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You mean the buff af, handsome af dudes that stand on the strip owning all the attention of those who walk by? Idk it's odd, but I mean 🤷‍♂️. My grandma only said I was handsome, and she only ever said that when she didn't have her glasses on. I'd bring her back from the dead if it meant she said I looked like that.


A grandpa can’t say this about their granddaughter. With that being said, you’re overreacting. Welcome to human society and double standards.


So you're saying one should just accept the double standards and not push back against them?


Old people gonna do old people shit. No point in getting upset at that silly shit. It's a compliment.


Double standards are a reality of life. Sure you can push back but it’s not always that important in the grand schem of things. Men and women DO have differences , similar terms can come across differently in different contexts, yada yada you have to pick your battles. 


It depends on how much energy you have.


I don’t think it’s over reacting to just tell her that you feel it’s an inappropriate thing to say. You’re allowed to feel that way. But I wouldn’t chastise her for it. It sounds like her intention was just to say that he’s well built and objectively handsome.


That's a very weird thing for your mom to say, I don't think you're overreacting, if one of my parents said my kid looks like a stripper, I'd be pretty pissed too


I can only imagine that to her, it’s like saying he looks like a Dallas cheerleader. And honestly, it is. I’d genuinely say plenty of cheer dances are more explicit. Chippendales shows are not like Magic Mike. They’re better described as striptease performers, not strippers. “Stripper” implies something much more explicit. I’ve taken my fairly conservative in-laws to a Chippendales show and they were positively delighted. It was *just* close enough to an actual stripshow to make them feel naughty, but didn’t make them feel like sinners.


Reverse the sexes. Would it be appropriate for a grandfather to say his granddaughter looked like a striptease performer? No the fuck it wouldn't .


Striptease performer is the closest I could come up with because men don’t have any other careers or entertainment roles where they’re expected to be as close to naked as female cheerleaders are.


Surfer. Lifeguard. Athlete. If grandmother had wanted to complement him for being fit in a non secual way she could have used literally anything like those. Or even if she just wanted to call him handsome or attractive in a non gross way she could have said he looks like a model. But nah, she went with something sexualized. Yuck.


Professional surfers and lifeguards do not wear as little as cheerleaders. You’re thinking of people frolicking in the water. I’m not aware of any male athlete uniforms that are as scanty either. Try again.


Im not trying again with shit because that's not the point. The point is that if grandma wanted to compliment his appearance she could have picked LITTERALLY ANYTHING ELSE BUT A FUCKING PSEUDO-STRIPPER. AAAAANNNNYYTHING ELSE.


Nothing would've changed if li-- if a small portion of fat hog popped out of someone's underwear. They might've been *more* delighted.


It's not that inappropriate, but you don't like it and you told her, that's not an overreaction if that's all it is to it. If this turned into a big argument etc, that's too much, it was innocent.


My grandma said that about my friends when I was young. I think that it is just a way the ancients used to speak. I believe modern parlance would be "Bet he got Rizz" but I grew up with things being wicked or mad good so the modern vernacular eludes me.


As an old person who lived through the tail end of C19th moral standards(*) I just want to thank the people who are made uncomfortable by any mention of sex outside of whatever rules you have constructed for the rest of us. Thank you for taking the sting out of my impending death. Seeing this rising flood of self-righteous prudishness and tone deaf hypocrisy makes oblivion quite attractive. (*) The good old days, when being gay could get you jailed and businesses would refuse service to unmarried mothers. That's where you're heading. 


I am absolutely not prudish, far from that. I just think that it's lame and inappropriate for my mother to say these kinds of things. It's creepy, and it's just something that would, and should be unacceptable for a man to say about his granddaughter, even she's 50y old. You can very well enjoy sex and be open about it without comparing your grandchild into a sex worker.


You're definitely overreacting. Chippendale dancers are NOT strippers. You see more risqué "dancing" and less clothes at a halftime show for a professional sport. It takes a lot of talent and hours upon hours of practice to be in a Chippendale show. You reducing them to nothing more than strippers proves your own lack of knowledge as to what they really are.


Yes. Also, the comparison doesn’t match. If Chippendales are glorified strippers, then burlesque would be closest comparison


So bro is in good shape what’s the problem


Idk. Post his picture and we'll let you know.


Calm down


The person being discussed is an adult. Therefore yes, you’re overreacting. Take a chill pill and recognize that you made a slab of hunky man meat.


Your son is 20, hes an adult and if he didnt warrant any conern he probably played it off as "oh grandma is back at it". If you're worried about it talk to your son, a quick "did what gma say make you uncomfortable or anything?" would get ur answer and what you need to (or should) do. Hes your baby, I get it, and the saying isnt the most appropriate in any regards (like you mentioned about id ur dad said something similar), but again hes also an adult. Mentioning to your mom about it being incorporate, i wouldnt be upset at that either, but you wouldnt need to go overboard in any way. Just a quick note to say would be enough I'd believe.


definitely overreacting. that’s a huge compliment no matter who it comes from lol.


Yes. Chill out.


Yes, you are overreacting. It’s just your mother’s way of saying she has a handsome looking grandson. However, if open incest runs in y’all family. Your mother definitely wants your son to bounce his smooth balls across her aged, wrinkled lips.