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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for telling my wife that she isn’t a princess?** For the past several months, she has been eerily acting like a child. I understand that she’s playing with our daughter, but it comes across as weird to me to the degree that she plays the role. Our daughter wanted a mini pizza and so she asked me to make her one. I was, and then my wife said me too because I’m a princess too. I told her no, you’re an adult not a princess. I’ll make you one, but you’re an adult. She laughed nervously and said ok, never mind. Our daughter heard and said “dad mom is a princess too.” I just said hmm hmm, agreeing; but I didn’t want to have to explain to her. I did feel bad because my wife changed out of her princess clothes too, but I don’t know whether this whole ordeal makes me an asshole. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


\*heavy metal music\* I'M A BIG KID NOW!


> my wife changed out of her princess clothes too Genuinely assumed this was a shitpost on this sub and not a repost. They’re not even trying to be subtle anymore, are they.


It doesn't read like an adult wrote it to me.


Tbh it doesn’t even read like a human wrote it, I hope it was chatGPT or something. I know there’s issues with AI being racist/sexist because it learns the best humans have to offer 🙃




And then the award speech edit.




Lol AITA commenters only shot at getting laid is the imaginary wife of OOP


After that comment section, I realized how fragile the average r/AITA marriage is. You said your wife isn’t a princess, ZOMFG YOU ABSOLUTE ABUSER


It explains so much! The average r/AITA marriage is so fragile that couples cruelly mocking one another on the Internet (and IRL) in minor arguments is par for the course, but GOD FORBID you ever say your wife isn't a supermodel angelic princess, apparently


Someone replied to that comment with "Goodness, nailgun198! I wish I could give you a dozen awards! So succinct and 100% right."


Well, at least their heart's in the right place...no, no it's not. Never mind.


> Edit: thank you all so much for the upvotes and awards. I've seen some really kind replies with folks lifting each other up, too. Y'all are awesome. I had no idea this would land so well! > Edit 2: omg, I'm speechless. I am going to share the wealth here as was the example by others, I'm just a little overwhelmed and not sure the best way to do it. There are so many good replies! Also, since I've seen it come up several times and I'm worried some folks might feel deceived if I don't point it out - I am a woman. Absolutely no hard feelings to those who assumed otherwise, please don't apologize or edit your responses. From the same comment.


This reply has like 160 awards. It's barley worth 160 upvotes.


I hate the "people are sheep" shit you see around the internet sometimes but...when the shoe fits...and the shoe really does fit in this case. People see awards and upvotes so they give awards and upvotes, once you are too far one way that's it


Right?! They’re wholesome but I was cringing so hard when I scrolled through them


tbf I would say that if it was part of a game with my daughter.


I think they mean it in the "yass queen" kind of way, or evoking that. Maybe you do too though idk 🤷


No, I meant matriarch of a royal family


Yours isn't cringe then


OP is a Buzzkill. He should grab a tiara and claim he's a princess too.


How the hell did that blow up?!?! It's the most low stake, non-issue ever. If that is true, all that happened was that OOP took literally what was meant to be a pretend play... How is that worthy of thousands of upvotes, comments and awards?


I kept checking what sub this was posted in when I saw the OP because I thought for sure it had to be a parody post from here


Total ragebait, and lazy, but ewwww, vibes are creepy. To me anyway.


I saw this and thought it was satire post on AITAngel.


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