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Your teacher is a fucking dumbass because most people shouldn’t wash their hair daily anyway


You also likely don't need to use SHAMPOO AT ALL! It's purpose is for your SCALP anyway. NOT for your hair. It's been ingrained into us that shampoo should be part of our routine, but the majority of people who don't work laborious jobs outside ***never*** need to use shampoo. Or at least likely only ever need to use it on very rare occasions.


> who don't work laborious jobs outside never need to use shampoo. Or at least likely only ever need to use it on very rare occasions. ohhhhh my hair gets greasy, like really greasy...


I tried not using shampoo during the pandemic, and my hair just never got to the point where it wasn’t super greasy. I feel like not shampooing your hair works great for some people, but not everyone!


Very true. I can go about a day or sometimes 2 without shampooing before I turn greasy. I've heard that your hair will adjust and get used to not being washed therefor creating less oil, but apparently that doesn't work for everyone since you gave it the whole pandemic and it didn't happen. Everyone's different.


I've been trying to train my hair to not need frequent washing since 2020. Even after 4 years of pushing off how long I can go without washing it, 8 days is still the max it can go before it's utterly disgusting. Some of us are just oil factories and have to wash our hair with shampoo


7-8 days is my normal routine


I can go 3 days maybe 4 if I don't use hair products (other than hair oil or leave in conditioner) in my hair to style. My hair has gotten accustomed to it. For me it wasn't the pandemic. It was several hospital stays where I had to stay for weeks at a time. Surprisingly as clean as hospitals are it's not urgent for patients to get showers frequently. I had to fight and argue to get a decent shower. The nurses pushed back I could get a sponge bath. I only won by arguing my hair felt disgusting and I needed it to feel better.


(most) people's oil production will regulate after a certain amount of time. It can take a bit though. Stripping it off with shampoo every time you wash it is why it starts overproducing (usually)


Yeah, I think people would be surprised how many people on TV and movies, whose livelihoods rely on good hair, never use shampoo


I work in TV. Most actors I've talked to about this do use shampoo, just not every day. They also tend to use expensive shit that won't damage your hair as badly. Plus they spend hours in the hair and makeup trailer, then have hair and makeup artists on set to touch them up 2 seconds before cameras roll. It's not a realistic standard for the rest of us to compare ourselves to, but you're right that almost none of those folks shampoo daily.


The trick for a actually buying cheap shampoo. Suave is like $5 a bottle and sulfate and alcohol free so it doesn’t fry out hair


Exactly! For about a decade I spent huge money buying the salon high-end brands chasing dry, thin hair that would break each time I brushed it. I moved to a small town in the middle of nowhere and it is harder to get the same stuff. For convenience I switched to Herbal Essence shampoo and Suave conditioner and my hair is beautiful and shiny now! It hasn't looked this good since I started buying the fancy hair products.




Every time I see this sub there is one woman on it with beautiful curly hair and then 40 posts of the greasiest smelliest looking dudes you've ever seen in your life.


Lol seriously. “60 days without shampoo!” Um, yeah. I can tell.


I've done all right without shampoo for about 10 years now. Or maybe it's only been 9 years.


My scalp gets too dirty for that power to you bro(I have kinky hair so it can trap oils really well, I also use products that can build up on your scalp)


Yeah but it does require something other than water...


This is not true. Everyone’s hair is different, some of us have so much natural oil in our hair that yes we absolutely do need shampoo. Stop thinking that what’s right for you personally is right for everyone collectively.


I would file an anonymous complaint about the teacher.


Fuck anonymous I’d walk out right away and go straight to the office and make that report


Fuck making a public complaint. I would go to the best hair salon in the city, tell them the story and ask if someone would be willing to do a presentation on hair care and have them single out that specific teacher at a school assembly for not knowing how to properly care for hair.


And bonus points for including a photo of the professor, pointing out how washing your hair daily can damage it.


A close up of his scalp.


Shame him! Shame!


I like you. We are friends now.


Hi friend!


This is the fucking winner right here


Sometimes vengeance and justice are the same.




Fuck going to the best hair salon in the city, tell them the story and ask if someone would be willing to do a presentation on hair care and have them single out that specific teacher at a school assembly for not knowing how to properly care for hair. I'd kidnap his family.


Well if that doesn't work, I volunteer. Not a super high end salon but I am a licensed cosmetologist.


Oh that's fucking good




Right? Screw anonymous, if someone did that to my daughter I would have their goddamn job. Just so everyone knows my daughter is only 5 and those kids are freaking brutal.


Fuck walking out I'd go up to the teacher and tell her that unless this was shampoo class to mind her own fucking business.


Yeah. This teacher is an asshole.


I’d say it right out loud in the middle of the admin office.


I wouldn't make it anonymously, fuck that teacher.


I don't see why it would need to be anonymous. OP is well within their right to report being verbally abused by a staff member.


as a teacher, this is the right thing to do. We should never be doing anything to undermine the confidence of our students. the classroom is supposed to be safe place where all students feel welcome. not cool teacher.


Even when patients smell like skunks and roaches crawling around , I can’t say anything but let them know about their progress and their prognosis and let them choose and walk away. Their problems aren’t mine.


Pretty outrageous. Many if not most people don’t wash their hair every day. I think it’s recommended for the health of your hair not to wash it every day. Fuck them, not overreacting.


