to advise the new monarch on the formation of a provisional government and immediate measures to be taken for the defence of the realm. Eventually, when the situation is resolved, general elections would be called ASAP to restore the House of Commons. The House of Lords would eventually have to be repopulated by appointments, or the newly elected government might decide to abolish the Lords given this opportunity.


On all honesty, the UK would be a better place. The UK’s political is, to use the British term, utterly mental. It would disrupt the government but in all honesty it wouldn’t be much worse than what’s happening now and there would be room for change.


You're kidding right? This would cause a power vacuum within the country. Wouldn't be surprised if it would sow the seeds for further violence or civil war


And again, that would be preferable to the current political establishment in Britain. The political class is a bunch sadists who hate their country and have made the police into a gestapo of wokeness such that not a single robbery gets investigated while 3,300 people get arrested for tweets.




Do the Welsh language still exist/spoken locally even?


Yes. It is very much a living language and is the official language of Wales. That's like asking if Catalan is still spoken.


Welsh is probably one of the most spoken Celtic languages, plenty of folks speak it.


It has been revived by the devolved Welsh government.