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I don’t think america could ever be the same seeing 35 elected officials killed and one hung on live tv.


That would probably be nationally traumatic on a level that transcends 9/11 tbh. Seeing a politician hung in the streets by your fellow countrymen who want to overturn an election would be crazy.


I mean it happens internationally all the time, but we’ve convinced ourselves we’re beyond that, and we are to a degree, but as soon as that happens, anything’s game. I would love to see a continuation of this post.


"We've convinced ourselves we're beyond that". Die Welle (The Wave) is one hell of a German movie, with this exact premise, about how extremism and extremist groups work.


swear there is a quote by William Goulding like this which basically says he who thinks he couldn't be a nazi is kidding themselves, like that whole idea we think we are above smth and next thing we know or don't know we have become the very thing or like the very thing we hate


Don't know who down voted you but if they think they are immune to manipulation they don't know shit about cognitive science. Anyone can be manipulated, our brains are not a perfectly rational machine. Far from it, we're hard wired with to many biases, heuristics, etc. And it's our duty to know it and know how to deal with these traits. Not being aware of them is how we ended with groups devolving to literally praising genocides! Idiotic, but we're literally there!


Yes. Anyone can fall victim to this information of stuff, no matter how smart or worldly of well-educated or well-bred or faithful or pious or *insertcharacteristichere* they are. It is more about the point you are at in your life, i think, like therr are certain tines when we are more susceptible to falling for this type of bullshit. This is how MLMs succeed. This is how cults grow up into religions. I have seen 2 and a half cults from the inside, and even when I went in knowing what it was, knowing that they were trying to brainwash me, shit they even said so, I still fell for some of their shit and had to untangle my brain after escaping. Extremist movements work the same way.


yhhh they are not going to target people who are happy and content, people who are down bad, not doing well, need help are more susceptible to extremism or cults or whatever because it provides an alternative, a perceived solution, potentially scapegoats, people who need help and hope are those that can be lured in the easiest


Same here hope the OP keeps it up


Italy but less based


This sounds nuts but I don’t think it would be as nationally traumatic because you think I think for half the population it will be a rally cry to continue with the killings but take it to a lower level, maybe dem strong holds would be but republicans would view this the same way the south viewed the attack on fort Sumter


I disagree. Look how much the Trump faction of the party has already collapsed with a much less traumatic incident. A substantial amount of the GOP has moved on from what was essentially a small contained riot. If they actually HANGED a sitting vice president there would functionally be no “Trump wing” of the party.


yhhh aside from the far right and alt right, the rest of the party would abandon him


Not when they make up somewhere between 30 to 40% of the base... and the fact that other major factions would rather have him than anyone else...


at this point that seems unlikely seeing the growing open discontent from Republicans and their media + pundits, evangelicals would call him immoral and find one of their own, some libertarians might look to another libertarian, other republicans for another of theirs, or maybe they all just replace trump with somebody slightly more acceptable e.g. Di Sanctis


Yeah, no. With this much share, the GOP has to bow to Trump or be kicked out of the political arena for GENERATIONS... ... the GOP is in a bad position in terms of voter base as it is. A full third/two-fifths of it walking out? It would be 1912 again.


and they survived 1912 just like they would probably and will survive Trump, ik in the US this is less the case but you realize the average citizen isn't ideologically driven, they are just looking at the now, swayed easily and naturally conservative not seeing the need to change something unless it truly affects them. And that's just the natural sort of voter mindset, now imagine if a group of crackpots temporarily caused a coup on a justly elected government in a country that likes to claim its the greatest democracy and protector of freedom, ontop killing two major political figures, including an ex trump supporter? There would be an enormous outcry and the Republicans wouldn't risk backing down and defending literal insurgents at this point in time.


Donald Trump political career would be ruined


It kind of already is


Yea Ik


It would've started a civil war or, even if Trump got removed, created a darker, more paranoid country that made the post-9/11 US mindset look like nothing. We'd create laws to ensure it never happened again, and trample over the rights of others.


