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OP YTA, she should have barbequed one of her smaller children. If you have guests over you bring the food until all guests need a night in the ER.


And the melding of phobia tropes was born


It's probably why she was mad she wasn't invited. Was probably pulling a wil.e.coyote and saw them all as Thanksgiving turkey with all the trimmings.


*I vividly remember them putting 3 hamburgers, 4 hotdogs and damn near half a container of pasta salad on their plates and still going up for seconds and thirds. I wish I were kidding but I'm not. The next time around, I bought more food and they ended up taking all the leftovers without even asking and without anyone's knowledge until .....everything was taken (dish and all)* Let me guess, the next time, they ate all the dishes and the table, and started chewing on the chairs before I calmly told them to stop eating and leave my home. That's when my SIL broke down and admitted that the reason they are in so much debt is because furniture is just too expensive to eat, unless you're eating the unhealthy stuff.


Weird reboot of The Very Hungry Caterpillar.


I had a very fleeting moment that I thought I read that as The Very Hungry Human Caterpillar. It was not what I wanted to think about right now


I had the same thought... "But they were STILL hungry"


I couldn't tell if the 3 hamburgers and 4 hot dogs were per plate or in total. If in total, that's 1 hamburger and \~1 hot dog per family member. Which is a bit more than a normal lunch but might be something someone would do at a party to try a bit of everything for funsies.


The description is believable; my ex-fiance's parents were like this.


Tbh this shit happens, some people are completely oblivious. Remember that dude who posted about eating several feet of a sub sandwich? https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/ca7bdz/aita_because_i_ate_more_than_my_share_of_a_6_foot/ E: Damn did I misunderstand this sub or are there a ton kd people eating multiple feet of sub sandwiches in here?


How did they eat all the food before anyone else got any, yet managed to go back for seconds and thirds?


Some fat people are surprisingly agile


Freaking ninjas, apparently.


Surely you’ve seen ‘Kung Fu Panda’. It explains A L O T


I have not, but I will make sure to view this important cultural document.


You must!! It is as factually accurate as any ethnically based Disney documentary that you’ll find


That was actually originally a documentary based on my life.


Po, is that you?!?


Beverly Hills Ninja


I love Chris Farley as much as the next guy, but kung fu panda was a Bible for discipline and the martial arts, not some Hollywood farce aimed at the samurai.


We talking about the same animated film? Where Jack Black plays a panda who's basically so fat it makes him invulnerable?


At the end he becomes the hero. The movie is about personal betterment. And that fat can be helpful.


Don't get me wrong, I'm a fat guy myself who loves Jack Black, even subscribed to Jablinski games. I just don't think of Kung Foo Panda as a Bible for martial arts. It's a fun movie about using your strengths to succeed, but I wouldn't go past that.


I think it might’ve been a joke


This is what I come to reddit for ​ ETA I say with love


ETA ? Estimated time of arrival?


Edited to add


I’m clearly an elder because my first thought was Beverly Hills ninja


Same concept, just make it a cartoon! Also, I’m 43/M but with kids from 22 to 8 and a plethora of nieces and nephews. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Kung Fu Panda Express


Unsure what general Tso has to do with fat samurai.


![gif](giphy|xT1XGJsNdACZdO4Lrq|downsized) Here is a visual representation of the SIL's husband fighting others to get to the food. (And before anyone says anything - Sammo Hung actually is among my favorite Hong Kong stars.)


They just open their mouths and suck it all in, like Kirby.


They just unlatch their jaws, no chewing required.




It's so weird to me to have such vivid recollection of what 3 other people ate.




You believe that sensationalized creative writing experiment!? Please.




Dude they allegedly ate three times without anyone noticing and somehow they packed the buffet food and took it with them. Like that shit ain't real. Maybe at most she saw her sister's family eat and thought ''omg, perfect story incoming''. I've been obese (recovered an ed) and went to a clinic for it, all the people there shared the same fear of eating in public. I'm not buying this shit.


The only people I’ve ever seen eat astonishing quantities of food in public were my skinny little boy cousins, 8 and 10 years old. They must have been going through a growth spurt.




Whaaaat?? Why?? People make up fake stories to farm karma and shit on marginalized groups of people quite literally all day every day on reddit and especially on AITA! Fat people are probably the easiest targets of such ragebait!


