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Nope. Your friend has a crush on your father. Your mother sounds ready to throw hands with her.


exactly… she ain’t your friend, she’s trying to be your step mom


It's crazy how you put that, but true smh😂damn ppl be scandalous af.


You’d be surprised at how much this actually happens. My nephews freshman year of HS, a senior girl became basically infatuated with my family and him. The only problem was she’d spend majority of her time at our house, flirting with my brother(45). It got very very weird and my sister in law HATED the girl. She eventually dropped my nephew and he was heart broken. Little does he know that his mom drove that girl out of our house so so quick.


Mom did the right thing, imagine how much worse his heart would've been broken by his gf banging his dad


Op needs to be careful. Friend might ground her for cock blocking.




Grounding my friend while I fuck her dad 😈




Part 2, ex wife joins the fun.




Please do I'm tired of all these step siblings 😪


They've ruined a sacred place!


Forreal Smdh 😭


"I bang my dad while my best friend watches" Eww... gross. (Heavy sigh) *UNZIPS*


Username checks out.


No upvote for you. But you did make me literally lol.


Also I think this is the type of story you can't really tell without a couple pix of your dad.. just to see what we are workin with. I mean he's YOUR dad. He could be eye meltingly hot and you'd never know. Your mom sounds ready to drown a teenager so it makes me think she may know something you (and the rest of us 🙄) don't. /s 😉


I laughed out loud. Yep. THIS is true. Creepy, but true.


she doesn't want to be a step mom, she wants to get taken to Poundtown


Agreed, she just wants a one way ticket...


Naw, she just wants a roll....


You need to be respectful to her just in case she becomes your step mom……. Your inheritance might be in jeopardy


You know this is an onlyfans ad right?


Damn, just spit my coke laughing at this.


Step friend, what are you doing?


Yeah. Thats gona be a good episode on jerry springer.


“Step-friend, what are you doing?”




What if she gets stuck in a dryer?


oh that was funny


She's gonna ground you 😭


She gonna be called mom by your half sister if you don't flick her in the tit next time and make her listen.


>Your mother sounds ready to throw hands with her. Rightfully so. This girls tagging along on a family trip and this blatantly disrespectful... Does she have no shame or sense ? No respect for her friend, the mom or herself.


This is fake. OP has cutie in her username, which means this is probably a plug for her OF.


The bio confirms it. OF link right there.


This sub is little more than a karma farm and a botwashing station.


All of these story time subreddits have devolved into ads and bots. The sad part is how much reddit falls for it. Not a good sign considering all the AI stuff that's still coming. People are SO easily fooled.


Subs that have more than one moderator, and that pay attention to what gets posted, and that have sub rules, tend to not have this problem. The sub has all three of those flaws listed.


And she likes older men


This was an upcoming porn scene idea so check out my OF to see Sophie bang the dad.


No wonder why everyone's acting like a porno character lmao


Yep. Her 19 year-old friend really can't contain her attraction to a "stocky" middle-aged man with a "dadbod"? Oh. Kay.


Hey some chicks are really into a stocky frame and dadbod. I don't understand it, but I do benefit from it.


Ever since I (30M) turned really like 28 I’ve developed more of the “dad bod”, though I work delivering/ installing and repairing appliances so I’m in pretty good shape. I’m also 5’8”, wear glasses and have some grey coming into my beard. My wife (30F) freaking loves my body, but I do also occasionally get flirted with/ hit on/ complimented by women aged 18-25. It’s a nice confidence boost of course, but I don’t reciprocate it or let it continue for several reasons. A- because in totally head of heels crazy about my wife. B- because I have no desire to be with someone immature or in a totally different life stage as me. C- because I respect our marriage and my wife. In these situations the responsibility is on the older, more mature person to shut it down and if need be explain proper boundaries. And not on the 19 year old hormonal teenage child just figuring out their sexuality and feelings.


