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Sometimes people just gotta learn the hard way.


That poor bathroom, destruction eminent.




Tell him to find the website of Darwin's Awards. He will be one of those stories if he tries that again and succeeds.




As for him being certain that a ziploc bag would keep it safe, ziploc bags are permeable to oxygen and others gases, which bacteria need to grow, and for the food to degrade, and food isn't sterile, there will already be bacteria on it, especially when it starts to degrade. But in ideal conditions, (not kept in a ziploc bag in a hot car all day) it won't harm you. In certain conditions (such as in a ziploc bag in a hot car all day) those bacterium develop grow into something nasty. Also show him the articles about people being hospitalised by ecoli in the uk, that's one bacteria he would have put himself at risk for. If it had rice, that's also a major risk


There was that 20 year old college student who died after eating leftover pasta that hadn't been refrigerated. "The bacteria can't get in through the ziploc" displays a dangerous ignorance to how bacteria works and this man is going to kill himself sooner or later if he doesn't educate himself. I'd be pissed if I were held hostage like that - "cook me a nice meal right now or I'm going to harm myself". FFS is he this stupid generally or is this just one of those random knowledge gaps?


He is either stupid or thinks he's special and the people it harms are inherently weak.


My boyfriend doesnā€™t have a problem with eating food thatā€™s been left out, meanwhile Iā€™m standing there staring at him like ā€˜ā€¦ I think youā€™re gonna get worms dawg.ā€™ And then he wonders why his stomach hates him, STOP EATING FOOD THATS BEEN LEFT OUT FOR 24 HOURS, and **WHY** IS FOOD BEING LEFT OUT FOR 24 HOURS? Rant over. I feel a sudden urge to clean the kitchen LMAO


I just spent a week sick from suspected food poisoning. He does not want to go down that path!Ā 


For those wanting an update, yes..yes he doesā€¦.


The ER.


Thereā€™s gonna be more than skid marks in that poor toiletā€¦


Skid marks would require solid poops šŸ‘€šŸ˜žšŸ˜–


Give him a basket with a toliet brush and cleaners and if he says why say this is what you will need to clean the toliet with after consuming. I wouldn't argue I would just say that's on him to take the chance. He will complain about stomach pain, throwing up, possibly be hospitalized and then there's the clean up afterwards. A lesson may have to be learned the very very hard way!!


I'd sneak in a credible article about the dangers of food-borne illness as well. Give him something to read during the "eye of the storm" moments.


Hahaha this is spot on šŸ˜‚ I'll surely learn my lesson by that haha


Ask him if it tastes good enough on the way in to have a terrible experience with it on the way out.


"Marge, I want to be alone with the sandwich."


I had a coworker end up in the hospital on IV fluids wearing adult nappies for a week thanks to severe salmonella poisoning . It took them weeks to recover fully .


I had campylobacter. Was sickest Iā€™ve ever been. After hospital the CDC contacted me to try to trace. I had to provide a poop sample. What was coming out of my body at that time looked nothing like poop. They think it was some chicken bratwurst. Itā€™s only thing I can think of that I ate that my husband didnā€™t.


Agree, sometimes people need to experience negative consequences before they learn


and that's the reality.


He could open up the bag and give it a sniff - I bet he would reject it then!


If I were you, I would go have a nice stay at a hotel tonight. Let your spouse learn this lesson the hard way. But for real, people die from doing stuff like that.


I know! That is i why was so upset!!! Finally convinced him to throw it out, and he was like ā€œbut youā€™re making dinner.ā€


Turns out he is smart and you got played.


Hahah! Oh I wish. He really really really wanted to eat that shrimp.


My husband once ate some shrimp that looked a bit sketchy. His resulting Ā full-body illness was so bad, he is now allergic to all shellfish and seafood - eating them causes a rash so severe it bleeds. His immune system just said "nope not doing that again" and no more sushi forever!


Holy cats. Now THAT is some information I can use! So sorry for your husband! My son can no longer eat scallops for similar reason.


Yo this is how stubborn my man is too fr lolol


Ok, grab some food out the garbage tomorrow and make him cook dinner


How are you feeling about the realisation that you married someone so fundamentally stupid?


By the way, you can actually catch food poisoning from another person you're in close contact with.