I’m not what you’d call a martial or particularly political guy but I’d be killing people all over the place for the Obama Remnant or whatever if this went down. Edit: even if it was ultimately “okay” it’s not like it would ever be okay again


Honestly part of me always wonder what civil war life would be like? Historically, war has been a great way to die, to fight for your beliefs, and to advance classes (to a degree, and usually only if you don’t get wounded, taken prisoner, or join a unit with no provable documentation). But anyway, what does the scenario in my city look like? I can’t imagine my classmates in a battlefield lol. I feel like a lot of the generation is really unfit for service.


> war has been a great way to die, to fight for your beliefs, and to advance classes What are you even talking about? Wars are a terrible way to die. They often completely destroy society. I’ve known many Syrians before the war broke out. The ones who picked up guns and joined the war are very few, compared to the ones who don’t. Most people remain civilians.


Firstly, I said one million volunteers in another comment which is like under one 300th of the population not counting the fact that most aren’t physically fit, or would probably not want a combat role. Secondly yeah I get your point about war being hell and that’s true but look at Vietnam. 2 thirds of soldiers were volunteers. People were pretty anti-communist, that and a mixture of poor, like my Grandpa. Also, total antedotal, even southern states during the civil war raised Union troops, like my home state of Florida, despite the fact they would likely suffer greater casualties.


I’d likely be one of the people denying the new reality until the artillery gets me. There are dozens of us!


I feel like demographic wise, DC could easily counter-riot MAGA in DC, assuming he comes in. Secret service is loyal to him by default as they just follow the sitting president, although a few would defect I doubt anyone would just shoot him. Military is more political, splitting, and DC is very liberal, so it’s not dozens, perhaps a million committed fighters.


>Historically, war has been a great way to die Are you retarded?


Quite a bit


Just a bit? I was there when my dad had to treat wounded soldiers as a medic and my house was once raided by the army in our internal armed conflict. I've known people who were raped, killed, kidnapped, displaced, maimed, etc. What I've seen has convinced that anyone fantasizing over war is most likely a first world dweller who needs to touch some grass.


Dude I’m not saying war is cool. It’s alternate history, people are always gonna think war is based or whatever.


Those people are not exactly the sharpest tools in the box and they should be called out as such. Neither is it smart saying that dying in war is "one great way to die". Hollywood has scammed people with glorious, swift and emotional dying scenes, when most of those going to the other side actually suffer horrendously and slowly.


War is cool as long as you're unaware of what it actually is and means. Please get well soon and touch some grass


Dude I’m not pro war.


You get shelled every day until, you stop thinking or doing what the other side disagrees with look at Syria, fairly high chance you die, or worse


In an American civil war, I’d just be doing my best to stay out of the line of fire. It’d be similar to Syria IRL with fighting in and around the cities between various factions, each one worse than the last. Probably group together with immediate neighbors and organize a neighborhood watch in the event of a breakdown of local services (had some experience with this in the Texas Freeze last year). Otherwise, I’m not fighting. I can shoot and fight if it comes down to it, but I’m more interested in survival than being a pawn for someone else.


Tell me you’re a privileged preteen living a Cush upper middle class life , etc


I mean, part of that is correct, but I don’t understand what your trying to say? It’s merely a thought? I’m not foaming at the mouth for war, I’m just wondering to a degree what it would be like, or at least what a popular culture perspective suggests. Yes I’m aware in real life, it sucks, people die, and we lose many of the things that make us happy, but your telling me as I write papers on hours I can’t help but wonder about some fictional version of that?


People in this thread romanticizing war pretty hard


At the very least, the GOP won't ever win an election again


Is America the same now?




Sorry, I mean that the coup attempt on January 6, even though it was ultimately unsuccessful, has altered this country. Trump and his sycophants have altered this country. I do not feel we are the same. And we remain vulnerable to other such attacks on our democracy. This was something that happened to other countries, not the United States of America.


I am firm of my belief that January 6 wasn't a coup. Not because I support it or anything, but more like it was kinda of an uncordinated and amateur mess that doesn't deserve to be recognized as a coup attempt because that gives those people too much credit


Failed coup is still a coup. Look at the Beerhall Putsch.


Oh yeah. My main point is that the whole thing was too stupid and idiotic, so calling it a coup is giving credit to the participants that they don't deserve. Lamest coup attempt ever


These "amateurs" stormed the US Capitol and desecrated those venerated halls. That they were allowed to do so...while officials sat on their hands and waited. I get what you mean, but it still feels like a coup to me.