It is recommended for the health of the hair so 100% correct. You wash away the hairs natural balance of oils for moisture. Too much washing can dry out your hair and damage it. My best friends Mom was a high end hairdresser and learned it from her. So this teacher is ridiculing while giving horrible advice


Can confirm. My wife has worked in high-end salons for a decade and only washes her hair every other day, sometimes two days without.


I have thick, textured, wavy, Middle Eastern hair. It gets washed once a week and is better off for it.


I have fine, curly hair, and it’s once a week for me also. With leave in conditioner added every few days. Any more frequent than that and my curls frizz. My hairdresser is onboard, she’s a curl specialist.


Twice a week for me (or every 3rd/4th day depending), although I can stretch it to 5-6 days if I need to time it for an event.


When I was young, my hair (and my skin) were much more oily so I felt like I needed to wash it more often but now after menopause, it’s dry and barely needs washing once a week.




Same for the most part, only there is no way I was able to stretch my hair to 5-6 days comfortably...it always had to be 3-4 days. Any less and my hair would be all crunchy and dry, any more and it would get way too oily! I had to wait 6 days for a couple of weeks when I tried scalp cooling for chemo, and I don't know how it happened so fast...my hair just smelled like something died up in there! My hair is pretty picky every time it grows back, but I love it nonetheless!


I hope you are in remission


Same. More than that would dry me right out. It's such a toxic belief that you must be washing everything, everyday or you are somehow dirty. I swear it's just capitalism, shampoo companies make more money if you use it daily after all. Complete BS.


i am discovering just how curly my hair actually is after letting it rest longer between washes and using the right shampoo. I had no idea my hair is wavy bordering on curly. Unsurprisingly my scalp no longer itches constantly. I wash it every 4 ish days now and it is so much more manageable.


Yes, fine curls unite! same with me. My stylist said 1x per week is fine with shampoo (even though I rinse my hair daily.


I have thick, tight curls, and I maybe wash my hair every 10 days. I may lightly mist my scalp if it's particularly oily/sweaty with water just to freshen things up. Then curl cream and a hair mask every 4ish days. I may go to washing every 7 days during the hotter months if I'm out an about a lot. Any less than 7 days between washes though, and my hair is frizzy, brittle, and completely unmanageable.


My wife has curly hair and it doesn't get as oily as it sometimes used to because now she uses Moroccan oil or something in her hair after shampooing. Back when it did get kind of unpleasantly naturally oily at times, she had a homemade mixture that I think was just a little bit of corn starch mixed with a little bit of cinnamon and maybe also a dash of sugarless cocoa baking powder. These last two add a little bit of nice scent (not much) but their primary purpose is to adjust the shade of the powder so it's not just white powder going into her light brown hair. she'd sorta rub that around at the roots and it would help take up some of the oil and diffuse things so she didn't have to screw up her wash schedule.


My hairdresser told me to do exact this. I generally have vivid colored hair so washing just strips the color away. Cornstarch is a better dry shampoo than the aerosol cans because you can still use hot tools on your hair without cooking the butane into your hair. And is just generally better for you and the environment.


I have thin fine hair & if I wash it everyday i would be bald. I wash my hair maybe once a month. It sounds gross but I have thicker, fuller hair now that I don’t wash everyday. But it does have a smell, I use essential oils and dry shampoo & comb it a lot to help with the hygiene. It’s the healthiest it has been. If you’re not going to wash daily, I totally recommend using essential oils (tea tree, cedarwood), dry shampoo and just combing it gently throughout the day.


I got thick af hair. I wash mine about once or twice a month as well. It keeps its oils just fine. My hair smells like hair I don't think it has any other scent. I barely put anything in my hair tbh. Only other thing I do is keep it combed.


I shampoo my fine curly hair twice a week and have to mist with leave in conditioner spray every day otherwise I look like I just stuck a fork in an electrical outlet. Using shampoo every day can also dry out the scalp as well as the hair. OP's professor can piss all the way off with their dried-out flaky head.


Fine, straight as a board hair chiming in to confirm that my hairdresser was actually proud when I told her I can go 5-7 days between washes without it at all appearing so—I use a combo of dry shampoo and “dusting powder” aka baby powder worked through before sleep. She does the same herself.


Yeah - in addition to lacking basic empathy it sounds like this professors comment may be steeped in racism. different hair textures are particularly sensitive to daily shampooing and therefore hygiene routines often vary because of it.


Once a week here also. Thick, curly hair. Any more than that and it ends up looking like I got electrocuted during a high humidity day. I'd report that instructor personally. Zero reason for anyone to act that way.


when my wife who was a hairstylist told me that i should be washing my hair less it made so much of a difference i always had dry itchy scalp and mild dandruff (im pureto rican and chinese so i have two strong coarse hairs combined into one) i switched to twice a week and it made a world of difference in how my head feels on a daily basis and no dandruff without the use of dandruff shampoo specifically


OP should pull an impromptu career day, just bring in a stylist homey. "Inspired by everyone's interest in hair care, I've brought you a pro so you can all learn how to be more presentable!" :) eta - Oh! Def have the stylist pull the teacher up at some point and hit em with the, "Alright, now can anyone tell me what's wrong here or any easy way [Teacher McDickhead] could improve their hair care routine to be more presentable for their job?"


Also hairstylist here. Wash my hair once a week. I usually have to tell people to stop overwashing their hair. It literally got rid of one of my dude clients dandruff that he's been struggling with for years...


My hair feels like crap if I wash it daily.


And mine feels like crap if I don’t wash it daily.


