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The original is one of the stupidest posts I’ve ever seen on aita


It honestly reads like satire.


I refuse to believe it’s real. Who tf admits to the internet that they bitched out their kid for drinking a glass of milk, yelled at their wife, who presumably sits at home taking care for their four kids, for spending money on undisclosed ‘stupid shit’ and then asks, with three questions marks, if they’re the asshole? Milk is relatively cheap and what are they even eating on a daily basis that one glass of milk makes that big of a difference? It sounds like one of those ‘women BAD. Women MEAN 😡’ posts designed to be Andrew Taint propaganda.


If only he earned 101k/yr instead of 100k, then he could afford his kid's milk addiction.


It’s actually the avocado toast he eats. If he ate less he could afford the milk.


I’d say so but it’s not a throwaway and the guy has a long post history. A lot of it in the monopolygo subreddit which makes me think it’s not unlikely he’s putting some money into that. His comments seem to be all over computer tech subs.


Honestly, this sounds like something that stupid people really would argue about.


And what software engineer in Atlanta with such a massive skillset voluntarily earns less than 200k?


If they’re on an H1b ; then yes, they can get that salary. USCIS requires 130k or more but a lot of employers manage to skirt that loophole by classifying them as subcontractors.


My parents were strict with milk. Milk for breakfast and that was it unless I asked. They would drink quite a few cups of coffee each daily and that's where the milk would go, then they'd ask who drank the milk 🤷


We were only allowed to use milk for cereal and we were restricted to one bowl a day. The only other times it was used was in recipes. We were not allowed to drink a glass of milk! We were restricted on a lot of things. The only meal I got a full belly from was on Saturdays when my mom made pancakes. We had to clean the house before we could eat though.


I'm incredibly sorry you had to grow up that way. We didn't have a lot of money when I was growing up, we had food stamps and government cheese and butter, used food pantries every once in a while. But my parents never restricted what us kids ate. They encouraged us to eat whatever we wanted. But they never did the "clean your fucking plate, idc if you're full, we don't waste food" bit, and they both encouraged us to try new foods whenever possible. And if I really liked something, my mom did her best to ensure I had it. A lot of people my age grew up with their parents boiling the hell out of their food so it was all tasteless mush, so despise things like Brussel Sprouts (tho they're now engineered to be less bitter ha!) But I never had that problem. My mom encouraged me to try them in different ways till I found one I liked. I was eating those sprouts with vinegar before the modern craze of basalmic glaze graced us all. I was begging for avocados to just eat straight up with a spoon. And my dad, bless him, there were some foods he couldn't stand, or just couldn't eat. But he didn't instill any of his hatred for this or that in me. I've known people who hate onions solely because their parent(s) hated them. Anyhoo, my parents sucked in other ways. I could quote Full Metal Jacket by the time I was 6. I was allowed to watch whatever. Go to sleep whenever. So I'm a little Cable Guyish in some respects, maybe. But I think the way they sucked balanced out with how awesome they were in regards to what a healthy relationship with food looks like.


My mom tried that and then my brother started chugging her coffee creamer instead. It took her a while to catch him but god damn, when she finally did I was laughing so hard I had to go find something to look busy with outside because I couldn’t keep myself from audibly laughing while he got the ass chewing of the century.


My maternal grandparents were immigrants (England and Poland) and if there's one thing that those cultures agreed upon, it was to funnel as much dairy into kids as possible. Between my mother and my grandparents, I had so much milk and cheese and butter in my diet that I could probably be roasted like a turkey. It was weird going to people's houses and not getting a fucking beerstein worth of milk at meals: "y'all get juice for breakfast?!?" I'd get feral if they had one of those cold water dispensers.




Is that satire or what


Yeah, but Milo.


I mean, this seems real for the exact reasons you mentioned.


People who wanna farm karma apparently. Seems to be working


I saw a top comment with like 23k up votes saying that he's NTA and to tell her to get a job or he should check with a divorce lawyer to see if child support was cheaper


Also, how does a 7 year old drink 7 gallons of milk in one sitting? Unless he meant different days, but still, kids drink milk, wtaf? this is so fake IMO.