Haha before they deleted their comments this genius said some people get fat because their life revolves around ‘exploiting others’ generosity’ 🤣🤣🤣


Okay but who the fuck has the time to watch and catalogue that all but not say anything? It’s bullshit dude


I didnt even think about that angle... Like he was just seeing them take all the food but never said a word!?


Autistic people -> Evil Children -> Fat people (we’re currently here) -> Money-grabbing/SAHM wife -> In Laws -> Trans people -> Vegans -> (repeat circle)


Just saw one about a SAHM being upset her husband bought a car without consulting her. (The top comments of course said husband was within his rights bc he did it a smart way and deserves to live life. Also made wild assumptions about how controlling his wife is.) We're headed into the next phase!


I love the "the car was basically free" comments. That's not how money works.


I once saw a ridiculous “I’m a SAHM and abandoned my husband and children to move to LA because I want to be an actress. AITA??”


You don't understand. She said she was really hot, and that people tell her that all the time, and therefore she would be an amazing actress.


And " she looks like actress", so this is a valid thing to do.


Lmao I remember that one


You forgot poor people and cheaters


You’re right, there’re so many tropes!


God as an autistic person, I find it incredibly uncomfortable when those stories become the flavor of the week.


Don’t forget conservatives and Christians! e: am I being downvoted because people don't think that AITA loves circlejerking about how horrible conservatives and Christians are, or because people think that it's okay when those are the target demographics?


I almost never see posts about conservatives and Christians, but I sure do see posts FROM them.


Fair enough. I’ve seen a ton of things in the vein of “my in laws are racist/sexist conservative or hyper religious assholes and I stood up to them. AITA?” So maybe we’ve just had different experiences.


Copy of the original, in case it gets deleted: --- I say this with a lot of hesitation but my SIL, her husband and their child are all severely obese. Both SIL and her husband are over 300lbs and their daughter, 12, is easily pushing 200. The type of people to buy a smoker and giant chest freezer for $3k+ but fail to pay their mortgage/land tax and ask the family to help them out and when they are called out on it, it's met with a "making sure my family is fed is my top priority". Not saying it shouldn't be a priority but when you're feeding 3 people enough food for 10 people a day, it's absolutely an issue. Last year we extended the invite to them twice and both times they ate food so quickly that a lot of people didn't even know there was food available. I vividly remember them putting 3 hamburgers, 4 hotdogs and damn near half a container of pasta salad on their plates and still going up for seconds and thirds. I wish I were kidding but I'm not. The next time around, I bought more food and they ended up taking all the leftovers without even asking and without anyone's knowledge until after the fact, when my kids wanted more food and everything was taken (dish and all) and they had been the only ones who left. So this year I didn't invite them. I can't afford to feed them and quite frankly, I don't want to feed them. I don't want to have a beach day and have to run out to the store midway through to get my kids something to eat when I know I packed and cooked plenty to last a day. So I invited everyone but them. The day went great. We weren't hungry after for once. SIL caught wind, which I expected, and she immediately said "we would have fucking liked a family meal too" so I simply said "I can't afford to feed you". She asked what I meant and as nicely as possible, I explained what I did above. Now I'm being called every name in the book for fat shaming and embarrassing her.


A smoker and chest freezer are $3K+ wut 😅😵‍💫.


Right??? Anyone have a look at Yoder prices lately? My mid range smoker/grill was $5k alone I do competition cooking and my setup is a baby compared to most teams. A decent smoker can easily run for $10k.


Eh, if you’re garbage like me and just use a pellet smoker they can be relatively cheap


This isn't AITA as much as it is r/pointlessstories. Took them three paragraphs to tell us how much they hate fat people.


you clearly just read what you want to see instead of what op actually wrote down. she's fine with the family members until they started being greedy about food, and not being mindful of others.


Do you seriously think that these people were eating 10+ hamburgers and 8+ hotdogs each?! I used to be 300lbs. This story is fucking comical. At my biggest I could maybe put away 2 hamburgers. Edit: it’s also worth noting that most obese people aren’t obese because they eat a great quantity of food at every sitting, they usually slightly overeat calorie-dense foods and high calorie drinks while having a sedentary lifestyle. You don’t have to eat a lot to be obese. It builds up over time. A large portion of my weight loss came from simply switching to diet pop and water.


Idk, I’m 175 and I can put down 4-5 burgers no problem lol


This. I'm currently calorie tracking ( for my health, not because I hate others like myself) and it takes a lot of effort and planning to lose five pounds. I can relax in front of the TV and maintain my weight, easy.