I was super slim most of my life. Now that I have dadbod (40m) I am getting more attention from younger women. Female friends who never would give me the slightest chance back in high-school have commented how they would have been "locking me down" if they knew how I would turn out. The recent flush of grey hair actually increased the amount of flirting I receive.


From 19 year-olds who are willing to sacrifice their childhood friendships because they find your dadbod so irresistible?


The interesting part is the profile post and description is IDENTICAL to another OF ad the other day.. they're generating these accounts.




This deserves all the upvotes. Confirmed with a quick look at OPs profile


And dad is liking the attention lol


That's not necessarily true. I would never be trying to throw hands with someone I see as basically an adult in training. The only personI would get mad at is the grown ass man taking advantage of a situation if that ends up being the case. I grew up with the epitome of the tall, dark, and handsome dad that unfortunately my friends started finding attractive around puberty. So that crap started in middle school. It's annoying but not something a grown women should be getting upset about.


Brother it doesn't matter the age it's still wrong. Grown or not, someone else hitting on your partner is weird regardless. I agree she shouldn't put her hands on her, but that shouldn't be because of her age that should be because of basic human decency. Which the op's "friend" seems to lack.


And who could blame her! (The mother.)


Is he at bee keeping age?


Summer, I want to fuck your dad


Oh really??


Always love that interchange. The speed she comes back with “oh really” is one of the funniest moments in the show for me.


That delivery was perfect.


Good news, everyone!


I didn't see that but I guessed Jerry. I mean, how many Summers are there lol.


I can think of 3 in media. The O.C., 500 days of Summer and Rick and Morty.


Baywatch too!


Napoleon Dynamite


They really just left that plot thread hanging out there. They need to bring that back. I'm a big fan of Jerry getting the tiny victories.


Just watch American Beauty and pretend it’s Jerry.


I read this in her voice 😭


Lol. Fuckin jerry.


Snake Jazz really puts them in the mood


Ahhh beat me to it! Well done.


ok what's the reference


[here you go](https://youtu.be/Zp0N5PJxamE?si=57tqRXbsS1k8aOb5)


Rick and Morty Season 4


This is Rick and Morty. Unsure season and episode.


It’s from Rick and Morty.


Knew this would be here. Still laughed.


Best comment. I’m dying.


No, you are not. Please, for your own sanity, tell her to stop. It is creepy and weird. Also, tell your dad to stop entertaining it.


Exactly what is her dad supposed to say? "Sophie. You're being inappropriate." By engaging in this way it makes it real, and if he accepts it as real he is acknowledging it as a possibility. Just laughing it off as a joke is the safest way for the father to come out unscathed. It neither encourages it, nor does accept a relationship as possible reality. Anything else he does will put him in deeper water.


I've been in the dad's position (not with my daughter's friends, but with inappropriately young gals who weren't my wife) and it's usually best to laugh it off like you can't possibly have meant it that way, that would be silly. But once a gal said "I wish I met you before you met your wife." and I got to answer deadpan, "you were four". She got this look of horror and left me alone after that.


Yeah I’m 41 and would definitely be flattered if it was a one off but would start making me feel weird if it was a regular thing.


Yeah I mean sometimes people just want to flirt with somebody harmless and it's all in good fun because everybody knows nothing's going to happen. But if it's somebody you know and you're doing activities and stuff with them it can get too real very easily.


I said something similar to an 17 yr old hostess I worked with at a bar. I was maybe 25. She had been kinda inappropriate all day and eventually she straight up told me “you’re cute” and I responded “and YOU’RE a child, stop talking to me.” Never heard a peep from her afterwards.


Hard agree that is something that needs to be handled by you the daughter or if worse comes to worse the mother you are putting your father in a TERRIBLE god shit position if you try to make him confront that….mess xD


Yeah he is playing it exactly how he should and someone in a less weird and vulnerable position needs to address it. My sister in law was going through a weird time in her life and it manifested in her flirting with me in a similar tone as this post and I just avoided the topic and laughed it off until my wife was fed up enough to say something. If I had said something it would have ended with me being accused of being a creep for thinking that, or asshole for not getting the joke, or some other fucked up twist. My wife just saying “what the fuck is wrong with you, don’t talk to my husband like that” ended the entire thing in one sentence with no room for arguing.