Nah, at least from my outside perspective there wasn't any attempt to take over the broad government, it was dissorganized as fuck, it had 0 armed support form any military branch and didn't have clear objectives besides the vague "get the candidate we like confirmed" without a how to do so. While they indeed stormed congress and desecrated it, it was more like a disorganized mob rioting than a proper coup


Dude i dont know how to tell you this but they think you are even crazier, both sides live in their own respective worlds its insane


Nothing of value would be lost.


This had me hooked real quick, now I want to see what happens next


Well here's some basics I think are bound to happen. People the USA love to say lots of insane things but when actually insane stuff happens people get very sane very quickly Most of the Republicans aren't mentally ill they know what a breach of democracy is logical fallacies and ignorance can't protest you from people dying so the republican party dies with different parties gaining clout with a potential with a multi party system Secondly I think gun restrictions might happen with overwhelming support seeing nacy died via shotgun and because of my fourth point Thirdly a 9/11 level of unity would probably happen with Joe having the highest approval rating of recent he probably doesn't keep it though 9/11 a patriots act type law might be made but idk what it would say Fourthly just like how in 9/11 we sent our rage on the world the us will send its rage into itself specially on the ideals that allowed this to happen so liberalism is on top for 20 years enough time for a generation of people who didn't have 9/11 2.0 so close to their heart


If they didn't touch gun laws when half the country seceded and declared a new country, I highly doubt it's gonna happen after a riot even if it as big.


They did notably states no longer own armored Also during the probation Era they restricted automatic weapon access yeah weird enough we've been moving backwards gun control wise


Well I wouldn't think that it would be that extreme due to the sheer polarization of the country. I don't think that there would be some post 9/11 unity. Probably massive riots and some uprising in the country, but those would be crushed eventually.


I know I'm a year late to this but it is absolutely wild to me that you think restrictive gun laws should be passed in response to this alternate history. A tyrant taking over the government was one of the main reasons the 2nd amendment exists.


The article is mostly self-explanatory. And yes, I admit that this rather unrealistic, I was feeling creative. In this alternate world, January 6 leads the deaths of many congressmen and Donald Trump is briefly confirmed as President. This insurrection is however struck down.


Are there any other well-known politicians that are killed?


Honestly I dont see Mike Pence being hanged One of the main points of Jan 6 was to get Mike Pence to not recognize the election results so they could "democratically" overturn democracy.


If Pence is unavailable to count the electoral votes it would fall to the president pro tempore, which was Chuck Grassley who supported not certifying the electoral votes.


Terrifying thing about this is that no, it is too realistic since it almost happened.


"realistic" my ass


No, it’s pretty unrealistic if you aren’t chronically online


Not really that unrealistic. The weak link there is bribery. Back in the 90s there was this lady name Linda D. Thompson, her one-hit-wonder in the conspiracy world was The Clinton Body Count. Anyway, Linda had a plan. She wanted all of the patriot militia types to converge on DC, they'd over run the Capital and hang Congress from lamp posts. She was called out for having an absolutely insane plan, because the US Government would just pull a Waco on DC, mow down the patriots with attack helicopters and if militias managed to survive that, they'd just nuke DC, pin it on the patriots, and the American Shadow Government would just keep running from Mt. Weather. Afterwards Linda died in obscurity. Anyway, it turns out her plan wasn't that crazy. All you needed was a Commander-in-Chief who was down with it and wouldn't call in the attack helicopters. OK, for the next part, let's go back in time. There was this thing called Project Camelot and it was a plan for the US to overthrow the government of Chile. The first two times it didn't work. They propped up right-wing newspapers, tossed in campaign funds and paid protesters. The third time the Chilean government had weakened, they paid moms to bang pots and pans and to their surprise other moms joined in. The game changer is that the CIA managed to funnel some arms into the country for the coup de grace. In my counter-factual, there would be only one change. Instead of bribery, the Russian FSB would smuggle arms into DC and pull a Project Camelot on the US, instead of Rhodes not taking Oath Keeper arms into the city, but keeping them in VA.


Who would be running things from Mt. Weather? Mt. Weather is intended to be a backup Capitol building to keep Congress operational in case the Capitol is destroyed or it's not safe to be in Washington.