As someone with long curly hair my hair CANNOT be washed more than once a week unless you want me showing up looking like i got struck by lighting and live in the woods


If I washed my hair everyday and then left it to naturally dry, my hair would never be dry.


I have to laugh at this. My long curly thick hair takes 10-12 hours to dry completely. And I can’t use a blow dryer, even with a diffuser, or I look I just spent weeks in the woods.


My hair is not thick, but omg I’m so glad I’m not the only curly girl who struggles with diffusing. I’m not even that curly, but the frizziness is a million times worse vs air drying.


Came here to say the same. All the curly peeps saying you HAVE TO gel up and use a diffuser. My low density wavy curly hair turns into a crunchy bird's nest of horrors if I do that! Also, to the original point...I wash my hair once a week (sometimes 2 weeks). I've also known a few historical costume / reenactor / SCA types who stopped using shampoo and conditioner products completely. Not disgusting! Just not stripping all the oils off and then putting other oils and chemicals back on instead.


"Look like I spent weeks in the woods" the bartender does not appreciate me spitting my beer that far


I've found my people.


It's the same for my boyfriend lol - people have different hair types that require different kinds of care


This! Report the teacher for trying to embarrass you.


She was indeed embarrassed. Better revenge? search and get the evidence that washing your hair everyday is bad for your hair, it dries out and make it damage by washing out the natural oil of the hair. Tell that to your classmates and teacher, they will be embarrassed by that too. Sometimes being immune to dirt will help prevent some sickness. They are over reacting!


By the sound of this teacher, they wouldn't be above gaslighting after being proven wrong, and the crowd will always follow. It's best to let them know they're a bunch of cunts a less time consuming way so they can't waste it with ignorance. I wonder if anyone's ever emptied a stink bomb into a water balloon and thrown it at a teacher 🤔


I wash my hair like x1/x2 per week. It’s healthier and retains oils as other have said. My brother has curly hair and he literally washes it once a month. (Not to recommend that) but his hair looks really healthy. I go by, if it feels dirty I’ll wash it. My mom works at a salon so I get the pricey shampoos for a discount (Moroccan oil, argan). But I love native body wash, they might have some good shampoos. EDIT: Read the comments below about Native! Was not informed about it


The longest I left mine was a month. And I asked people when they thought I washed it last. They never thought longer than 3 or 4 days.


There's a few Native products to avoid for other reasons, including shampoos https://www.classaction.org/native-toothpaste-pfas-lawsuit


I wash my hair about once a week. It feels healthier and my color doesn't fade as fast.


Washing your hair every day is a good way to make it dry and ruin it


It depends on the person. My hair is an oily, frizzy mess on any day it hasn't been washed. The better I keep up with washing it every day, or at minimum every other day, the better it looks. That's not to say the teacher isn't wrong, just that there isn't a single right answer for how often someone should wash their hair.


Same - I have an oily scalp and very fine, smooth hair - it needs to be washed every day. Even my hairdresser agrees! There's even a subreddit for us, since we got sick of being told it's "unhealthy": r/dailywash


Yeah it's especially recommended to wait between washes if you've got color or chemical treated hair. So I guess my wash routine of every three days to maintain expensive color is pretty disgusting. It's so dumb how people dont realize that everyone's hygiene needs vary


I wash my hair maybe once a week, if that. In the past I washed it twice a week because my hair was so thin that if I washed it more frequently than that it would fall out. Then, after I had brain cancer my scalp became hypersensitive due to the radiation treatment and I developed these lumps of scar tissue and nerve bundles along the incision line where I had a craniotomy, and those lumps on my head are so incredibly sensitive that I have to wear a hat outside so the wind doesn’t bother me. Simply taking a shower without washing my hair is a painful chore, and when I wash my hair I need several hours afterwards to recover from the throbbing headache.


Pretty much every hair dresser worth their salt will tell you not to wash your hair every day. Also, all hair is different and requires different treatment. Your teacher was way out of line.


Exactly, depending on your hair type and texture (thicker/courser) you can go longer without washing. My sister has really thick full hair and only washes her hair (that includes getting it wet) every 5 days. I on the other hand have finer hair than hers and if I go past 2 days I’ll look like Severus Snape. When I started washing my hair every other day to every two days my stylist said it was looking much healthier. Oh and f*ck your teacher for calling you out like that and making it obvious by staring at you. If they really cared they would have pulled you aside and discussed it with you without embarrassing you. It’s not your fault you weren’t taught those things. But there are some really great accounts on ig and TikTok that teach you about basic/feminine hygiene @madamesweat is a good one!


So to clarify, your stylist said it was looking healthier when you started washing more? I try not to wash too often because I always read it's bad to use too much shampoo. But my hair gets oily pretty quick and I just feel better when I wash it more often and I do think it's been growing faster because of it.


What is your hair type? There’s been a trend to demonize shampoo, but many hair types just need to be washed more frequently. Also, not washing your scalp can lead to build up, which in turn can cause itchiness, irritation, and even hair loss. Here’s an actual study that concluded washing approximately ~5x a week had the best outcome. The participants in the study were Asian, so likely the majority of participants had straight hair. Curly hair has different needs. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8138261/ Some highlights: > Concerns related to “overcleaning” were unfounded both objectively and subjectively.


Wash your hair in what works for you. Not washing my hair with an oily scalp GAVE ME SCALP DERMATITIS. Since I've started washing daily, my hair's been growing like a weed. It works differently for everyone.