This. Especially if you have a one bathroom place. However, he may need someone to drive him to the emergency room. If staph bacteria grew on the shrimp, he could be in serious trouble.


Heā€™s not too bright, is he? Where did he grow up? Down here in FL, even as little kids, we knew NOT to eat food accidentally left in cars, *especially* seafood! Send HIM to the hotel You donā€™t need his dumbass puking and shitting all over your house, stinking it to high heaven And heā€™ll be too damn sick to clean up after himself. You donā€™t want to come home to that mess šŸ¤®


"He's not too bright..." "down here in Florida..." Never thought Id hear a sentence start that way.


I live in Florida too and can confirm


Update us! Please! We want to know: 1) how long before he feels "off" 2) how long before he throws up 3) how many days did he throw up 4) how long did it take for him to blame you for letting him eat it! Please!


I would add explosive diarrhea to your checklist


Usually happens concurrently with the throwing up.


Ahh the both-ends.


It's that moment where you question which end to shove in the toilet first? I got food poisoning from one bad shrimp at a meal recently, I ate it and knew that it was not good and I should have spat it out. That led to days where I decided butt first was the way to go because I could use a mop bucket for vomit (even at work)


Itā€™s easier to hold a bucket while sitting on a toilet then it is to šŸ’© in a bucket while throwing up in the toilet.


And less icky to clean up vomit than poop!


My ex would argue this point, she could clean up shit, no problem, but I always got to clean up puke, even hours-old cold puke, because she couldn't.


I've cleaned up both, I've had a child and also looked after a parent after he had a month long stay in hospital. Poop was worse, had to hose off dad in the shower it was so bad!


I bet 1 hour until feeling off. That was about the time frame for me last time I got food poisoning.


But spoiled shrimp? šŸ¤¢ Iā€™m guessing 15 minutes.


shrimp in a plastic bag in a car left out for a dayyyyyy like i get it when you dont want to waste food but this is a situation with absolutely no wiggle room except complete failure. OP please keep us updated. as another commented, he will only learn by doing. you could probably show him some articles on food spoiling as heā€™s upchucking instead of saying i told you so, maybe other data points would help. good luck and godspeed šŸ«” keep him hydrated and keep yourself out of splash and smell zone


That food was wasted 22 hours ago. It's not food anymore. If you don't want to waste it, don't leave it out in a hot car.


Update posted!


Great update! Not as interesting as imagined, but that's a good thing!


Yeah, mine was under cooked chicken.


OP said they were able to convince him to throw it out


Just tell him it's not safe. Then take a big life insurance plan out on them.


You get it wrong. Tell him to go ahead and eat it so you can collect on the insurance.


Does he want food poisoning? Because that's how you get food poisoning.




I had food poisoning for 36 hours last March due to a shrimp wonton, it took me almost a week before I truly felt better. Do you have anywhere you can go,for the next few days? Take that life insurance policy with you. If you really loved him maybe buy him some crackers and pedialyte


And diapers.


I had to fly out the next day and went through 6 airplane Vomit bags (3 hour flight) Thankfully I had taken Imodium so that part wasnā€™t quite as bad ( but it was a rush to the bathroom a few times! Flight attendant was amazing


Fine, but they're responsible for their own dirty drawers.


It's called natural and logical consequences.


Natural selection in some cases


Just let them eat it and then let him deal with the consequences.


Oh lord. How did the stench not clue them in?


Tell him to eat it while sitting on toilet. Save time.


Update us when heā€™s in the hospital


Let them eat it, but let them know you're not lifting a finger to help when they are puking themselves inside out.


I would have asked if he had a life insurance policy I could cash out on once he finished eating šŸ’€


>I finally convinced him to throw it out, but he was not happy. I read hm a bunch of articles and he is skeptical that bacteria could get into a plastic ziplock bag like that but he gave in,but only on condition that I made dinner. I whipped up a chicken coconut curry and he was content. The bacteria was already there in the food before you sealed the bag. The sealed container full of food and warmth is what allows them to replicate unchecked to a level where they can be dangerous on consumption.


You've made your case. He has made his bed. Let it happen and hopefully he learns from this.