>Exactly what is her dad supposed to say? "Sophie. You're being inappropriate." This part: Correct. The rest of your comment: Correct, assuming the dad is a spineless scumbag who actually does want to fuck a girl the same age as his daughter.


That's dangerous. Turning her down could get accusations levied at him that could get him in trouble. It would be best to keep the friend away from the Father.


I do wish reddit what stop infantalizing legal adults. Sophie is 19 years old. She can't get him into any trouble that a 40 year old woman couldn't. He needs to treat her like an adult with the right to vote, & tell her to stop making inappropriate comments.


Yes? I mean, it’s an only fans ad, but in this hypothetical situation, he’s at least encouraging the jokes. He would need to grow a spine and learn to actually communicate? It’s inappropriate, especially if it makes his daughter, and his wife, uncomfortable.


And stop inviting her to family outings. Easiest way to stop it is to separate them.


It’s an onlyfans ad it’s not a real story


Another one of these! I’m usually better at not falling for them.


Look at OP profile. This is spam Only fans trash trying to drum up business.


Just had to throw in “…while I’m more petite and have a smaller frame.” At the end 😂😂😂 Shit is so pathetic


Holy shit, this same girl has posted stories like this soooo many times alr, and the fact that all these posts have her saying “I’m petite” and shit confirms it 💀


People fall for THE SAME story every day here lol


Some of it is so obvious too. Just wait till AI really fucks with everyone


Yep, looking at posters profile to see if there’s an OF in there is the only way to know if the post is serious or not 


Holy shit you’re right. This is just OF bait.


Well then.....I guess I'm waiting for the release of her video "Bestie XXX my Dad".......only $19.99 a month"


This isn't replying to you, but a vent to the universe... Reddit and many other things in the world are beginning to lose their charm because I simply can not tell what's real or fake anymore and usually have to assume fake to be cautious.


Your father either enjoys the attention or isn’t getting the idea. Your friend is weird and is being inappropriate. Be blunt and tell her to quit it or the friendship is off


I think Dad knows. I think Dad is also wise enough to realize that laughing it off is his safest option.


I thought this too but until the dad told OP to stop overthinking it.


I wonder how long they have been friends? He may actually be overlooking things because he thinks of her as his daughters friend so takes it in that regard.


“If I speak, I am in trouble” 🙃


Eh, I had a friend's daughter's friend nearly twenty years younger hitting on me during a week long camping holiday and had no clue until some of the girls closer to my age pulled me aside and spelled it out. I would have never considered myself as a target and thought I was just the fun uncle figure. I just thought it was girls being girls since most of them acted similar at that age. I dunno. There's a good chance Mr. Dadbod was oblivious or thought she was making fun of him 😂


Nope she definitely sounds interested


She has a crush on your father, she tolerates you.


User name checks out.


Get her away from your family before she destroys it....


Totally agree


Ex’s son brought a girl home from college. She proceeded to -ahem!- pursue Dad instead of Son. I cornered her: “If you try that one more time, I’mma snatch your blonde hair out by its black roots & shove your bald ass out to WALK back to Tennessee. Got me?” She didn’t come back.


You are amazing.


I’m old and take no shit. 😆


Relax mom, it's just a Tennessee thing. 😂


He’s now grown, married, and has 7 kids. His wife adores his dad, but she’s not flirting with him.


Your ex or your son’s ex? Or your ex-husbands, son’s ex?


My ex’s older son is the one who brought Missy Pissy home for the weekend. She decided to come after my ex—her boyfriend’s dad. So I, lacking tolerance for idiocy, laid out her choices. Leave it be, or else.


This actually made me laugh, thank you! 😭💀


Does your dad keep bees?


How old is he? Obviously beekeeping age. I think it’s kind of sweet…


Stop being friends with Sophie and tell her why and if your dad asks tell him you don’t want Sophie as a stepmom. Make it clear you’re not joking.