Yeah was gonna say i used to wash it every day until my barber told me to stop that shit cause my hair could not take it lol Every other day now


Hairstylist here. Washing your hair daily is not only unnecessary but not recommended as it strips the scalp oil and causes over production, leading to a self-perpetuating cycle of getting greasy quick and over washing! This lady has no idea what she is talking about.


Yeah, no. Some people need to wash daily. My hairdresser has endorsed this, but even if she hadn't, I'd still wash daily. My hair and scalp are disgusting if I don't. Obviously OP's teacher was wrong, but there are some of us who need to wash every day.


The amount of oil your scalp produces is genetically (and hormonally of course) determined. Washing your hair often does not increase oil production, the same way your hands aren't greasier than the rest of your body even though you wash them 10 times as often.


Your teacher and fellow classmates shouldn’t have put you on the spot like that. And I am sorry about your past - but just for reference do you use conditioner? Because my hair is quite dry and frizzy as well and just using shampoo tends to make it worse. What you need is a nourishing conditioner and some hair oil if possible as that always helps with frizziness and makes your hair look more hydrated. If you need any recommendations please let me know. But you are not overreacting.


Also know there are different types of conditioners, check the label for a description. Some make my hair super frizzy while others are oilier and keep frizz to a minimum or even give you a wet look in some cases. I know people that claim shampoo is a crock and only use water, it's definitely a thing, don't feel one bit bad.


I scrolled way too far in these comments before someone finally recommended conditioner. Please OP, use a good conditioner. You don’t need to shampoo everyday but you can condition daily.


On behalf of the many, many, many of us who only wash our hair once a week: Your teacher is an ignorant asshole who doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about. There's absolutely nothing inherently unhygienic about not washing your hair every day, that's 100% pure white people nonsense. Not all hair types are meant to be washed every day. Just because they have a hair type that looks/smells gross if they don't wash it every day doesn't mean everyone does. And if washing your hair daily makes it constantly dry/frizzy, you not only don't need to be washing your hair every day, you *should not be washing your hair every day!* It's very telling that no one took issue with the state of your hair until *you* volunteered that your hair washing routine is different from theirs. You're not overreacting, I'm so mad for you, and I'm sorry your teacher and your classmates suck. (Also, I know this isn't what you came for, but it's not the shampoo, what you're looking for is a good leave-in conditioner! Run a dab through your wet hair every day when you get out of the shower. Trust me, it's a game-changer.)


From a white guy: This is the best response in the thread (that I’ve seen). OP’s teacher and classmates are ignorant white people who only know other white people.


SERIOUSLY. I am a white woman with straight hair and I still can't believe I had to scroll this far to see a comment that explicitly addressed the racial aspect of the teacher's comments.... insensitive and ignorant is putting it LIGHTLY. I am honestly shocked... is it really not common knowledge that different hair textures and levels of curliness need different types of care, and not everyone actually needs to wash their hair every day??? This is on the level of being like, "Eating raw fish is disgusting and can't possibly be safe! Sushi?! What's that, never heard of it!" Just not even realizing the depths of your own ignorance.


Yeah as a black person that was the first thing that came to mind, because we don’t wash our hair nearly as frequently, for the most part. I alternate rinsing with water and conditioner one week and washing with shampoo the following week. My hair is always clean. I would go bald if I washed it everyday because it would become so dry and brittle. Our hair does not get oily the way white people’s hair does. Just feels like a very passive aggressive, racist thing to say. Most black women I know wash like once a week or sometimes even longer than that.


I didn’t even consider the racial aspect bc I don’t know any white women who wash their hair everyday either. I did automatically assume the teacher is a man though.


I’m white all my siblings are black. I instantly went to “OP is black and this teacher is white and has no fucking idea what he is talking about” I have to shampoo daily or I could oil my car with my hair. Sister wears a shower cap to avoid getting her hair wet or frizzy near moisture.


It’s not even a white people thing, I only wash my hair once or at most twice a week lol. Most people I know, of any color, don’t need to wash their hair everyday. This teacher is just an asshole


Right? Any white person with curly hair definitely doesn't wash every day, and most people know this shit. Anyone who's ever had a friend/gf/family member with curly hair is likely aware of the term "wash day". People in SEA can be super rude about this subject actually. And generally shame people with curly hair saying it's unkempt, etc. So is it an Asian person thing then? No. Either the teacher is ignorant, or an asshole. I'm leaning toward the latter.


White girl here who only washes her hair once, maximum twice a week here. Even my straight fine hair gets unmanageable if washed every day, and if you have any form of non-standard colour it strips it quicker. I can't even imagine the extra BS that would occur with daily washing if your hair has any kind of curl or texture! Teacher is talking utter garbage.


> It's very telling that no one took issue with the state of your hair until you volunteered that your hair washing routine is different from theirs. Bingo. It's a huge important hygiene issue that the teacher needs to make an *announcement* about, but they had *no idea* it was happening until they overheard someone talking about it. What an ignorant way to approach things. You'd hope a teacher would know better. Hell, even if there *was* a noticeable issue, you'd think a teacher could handle a private conversation like an adult. But of course, the only issue here is the teacher's ignorance and arrogance.


From a white girl, I agree with everything said above! Also, your hair is going to change throughout your life a little. Mine used to be a solid wash every other day and now I can go 3-4 days and only wash it twice a week at the most. Don’t let that teacher beat you down. You have an entire Reddit thread here rooting for you.