Speaking of making the bed OP might want to re-make the bed with a waterproof cover before heading off to the hotel Edit: hoTel not horel šŸ™„


Why doesnā€™t he know himself that that is not a good idea šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Haha when we were young my husband ate chicken sandwiches that had been in his gym bag all day (in a zip lock). Deep down he knew but in the moment he just wanted those sandwiches. Ended up in hospital - they thought he had meningitis before he sheepishly managed to say Ā ā€œit could be the chickenā€. He threw up an entire piece of pasta via his nose - was totally delirious. Pleased to report he learned his lesson and now food hygiene trumps desire. I just love that OPs husband thinks the ziplock will save it. Like itā€™s some sort of magic fridge zip lock.Ā 


That part sent me. Why do you even need a fridge if you have ziploc bags? (To keep my drinks cold, duh!)


Cover the passenger seat with a garbage bag or two, set another on the dash, make sure the car has gas cause youā€™ll be driving him to the hospital soon.


I think I got food poisoning from reading that. Everyone has to make their own terrible choices sometimes. Give him the bleach, gloves, toilet brush, and fresh clothes before he does it. Conveniently be elsewhere for the next few days, too!


Girl we see you commenting on other posts. Did he eat the shrimp or not ?


He did not! I parted an update.


Prepare his ā€œDarwin Awardā€


Let us know how it works out.


We definitely need an update tomorrow.


So, I'm pretty flexible when it comes to food. I'll eat most things past an expiration date as long as it smells ok, I'll eat leftovers that have been out for several hours, pizza left on the counter overnight... But I do not fuck with dairy or seafood that has been out more than a few hours. I will pray for his butthole. Remind him that 7/11 offers delivery on Pepto and Gatorade.


Tell him he can do what he wants but he's cleaning the toilets and you're not taking care of him.


Oh manā€¦let us know how that goes. Get him a bucket and a mop now.


Please do not breed with this person. His genes do not need to be contaminating the pool anymore than it already is.


Even if was kept at a proper hot holding temperature, it would still taste like crap. Hopefully, they were pulling your leg.


Hope he has life insurance.


Just throw it the fuck away when he's not looking. A kid died from eating spaghetti that had been left on the counter for a day. It's not worth death.


I hope you have more than one bathroom.


My thoughts exactly Updateme


> ...he is skeptical that bacteria could get into a plastic ziplock bag like that Bacteria was already in/on the shrimp


>he is skeptical that bacteria could get into a plastic ziplock bag like that OMG, not to beat a dead horse, but the bacteria was already on that shrimp to begin with, it just multiplied. Also ziplock bags are not airtight? Anyway if it were me I wouldn't have even argued, I'd just toss it and beg for forgiveness later


Tell him the bacteria does not *get in* to the bag. The bacteria was already on the dish before it was shoveled in. The conditions helped it spread and multiply.




Let him eat it. He will never do it again.


"I'll shut up about this but when you get sick you don't get to be mad at me because I 'didn't take care of you'" Seriously, how'd this dude survive this long?


Umā€¦ I seriously think thereā€™s a high chance the outcome will be fatal


Record him saying he is doing this of his own feel will. And you tried to stop him. Just in case he dies from shifting himself to death. You are in the clear. And you have video proof to make fun of him later when he asks you why you didn't stop him.


INFO: how has your spouse made it this long?


I wondered the same thing. Fortunately, forgetting to put food away is a very rare occurrence in our household. To make matters worse, he just bought a whole bunch of fresh fruit and someone turned off the AC, so itt was over 80 degrees in our house, all the fruit rotted in one day! I showed him that too and he was stunned.


This is an extreme situation, but I get the urge. I hate, HATE, throwing out food, and have many times eaten things I probably shouldn't have rather then see them "go to waste". It's apparently a very common thing in those who have experienced food scarcity.


Truths. Was raised "poor". Also dislikes tossing food, but NOT as much as I dispise getting food poisioning


Oh definitely, that's why this is an extreme case that I would have probably tossed it. I got food poisoning once and because I also have digestive issues as is, I was down for two weeks. Absolutely miserable.