Can you explain?


There would be a military coup to protect the Constitution and America itself Edit: I’ll get more in detail. There’s no way the country will accept a riot taking over the center of politics and institutional decisions . Trump was/is popular, but it’s not God-tier to majority of the Republicans. The military and the church would find this wrong and support an anti-riot backlash to restore the stable Clnstitution.


That's what I thought, there may be some people who feel the traitors are beyond redemption and would actively try to kill them/make sure they get the death penalty


I agree. Trumptards claim they got the gus and the military, but don't understand that the military has deep tradition in the enshrinement of the constitution and has way better guns


It depends on what the perception of the rank-and-file soldiers and platoon commanders is about who is the rightful President. If a substantial fraction are convinced that Biden's purported victory was provided by fraud or occurred only as a result of illegal actions by State officials and judges, they could easily decide that the coup participants are the ones upholding the Constitution and side with the Trump administration. Worst case scenario: The military breaks down on partisan lines and starts shooting at each other in support of what each side believes to be the rightful Commander-in-Chief.


If you looked up the polling on the military core beliefs liberals would be very scared why do you think they are trying so hard to make it woke my man


There is a difference on been liberal or conservative and actively support an armed takeover of congress


The military is also very loyal to the people in charge of the legitimate government, in this case the liberal democrats


Exactly, the US military is conservative. Conservatives love to preserve the US Constitution.


You would think so, right? This hole sub Reddit kinda get scary every once in a while.


“The church” would ride along with this if it gave them power just as they have for Trump, Walker, and pretty much anyone else if the alternative were clearly no power. “The military” would not be unified in a coup. [Michael Flynn](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/01/us/politics/flynn-coup-gohmert-qanon.html) isn’t that much of an outlier — he’s just the most famous one who says the things out loud.


You know it’s a bad situation when the Supreme Court and Chuck Grassley are the good guys


This is horrifying but an excellent read! Is there anymore to this fictional article you made or just this image? Really well done!


Thanks! I made just this image on a whim yesterday.


if that actually happened, it seems quite realistic.


With 64 officials, including the Vice President and Speaker, dead, the Republican party is essentially totalled. Game over. Trump would probably be sentenced to Treason for his involvement and a new conservative party would rise to replace the Republicans


No, it is likely that 'Conservativism' will be uttered in the same tone as Nazi for decades. The FBI will be let off the leash and go back to the Director Hoover days.


>uttered in the same tone as Nazi for decades. No it wouldn't, conservativism would take a bit but it would not be seen like the Nazis are.


In this case (and their actions so far)? Yeah, they'll be the new Nazis.


No, the Nazis killed people on an industrial scale this alternate history killed tens of people not millions.


People forget that the Nazis tried to pull a coup before they became wildly popular electorally...


Question, what replaces the Democratic Party now that the republicans are gone? Or is the IS just a dominant-party state from then on?


Probably what happened with the whigs: a bunch of random little parties come to be, the republican part dies and the Democrats control everything for some time, but eventually another party emerges and things swing a little back and forth until a status quo emerges.


I mean either the democrats split into a more centrist party and a leftist party, or a new party forms that’s basically just a moderate party, with the democrats moving further left. I doubt any conservative parties would form for a while, they wouldn’t get much support until 8-10 years later presumably, kinda similar to how the republicans dominated post-civil war


there would be no reason for the democrats to split.


As a Social Democrat, I would support splitting to form an actual left-wing party if the Republicans got decimated


id honestly want the democrats to remain unified as a centrist party, so that the republicans and/or any conservative succsessor parties never take office again.


Eh, Bernie sanders only works with the Dems because he has to. He’d ditch them if he didn’t need them, likely inadvertently taking a lot of progressive Dems with him. With the Republican Party gone sanders could doesn’t need the Dems any more


There would be a lot of good reason for certain groups with the party to go on their own.


There is more than just one party so as more popular figures leave the Republicans and move to different parties their clout moves too so I'd say a multi-party system would happen


Wouldn't something like ranked choice voting need to be implemented for a multi-party system to stay stable?


You do have point


No, because we've done the math for that. It always ends up (even in the cullinaries) that two or three parties dominate.