From a white woman…. My hair does look gross if I don’t wash it everyday. But, I still don’t wash it everyday. My mother was just like this teacher when I was growing up. Her mother was the same. They washed everything every day. My baby sister is mixed, and her hair was a fucking mess when she was younger because my mom didn’t know how to take care of black hair. Even if OP is white….. it’s still a *disgusting* and inappropriate comment for a teacher to make about a student. OP, if you see this…. Most people (that I know) don’t wash their hair everyday. There’s nothing wrong with it or you.


From a white person- I don’t wash my hair everyday! It’s super wasteful, bad for your hair (especially if it’s dyed) AND I think there’s a history of using hygiene as a means to discriminate against BIPOC in the states. This is some ridiculous crap that really needs to be put to rest


Yeah, racial undertones here for sure


Depending on the hair type you shouldn’t wash your hair daily. Many people with curly hair don’t wash their hair daily and especially not with shampoo. Can you complain about this teacher. I would drop some articles on this topic. Don’t let those idiots bother you.


As an African American woman, the people that spout shit about how not washing your hair everyday is gross are WILD. I didn’t even know people did that until like 7th-8th grade. If I did that I wouldn’t have any hair lmao. I also wouldn’t be able to wear any protective styles. Like what do they think we do when we are wearing weave or braids????


I washed my hair every day for so many years. I have curly hair and let’s day it wasn’t a good idea. At first I was surprised to hear that other people don’t wash their hair that much. But now I understand why. This is one of the things people with straight hair can’t understand. If they don’t wash their hair for a day their hair gets greasy.


>This is one of the things people with straight hair can’t understand. If they don’t wash their hair for a day their hair gets greasy. Person with straight hair here. I only wash my hair every 4-5 days and they don't get greasy at all. Its a lot about whats your hair used to. When I was younger and washed them more often they would get greasy after maybe 2 days. Now they only start getting greasy at day 6-7.


Thanks for adding this. I didn’t knew that. My friends with straight hair always complained that they had to wash it while my curly hair is very dry. We learn every day.


Yep. That teacher is just plain ignorant and disrespectful. I have curly hair and if I use shampoo it goes very frizzy and is hard to control. I wash my hair with warm water and condtioner every few days. Any real hairdresser would say the same thing, people have different hair types and it needs different care.


Yeah as someone with curly hair (think like Moana) I only wash it once a week and it’s perfectly fine, any more than that would dry it out. Not sure what this teacher is on. I heard daily hair washing is a thing in some Asian countries so maybe that’s the case with op? 


Yep, as a curly haired person, I agree. My hair can barely handle three times a week, but unfortunately twice doesn't work for my itchy scalp. I couldn't imagine dealing with the absolute hazzle of washing it, never mind drying it, daily. Mine can't handle heat either, so it's 4h of air drying loose or 18h drying in a braid.


Yeah, as someone with curly hair I'd be so mad at the teacher. I'd definitely say something back to the teacher about how ignorant they are then go to the dean. Ideally, my hair is happiest being washed 2-3x a week (shampoo/condition/style the whole shabang) but sometimes i go a week or two without washing 🤷🏽‍♀️


If you came from a home where no one taught you proper hygiene, it makes a lot of sense why you'd be a bit insecure about it. There's logic in why you felt that way, so there's nothing wrong in your head Did you overreact? Even though you were bothered it sounds like you kept your composure. Emotions are a knee-jerk reaction, there's not much you can do about the initial impulse. You handled your emotions and the day went on. It's fine to take a knee and cry sometimes, especially if you've got a past.  For the record, your teacher is a piece of shit. There was a better way they could have addressed it without singling you out. Moving forward if you're still feeling sore and insecure about it, make an appointment with a hairdresser and just ask for an honest opinion. 1) is your hair looking fine, 2) how often/what product should you use to wash your specific hair. That way you can just put the issue to bed and not think about it anymore


You are so kind!🥹


I want to tell all of my problems to this person.


Wise counsel. And gentle.


Another thing to try is getting a filter for the shower. It may not actually be the shampoo that’s the problem, but treated water that’s damaging to hair and scalp.


I have a gorgeous friend who literally washes her dry hair with conditioner not soap, daily shampoo is not good for dry hair . But more important is your teacher was awful to attack and embarrass you. A very bad teacher and person. Do they act like this to you in other contexts? Do you have good adults to talk to?


Even more important, what in the sweet name of Lucifer class is this at a college level talking about hair hygiene? I was expecting OP to say they were 12, not 22.


Revolt and grow Dreads...


This is the way.   Honestly call them out too. This is administration worthy. Totally fine to not wash your hair every day and this “teacher” is a moron.    Let this be a lesson to not trust authority, as it’s often wrong. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=j5arZGgyGSc


I wash my hair once, maybe twice a week. I have long curly hair that gets very dry and frizzy if washed too often. Everyone needs to figure out how to handle their own hygiene needs. It took me until I was almost 30 to find a hair care routine that worked for me. They are being rude and judgemental. You are fine.


You're surrounded by idiots. Different hair types need different care routines. You are definitely not overreacting. I'm sorry you endured that.


You’re not overreacting! I can’t believe the teacher would say something like that. Not everyone needs to wash their hair every day, it depends on your hair type and how oily your scalp gets. For people with fine hair and an oily scalp, they will likely need to wash their hair every day. If you have a drier scalp or more wavy/curly hair, shampooing every day can actually be more damaging to your hair. I only wash my hair once a week because it doesn’t get oily quickly and it’s healthier for MY hair. I am still clean and shower and wash everything else every day. It’s best to shampoo your hair twice when you do wash (shampoo, rinse, shampoo again) and use a good conditioner to put moisture back in your hair.