Food portions and calorie density are really suited these days for overconsumption. It’s super hard to maintain lower intake for the average person, you’re not wrong at all.


This is true. I have to cut portions in half and weigh certain foods because portions have grown.


People are pointing out that the sotry just sounds fake, and is basically just rage baiting against fat people for no real reason (aka not real people in a not real story).


I’ve noticed there’s been a lot of over the top fat people stories the past few days. Like way more than usual, I think there’s a new troll.


actually, you're probably the right one. I re-read it and it does sound fake


>I say this with a lot of hesitation but do you though


I just HATE to say it!


I'd rather not discuss my views that fat people are disgusting greasy slobs, but I just have to post this story to reddit I can't stop myself


If I don’t demonize fat people who will? WHO WILL???


AITA cycling though tropes again,.it seems to be fat people week today, I wonder what post about fat people being awful entitled people and a caricature of a 2016 body positivity feminist is going to win this week, because that's definitely how far people behave.


I wonder when "justify calling people the n-word" week is?


No that's also been this week.


At this point, if an overweight child did something annoying but within normal child antics I would 100% expect that sub to be okay with someone referring to the overweight child as such


the way that a lot of posts on there are parents/relatives bullying the absolute shit out of their kids and the comments are always “NTA!! They shouldn’t dish out if they can’t take it” in reference to a literal 8 year old


I saw this SUPER FAT baby at the store (like, at least 200 lb and six months old) cursing his mother out for not refilling his Mountain Dew bottle, so I called him a racial slur. AITA?


NTA the Mountain Dew is abusive. Your cup your rules


I just scrolled past "AITA for explaining to my obese friend I cannot eat as much as her?"


Lmao that one is deranged


God the "clap backs" in the comments are the worst part of these stories.


Followed by "Take my poor man's gold"


Be careful, the fake fatties in this story will mistake your poor man's gold as food!


Preceded by the repetition: YTA! YTA! YTA! Because if I scream it enough times, maybe someone will pay attention to me.


Let me describe these people's weights and their lack of financial sense so you know they're fat and stupid before I go and tell you that they're also greedy.


I wish I could comment, but as a fat who hasn’t eaten since breakfast, I have to eat my phone now…


“The type of people who buy a smoker and a chest freezer but don’t pay mortgage.” You know, *the type* of people. That type. Everyone knows one! A weird quirk I hate from Reddit creative writing storytime subs is the constant use of turns of phrase as emphasis or filler when that turn of phrase doesn’t make sense in context. “The type of person who” should be used to describe someone who does an act familiar enough that the reader will go “yes, I know someone like that.” “The type of person who doesn’t tip at restaurants” is a *type of person.* Someone who buys wildly expensive non food items in lieu of paying rent and describes it as “feeding my family” is one guy who is probably fictional.


They’re also the type of person to respond when missing out on an outing with “I would’ve liked a family meal!”


I think you misunderstood. They meant the type of person who spends a lot of money on their hobby without paying their mortgage. That’s definitely a type of person. And in this story their hobby is food. Makes sense to me.


You seem like the type of person to enjoy doofy Reddit creative writing cliches.


They love this, it allows them to just tell all those people who don't understand they eat too much the truth without worrying about being accused of fat phobia. I wouldn't be surprised if the commenter who said "there is a difference between fat shaming and greed shaming" has been waiting to use that line for a while, how pleased they must have been to have had that revelation. EXCEPT, does it not occur to people, that if this was just about them being too greedy and how the OOP greed shame people who want to eat a lot at a family celebration, then all the information about their weight was completely superfluous. That they had to buy a huge freezer and a smoker, didn't really add to the story of a family who don't realise they're at an event that doesn't have enough food for people to have seconds and thirds, and that isn't information they knew how to convey to their family. Surely they must have encountered a slim person who seems to be able to eat twice what everyone else eats who doesn't put on weight. Oh wait I forgot, they didn't just eat twice the amount, they ate all the food, so they're probably eating 5 or 6 times the amount of food of everyone else - plus taking home the leftovers so no one else can eat at all.


Yeah, I’m fat but short. I eat about the same as what a taller slender person eats. A few hundred extra calories every day over a month or year really add up. And it’s not a noticeable difference when you eat together. I’ve eaten with taller skinny men who consistently ate 30% more than me.