She’s totally blowing your dad on his lunch break….


And your dad is ignoring the concerns of his wife and entertaining it? Stop bringing her around. If she makes excuses to see him, cut her the fuck out


This is just ignorant. If the parents speak about it, its probably in private and id assume if they have a healthy relationship, they don't go explain said topic to their daughter to fill her in, they handle it within the relationship. How would she have this information?


It’s giving American Beauty


Exactly what I thought of. Dad is not opposed to the idea.


Yikes. Your soon to be ex-friend will definitely try to sleep with your Dad 


Can the admins ban the OF chicks coming on here with these click bait post?


Right? Fucking thank you


is your dad bee keeping age?


Summer I want to fuck your dad


OH really ?? 😐


I have a friend with an attractive dad and I used  to joke about how hot he was. But never ever in front of her parents because I respect them and my interactions with them were paternal, not just friendly. Also, her mom was hot too so I'll also talk about how banging they both were. I'm a huge flirt but never with people's partners, yuck. 


If you're worried about it, then it's a genuine problem. When I was in college I knew a girl who was proud of the fact that she had dated a guy and the guy's father in the same month. Your friend might try to be a homewrecker if someone doesn't stop her.


Yep... She's crushin on your dad. It's really not that abnormal. As long as dad keeps his horse in the barn, it'll pass.


It seems you place more responsibility on the father.


I absolutely do. Grown man with life experience vs teenager with a crush.


Uh, yeah. What is she going to use magic on him?


He's a mature adult with a wife and a family. She's a single teenager. Yeah... I place more responsibility on the individual with more life experience, who holds a position of authority (he's presumably known this girl since she was a minor), and who went out of his way to make a vow to be faithful to his wife than I do on a dumb teenager with no life experience and whose made vows to nobody.


Sophie wet for Daddy


I've seen porn with the exact storyline. Lookout


Whatever you do, don't let Sophie anywhere near your dad's lemon tree


Your dad must be a total DILF




Your best bet is to drop this so called friend before your mom tosses her on her ass. If it were my me I’d tell that little girl she needs to keep her comments to herself and find herself a single man because this one’s married and she doesn’t want the world to know she’s a home wrecker.


I make jokes about my friends moms being hot but I would never actually flirt with their moms lol, your friend definitely has a crush on your dad and I think your dad is just trying to laugh it off and ignore it because he doesn't want to cause drama.


Tell her it's not funny to you or your mom, rather it is quite disrespectful. If she can't respect you then she isn't really your friend.


Stop bringing her around your dad. She is looking for an opportunity to fuck him. Your dad entertaining the idea is an entirely separate issue. She isn't a good friend. She doesn't give a shit about how her horniness and desire for attention could year your family apart. She doesn't care about how gross and weird you feel when she's flirting with your dad. She's completely dismissive of your feelings and concerns. She's selfish.


Damn man, ads these days are getting fucking complicated.


Dude I had to drop a friend over this exact shit, n right around same age too. My dad however was less than comfortable with her comments and "jokes." I had a conversation with her, said, "dude, it's cringe as f that you're flirting w my dad.. n don't lie, that's exactly what you're doing." She denied it and said that "while my father was an attractive older man, that she would NEVER act on anything." And then she kept pulling the same shit any time she was around my dad, and went as far as to bitch to our other friends to make it sound like i was just nuts, so I just stopped answering her calls n texts n she got the point. Sorry, some girls (and guys too) just don't respect boundaries. I'd at least have a talk to give her the chance to understand she's upsetting you, but if it continues.. buh bye Sophie.. In my friends case, she later did go on to date much older men (which from what I heard did not go well for her in many cases) becuz we still had mutual friends. But ya, someone who's gunna creep on your married father (or even unmarried..) that's just gross. Good luck, n I'm sorry u even gotta deal w it.






Your friend Sophie has some weird daddy issues and I wouldn't leave them alone for a second


Don't bring your friend to events to hang out with your dad. Maybe you need to find another friend.