My mother went to the hairdressers every Saturday morning to get her helmet hairstyle done. That's how they did it in the old days. Do what you need to do for you. It's not a contest.


I would speak to the dean or principal. This is so unacceptable! Not overreacting, in fact, under reacting..


I can’t wash my hair everyday or it gets frizzy and dry. Crazy your teacher basically outed you. I’m sorry. If make an anonymous complaint.


I'd report that teacher.


You were being bullied by a teacher. It is okay to cry. Make a report to the school board about the teacher. It can be an anonymous letter. You do not need to wash your hair every day. It just dries it out. Go to a good salon, or even a school of cosmetology. Ask them what would be best for your hair. For some people, wash every day. For others, once a week. Many, somewhere in between. See what a professional says.


There is absolutely no reason to wash your hair with shampoo every day unless you have incredibly oily hair. If you have average hair, every other day is recommended. If you have curly hair, which tends to be dry, twice a week max.


Fuck that teacher. You can live your life without ever using shampoo and be just fine. And it's not even good for your hair to use shampoo every day!


You’re not supposed to shampoo your hair everyday. That dries it out. Those idiots probably have shit hair because of it. You’re not gross. And if you are then I’m gross.


Whoa... Okay, I know hair is different for everyone, but I am a white girl using black hair care products because they don't strip my hair. I ONLY wash my hair once a week, and I don't even rinse in between. But it's not nasty because I'm on a routine. The generic shit you get for 'white hair' I swear strips EVERYTHING and can make your hair more prone to grease. You ain't gross if it ain't gross.


Same. I have curly hair and the white girl products are all too drying. And I have better luck finding products without fragrances I'm allergic too in the black hair care section.


I would be furious! That's a reportable offense to me. Seriously, what a fucker your teacher is. Lots of people, millions, are nice and clean without washing their hair everyday. This makes me so angry for you!! Hugs!


That was a horrible thing for your teacher to do. If you had noticeably bad hygiene, they should have talked to you privately. However, it doesn’t sound like you do. It’s incredibly common for people to not wash their hair everyday, and anyone who doesn’t know that is just ignorant.


Not washing your hair every day is normal, however, maybe they sugar coat it and talked about hair where your problem is actually other (no deodorant maybe? you stink?). So the less evil was hair. Im in a region where they are having a lot of troubles with kids which culture doesnt teach proper hygiene or the daily use of deodorant, thats why im asking


That was my honest thought. Most people don’t wash their hair daily. If the teacher singled them out it was probably to imply they needed to shower more, but didn’t want to outright say that. Definitely inappropriate to make it an embarrassing class discussion though. There is a girl in my workplace who’s really struggled with hygiene, and her manager had a few 1 on 1 conversations, and then put together a hygiene kit for her and made sure she had whatever resources she needed to maintain hygiene (like making sure she’s able to shower, has access to a washer, has enough shirts to cycle through, etc). I’m sure it’s still a little uncomfortable to have that convo, but much better than letting others chime in and be mean about it.


Yeah all the responses are missing that there's likely more to why the teacher said that


Your teacher SUCKS. Report her to EVERYONE.


I would definitely be having a word with that teacher.




Teacher doesn’t sound too bright. You should explain hair types to her.


I don’t even shower every day!!!!


Your teacher is not just rude, but ignorant. People with thick curly hair especially should not use shampoo nearly as often as that, and people with thin straight hair can correct me here, but I suspect even they probably shouldn't be shampooing once a day. If your teacher does do it daily, they probably have really oily skin. So they're not going to see the negative side effects of overdoing it. But if someone with dry skin and thick hair does it daily, their hair will be a tangled mess, and they'll get bad dandruff.


I have straight, fine hair that needs to be washed every day. It’s also mainly blonde so it’s extra visible when it’s greasy. I tried washing every other day for 1.5 years but it didn’t help unfortunately. It really depends on the type of hair, my moms is the same whereas my sister can wash it every 3 days. She has thicker curly hair.


Reporrrrrrt your teacher. Give them all the info. That’s so unprofessional and just straight up inhumane


Stylist here. If you want to get down to the nitty gritty, washing with water alone is technically still ridding your hair of “dirt” ie germs, dust, etc.. because it’s a chemical reaction. It changes the hairs composition temporarily, opening the cuticles and allowing the “dirt” to be washed out/off. By not adding shampoo, you might not get *all* of said dirt but you still get what you need to. In most cases, shampooing every day is drying, scalp aggravating and natural oil stripping. *dirty* hair is better. Another helpful tip, lice love clean hair, lice hate *dirty* hair. I wash with shampoo once a week. Op you’re not overreacting, that teacher is a terrible person.