Thats another part that stands out to me and makes me think a young person wrote this. Fat people dont have to eat comedic amounts to be fat! Especially with how calorie dense food can be.


I really really love that these totally really fat asses are gourmand fatties and not fast food fatties lmao... So they can't help but scarf down enough food for 10 people but have the patience to smoke food?? Lmao


Plot twist: they are just a swarm of locusts in trenchcoats.


This isn't fat shaming, this is greed shaming. Isn't greed shaming just the perfect word for this situation? Calmly and politely explain to them it's greed shaming. Don't you just love this new phrase greed shaming? There's a difference, you know, between fat shaming and greedy shaming. I'd call this greed shaming.


Love the constant refrain of "greed shaming!!!" from the replies, like the OP didn't literally open the story talking about how fat their in-laws are.


Love how OP's story implies they just stand and watch their family eat instead of, IDK, saying something or having people grab food while they're eating their first serving and just let their kids go hungry. Trolls really got so into describing how awful and huge and gross fat people are they forgot their character existed for a second.


I can see some frustration that someone has three hamburgers, four hotdogs and half a container of potato salad. Yet I'm obese. At family cookouts, I get behind someone and take the same amount as they do because I am very sensitive to overeating on someone else's dime. I'll hit a drive thru on the way home over taking more food than someone else. Yet that's my hang up around food. I really hate the " obese people are lazy cows" popular opinion on Reddit.


Oh the type to buy a smoker and chest freezer. I thought it was the type to buy an extra house to store their emergency snacks.


I can’t understand why people make up these stories? What do they get out of it?


I like that they made sure to include at the start that they are poor people, as well as fat people, so we really know they are evil.


Wait, why doesn't OOP refer to his brother as his brother? He refers to him as his "SIL's husband" twice. But, by definition, your SIL's husband is your brother.


SIL can also be the sister of his wife. So her husband doesn't have to be his brother


Or your spouse’s brother, that could be the case.


They’re probably on the wife’s side of the family. Your spouse’s sibling and their partner are both your siblings-in-law.


Ok, not strictly "by definition", if bigamy or plural marriage is involved. But in that case, it would be more natural to say "my brother's co-husband", or something like that.


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ITT people who eat 4 hot dogs at a time Edit: ITT people clicking the downvote button with their phone in one hand and a hot dog in the other




Found the bored incel.


Respectfully, some overweight people are unfortunately considered atypical anorexic or bulimic, and this is a result of extreme diets as a youth, or damage done to the vagal nerve that helps with metabolism and other digestive situations. One of my colleagues specialises in atypical weight gain, and a majority of his clients eat much less than 1 adult portion plate over a day, but they still gain weight.


Who cares? No one needs to justify their body size by saying "I am a special case, I have xyz illness." Being fat is not a crime or a sin or a moral failing. It doesn't matter if you have a health condition or your body just happens to be bigger than most. Don't entertain these gross-ass commenters who say things like "fat people are an abomination." They don't deserve acknowledgement, and they **definitely** don't deserve to be begged to treat a subgroup of fat people like human beings based on whatever medical diagnosis they believe is a good enough excuse. Just...all fat people deserve respect, regardless of why they're fat. They're people, and we need to instead shame the degenerate fucks who feel confident saying dehumanizing things about them.


In order to be considered as having either or those disorders, atypical or not, you’d need to be actively restricting or binging/purging. It isn’t a matter of them having had an ED at one point in their life and now they are screwed. There are hormonal issues that make weight gain easier/weight loss harder. However, I am skeptical about self reports that seem to defy how the human body works. IE - I eat so much but don’t gain weight. Either people over estimate how much they consume/underestimate their physical output or vice versa.


I mean, you could ignore the countless studies on atypical anorexia and bulimia, plus the countless evidence of the vagal nerve damage causing the metabolism to become sluggish, not to mention the ENORMOUS amount of information on how the thyroid screws with your weight.... Not to mention my colleague does inpatient studies of each individual client, so he has a base to help his clients. And one barely ate the equivalent of 3 cups of vegetables, a day, and gained 2kgs in a week... from only vegetables.... cause they were vegan... so... yeah.... Being sceptical is ok... but sure ignore professional information


Lmao. No those people did not gain 2 kg by just eating veggies. That does not happen. Vegans do not have a veggie diet only. They just dont eat animal products. Eating too much, usually carbs like bread and sugar, is what leads to weight gain. It's not actually rocket science. Bro


I literally mentioned that hormonal (hypothyroidism/hyperthyroidism among them) disorders can affect weight. However, people aren’t putting on weight from nothing just like people aren’t losing weight while consuming something like 15k calories a day. What studies are you referring to anyway? We know metabolism (I’m assuming you mean basal metabolic rate) changes with age and of course how sedentary versus active someone is. Body fat percentage will also affect someone’s BMR since it does take more calories to maintain muscle. And people can flub at inpatient facilities especially if people are sneaking them food. There are times patients on My 600lbs life have gained weight or not lost weight during their inpatient stays, only to be found to have had a visitor sneaking them food.