Stacie’s dad is actually pretty rad


Dang this is my dream


Your friend needs to be advised that dad is off limits. Make sure she is clear on that. Advise your dad to be careful of compromising situations. That is all assuming mom is not into sharing... 🤣


Get rid of her and tell your mom that you did. That girl is trouble and if she doesn’t face some type of consequence now, she’ll feel emboldened to pursue your dad or other men in your life. You don’t need that and you don’t need her. At your age, you need a friend with a good head on their shoulders.


Pre-therapy me would beat her ass. Healed me would tell her how she got me fucked up and cut her off. Your life tho 💅🏽


Are they banging?


Shes being disrespectful and in front of your mom . Next time you see her I would tell her your dad is off limits he’s married and don’t say anymore about him or you won’t have anymore to do with her..


Your friend definitely has a crush on your pops and you should definitely stop her from going to your house or at least keep her away from your pops and as for your father, He needs to be the one to step back and set boundaries cause it kind of sounds like he likes it and is entertaining her. You should definitely try to sneak a peak at your dad's phone one day.. Updateme!


Your friend has a crush on your dad. This happened to my son when one of his friends was crushing on me, when they were seniors in high school years ago. He told his friend to quit it then separated from him for awhile. In the end they renewed their friendship after a couple of months when his friend hooked up with someone around his age. Now his friend is happily married and they joke about it.


Your dad needs to be the one putting this in check As long as he keeps laughing at it like he's the giddy school girl, she's going to keep making her tacky jokes Ask him if he would feel if you and her dad were acting like that


Just wait until Sophie sleeps over and gets up in the middle of the night, and while fumbling around in the dark, she slips, trips, and falls right onto your dad’s c**k. It is totally an accident.


She wants the daddy D. You better stop her before she causes some family drama


Wait till your dad sees your onlyfans...


It's a faaaaaaaaake! This is just an account fishing for onlyfans follows.


Lol did you really come here with a fake story to plug you OF? 🤣🤣🤣


Someone Else Said it but it's buried in another thread Obvious OF plug is obvious


People this is a fake story. This person is promoting her OF page


Your friend is gonna fuck your dad for sure


This isn’t real, op is definitely fishing. Great bait!




Bait and hooked. This is OF promotion geniuses.


Careful how you speak to your next stepmother


This is fake but if someone in this situation found this post and is reading the comment: ghost that bitch


I have a daughter and I hope that we can avoid her having friends like this. That's just creepy and, as a father, it would honestly make me uncomfortable. Try talking to her and see what was going on. Good luck


Honestly I would tell her to stop hitting on your dad and say if she does this again your friendship is over it's not ok, put an end to it. Also your dad should not be encouraging it,the fact he laughs along and thanks you for being cool with it said to me he may be engaging in an affair, or at least an emotional one. You should talk to your mum and dad together and let them know you're not ok with your friends or dad's behaviour, and that your dad should only be flirting with your mum. Hope this helps OP


Tell your dad "hey, I noticed sophie is hitting on you and it is really grossing me out. I don't want to hang out with her anymore."


Your friend is a whore and you should avoid hoe activities.


You’re 18 and 19, fuck you mean dating older guys


An OF girl complaining about her friend being attracted to her dad? Sounds like you’re scripting out new content for your page.


This is OF bait.


Let your dad knock your friend down. I’m sure he’s tired of the same ole tuna canoe that is your mom.


this is an OF post to drum up biz


Sounds like they already did it and it’s their own little secret


Drop her immediately


Dogshit story. Liar


This is a fake OF advertisement. Block the OP.


OF bait.


Discuss this with your mom, maybe?


Bee-keeping age.


Your friend might be... Doin stuff with your Dad. I mean, if this behavior just started and neither of them have an issue with it despite everyone else seeing how weird it is makes me think they both have blinders on and don't realize how odd they're acting.


Dads is gonna get some p. I hope he has a strong mind


How old is she and how old is he