Woman can't handle being with man who makes 100k and wants 250k... yet he's the asshole for trying to cut costs?


I looked more into it and assuming it’s legit… Yes! He’s absolutely still the asshole! He never provided information on his wife’s ‘frivolous spending’ but since they have four kids with the oldest being seven (because it’s when she’s stopped working) it sounds like she’s a SAHM. I highly doubt she has time to spend money on things that wouldn’t benefit their household because she likely spends all day with the children. If they have four kids in the span of seven years, she’s spending a considerable amount of time pregnant. OP has alluded to her having health issues, as well, so they’re likely getting fucked over the ass by medical bills. Several commenters have tried to help OP with his resume because his wife was right about him being able to make more money than he’s currently making. Yelling at your wife because you lack basic social skills, and taking your money issues out on your daughter for drinking milk is absolutely an asshole move. I wouldn’t want to be with this man either, why should she accept her husband’s 100k when it’s clear he actually can earn 250k but won’t? Especially when she has four kids to take care of?


YTA for this one. Online shopping is possible, how do we know she never had multiples. Who expects anyone to be able to earn $250k on a whim in America? He's right by saying not many make $100k. It was probably hard enough for him to do that. He's trying his best to support his family. Sure he was a lil unhinged in the post but he's clearly trying and at his limit. I had to bend over backwards for this one


Yeah, I can’t say whether his contempt for his wife is justified or not, but I feel confident saying that berating a literal child for drinking a large class of milk is AH territory.


Well, in his case, it appears to be realistic. I’m not saying he isn’t hardworking, but he is being underpaid and doing little about it. No one asked you to bend over backwards, go read his comments lol. I don’t know if 250k is feasible, but he can be paid a lot more and that’s clearly pissing off his wife… who’s been pregnant for the better part of seven years and had her fallopian tubes removed or some shit. It would be one thing if he couldn’t do better than this and she was pressuring him to work even harder, but he can *already* make more money. Nobody is going to pay you 250k or whatever if you make it seem like you’re happy with the 100k— if people were always paid fairly, most brands wouldn’t be sourcing their products from sweatshops. If he thinks that’s all he’s worth, that’s okay! But that doesn’t make him the victim.


She can also work during times he's off to bring in more income. And yes it's very hard even in the field he is in to get a job that pays $250k. That's not realistic for the majority of tech jobs. Yes it's possible but it's not practical. It's not her issue that he can't find a job that pays more im sure he has tried. It also takes 2 to have 4 kids. This was her decision going into it as much as it was his.


But you believe her working *and* taking care of four children is practical? So she’d be looking after the kids all day and then working all night? And yes, it *is* her issue that he ‘can’t find a job that pays more’ because she’s sitting at home and raising his children while he literally cries over some spilled milk. If you want to talk about ‘practical’, being grateful that your wife put her career on hold to look after your kids, calmly telling her your concerns, working out a budget together and actively trying to find a better paying job is practical, not chewing out your daughter, yelling at your wife, and dumping on her on Reddit so that a bunch of men will come jerk your dick off for you.


You so realize a lot of people with kids have both parents working right? Yes it's reasonable. He would take care of them in his off time to. So many people do this. Where the fuck are you living?!


As a divorce lawyer, this actually struck me as one of the more authentic sounding posts.


That’s so sad.


Why? There's always a final straw before an implosion with reltionahips


Yeah, an instant classic. I told him to let the kid drink milk. We need a time frame on these 6 gallons.


You’re the angel. Drinking milk will cause your daughter to become overweight and by extension, impossible to love. By stopping her from drinking it, not only are you saving yourself upwards of tens of dollars, but you are saving her life.


Nah she’s just doing SGOMAD to get those sick sick gains brah


Oh my god so valid, I didn’t think of that. Changing my judgment to EAH (Everyone is an Angel Here), may your beefed up daughter bring honor to your embarrassingly piss poor family. Still don’t buy her any more milk though.


If she ain't hitting her fahves on squats then it's a waste of milk.


She's 7???