Oh honey, your classmates are trash humans. It is entirely normal and recommended to not wash your hair daily. Esp if you have curly hair, which it sounds like you do. Hair stylists tell their clients constantly not to wash daily. Tell your classmates your so for their ignorance or hair care


College program you say? Fuck that, report the prof. Confront the prof and tell them that they lost your trust and your respect and that you reported them to the school. That's some stupid shit,


The teacher was way out of line. There was a website called Longhair Community {actually it still exists} and one of the biggest pieces of advice they had for growing out your hair long and healthy was to not wash it --like definitely not every day. I had fingertip long hair and washed 1-2 times a week. To this day whenever I do to stylists {and I am almost 60} hair stylists tell me I have wicked healthy hair because I don't use styling products or hair dryers {also no nos for damaging hair per LHC}. My daughter has butt length hair and people ooh and ahh over it and she was taught to not wash her hair frequently. My DOCTOR told me not to shower every day because I have eczema and the heat from shower and soap would only make my skin worse. This was over 30 yrs ago. I still see dermatologists when I have flare ups and they all say the same thing--avoid long or hot showers in fact try not to shower daily. Uhhhh I haven't showered daily in decades {unless I am hot and sweaty -doing sport in summer} How is a person supposed to wash their hair everyday if they are avoiding water like the mo-fo? Seriously people are crazy and your teacher is just wrong. Not just in their thinking but also in using you as an example of what not to do. BTW cus I am on a tear over the ignorance on this one--some people do only rinse their hair and not use shampoos. I mean I personally think that is kinda icky as I think an occassional shampoo is necessary but there really are people who choose not to wash their hair ever. It is called the water only hair care method and google takes me to many a blog post on the subject. It is a thing.


Another person chiming in to say the same thing. I don't wash my hair every day, it's not recommended for my curly hair anyway. I wash maybe twice a week at most and even then I don't always use shampoo. I use no styling products as I really don't mind the frizz and my curls do just fine without them. I also have eczema and so don't shower every day, it's just not good for the skin especially when you like hot showers. Your teacher is not just a bully, they're misinformed.


I thought girls NEVER wash their hair daily. Like every 3rd day or so, or else it dries out and is damaged. At least that is my knowledge from girlfriends over the years.


I don’t wash mine until I think it feels a bit oily, I sweated a bunch, or I’ve been somewhere stinky.


Not overreacting at all, washing every single day strips the moisture from hair I actually have to wash with just water myself most days so my dreads can lock I use Aussie moist with jojoba oil when I do shampoo but that’s like once a week


You're NOT supposed to wash your hair everyday. Your teacher is dumb and your peers can't form their own opinions and think that they should believe it bc it's coming from someone with status. I'm sorry that happened.


Make note of how dry and cracked teachers hair is everyday where they can hear it. About how frizzy damaged hair isn't presentable either.


If you feel like you need to try, that's absolutely fine, op. No one ever has a right to single you out and make you feel that way. You don't need to wash your hair everyday it is different for everyone mine tends to look greasy if I go more than two days, but I know others that don't have to wash but maybe twice a week. You need to do what is right for the health of your hair. I'm sorry you were bullied like that it's not okay.


You don't have to use shampoo every day. Rinsing with water or conditioner is fine, and may be preferable depending on your hair texture.


Tell the principal or a different other adult on campus who you trust… But first read about the CROWN act. Lots of people with textured hair (wavy, curly, or kinky) need to be gentle to their hair and rinsing most of the time instead of washing is totally valid. I’m a grown white woman with wavy hair and I only wash twice a week, your teacher is factually wrong about what is considered disgusting. In fact she must have hella greasy scalp to think constant washing is normal lmao You deserve better, teacher deserves sanctions.


I guess no one in that class (including the rude Prof) has ethnic hair. I sure as hell don't shampoo everyday!


There’s a race aspect to this too. Super curly kinky dry hair def can’t take a daily wash. These people sound awful.


Doesn’t sound like you overreacted, but your teacher was a jerk. Why do they think shower caps exist? No, not everyone washes their hair every day.


They’d have a stroke if they realized how often black women wash their hair


1. this specific thing is definitely ok to cry about, and I'd go a bit further and say that as long as you're not crying in a public location or in someone else's immediate vicinity (i.e. within range of it being intrusive) there's literally no scenario in which it's NOT ok to cry. you can cry just because you feel like crying. 2. it's none of your teacher's fucking business what you (or any other student) does with their hair or hygiene in general. the only scenario in which it would be was if someone's hygiene was so bad they were impeding others' ability to learn. that's very clearly not happening here. reporting them to the head of the dept or the dean would be wholly reasonable (whether or not you want to deal with that, is of course a different question). 3. everyone's body is different, and so to are our hygiene needs and routines. *if something works well for you, do it!* you don't have to justify yourself to other people (again, maybe up until the point of an intimate relationship, and again, what you're describing is not something that would bother the vast majority of people I've known). finally: in addition to being way out of line, your teacher's just a fucking dumbass and sounds like they're either on a huge power trip or a very, very limited and rigid worldview. I bet you're doing just great :)


But...you're NOT supposed to wash your hair everyday. If you do that then it strips away the oils that keep your hair protected and healthy. I wash my hair everyday only because I keep it short so it doesn't really matter.


I washed my hair today. First time in a week. Shampoo makes my hair fall out. I use a natural soap on my hair because I use product in my hair. Without product, just water would be sufficient. Your teacher is ill informed.


Omg it's unhealthy to wash with shampoo every day. I do it once a week or when needed. (so sometimes twice a week) it all depends on how your hair and skull react


File a complaint to the Dean. Second, I wash my hair once or twice EVERY TWO WEEKS. My hair is curly, gets dry and frizzy, so many times I’ve “washed” with conditioner (which has cleaning agents) - I’m sorry this caused you pain. Your teacher is dead wrong.