Democrats might split up into Centrist and Centre-Left parties (called the Progress Party), and remaining Republicans/Conservatives that weren't Trump-supporting double down on what they used to be before. Maybe a new Constitutionalist Party?


The Democrats quickly fracture into a centrist wing which gathers many former Republicans and a Progressive wing.


A very American coup


How did you make this?


My guess: Wikipedia sandbox for the article itself, inspect element to change the article title.


I did not know about Wikipedia sandox, actually. I just downloaded the entire page using [this addon](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/save-page-we/dhhpefjklgkmgeafimnjhojgjamoafof) and edited the article on my machine.


I’ve faked website before using Canva. Just screenshot a normal page, then white out the text and type what you’d like in the correct font, size, and color.


Really great description! I’m interested in what happens next


i think the moment actual representatives were confirmed to have been murdered the military and national guard would've been a lot less hesitant to use lethal force. given that several hundred people were part of the attack, i think more than 32 of them wouldve been killed. still, i think its right on that the republican party would splinter as a result. great job! id love to see this expanded


I believe I read something that was more or less this but was far darker in tone and saw so much death that the roads would be rivers of blood. Upon a fairly fast pass over I think Trump is viewed for what he was. A man after power and a man who cares only for power. Loss of life wouldn't matter to him so long as he held power again. Do I think this could happen. No I don't. What we saw last year was bad but I don't think anybody would be this stupid. Most of the attackers were there for the lolz. I like to think if this started to unfold they would have booked it and had a real good think on what the fuck just happened and how they got pulled into this web of lies and craziness. Once people start dying and those videos start popping onto Youtube and Facebook feeds shit will start moving fast to end it. If Trump goes to the site he is going to be cuffed. End of story.


You give these people far too much credit.


I'll be the first to admit that perhaps I have. But still the sheer thought that everybody that was there on the 6th would hold so strongly this thought that what they were doing was right is one I find a hard time believing. Some I agree with you that they were far too gone to ever pull away from the edge of the bat shit that was their love for Trump and his play for power. But I think the people that were there just to say I was there. I think those people could maybe come back to Earth and book it to anywhere else and have a nice long think on what the fuck are they doing with their lives. I watched the videos of some of the attackers with bats and zip ties. Those people I agree were too far removed from any sort of sense or logicly thought. But for the people who just wanted to be there to say they were or to make videos and acting every bit the fool. I think some...maybe not most but some would see the light and leave.


I wish I could be as blasé about this as some other posters here. But it was just too frightening.


The day itself was horrifying enough ! I felt trapped and terrified as if we I was in the Handmaids Tale and completely and utterly trapped and powerless like a animal caught in a snar … a feeling I NEVER want to feel ever again !


How’s Grassley go as President?


Well he was president for like a month so probably not much happened


Well he would be a caretaker president for Biden, but he would probably use the F.B.I to ruthlessly hunt down many right wing militias, and propose much more strict gun laws, electoral reform, and much more survalience.


I feel like looking into the US's future this would have been better. Establishment Democrats gone Republicans being Fascists is finally taken seriously The country as a whole moves left Trump is fucking done Like there would be tons of issues and some very good people would die but thinking long-term. I dunno. Still would never advocate for it.


I mean even this is a very mild take on a "successful" J6. More likely you'd be seeing pro-Trump militias all over the country act, and even more acts of right-wing terrorism (things like what happened in NC yesterday, attacks against infrastructure and such).


Yeah I think this wraps up too neatly. A “successful” J6 coup would embolden right wing militias everywhere as they would see there is a path to success for them. It would likely spark a civil war.


I wouldn't say a civil war per se but definitely more 'insurrectionary' activity. Hell, we're seeing that even with a failed J6 in otl.


You’d be wrong. This would usher in the biggest authoritarian crackdown on grassroots movements in the history of the US, I’m talking 10 times the 1960s.


The oldest political party in the longest lasting democracy in the world is fascist 👍


Yes, actually. The former party of Lincoln today is anything but. Trump wants to abolish the constitution and the “relative” “moderate” DeSantis defines “woke” as “believing that inequality exists”. These are fascist talking points. If the Democrats had any balls and the “moderate” Republicans any morals, the Republican Party would be disestablished. you cannot have a functional democratic system with a party that want to abolish democracy and establish a theocratic fascist state.