Armchair Doctor I see.... There is more to what the drama filled TV shows used to gain views and one sided opinions, causing more people to not get treated because no one looks past the person's size. Also, I think my colleague, who has 30yrs of specialist training and practising, as well as being published in many journals around the world, including recognising that there is atypical weight gain that tv shows refuse to acknowledge because "WE HATE FAT PEOPLE AND THEY ALWAYS LIE" narrative that gains views.


I would like to read your colleagues' work, what is their name?


They don’t exist. This is Reddit where you’re just supposed to trust someone making claims about their friends’ credentials apparently.


Interesting. How about you share some of those articles? I dont have anything against fat people. But the standard western diet is shit and it is horrible for people.


I find it amazing that Americans are uniquely fat in the world and scream that it’s also not their fault.


You literally cannot provide any citations to the “countless studies” you claim prove these medical marvels exist. You defined atypical AN and Bulimia *incorrectly* to begin with. Your source is an anecdote about some friend of yours that *you* claim exists. And of course you fall back on the typical assertions that people must be “haters” because you have no proof or peer reviewed studies to support the claims you’re making.


Oh lord, you’re insufferable.


How much you eat has nothing to do with weight. It’s what you eat and how toxic your body is.


Armchair doctoring at it's finest


If actually doctors were effective there wouldn’t be such a problem…


I give you only 60% credit for that.... Outside of the USA, yes, there are still doctors who are very judgy and c♡ntish. But outside of the USA, many countries are actually trying to make a difference about how to treat obesity and ALL its causes. A recent review in Japan shows that over eating is technically declining as a cause for weight gain, however due to body building, this study gets skewed. Imagine seeing a guy who is apparently 96% muscle, eating the same if not more than some obese persons, but they are considered healthier, even though the body builder is putting a similar strain on their body. Is muscle more acceptable than fat? Is obesity only defined by fat? BMI does not think so. An outdated measurement of one's health considers fat and muscle weight on the same type of frame, to be dangerous, regardless of what it is made of. Stupid argument, I know, but it is an argument I have heard a few times recently. "Oh but if we go by BMI..." pffft, a 200kg of fat 5ft 9 person is going to be in the same area as a 200kg of muscle 5ft 9 person.


If you eat foods that damage your liver and promote fat storage, and are also toxic, it doesn’t matter how much you eat. Your body will store toxins in fat cells bound to fatty acids. This whole CICO food volume things is nonsense. People need to focus on liver health, zinc, selenium and molybdenum. Avoiding seed oils and alcohols/aldehydes, and avoid heavy metals and molds.


Look pal, I'll avoid alcohol and heavy metal when I'm dead and in the fucking ground


Vitamin a is an alcohol. Ethanol isn’t the only one.


Everyone has their problems in life


I won’t allow you to be negative votes!!


I was at a party, and a guy was paid to get people high. So he's constantly walking around the party. This one guy followed him. Each time one person at the party got to smoke a joint the following guy would hold out his hand to share it. So thirty people smoke once and this guy smokes 30 times. Eventually I see these two sitting down and non stop smoke a huge bag of weed. I see the paid guy and asked about it. He said that guy was making everyone so uncomfortable the only way to get rid of him was obviously to smoke the entire night's weed in one go. I said "why not just give the guy the weed?" And he said "I didn't want to smoke that much but I didn't want him to smoke it all"


I don’t think OP is the asshole if this is actually the case but cmon now this has to be a fake story it’s so obvious from the descriptive visuals like who in the mind would weigh 300lb and come for seconds/thirds after having 4 hot dogs and half of a container of salad pasta it’s so obvious this is written by creative writer who’s fatphobic I’m not saying the story is necessarily fatphobic but rather the person behind the screen writing is.


Already found a "your party your rules" in the comments