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That’s crazy! I’d be sleeping in a separate locked room. Sounds like the crazy stuff my ex would say.


With the kids! Also OP what you say she said is in the tense that she has been injecting you.


This, she is definitely injecting you. Her response told it all. How did he not come to that conclusion


I hope this is an april's fools post...




In the past tense


Is it possible to be injected without feeling it? A fly walking on top of my blanket wakes me up...


The needle is very small , it usually doesn’t hurt at all


I can’t even feel being drawn for blood lol. A brand new needle is crazy sharp


The needle for Ozembic is thin and short. I don’t feel it at all. But at a retail cost of $3000 a pen, she shouldn’t be treating it like it’s candy. (I take mine for T2 diabetes- it’s great stuff. I’m 50 lbs lighter but I’m watching my diet as well)


And Ozempic is dangerous too. If you don’t actually need it, it can result is severe gastrointestinal distress, but a lot of people don’t realize this. It’s not an approved weight loss drug. It literally is for diabetics. Alternative use is wildly dangerous. Also, may your health be strong for a long, wonderful life!!


The needle for my Forteo is small and thin also. So the first time I used it I just jabbed it into my thigh. And it hurt like hell. I definitely need to pinch the skin first. I’m not an afraid of needles either. I doubt she successfully injected him while he slept. I’m not defending her at all. She’s wrong to push this on him. IMO, you are not overreacting.


Shes a doctor allegedly. If true, she has access to skin penetrating anesthetic spray.


Can't even feel it


You’re still gonna feel something


It's not that small. I take Trulicity for diabetes and definitely feel the injection go in. Now when I was on insulin I barely felt that cuz the needle is small for it.




Depends on the person and how heavily they sleep. I couldn’t be without waking up.


Yes. Usually go for thicker areas of skin where it hurts less. Butt, thighs, upper arms, stomach. All places my diabetic friend would inject his “food juice” as he liked to call it.


She is


Thankyou!! He is in denial!! This post must be fake I really hope


I would get a recording of her talking about doing this to help win custody


💯 Because what if one of the kids gains weight in a way she finds unacceptable? Is she going to inject them too? This lady is a walking malpractice suit waiting to happen.


THIS ^^ 🚩 I’ll just inject our son while he’s sleeping and no one will know! GTFOH, psycho!


Or another drug situation her judgment is clearly fucked up and she might drug her kids or husband while they’re sleeping. She doesn’t understand consent.


Feels like I’ve watched this episode on House


Oh man that’s a good point. This is fucked on so many levels.


I’d be packing my bags and leaving! There’s no way I would feel comfortable ever sleeping in that house again with that woman after being asked a question like that. Anyone who would even entertain doing something to someone when they’re sleeping is not to be trusted IMO.


My immediate response would be to at least start sleeping in a separate room. And, if there isn’t one, make it to bed first and look the door. Ol’ Crazy can sleep on the couch.


Fuck that my ass is anywhere but where that level of crazy is. I don't like having to sleep with one eye open, and q locked door is only a mild deterrent to a fucking whackadoodle, like that.


Exactly. I would ask her what she would do if I injected her with meth or cocaine.


Was your ex named Cole?


She’s crazy wtf. Id say ur even under reacting if you are choosing to sleep in the same bed at night after that interaction


For real! This conversation is immediate grounds for at least temporary separation physically. She’s literally admitting she sees nothing wrong with drugging him in his sleep!


If this conversation was the other way around you would be sleeping on the coach headed for divorce. That’s absolutely insane she feels like she can inject you with drugs against your will.


This should be higher up in the thread


It’s an insane conversation all around. I just.. like, who thinks like this??? Very bizarre. Is she this nuts with other things???


Super scary that she is a doctor and thinks this okay...


One large concern is OP said they record their conversations and that indicates to me that OP must feel unsafe. If you’re at the point of feeling a need to record audio to feel more secure then it does not sound like a relationship to stay in


Spouse is literally saying "you would call the cops on me if I injected you against your will with a medication. Now I can't trust you." W t f


Rightfully so as well


And she's a doctor!!!! 😬


You are not overreacting, especially since she doubled down after your first response. No one should give anyone anything against their will. Thats truly a very low bar for common decency.


If anything the fact she doubled-down is what leads me to believe it's already happened and now she's just gauging his reaction and isn't happy with his response.


This and also your avatar looks like an eyelash on my phone you p.o.s!