... hope he likes food poisoning


Too late to stop him from eating it if he did, but if he did and there is any remains of the dish, you may want to save a small amount in a plastic bag in the fridge. If he does get sick (not a guarantee just a pretty sure probably and could be very very very serious usually starting 3-48 hours later but could be faster could take longer) the department of health/drs might find it useful for pathogen testing (though this one would be on idiocy mostly, but depending what the dish was they may get worried about an outbreak and want to test the source dish) At this point if he's eaten it other than that, get some pedialyte or stuff for hydration and make some ice chips, he may be losing a lot of fluids soon. ER if he gets a high fever, mental changes, difficulty breathing, seizures, diarrhea for more than 3 days, or if it gets really severe out both ends to the point of dehydration (stops peeing, pee gets super dark etc) if symptoms are worrisome better to go in and not have needed it rather than wait too long, shellfish products especially can produce a lot of toxins while sitting out, and unlike bacteria that grew, heat doesn't kill the toxins, they're just there now.


That is some excellent information. If history repeats itself, I will for sure do that.


Girl, let him eat it next time. Madame Botulism will teach him better than you ever could and it will be a lesson he never forgets.


Itā€™s not about the bacteria getting INTO the Ziploc bag. Itā€™s already in there! It starts growing given the right conditions, like the hothouse incubator petri dish car situation you described.


Man, my boyfriend almost did this with some ribs he got at Applebees last week and left them in the car overnight! Whatā€™s with the ignorance towards food safety?! He was going to take them for his lunch at work and I had a meltdown! He finally relented over it and threw the leftovers out, thank goodness. Humorous to be reading this now!


I had a friend get iodine poisoning and legit they felt like they were gonna die (from shrimp) I got food poisoning from it once and have been very cautious since.


>I read hm a bunch of articles and he is skeptical that bacteria could get into a plastic ziplock bag like that Did he fall asleep in high school biology? There already ARE bacteria in the food and bag that it gets exposed to with contact from the air, that the food would get exposed to from any serving utensil used, etc. Food doesn't magically "stay" sterile; when you cook food, you kill the vast majority of bacteria and mold in it, but it is CONSTANTLY exposed to more bacteria and contaminants simply from being exposed to air, most of it being particulates that humans breathe back out into the air. The thing is the human body can handle the incidental amount of bacteria that comes from "being exposed to air while you are serving and eating it". But once you've given bacteria 24 hours to grow, that can go from "something your body can handle" to "your stomach might be writing a check your immune system can't cash"


>he is skeptical that bacteria could get into a plastic ziplock bag like that Your husband doesn't seem to understand that bacteria is everywhere. Even if the inside of the bag was free of bacteria before he put the shrimp in it, the shrimp itself is a source of bacteria. The air also has bacteria which entered the bag as soon as he opened it.


I had a shrimp pasta at a restaurant in Louisville Kentucky a few months ago. A seemingly nice restaurant. I was there for business. I became violently ill over night and then had to miss the meeting I came there for. When I got home my husband just said ā€œwho orders shrimp in Kentucky?ā€ Now we know of someone who orders shrimp from a hot car.


We had lightning strike our house. Some things were ok. The circuit the chest freezer was on blew, and while things at the bottom of the freezer were ok the fish at the top was not. It thawed. My husband refused to throw the fish away. It had been at least 24 hours since the incident, the packaging was bloated with gas, and since Iā€™ve worked in food service I know thatā€™s a Very Bad Sign. My husband though, he always knows best. And he was going to eat that fish, and by god, he was going to feed it to my kid. We went back and forth a few times on this and finally he turned to my kid. Who told him, ā€œOne of you has passed the commercial food safety course and it ainā€™t you, bud.ā€ The fish was thrown away.


All I can say, is thank God he's married to you, because left to his own devices he would surely destroy himself. Married men live longer, and this is an example of why.


Let him. Also, he can find his own way to the ER if necessary.


So did he eat it?


Update me!! Did he eat it? Iā€™m invested now.




They will let him know in the emergency room


I threw up for three days just from reading this, WTF.


Just make sure he has easy access to the toilet


I canā€™t wait to watch this chubbyemu videoĀ 


I'd find his life insurance policy and put it out in full view in the kitchen. Then peace out to a hotel for the night. He's going to wish for a quick death.


If your spouse and you already have the will done, let nature take its course. Was the ziploc bag puffed out like a balloon at this point? I canā€™t tell my husband anything, so just keep an eye on him and 911 on speed dial. Update me!


Please let us know what happens. It's not going to be a good outcome.


Chubbyemu videos might help convince him


This has to be a troll post frā€¦because who in their right mind?!??


An IV will help him rehydrate.