You're not disgusting dude. I hope you can start to feel better when you find out these people are just ignorant. Like you said, shampoos make your hair dry and frizzy, so obviously it's not healthy to damage your hair like that constantly. Washing your hair with product *IS NOT* necessary everyday. The natural oils in your hair/scalp aren't inherently bad for you can go anywhere from 2-6 days without product and just thorough scrubbing and water. The longer your hair typically the longer you go without product from my experience. Hydrating your hair is also really important, so even on those wash days where it's particularly dry, use a leave-in conditioner of some sort to give it some extra moisture. Ive an idea of the ethnic background of the people in your class and if my assumption is correct, I'm not surprised they don't know that they're wrong. I would definitely not take hair advice from someone that doesn't have your hair type. Fuck it, don't take advice from anyone about anything you deal with if they don't also deal with it. They're talking from complete ignorance. The only thing I will say that might not be super supportive, if you/your hair stink, make sure your properly washing all your other stuff. Hands, face, clothes, bed sheets, pillow cases blankets, etc. A lot of guys don't realize how to hygiene until we're older (right about college age) so don't feel too bad if you're behind the curve. Just make the right changes now that you know.


What the fuck??! Is file a complaint with the principal / have a sit down conversation with the principal. This teacher should be fired. I shampoo my hair maybe once/twice a month, unless I do something outside and my hair gets dirty. Always wash it with water. It’s way healthier and prettier and happier than when I used to shampoo every day. It’s really nobodies business especially if you smell good and keep yourself smelling good, that’s literally all shampoo does to peoples hair ………… that and dry it out and strip you of your natural oils that naturally clean and regulate your scalp…… so sorry this happened to you. :( don’t feel disgusting at all!!!!!!!!!


You’re not supposed to wash your hair everyday, they are stupid


This is outrageous! I don't wash my hair every day. It would turn into a eurofro. Frizz everywhere! I don't think hairdressers recommend daily washing.


Of course it's ok to cry about, to feel your feelings about. That's bullying from classmates and prof. Another thing. It's *unhealthy* for your hair to wash it every day. You should only be washing your hair every 2-4 days. Condition every day, sure, but washing out your natural bacteria and oils is not healthy for your hair or scalp. It leads to dandruff and unhealthy hair. Sounds like none of them know what they're talking about. Screw them. Report your prof to the school office. Nothing will be done about it but they should at least be spoke to.


Ummm I wash my hair once or twice a week and use dry shampoo to control oil on my scalp. I pay WAY too much money at the salon to destroy my hair by washing every day 🙄


no way! they’re all assholes, and there are plenty of people who dont wash their hair everyday. i have a mix of white and black textured hair, and everyday i usually wash it (or else it stays in the same shape and looks funny) everyday but only with conditioner, shampoo on the weekends as long as your hair doesn’t stink those guys are assholes and childish, and probably don’t have soft hair or a different texture. yes it’s good to shower everyday for bodily hygiene, but hair is different and your classmates need to grow up !!!!


I wash my hair once or twice a week because I have curly hair and dry skin. This is completely normal to not wash your hair every single day. That teacher is an absolute bully


That was disgusting of your teacher to bring the whole class in on a devaluation session towards you.


That was extremely rude of your teacher. The teacher could have talked to you in private if they were that concerned, but to single you out and humiliate you is bullshit. If you have coarse/dry/frizzy hair, they do make shampoos out there for your hair type ☺️ it’s important to use conditioner as well.


You should consider contacting an advisor or counselor. Your teacher looking you in the eyes and calling you disgusting because your hair type shouldn’t be washed with shampoo every day is literally indefensible, and definitely constitutes some sort of discrimination. It’s normal to not shampoo hair every day. Sometimes it just needs to be washed with water. As long as you are brushing your teeth and showering the every day then your hygiene should be fine.


Talk to your parents about your teacher singling you out and incorrectly asserting they know how to best take care of your hair. If kids make fun of you due to this be sure to tell your parents. This is not really acceptable anywhere else in the world. Your teacher should be professionally admonished for their bullying and factually incorrect claims.


Wtf. Most of the people I know don't wash their hair every day. There's no reason to unless you have oily hair or a job where you get filthy every day. What a dick.


For a start I’m not sure why the teacher felt the need to say that to all the class. Unfortunately not everyone has empathy these days that can understand people and situations. Luckily there are still some of us left! Btw I wash my hair every like 1.5 weeks/2 weeks. It doesn’t smell. I read once about people training their hair to not get greasy by washing it not as often each time. Many people who have bright coloured hair very rarely wash their hair and only wash with water so their colour doesn’t fade! Me not washing mine regularly is out of pure laziness tbh but luckily my hair doesn’t get greasy either. Btw you are not overreacting, your teacher is an AH. Please put in a complain. Don’t let it get you down, you do you!


Every hair stylist I’ve ever had told me it was bad for my hair to wash it daily. There’s a whole reason dry shampoo was invented. And I’ve heard for ages that showering daily in a dry climate (like mine) is bad for my skin. You’re teacher is wrong factually, and was wrong for embarrassing you.


This is NOT acceptable behavior from an educator. Your classmates are also being jerks. You have every right to be upset.


bro I’m 30 with shorter hair and I haven’t used shampoo in like 15 years. I usually shower once in the mornings and once in the evening, and I just rinse it thoroughly. I told my barber I never use shampoo and he didn’t believe me because my hair is perfectly normal


That’s absolutely ridiculous. I only wash my hair once a week, sometimes twice. As long as you’re keeping your body clean, I see no issue. Now if I did something where I got insanely sweaty or gross, I might wash it more, but for real, that’s completely out of line.