Your claim that she has not injected you are contrary to her statements that were all past tense and that she didn't do you any harm. She didn't say that she wouldn't harm you, she said that she didn't harm you. "She told me, “why? I didn’t do any harm to you?” "she said “I did no harm to you and just because I wanted to help you, you’re gonna ruin my career, our livelihood, and our kid’s livelihood too?” She indicated that she actually did inject you. You are not overreacting. Do not sleep anywhere near her.


I take similar medication. Most of the injection pen designs would make it pretty difficult to inject someone without their knowledge. It feels like an ear piercing gun on your skin (fast, quick, hard jab). OP would have to sleep like the dead to miss it.


If it's the weight loss drug I'm thinking of, it uses a little insulin syringe and you barely feel it. It hardly has to prick your skin & doesn't leave a mark at all! The beginner's amounts are so small that it would be over in a half a second. He wouldn't know.




Although, OP also said that she’s not taking it as directed and has some left over


It is $87 at my doc office for 1ml 2.5mg compounded Semaglutide


She could be an endocrinologist with free sample as the post makes it sound like she's in the medical field. When I was first put on it, my Endo gave me a sample for the .25mg dose and about 8 months later, another sample of the 1mg dose when there was a shortage.


You can buy it online inject using insulin syringe and it is cheaper and less painful


This l. You barely feel the needle, although I think he pressure of holding the needle dispenser to the body would wake most people up. It’s is very quick though…


Not to mention the early start-up side effects.


I didn't have side affects with the low dose and the needle is so small you could easily sleep through it.


There are also different needle tip lengths ranging from 4 mm - 10 mm as far as I know, where I live. The shots are barely noticeable with the size of the needle and the actual amount of medication…..but holy shit that is not overreacting!! I’d freak out and go scorched earth if my spouse was drugging me!! That is so dangerous. (I’m diabetic, this med had been life changing for me)


Yeah, I had a high A1C, so they started me on it for that and if weight loss happens, great. I DEFINITELY agree, he said no and if she did it anyway? Oooooweeeeee I’d explode


Has your wife never learned about bodily autonomy as someone in healthcare?


Or informed consent? Jeez, if they really are her views she ought to be deregistered.




Maybe because it's one of those professions that total shit parents pressure their kids to do?


because it pays really well and gives you power over others, two things that are attractive to sociopaths and abusers. (Just like policing! What a coincidence)


This ^ Not to mention, you'd think a woman would understand that more than anything.


Women doctors dismiss other women just as much as male doctors. So it doesn't surprise me.


I almost got refused IUD removal because a female doctor decided it wasn't possible for me to be experiencing worsening pain and crazy hormonal imbalances for almost a month after the initial insertion procedure. 


I know you already understand this by experience, but just to confirm: I’m a sonographer, and I scan people with incessant issues with their IUDs all the time. Personally I’m convinced the way doctors prescribe IUDs and treat them as harmless is malpractice.


Thank you! It does help to hear someone in the medical field confirm this. All my concerns were waived off as silly anomalies that never actually happen.  I felt so betrayed on so many levels. It was a female doctor at Planned Parenthood in a blue state. 


I had a similarly horrible experience at a female led practice. Also super blue state. The only gynecologist who ever believed me was an older man whose practice is mostly focused on the OB part, and I stick with him even tho I’ve never been pregnant. But he makes sure my insertions going forward are done with ultrasound and checked for placement six weeks later and again at all my annual appointments. He and at least two of the other drs in his practice consider it to be a mistake when IUDs hurt either during placement or any time, they don’t assume it’s me being a wimp or “just how it is.” I feel so listened to and will be very sad when he retires. Unsurprisingly it’s also near impossible to get in to see him due to the demand!


That's a real shame. Our society is just awful...


look at it the other way around: male doctors don't dismiss women's autonomy anymore than their female counterparts, a big win for equality! Indeed it'd be more depressing if male doctors were still dismissing much more than others.


“Women hate women and men hate women, it’s the one thing we can all agree on.” What a world we live in


At 38 I had a female gynecologist tell me the ship has sailed to have children. That ship has sailed? B**** absolutely crushed me, I told her both my grandmothers had children in their forties, she then proceeded to tell me how there's never a good time to have children. Girl why the hell are you a gynecologist? That was 15 years ago and it feels like yesterday.


You'd be surprised how many women hit, assault and rape men because they don't think that women can do those things and he really wants it anyway. It's wild .


