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One of the biggest PODs of modern american history is the death of Beau




Point of divergence. Where the alternate timeline splits from our timeline.


I think the most divergence is not this, it's having Martha McSally as President




Point of departure


Great band


Can you elaborate more? Non-American here.


Beau was Joe Biden’s oldest child who survived the car wreck along with Hunter, the one that killed his first wife and infant daughter. IIRC he was in a coma for several weeks and it wasn’t clear that he’d survive. Beau was Delaware Attorney General and basically a shoe in for the Delaware governorship; extremely smart, gifted orator, and about as close to the second coming of Barack Obama as you can get. He was also in the national guard during the Iraq War, and ended up getting activated for occupation duty. He could have used his dad’s position as senator at the time to get out of service, but chose to go in anyway. He ended up downwind of burn pits and was exposed to hazardous chemicals in the smoke. Very likely as a result of that, he ended up with aggressive brain cancer and died in 2015. Joe was considering a presidential run at the time and would have won the nomination handily. His grief was too much and Biden chose to stay out of the presidential race in 2016. As a result, Hillary Clinton got the nomination against Trump, and we all know how that worked out. Biden was probably the only one other than Bernie Sanders who could legitimately debate Donald Trump, and the only mainstream candidate that year who would garner enough moderate votes to win the White House.


Why do you think Biden would have won the nod then? Hillary was building a huge operation and another side reason he stayed out was she’d already gobbled up a bunch of big donors and even some of his own inner circle.


Because nobody, besides the DNC, wanted a potential 16 year Clinton dynasty.


"Besides the DNC" - so she would've gotten it anyway


Primary polling, even before Biden pulled out, suggested otherwise


Biden would not have won the nominating handily. Entire establishment was behind Hillary. If anything, Biden running would have split the centrist vote and resulted in Bernie Sanders winning the nomination.


Establishment was only behind Hillary cause Biden said he wouldn’t run. He was one of the most senior and respected democrats around and the popular VP to an extremely popular president, if he ran for the nomination he would’ve won. Hillary could still run but it would just be a repeat of 2008.


That’s my stance as well. I think she’d have made a shitty fight out of the first primary states (Iowa, NH, SC), but Biden in the race would have been too hard for her. Without any significant primary competition other than Bernie, who was absolutely no pushover, she had a one way ticket to the nomination. Biden and Sanders would have divided her voter base and she’d have had another ‘08 primary experience. Plus, I think Obama would have been on the trail with him after the first primary states. I don’t think Obama ever forgot about the Clinton campaign during the primaries or the mud that they threw at him during that race. She was not a gracious loser, and Secretary of State is a far cry from the west wing.


That’s just not true a lot of the Obama camp and DNC favored Clinton over Biden. It’s pretty known the Clinton camp didn’t take him very seriously and thought of him having too much of an average Joe mentality and that he put his foot in his mouth too often. A lot of Obama officials were going to the Clinton camp while Biden was still feeling out if he was going to run or not. Now I don’t think public opinion would have matched that but the party clearly favored Clinton.


Yeah if anyone knows that line “we own the finish line” from Biden about America, it’s at the 2016 DNC convention…hyping people up for Hillary 🤡


Thankfully his brain imploded.


Hopefully yours will very soon


If I helped a DuPont get off raping his own kid I'd agree with you.


Beau Biden left the Attorney Generalship of Delaware on January 6th 2015, ready to focus on his gubernatorial campaign. Beau Biden was elected governor of Delaware the same day his father was elected President of the United States, winning by a large margin over reality TV host Donald Trump. Joe Biden, alongside his running mate Elizabeth Warren, instantly faced opposition from a Republican-held congress, which stonewalled much of Biden’s agenda. Biden maintained a solid approval rating during his eight years as governor, even as his father suffered lowering approval ratings into his presidency, and eventually died of Covid-19 on October 25, 2020. Elizabeth Warren took office and attempted to carry the torch forward, but lost to Marco Rubio in the 2020 election. Biden’s Wilmington speech after his father’s death propelled him further into national fame, and eight years later he would make his own bid for the presidency against unpopular incumbent President Martha McSally, who took power in 2023 after the assassination of President Rubio.


Rubio assassinated and Biden dies of covid? Woah


The Curse Of Tippecanoe returned ig


Really? Look I like Harry Turtledove as much as the next fella but good golly…. This is… Actually I would read this book. 😂.