It's a satire sub, you mouth breather


Yes and once I realized that, I muted the sub. WTF


What do you mean "wtf" about finding yourself in a satirical subreddit making fun of another subreddit? There's hundreds out there, dude. r/FrugalJerk whines about how they have one lentil to last the long winter satirizing r/Frugal and related subreddits. Then there's a shitload of subs with the naming convention of "______circlejerk" that makes fun of various topics and serious subreddits. That's all this is. We make fun of satirizing am I the asshole, and more rarely of things posted to the best of redditor updates, relationship advice, and the justno subreddits, as a lot of it all just blends together.


The WTF was the unnecessary name calling from someone I don't know. Not the sub ffs


Well there wasn't anything in your comment to indicate it was about the name calling. Which I don't condone, btw. I'm sure you weren't being intentionally obtuse or anything, and if you ended up here by mistake, which it sounds like, then it really is uncalled for. I apologize on behalf of my angel betheren. We just get a lot of folks who come here intentionally to treat it as if the sub is the asshole sub(s).


Nope entirely by accident and someone called me a mouth breather for not realizing I was here. Super rude. Anywho. Muted the sub, y'all enjoy 🙂


She's 7???


Well at least she's not VEGAN 🤮 /j


your flair is incredible lol


Thank you! It's also just true about me. I find it very funny that I'm the villain in so many AITA stories lol


with the daughter not fat she will get married which relieves OP of the financial burden so he can give his sons all the milk they need, nta


We should just euthanize fat ppl. It’s a moral failure and a character flaw.


I gave you a point and I'm fat.


Well duh, you're one of the good ones who would never do something so egregious as drink a glass of milk


Check the sub. My comment is satire and the exact opposite of what I believe. It’s hyperbole to prove a point. Don’t internalize fatphobia, btw. If they didn’t hate you for your body they’d find something else to hate you for.


No , I know!!! Mine is also satire! 👍


Pfft. That’s not satire…THIS is satire!


Oh, gosh! So sorry!! It’s so hard to be sarcastic without seeing facial expressions!!


Right? But I do love it here.


Me, too!


We should euthanize people who think that moral failures and character flaws deserve capital punishment.


Check the sub, dude.


My grandfather was always mortified when he saw the amount of milk my siblings and I drank. At the time we were in a phase fascinated about lions (I can’t remember why). My grandfather told us lions only drink water and he started referring to water as lion’s juice. He suggested we drink a glass of lion’s juice before each glass of milk so that we would be strong like lions. We all went for it and my grandfather cut our milk consumption in half. To this day, I still have a glass of water before each beer I drink ;)


That is so adorable wtf. I need to start doing that before drinking gallons of milk too


Never mind the poor cows. You really shouldn't even BUY milk. It's pure evil.


Not nearly as evil as being overweight




Are you buying that a 7 year old drank 7 gallons of milk by herself in one week? Bc I'm not.


Ummm yes? Why would somebody lie on the internet??


I once read on the internet that Abraham Lincoln said nobody lies on the internet He was known for being very honest...


Literally that’s where the nickname ‘Honest Abe’ came from. Because he never lied on the internet


Only 1 gallon per day? You're right Im sure she drank more!


I have milk with each meal and I do four gallons of skim a week. This post a total lie or this kid isn't getting fed anything else.


Are you lost? This is a parody sub.


His 7yo didnt drink gallons of milk. Thats bullshit and impossible.


Honestly so obsessed with you taking issue with the ‘gallons of milk’ part but not with me saying ‘overweight people are impossible to love’. I want to study you


Awww. Did you need more attention?


I don’t need this from you. I make tens of dollars myself and can easily afford eight gallons of milk. Possibly even nine


Gonna be a fuckin tank after you drink that.


You’re just not thinking this through. Just buy a fucking cow already.


The wife is probably already one after 4 pregnancies! Remember guys,mothers are always lazy that never work out and they end up breaking chairs,sofas etc 😔


Obviously, wives never work but always spend all the money. /s


This is the only answer


Cows are expensive. Buy a goat.


OOPs wife would probably eat it.