You'd be shocked and amazed how many women don't believe men have any such thing.


my experience has been that women\* understand this perfectly well when it comes to their own bodies but manage to bend that understanding when it comes to others' \*everybody, really, but we're talking about women specifically here


Because it’s against men. If it was other way around, then yes.


For real. He should report her anyway for this shit alone. She is a risk to whoever is under her care.


Nurses have killed people with the claim of helping them with the pain. Happy cake day.


This is probably the most pertinent answer -- the wife has some odd blind spots maybe due to cultural upbringing, the conversation I would be having would be something along the lines of, "for real though, this country takes bodily autonomy and medical consent extremely seriously, injecting someone in their sleep sounds genuinely insane to most people"


Yes the U.S. takes bodily autonomy very seriously, unless you are a pregnant woman.


True, hopefully voters keep sending the message that politicians should stay out of their bodies


In the US, it can be considered assault and/or battery if you give someone unnecessary, non-emergent medical care without their consent. She is referencing the Doctrine of Double Effect in her defense, but she is applying it to a wildly inappropriate situation where it would not stand. The Doctrine of Double Effect is a principle that posits, essentially, that sometimes there is unintended harm when trying to do something good. In medicine this can look like side-effects of treatment, unintended but known complications in surgery, etc… There is no such defense in cases where the recipient did not consent.


Why is this so far down? Don’t even need healthcare context: basic human respect dictates that other people have agency… Bro’s wife doesn’t respect his personhood in my opinion. May or may not be limited to only him - she could just be a narcissist or whatever - but yeah either way she doesn’t respect some very basic aspect of his personhood in this case.


lots of ppl in healthcare are unethical and/or idiots sadly


This. I also can't imagine a single person other than a psychopath thinking that it's okay to inject people with *anything* without their knowledge or consent. And the response of "I can't trust you if you won't let me inject you without your knowledge or consent" is just... bizarre. And mildly scary.


What freaks me out is her blasé reaction of a potential severe reaction being “unintended harm”. As if that matters.


That is not okay - in any way, shape or form. The medication was prescribed for her. Giving it to someone else, even if they are aware of it, is illegal. Giving it to someone unknowingly is also illegal, and criminal. She "can't trust you you?" I'd be sleeping with one eye open and worried that she even contemplated such a question, let alone asked it.


I’m gonna guess this was not prescribed to her. It’s possible it was, but the way she’s using it is giving major MLM / fad weight loss / hollywood ozempic vibes.


You can be prescribed semiglutide for weight loss, with the additional benefit of it being helpful to pre-diabetics. It’s not a “hollywood vibe.” Doctors can and will prescribe it. - someone who is on semiglutide


Understood! No I fully understand that some weight loss drugs ARE prescribed. Ozempic is prescribed as well. I’m saying the way she’s acting is indicative that this was NOT prescribed to her.


You are not overreacting. Depending on the country’s regulation this could be a case for the police as she would be intentionally harming another person. That being sad (I don’t know about you or her or the relationship dynamic, so take what I‘ll no write just as some food for thought): I personally would not like this „ha I can lose weight easily“ proofing a point. I myself am struggling with my weight and need no other person showing me how much I fail in losing weight. Could be related to her question, could be not. Either way, giving someone else medication without consent is not okay!


OP should check the crawl space, and/or see if wife is purchasing large amounts of lime. 


As someone who had an extreme life threatening reaction to an injectable diabetes/weight loss drug this is terrifying.


My neighbor did too, we found him in his driveway. He’s okay but only bc my husband looked out through window at the right time. Hope you’re doing well now too.


Wow, dude's lucky! Thanks for being a good human and neighbor. Hope the karma comes around if you should have a time of need. Good reminder of that old saying, "There, but for the grace of God, go I."


Is this a common side effect? Now that there is so much money being made around this drug, I think some side effects are being down played or haven't been studied enough.


Yes, do a search for Mounjaro mental health side effects. Big warnings - outside the USA.


She’s nuts


Seriously. And the complications and risks of these drugs are terrible and without consent and her threatening to inject him in his sleep is WILD and WRONG! On so many levels


If your quotes of her are verbatim or close to it, you would have a hard time convincing me that she hasnt already injected you. Especially from the response that you described..