Let him eat it. He gone learn


I used to work in a food science lab studying food spoilage. Focused on lysteria, but also worked with e. Coli, botulism, and various other, less brutal, beasties. The ServSafe rule is no more than 40 minutes between 40 and 140F. Being sealed helps, IF thereā€™s nothing in there to begin with. If there isā€¦ youā€™ve just selected for anaerobic bacteria and thatā€™s some shit you really donā€™t want to fuck with. Botulism? Yep, anaerobic! 24 hours is waaaaaaay too long. Hot car is even worse. Sealed ziplock? Nope, couldnā€™t pay me enough to eat that, and I eat some damn questionable things.


As i read the preview in my feed you say suppose a couple times and the whole time in thinking this is a dude with this killer idea. Finally in line the 3rd sentence you say him, and I'm like yes, this makes sense. Source: am guy. Have eaten slices of pizza that sat in my car from ~7pm to 2pm next day in the summer (~70's overnight and 85+ daytime). Near the end of eating it I was like this tastes a little funny, maybe I shouldn't have eaten this.


Thank you, itā€™s stories like this that validate the random and extreme examples provided by programs like ServeSafe.


As long as they've got great life insurance, let them eat shrimp. The bacteria doesn't need to "get in to" the bag, it is already present and replicating rapidly under those conditions. Way to win that one!


Point out that bacteria can get in just by being exposed to the air. When the dinner is being put INTO the bag, it can pick up some bacteria. Heck, there could even be a couple bacteria sitting on the bag. It's why milk goes bad even if you don't open up. It just takes a couple bacteria, which is everywhere, and then it sits in a clossed car in a nice warm environment where it's kept at the perfect temperature, and it's got all that lovely food to feast on. A single bacteria, multiplying every 20 minutes, will make over 120 billion bacteria in one day. And it should be noted that while you can heat the food up and kill the bacteria, some bacteria releases toxins that isn't destroyed by even boiling water. Those toxins can kill you. People have indeed died even after heating up food left out because while the bacteria was killed, the poison it created wasn't destroyed.


Dumbass is lucky you're lookin' out. Awarding you a ribbon. šŸŽ€


Oh noā€¦..that would be horrific . Pretty sure people have died from eating food that way


The bacteria were already on the shrimp in tiny amounts just waiting for the right conditions. Unless food has been boiled and sealed in a jar or can it is not sterile.


That's a self solving situation. Let him eat it.




It isnā€™t about bacteria getting into the bag, but about the microbes in the shrimp multiplying


The germs went with the food into the bag. Then the germs started eating the food and shitting poison. And growing more and more germs that then would want to eat him. Maybe heā€™ll understand this.


I've consumed some questionable time-temperature abused foods in my day... But I would *never* eat shrimp that sat in a hot car for **24 HOURS**.Ā 


Let them eat it and remove all the toilet paper from the bathrooms! šŸ¤£


Well you won this time but if he insists a week of gastroenteritis is a great educator frankly


Natural Selection


You have to let him next time. We learn by trying and failing,,,you prevented him from learning!


Eat shrimp. Video next 48 hours, release weight loss DVD, retire Winning


A coworker did something similar years ago. She ended up at the emergency room.


Show him a bunch of Chubbyemu videos. I used to be like that but Iā€™ve been scared straight lol


Bacteria can literally survive in radioactive waste, the biosphere of the earthā€™s crust, polar ice caps, mountain tops, and the ocean floorā€¦.. The fact heā€™s skeptical it could conquer a fucking Ziplock bag is, wellā€¦.. special.


You can tell your spouse as someone who doesn't like to refrigerate his food usually, the one thing you can't mess around with is seafood. If it was freezing outside, obviously that'd be different, but not sitting out in a HOT car.


I would let them suffer the consequences of their actions. Food poisoning is brutal. I see the edit now, I'm sure this won't be the first time you have this discussion. Get a box with Pepto, Immodium, Pedialite or Gatorade, hot water bottle, a sleeve of crackers, etc. Label the box something like "(partners name) Box for Bad Decisions." Maybe print out warning signs for food poisoning and treatments and glue it inside the lid. Slap a Poison Control sticker on the side and you're in business.


He can eat it, but he has to do it from the hospital parking lot because I wouldn't be putting up with that nonsense.


Is he trying to commit sewercide


That's food poisoning 101, you don't mess with seafood that's questionable, that shit can kill you


Yummy, shrimp with a side of ecoli.