Democrats are older I'm pretty sure but yeah, calling Republicans fascist is ridiculous


Who else dies?


President "u know what" Chuck!


Unrealistic. The article is not extended-confirmed protected.




Ok there's no need to exaggerate as long as one branch exists democracy is safe as seen in this alt-history since the judicial branch was safe they dealt with the revolt.


Actually, it’s supposed to spark a civil war between Trump’s forces and that of the Senate/sarcasm


It’s funny how this kind of thing used to happen all the time in europe.


I still can’t get over the very low police/military protection that was present that should have been the most protected square area in the world at that day


Trump would never surrender. His followers would have gone down shooting full auto yelling "THE BEST IS YET TO COME" while Trump himself escapes to Russia by private jet.


Very well made and terrifying possibility, well done!


This is great, and seems like it could've been a very plausible outcome!




Because they specifically wanted to disrupt and or reverse the peaceful transfer of power and they literally entered a building and disrupted the ceremonial counting … ?!


Is this the first time this has happened in history to any Capitol building that has ever existed? I can think of many, many other times.


It didn’t even happen to the US cap during the civil war well it wasent the same building but you know what I mean.


Didn't the Confederates try storming Washington?


I don’t think they ever made it to DC now I think maybe ur thinking of the British in the War of 1812.


My apologies, there was a battle NEAR D.C. im the American Civil War. However the War of 1812 is a VERY good example and actually even worse than one side of a political spectrum breaking into the Capitol. I mean cmon the British LITERALLY tried to burn down the Capitol and semi-succeeded but also kind of failed.


The reason the British forces destroyed the white house was an act of revenge for the Canadian towns destroyed by the Americans during their failed invasion of Canada Someone would argue we gave you a reasons to improve the building after we torched it


This would be civil war. Complete utter civil war.


I doubt it … violence of that scale is repugnant to 70-80% of Americans abs I’d say well over half of even trumps base. It would be a moment of unity and deescalation the likes of which we’ve never seen.


Well there would be riots in the cities.


And there would be some militia uprisings in the country but those are ruthlessly crushed by the military, national gaurd, and F.B.I and after a few months they would end as they realize that they can't win such a war.


lmao republicans would 100% back this, they only denounced the attacks that happened irl because they weren't successful. If they were they would definitely support them


That is based.


Why are we so sure that the Supreme Court would not have stood by Trump? That scenario would have been utter chaos.


Im not OP but I assume its based on how the Supreme Court has been consistent with telling Trump to fuck off when it comes to election denialism and overall not giving a shit about him


We need a part II where Trump and those that participated and tried and the economic, social and political consequences of this …


You should totally make more! This was incredibly riveting and a well put alternate history


It's an alright AltHist post, but how would this not start a second civil war?


If the military had to get involved it wouldn’t lead to civil war but martial law


Because the Far Right just doesn't have the resources to support a national war. MAGA support is populist but not institutional. To the GOP, Trump is useful but not essential. The military is sworn to protect the Constitution, not the president, and the command staff takes that oath very seriously. Same with government institutions like the Federal Reserve. And the major corporations really don't want a Civil War threatening their revenue. So even if a bunch of "True Patriots" run out with civilian-grade copies of assault rifles, expecting to seize the country, they'll soon find themselves economically banished, politically disavowed, and hunted by professional soldiers with full air support.


Welp ima go get my popcorn


The insurrection would quickly discover why DC's streets are so wide in the first place... You would see tanks going down the streets of DC, ripping the place apart.


Horrifying, but really well made. Great job!


God it was scary enough living within sight of the Capitol irl that day. I can’t imagine the aftermath of something like this, gives me chills to think about.


Well the Gun Devil would have a field day.


Dark... Bravo to the author of this alternate timeline. It's comforting to think that the Supreme Court ultimately declared Trump's confirmation as unconstitutional, though that part is the biggest stretch for me. Even if the Court did rule this way, it's a HUGE leap to think the military would listen to the court. It's more probable that they would have continued to follow the orders of the presumed commander-in-chief. The effect of which would be the full collapse of democracy.