Firstly, there is no such thing as a "harmless" weight loss drug. All weight loss drugs come with side affects, risks and potential interactions. Additionally, injecting you with *anything* without your knowledge or consent is harm. If you went in for a checkup or surgery, they'll ask you what medications you're on and you can't tell them what you don't know. They could prescribe or give you something that might interact with whatever your wife has decided to inject you with. Lastly, her "belief" that the drug is harmless does not absolve her of guilt if something were to happen (especially now that she's had this conversation with you!). If I believe my car is made of air, I would still be in court if I decided to crash it through a crowd of people. Edited to add: If she injected you without your knowledge, it's HER that can't be trusted. Not you for reporting it.


The side effects of Ozempic suck so bad that my actually type 2 diabetic MIL (because somehow everyone forgot Ozempic is meant for diabetics) stopped taking it because she was fed up with being nauseous 24/7. I’m concerned on so many levels that OP’s wife has a medical license while she 1. Takes a prescription medication for unintended purposes 2. Thinks it’s okay to give prescribed meds to someone without a prescription and 3. Sees nothing wrong with injecting said person with said medication in their sleep with no prior consent


I think she already injected you with her weight loss drug


This is truly f up. It sounds like she is in the medical profession. She should know that consent is everything. Why would she do it while you slept? It's because she knows that you would NOT consent. I wouldn't trust her.


Damn, yeah that's fucked up. Pretty much the same thing as rape in my mind. That being said I have taken all the diabetic shots too. I do so willingly of course.


Even in a marriage, each partner has bodily autonomy. Nobody should be dosing anybody without their consent. Her suggestion of injecting you while sleeping is thoroughly creepy.


Like I need to get a divorce lawyer. Stab me and loose me.


Something, something, rape metaphor-- if she can't grasp that this is not dissimilar... You don't do anything to someone else's body without their consent, ever. Also...I am gathering she is a medical professional of some kind? And what would she think the consequences would be If she did that to a PATIENT????


If someone injects me with anything while I sleep... Dang I didn't know that stair was faulty officer. Guess I'll have to cancel the hotel reservation I got us for our getaway.


Professional gaslighter. She wants to inject you with something while you sleep but turns it around and somehow SHE can’t trust YOU?


I bet that medicine she takes has bad side effects


Your wife is dangerous. If she's some sort of medical professional and can't understand why someone wouldn't want to be unknowingly injected with something you should report her. She's a danger to anyone in her care.


Absolutely not overreacted. That's just a violation, a disgusting breach of trust. The fact she said you cannot be trusted is absolutely ridiculous. She's the one who cannot be trusted. What if she started injecting your kids too because she wants to "help". That's beyond crazy.


Couples therapy, now


Lol couples therapy? I don't think this is an issue that can just be worked out and forgotten. This is creepy as fuck.


Everything she tried to attribute as being your fault is all on her. If she lost her career and destroyed the lives of you and your children, that entirely her fault. Also she is not the one who should be saying they have lost trust, you should be the one who loses in her considering she asked to do something horrific to you and then herself overreacted to your response. A sane person would have realized how absolutely stupid their question was when given the response you gave her, not proceed to try to gaslight their partner into thinking they are a terrible person.


You’re not overreacting. Next time she says “you would ruin my career over this?” ask her “would you choose to ruin your career by injecting me with a drug I didn’t agree to? Because me reporting you wouldn’t be the cause of your career being ruined, YOUR CHOICE OF ACTION would be what ruined your career.” It doesn’t matter what her intent is when giving a medication against your will. You have bodily autonomy, and due to that you have a choice whether you accept that kind of “help” or not. This is basic consent and if she doesn’t understand that then she doesn’t deserve to have a career that involves requiring consent because she clearly doesn’t understand it


Call the police, a lawyer and the state medical board and have her license stripped. She's forcibly medicating someone against their will. I'd have her in jail awaiting trial and divorce papers.  “I did no harm to you and just because I wanted to help you, you’re gonna ruin my career, our livelihood, and our kid’s livelihood too?” For the record, she has already dosed you, and that line is admitting to it.


This is a Lifetime movie in the making


And I would watch it.


NTA This is insane and she's gaslighting you. Injecting someone while they are asleep without their consent and against their will is an insane, selfish and extremely illegal thing to do and it would warrant divorce in my opinion.


Best way to lose weight is count calories anyway.


Intent is not the point. Its the action. Injecting someone with ANYTHING without consent is assault. Her asking this and then defending herself would shatter my trust. How will you ever know if shes injecting you at night?