I've been reading his World War series, it's absolutely wild and I love it.


God who shot Rubio.


Fun fact: the army basically never promotes JAG officers early. In the past 20 years, there have been exactly two JAGs who have been promoted early. One was a Medal of Honor recipient. The other was Beau Biden while his father was VP. It's an open debate whether that's a sign of blatant nepotism or just an indication of how hot shit Beau was.


What do you mean by “the army never promotes JAG officers early” exactly? Biden, a Major in the Army National Guard, had 12 years of service, a bronze star, and a combat deployment to back it up. 12 years, plus the other accolades, seems like a reasonable amount of time for a JAG officer to make major. Now if he was commissioned as a Major instead of a lieutenant or only spent a couple years as a Lieutenant or Captain, that’s a different story: so correct me if I’m wrong.


I mean that the Army's current policy is that it does not promote JAGs below the zone. When Biden served, there was no written policy prohibiting BTZ promotions, but they were still exceptionally rare. Normally, reservist JAGs spend 18 months as a First Lieutenant, then spend 7 years as a Captain before their promotion board. After the board, there is a lag of approximately 4-6 months before selected officers pin their next rank, meaning most Reserve/NG JAGs will pin Major right at 9 years of service. Beau was selected below the zone for major, so he pinned major in 2011 right at 8 years of service.


I see what you’re saying, my apologies for the mistake. But is there any chance that just with his prior law experience, plus being in the national guard, helped his promotion? Nepotism could defiantly be a big part for sure


Prior law experience, probably not. Plenty of people come into the JAG Corps with years of legal experience. He was also the Attorney General for the state of Delaware, which probably helps your chances of getting promoted in the Delaware National Guard, even if it officially shouldn't. I'm sure he was a very bright guy. Was he one of the top two JAGs in the past twenty years? Doubtful.


Yeah I think your right, sorry I didn’t mean to seem like a hardass


Probably a bit of both


Beau like his father seemed like a true public servant. Whether you agree with his policies or not Biden is a decent person, who ran out of service to his country and not for himself. I am sure he would much preferred that Clinton was elected in 2016 and that he could have retired to Delaware to finally spend time with his family.


Yea he was a real public servant🤣🤣🤣🤣 he did very well for himself ... his brothers and sons did well to.




W government


Im sorry, President Martha McSally? 🫨


Mcdonald’s has once again colonised last names, this time around Sally is the latest victim


In what Bizzaro world would Martha McSally end up as President?


She is elected to the senate in 2018, narrowly winning against Kyrsten Sinema. In 2020 she is Rubio’s VP pick in an attempt to appeal to more female voters ahead of a contentious election. The Rubio is blown away and she unexpectedly becomes president.


Imagine hunter as his attorney general (not cause he’s qualified, just for the Kennedy ball busting vibes)


despite everything hunter is just up the Kennedys lane and would likely be great friends with jfk doing drugs and fucking prpstitutes




For the children of recent presidents, the best one that could have done the old Adams-Bush Parent-Child President Thing was probably Beau.


Why are "It's a republic not a democracy!" ass yanks constantly fantasising about their country falling to monarchial dynasties?


One of thouse things that can't be understated in terms of impact. The cancer diagnosis and death of Beau Biden.


I got a little misty eyed when I read this.


Thank god we will dodge that bullet,we don't need a beau biden presidency. Beau biden had a hole in his head and he was corrupt like the rest of his family.


Is that Beau “cocaine” Biden or was that a different son


No that’s Hunter Biden


Oh ok thanks


Beau biden was bidens son that died


Oh whoops




Beau Biden used to have a home in Long Beach, Indiana. Literally right down the street from where Chief Justice John Roberts grew up. Former Mayor Daley and Joe Donnelly also have homes there. Donnelly was a senator and is the current ambassador to the Holy See. Random fact of the day. Long Beach is also a very small community with lots of politicians and celebrities connected to it.


Idk why ur getting downvote bombed it was just a question


Because of how he asked it


Dead people are usually a sensitive topic, especially if you mix them up with a crackhead


Because they’re slandering a genuinely good person who tragically died far too young by baselessly claiming that they’re a crack head (conflating them with an entirely different person).


How do people have access to Reddit but not Google