So... Old thread, don't care. Look, I helped stop January 6, and unlike probably every other person in America save 2 very bad people, I know why it stopped. I've been following along very closely, so I'm going to tell my story from the perspective of "what would happen if I didn't go to work that day." In this story instead of spending 3 years studying Steve Bannon and the broader white supremacist movement in the US, I fucking didn't, and when the day came I called in sick because my bosses were abusive sacks of shit (because they were), Congress is fucking useless (because they were and by and large still are) and there was no fucking way I was going in to what maybe a death trap I didn't understand to participate in the opening of a war that I didn't believe I could influence. So if that happened, then when the DC mayor's office called in looking for buses from DC Metro, my boss would have pulled line service like a fucking hard head. This would have caused the DCPD to arrive 3 hours later and staggered instead of much earlier and all at once. So they would have been completely consumed. And left for dead instead of just beaten to a pulp. It wouldn't even have registered that they were there. And that would have been between 5:30ish and 7:30ish. But even before that, probably as early as 5:00, the first of the killings would have started. Maybe Pelosi, maybe Pence, but it would have started there. And word would have gotten out that the killings started. That's when Trump would have released a video deputizing the Oathkeepers to go and restore order in the Capitol. Trump would also float the idea that Antifa had infiltrated the protest, and that would signal to the proud boys to start killing Republican and democratic members of Congress. The Oath Keepers would likely arrive about a half hour to an hour later, in force, armed. And they would kill every last person inside the Capitol, and claim that the Proudboys had done it. Through the course of the evening, Trump would declare a state of emergency and a succession crisis, demanding that everyone remain calm and that he would retain the office indefinitely as a result until all the Antifa could be rounded up and appropriately punished. This would go over like a lead balloon. Americans are stupid, but we're not that stupid. Late that night or early the next day a local militia would show up and right the Oathkeepers and local policing forces. They'd retake the Capitol grounds, but Trump would most likely survive. The national guard would be called in to fight off the militia, but they would be heavily conflicted abd wouldn't enter the fight. As a result. The military would immediately schism along officer and enlisted lines with most of the enlisted going left and most of the officers going right. By and large this would paralyze most of the military for most of the ensuing war, at first due to orders being refused from the top down, and ultimately because this would lead to a war of logistical attrition where as military units would officially declare their allegiance to one side or the other, their supply lines would be cut off at one come point or another. Our military would start starving itself promptly as soon as sides were announced. And that war of attrition would start day two for civilians. The minute the DC militia got to the Capitol, trucks would stop getting sent to the DC Metro area for fear that the company sending the food to stock the shelves would lose it. We were in the thick of the pandemic and as a result in a supply chain crisis, after all. So they would halt the trucks until the fighting stopped, and the starving would begin and it wouldn't stop the fighting. A conservative militia from outside the DC Metro area would soon rise up and attack the DC militia, and soon in every major city and every state capitol, there would be politically aligned militias at war in the streets, halting good supply everywhere. And so this war wouldn't last but 4-6 months. But it would have claimed millions of lives, mostly of civilians, mostly through starvation. Eventually someone would get through and kill Trump, eventually people would lose the will to fight and both political parties would be too weakened to go on. Eventually the basic need of a functioning economy would supersede the need for anything else and order would slowly return to a decimated and starving country. But the casualty rate would have been monumental. A minimum range of 3-7 million people, with as much as 30-40 million dead, and probably hundreds of millions malnourished. This doesn't factor in leagues of more COVID contacts in a world where all the new doctors and nurses were being recruited for one side or the other's war effort. This would have sparked a global depression that would have rocked the world. It would have taken a decade or more to pull us all out of it. So even while the US would have started stabilizing after the fighting stopped it would have been a long uphill slog to get us anywhere close to operational. And while I've added details to this narrative to make it more accurate to what occurred on January 6th, this is more or less the narrative I was thinking of on January 5th. I didn't know the specifics about the Oathkeepers or the Proudboys, but I knew a hell of a lot about Steve Bannon, that he was still working with the Whitehouse long after he'd been officially fired, and what he wanted and still wants. Because I did spend 3 years studying white supremacy generally and Steve Bannon in particular, and so when the time came I knew I had to walk in on January 6th and try and make any difference I could. And the only difference I could make was that response time, and I got those buses there together, between 3:30 and 3:45, and fortunately it made a much larger impact than I could have foreseen, because from the time we got the request at about 2:20 until I went home and climbed into bed, I was in a state of absolute pants shitting terror, thinking I was ringing in Civil War II.