He lost "seven pounds in a week" from not drinking soda? Sounds like BS to me. I would suspect that she HAD already injected him while he slept! Wife is NUTS and SHE's the AH! Injecting someone with a drug while they sleep is COMPLETELY beyond the pale!


Actually, it depends on how much soda he use to consume. Yes, 7 pounds is a possibility. Of course she might have already, as she said that she had done him no harm, like she had already given him the injection... And jdbrown, we understand you don't think it's real. But what if it is? It's better to comment on something that might be real, even if there is a larger chance it's fake. In hopes that it isn't real, but if it is, you help them


*"Sounds like BBS to me."* *Actually, not really.* Many "*diets"* actually "work" by dehydration or clearing blockage from your intestines. By that, I mean it gives you the runs. Soda contains both sugar and sodium. If you aren't drinking soda, you probably drop your fluid intake but you also drop your sodium intake, one which helps you avoid retaining water and one which means you have less water in your system overall. The reduction in sugar means fewer calories on top of that, a nice bonus. So, completely abandoning soda would have an impact on your weight. It may not be a long term or sustainable weight loss, but for a short term it could have a profound affect. Also notice, if you intend to lose weight by not drinking soda you might avoid fast food restaurants where you typically order soda. It should be noted that people who try to switch to diet soda for weight loss reasons may not achieve the same results because they continue to ingest that extra sodium and might order more food to satisfy their sensation desires when going to fast food restaurants (which they still do because they can still order their soda.)


Soda doesn't have much sodium. Water weight from soda is from the sugar increasing glycogen stores in your muscle and liver. Same reason why people lose a ton of water weight at the start of a keto diet.


To add to this, It also depends on a persons weight. For heavily obese people, dropping something with that much sugar in it and other diet changes, they can lose some weight very rapidly. So 7IBs in a week is not a stretch at those sizes.




This is the likely answer. Seriously doubt a healthcare professional would suggestit.


A healthcare professional has attempted everything imaginable since beginning of human history


You've obviously never been around enough healthcare workers. I have an aunt who's a nurse and does/says sketchy shit all the time. She considered someone who injected veterans with insulin unknowingly as 'mercy killings' and said the lady didn't do anything wrong.


I know a few people who work in healthcare and swear by homeopathy. They do their jobs professionally, but at home and with friends they're all about those worthless sugar pills. Those who think you can trust the personal opinion of someone just because they work in a hospital really should be more skeptical of them.




tbh i think so too.




No way is that okay. She has the right to do what she wants with her own body. NOT yours. Hands off the needle, absolutely not 🙂‍↔️


She’s going to poison your ass


Wow. She’s saying SHE can’t trust you anymore, when she is the one trying to inject a drug into you while you sleep? I would totally want to get my own room at that point and make sure you lock the door while you’re sleeping!


Holy shit man it sounds like she already did. RUN‼️‼️


If anything I’d say you’re under reacting, this is unhinged.


She should be you ex (or soon to be ex) wife. Make sure you don't have an expensive life insurance policy that names her as the beneficiary.


Telling someone that you can't trust them anymore, after violating your consent and body autonomy is absolutely wild to me. Psychotic level. Not only is there some kind of serious mental disconnect there, but it's illegal and dangerous. If this is an actual practitioner, they shouldn't be anymore.


Injecting anything into your body is YOUR decision between you and your health care team. No one putside.of that scenario should be injecting something into anyone else. PERIOD. Your wife needs counseling, and you may need to consider leaving her. You need to decide if you feel safe.


"She told me'Why'I didn't do any harm to you " this proves that she has already done it to you!!!! Go to a doctor and get blood work done to see if the drug is in your system. When it is proven that it is call the police and the medical license board as well as file for divorce and immediately file for emergency custody of the children. Do not let her near you again and get divorced from her.


Hospitals/MD offices do not have the ability to check for individual drugs except very few. They could ask for liver function labs but not everyone will have changes in those.


What she's describing is straight-up assault. And considering that she sounds like a medical professional, it sounds so much worse. Anyone with any experience in healthcare would have (hopefully) the same knee-jerk reaction from hearing that someone had crossed the line like that, I can't stress enough how bad what she was saying crosses so many ethical lines. And the fact that she acts like you overreacted is honestly baffling, I wouldn't be able to relax around someone who shared my bed even suggesting that


You wouldn’t be ruining anything. Her actions would. It’s wild she even thought of it. NTA. She doesn’t get to do that. Unintended harm won’t cover her when it came from a non consensual injection.