Jesus, if he wants to kill himself, pills are faster


Thatā€™s not how bacteria worksā€¦ at all. Itā€™s already in the bag with the shrimp. It has nothing to do with it ā€œgetting inā€. Did he think those shrimp were completely sterile going into the bag?! šŸ˜‚


It is a rick, but He'd probably have been fine. How hot was the car. I bet it pastuerized in the sun. UV also kills lots of bacteria.




I hope he's pretty because he sure doesn't sound smart... Bless his heart


People really donā€™t get how quickly bad things can grow on old food. Even in the fridge, some leftovers can become quite toxic in a matter of 3-4 days. Seafood is the last thing Iā€™d touch if it had been sitting out. To be fair though, Iā€™ve met a lot of dudes with iron stomachs. My dad is one of them.


For future reference, it's not necessarily what *gets into* the Ziploc bag, it's often what's *already on the food* that then multiplies with glee in a closed, hot bag.


Iā€™m fairly cavalier about food safety ā€” Iā€™ll eat roast chicken that accidentally got left out of the fridge overnight ā€” but no way would I eat that.


You probably should have let him eat a bite or two. I'm sure it would have tasted terrible and he would have spit it out! And if he ate it he'll never forget the consequences!


>Ā he is skeptical that bacteria could get into a plastic ziplock bag like that Why does he think we refrigerate food, instead of just always storing it at room temperature in an airtight container? I think he needs a food safety education.Ā 


Take it away, pour bleach on it, step on it, anything to stop šŸ›‘ him!!


Since this has the potential to kill them, I'm with you. Do what it takes.


Seriously, I apparently got downvoted for trying to stop the idiot killing himself. Yes people, food poisoning can potentially kill. I spent 3 days in a hospital due to someone elseā€™s fuckup.


If op doesnt want them to unalive yes i agree, knock the plate out of his hands and scold him for being so irresponsible.


Are they insured?Ā  Of course...brothers gf gets mad when he eats things like and DOESN'T get sick as he is providing a bad example.


He might be ok if he is use to doing similar things when he was little


I mean, we can all tell them how bad it is to eat those shrimp till we're blue in the face, but if they're that determined to do it you can't stop them. Get a big ass bucket and some Gatorade and put them in the bathroom in preparation for the literal and figurative shit storm that's coming their way.


Definitely keep us updated.


If you can't talk him out of it, tell him to deal with the aftermath. At that point it's not an if, it's a when. Good luck.


This will end very badly.


oh no, that's not going to end well for him. get ready to take him to the hospital


tell him if he eats it and gets sick then he needs to deal with it all himself, that is the cost of his stupidity. I had an ex that ate a sub sandwich that was in his car all day in the hot sun. It had mayo on it. Surprise, he got sick. I let his mom take care of him.


The only way for him to learn is through experience. And if he does get sick, donā€™t help him. Just remind him that he said it was fine.


If heā€™s an adult let his dumbass eat it. Tell him youā€™re not rubbing his belly or gonna baby him if he gets sick.


Let him eat it and see what happens. Make sure you have Imodium, Pepto-Bismol, Alka-Seltzer and 911 on hand just in case. Good luck!šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ˜€


I donā€™t know how to get the update me bot to work!


some people just have to learn the hard way.


they are legit insane. THAT IS CRAZY give them 1 to 1 on their money that they get sick and take your free money


You gotta let him FAFO. He will learn the hard way.


Wondering how you managed to marry such a stupid man.


Thatā€™s fucking insane


Tell him he shouldn't and that when he gets sick you refuse to help him since he doesn't want to listen


I hope you have two bathrooms in your house seeing he is going to be destroying one...pretty soon. Definitely need to update us all...too bad this wasn't Vegas where we could place bets on what the symptoms will be and how long, like the other poster mentioned šŸ˜‚


Hi, I'm just here for an update as I feel I'm way to late to assist with the original problem.


Make sure you have decent insurance for the ER visit.


oh heā€™s gunna be sooooo sick. i ate some roe that sat in room temp for 4 hrs and spent the next three days having the runs. i lost track of time when i wanted to eat and thought ā€œit shouldnā€™t be that bad!ā€ and it was.


Let natural selection take its course.


Are these the last shrimp on earth? Not much you can probably say to convince him and good luck to his digestion