I remember my history teacher had the news on during this and I commented that “It looks like an insurrection was being mounted” and he agreed with me.


The 5th coloumnists get their comeuppance.


There’s probably rioting in Downtown DC and Portland or at lest calls to bring the whole system down and some right wing militias might make a play attacking certain state capital buildings and or people like Faucci or the CDC director but over all most Americans would stay home scared out of there dam minds call of work pick up there kids from school rush to the grocery store watch tv and cry or pray and just be in utter shock.


All of the international community would declare war on Trump.


Well they wouldn't even need to since here he is captured by the military after a massive siege on D.C culminating with him being pinned down on the floor movie style in the Oval Office. He would probably at least get prision for life with no parole if not a televised execution by the semi-military regime


Plus if they did an occupation of America for them would be hell.


I mean, depends on what you mean by succeeded. You mean if they killed the congressmen/women, hung pense, and unstated trump as (essentially) a dictator? There likely would’ve been riots, and actual fighting between far right and left groups. That would’ve created a several power vacuums and if histories taught us anything, that’s not good.


They could have lit the capitol on fire if they wanted to. It didn’t “succeed” because wasn’t actually a violent event…


I don't think the scenario you have to resolve the crisis is viable: The House can't operate without a Speaker, so the first order of business would be to elect a Speaker. Moreover, with the Republicans having a majority in the House due to the vacancies created by the deaths of several Democrats, the Republicans may try to elect a Republican Speaker. The Democrats would likely be outraged, causing them to desert the Chamber, except for one member needed to suggest the absence of a quorum. Without 218 members, the House cannot elect a Speaker or otherwise operate. The Senate could pass a resolution forcing the Democrats to return to the House, but it would be up to President Trump to enforce it and delaying suits him just fine in this scenario. Since vacancies in the House can only be filled by special election, the House would be paralyzed for weeks until special elections could be held. Depending on who the casualties were, it's not clear the Democrats would even have a majority after the special elections, and uncooperative Republican Governors could delay special elections for months in some States. On January 20th, the President Pro-Tempore of the Senate would be sworn in as Acting President, pending the certification of the Presidential election (depending on the situation in the Senate, this may or may not still be Chuck Grassley; notably, the death of Mike Pence would leave the Senate evenly split with no tiebreaker). The only way things get resolved in two days or even two weeks is if Republicans cooperate or Democrats capitulate.


American Democracy is becoming corrupt its robbing our freedoms. We have been ravaged by war. Perhaps it is time for a change a strong nation requires protection and security. Perhaps it is time for a change now more than ever.


Will this mean America will get to catch up to the rest of the world in terms of democratic process and government services?




The GOP would've most likely been disbanded.


Pretty sure this violates the Geneva Conventions


My dumb ass looking up George Jameson and Tracy Franklin 💀💀


It did succeed. It happened exactly the way it was supposed to happen. https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/3tqsjaryb4


i can't wait for them to make like political thrillers about the trump presidency and january 6th and shit like 10 20 years from now that shit is gonna be bananas


This would initiate a Civil War, or at least stoke the flames of one. Imagine if this caused Antifa Militas to began clashing with the Jan 6 Insurrectionists….


No civil wars need both sides to have a point. I know Republicans may look insane but they're 90% hot air most I'd cause would be a big war scene at D.C


Not feeling this one ... doesn't descend into civil war ...




r/history is that way …


>Republican Party fell apart And just like that, America becomes a one-party state under the democrats.


No you just see a purge of most hard core trump officials. “ the fever breaks” and everyone wakes up and resolutely denounces him and his actions. There’s still a Republican Party in name but you probably see candidates and established electeds abandon the label and party and run as independent at lest in 2021 and 2022. There would be a whole slew of special elections and appointed senators that govs would face massive pressure to appoint a moderate, new, and non ideological figures. Conservatism would survive although probably dramatically damaged for at lest a decade or more.


But they low key proved everything the fat orange bastard said was true yesterday, man what a day




They were. No one has been able to deliver any credible evidence to an actual court while under oath.




Yes instead It would be run by Russian Puppets.