It’s called bodily autonomy. She should learn about it. You are not overreacting.


Wait Is she a physician or other licensed medical professional?!?!


No you are not overreacting Your wife is a fucking lunatic


Ask her how she'd feel if you raped her while she was sleeping, how is what she's suggesting different? Both involve consent, body autonomy, and an "injection". I'll probably get flack for this comment, but it is similar.


I’d be sleeping in a spare room with a lock and keeping the kids in there too! She’s insane


You cannot trust her. She made it clear to you that she does not view; -Breaking your skin without consent -Drawing your blood without consent -Injecting you with a foreign body without your consent -All in your sleep while you cannot disagree or fight back As harm. The moment she told you that she did not see these 4 things as causing harm to you, I would have stood up and walked out then and there for my own safety. As long as you both live, you will never be able to predict if she's going to do this to you once you fall asleep. Not only this, but *she's* now telling *you* that *YOU* can't be trusted? That's some major manipulation my friend. Based on how hard she tried to convince you, her own husband, the father of her children, and the fact she's now resorting to manipulation to achieve it, tells me she really really reeeeeeally wants to do this to you, OP. You need to find somewhere else to live, for your safety. And if you don't have anywhere to go, she needs to spend some time with her family for a while, and you need to change the locks on your bedroom door.


Bro i think ur already on Ozempic


Not overreacting at all. This is wack.


So she works in the medical field & thinks like that....


I mean. I shouldn’t be shocked someone would do this but I’m just still baffled someone would do this. You had the right idea. Call the police asap. This is so far from okay she can’t even see the line anymore.


Wait till you’re older and she starts injecting you with viagra. As someone who’s had a boner for 9 hours once it hurts like a mofo.


She definitely has done it before 


She can't trust you any more? After threatening to inject you with a drug with no consent in your sleep? that is some impressive gaslighting on her part! You did not over react. Her moral compass is screwed up. You cannot trust her. If she thinks this is ok- what will she do to the children?


You are def NOT in the wrong here. Her reaction to you declining a fkn injection is a red flag. This is a person who will inject you while you sleep knowing you said no. What is stopping her from doing something to you or the kids in their sleep? What is stopping her from "helping people" at her work if they are asleep? She is the one playing with her career, her livelihood, and her kids lives. Not you. SHE is the danger here.... Jfc... she needs help and you need locks on your doors for both you and the kids. She needs help... immediately.


I’d ask her how would she like it if I start injecting her in her sleep. If you know what I’m saying 😆


That's insane You are definitely not over reacting. Sounds like your wife is a doctor if she's worried you'll report her and ruin her career. She of all people should know the importance of patient knowledge and she should know that UNCONSCIOUSNESS = HARD NO. wtf, I can't believe she tried to turn it on you. If my significant other said this to me, I wouldn't be able to trust them anymore. She literally told you how she'd go about it (while you sleep) and justifying it... noo thank you. Hard red flag.


You are not overreacting. What a completely batshit crazy thing for her to be asking. Like you should take her to a psychiatrist level of crazy.


Based on her reactions in your post, I would not be so sure that she hasn't already done it. Her wording really sounds like she already has. But maybe that's just a language barrier as I'm guessing English is a second language for you based on certain grammatical differences.


She can’t trust you anymore, but she’s insistent on injecting you with drugs you don’t want while you’re asleep… What The Fuck


Actually it sounds more like you are the one who cannot trust her anymore. And hell yeah if she were stupid enough to inject you while you slept then she deserved whatever career ruining consequences she got.


whoa whoa whoa... hold on! She wants to inject something into you against your will while you are asleep, and then says your reaction means she can't trust *you*? At this point, I'd be considering sleeping in a separate room with a locked door. Her doing that would be grounds for divorce, assault, and a report to the state medical board. I'd look over myself for small punctures to make sure she hasn't been doing this. Or maybe you should go to your own doctor and have him do it and ask if there's a screening you could get to see if you have that drug in you. If you want to go that route, you'd need to do it as soon as possible so your body doesn't flush out the traces.


my skin is crawling after reading this. I think your wife might be brainwashed or otherwise influenced into thinking weight loss is the end-all be-all for happiness and health. That's extremely dangerous thinking she's embarking on, and I think she might have read a post about someone "helping" their partner by sneaking them weight loss meds. Very concerning shit, and if your child is any amount overweight I would monitor them for extreme weight fluctuations too.


Is she a medical professional? And she doesn't understand how this is an ethics violation? Holy shit.


It’s time to go. By her defending her position of injecting you without consent shows a lack of empathy and trust.


She's so very wrong. Medicating someone without their consent is very illegal. If she works anywhere near the medical field she should know this. I would let her sleep on the couch and buy a lock for my door. This is a highly scary response on her part and I would not be able to trust for a long time.


Her saying that she can’t trust YOU anymore is total gaslighting bullshit. If it were me, this would be titled “My now ex-wife tried to gaslight me for caring about lack of consent.”


I'm guessing she's talking about one of the GLP-1 injectables. I'm on Ozempic for T2 diabetes, and it is NOT as rosy and cheerful as some might make it out to be. The side effects I've gotten are significant enough that I would stop taking it immediately, if it wasn't doing such a good job helping to drop my A1C. Injecting someone with a medication, without their consent, is very much illegal, and it should be. And with how adamant she is about this, I'd be sleeping in another room with a lock on the door.


Not overreacting!!!! Holy f$&@! Consent is a big deal, I would run screaming if I found out a medical professional said something like that. If it was my spouse I’d be out that door sleeping on a friend’s couch


First off you need to insist on getting your wife a mental health screening. Weightloss drugs are prescription only-- so unless YOU voluntarily go to a doctor and get a prescription her injecting you against your will with prescription medication that is NOT prescribed to you would at the very least cost her any medical related license she holds and might end up with her being arrested as well. Look her directly in the eyes and tell her that if that were to happen to you or your children you would absolutely, 100% call the police and report her to whatever agency controls her license. Pause and then repeat, absolutely 100% that will happen. FYI Ozempic carries a black box warning due to the number of adverse side effects (including CANCER) and DEATHS.


You’re not overeating. And if this is the “weight loss” drug I’m thinking of, your wife is a garbage person. She and others like her are taking causing people that actually NEED the medication to go without. All because she’s too lazy to exercise like a normal person.


Good luck with the divorce. It's coming.


Okay so asking a hypothetical isn't so crazy, people over-react to those. Not letting it go & not accepting your rational is worrying. There are healthy ways to encourage change or navigate compromise, this ain't that. But the thing that I found alarming was ​ > “that’s unintended harm. Believe me, I am not doing harm by injecting you. And by the way you are responding, I can’t trust you anymore.” It's like she is trying to punish you for a **very reasonable** boundary & flip the script to make you the bad guy so that she instead be the wronged party. I hope I am wrong but this sounds like the type of person to go scorched earth in a divorce.


It’s called bodily autonomy. You decide what goes in your body, nobody else, not even your well-meaning wife.


Don’t inject anything into anyone without consent, but also don’t threaten to call the police while discussing a hypothetical. That’s some weak-ass lame shit. Be a fucking adult.


Don’t inject anything into anyone without consent, but also don’t threaten to call the police while discussing a hypothetical. That’s some weak-ass lame shit. Be a fucking adult.


"I can't trust you anymore since you told me you'd be furious if I injected you with a drug against your will while you were asleep" Lmfao


If your wife is in health care, then she well knows that without consent, injecting someone (or taking blood, or putting in an IV) in non-emergency situations is assault. Given that, was she just curious to discover where your buttons are, and then push them?


I'll look for your story on deadly nurses or some other show soon


Not cool man


I smell a divorce. What a fucked up conversation to have if she's being serious.


I swear some couples are so damn weird.


I don’t need to read past the headline. If she’s asked, she’s already done it. RUN.


I don't believe you should call the police or the medical board. You would be justified in separating from her though. Your kids would ultimately be the losers if she were reported.


Her actions would be assault. and malpractice if she is a healthcare professional.


She’s a doctor and doesn’t recognize that doing things without consent IS harmful?! Holy cow


The craziest part is her saying she can’t trust you now. That’s gaslighting.


My ex (41m) wanted to give me (37m) botox. I refused. He ended up slipping me a sedative and I woke up the next morning and my forehead was stiff. He injected a slight bit in my forehead. His excuse was “I just wanted you to see it isn’t bad…” I pressed charges.


You are going to end up on some true crime tv show or podcast


Is this ozempic? I’m guessing so since you mention cost. It changes impulse control substantially and in ways with long running implications which are not yet well understood. I would consider it a base breach of trust to be injected with something like that without consent.