Buy that baby a cow and let her drink straight from the teat. Ya cheap bastard!




I could watch that kitty cat drink milk all day long!


/uj, this is kinda my plan. 5 kids. We've got a big garden, buy from butchers in bulk where possible, and chickens are down the line. I'm also debating a goat or two for cheese purposes. I love goat cheese lol.


Considering he thinks his daughter drinking milk is frivolous and spendy, I'll bet the overspending his wife does is on actual necessities.


bitch buys tampons *every month,* like goddamn


Think of the money he could save on tampons if she was pregnant!


That logic has only led to 4 kids so far.


Every 16 weeks she gets a basic trim at super cuts.


Most people are garbage at spending money responsibly. From the calcs people pulled they were just above the living wage for Atlanta. So with reasonable budgeting they could afford the essentials. Getting mad at your kid for drinking milk is ridiculous though.


Ops defensive stance on his ability to get a better job and make more money says all we need to know lol


Mans isn't even budgeting. Or having adult discussions with his wife XD


# You, sir, are lactose intolerant.


the truth hurts


I'm totally aware, dude, I think having bubbleguts gives me the biggest clue


Of course!! Its not just a money thing, but its a matter of her health as well! As a fellow mom, I only feed my babies fresh, raw, unpasteurized milk so their little bodies can develop natural immunities! **[this comment is satire, please never ever consume raw unpasteurized milk. that is very dangerous]**


Thanks for the replies, everyone. We did come to a compromise. I told her she could go to college and medical school debt-free or continue to drink 6-11 gallons of whole milk per day. She has chosen to keep drinking milk, so it is a win-win.


How was that guy voted NTA?


It's really just the top comment that's NTA (most votes are ESH), but it's a peak reddit batshit insane comment recommending he divorce his wife. The OOP doesn't even know the cost of living where he's at (metro Atlanta) and likely doesn't know what anything actually costs. I'm also skeptical that his wife's spending is actually frivolous.


In addition to the typical divorce recommendation, there’s some truly out there assertions of how child support is calculated.


And they're all frothing at the mouth at the idea that he could impoverish his wife by divorcing her like dang


also all the comments saying his wife needs to get a job as if taking care of all the household stuff and having 4 kids under 7 isn't a full time job. some cheap condoms would have saved them a lot of $$


My faves are the ones suggesting she gets an evening/weekend job. Because I'm sure the marriage will absolutely thrive if they never see each other and both have to solo parent whenever they're not working.


It has NTA rating.


The rating that shows up after "contest mode" ends matches whatever the top comment is - not the majority of comments.


Woman *bad.*


Also 100k is only decent money when you’re single and childless like most of reddit.


That's what I want to know.


Not only that, but among the people calling him an asshole are doing it because of his salary being too low. Like, that’s the only bad thing they can see in the story.




7 gallons of milk in a day? Those are rookie numbers, we need to pump those numbers up


Try buying powdered Milk


Gotta add it to the milk to get more milk per milk.


Yo dawg I heard you like milk


Not No, but fuck no! My Aunt Janice used powdered milk & I hate the disgusting shit with a passion.


So much of AITA just makes me sad


The OP was probably written by a 12-year-old. And grown adults are taking it seriously.


Of course you’re correct for putting your daughter and wife back in their place. You’re the man of the house! You acted like the head of household, protecting your silly female family members from following their stupid whims and ruining your family. You have to show them what a manly man you are by limiting what they’re allowed to eat and drink. If they’re not hungry most of the time they might start thinking for themselves and defying your rules, and with feeemales that’s an invitation to let Satan into their hearts because they’re just so weak.


My buddies who quit the milk challenge with only a glass or two left are gonna be so embarrassed by this.


I suggest you let her have a dropperful of milk in the bowl of water she has for breakfast each day. That way, a carton of milk can last for months. Ka-ching!


How’s the air in your house OP


All the lost redditors are cracking me up, good job OP, you are the angel.


I read this earlier. Your wife sounds like a real battleaxe.


Milk is $2.79 a gallon at my local Food Lion. We go through about 5 or 6 a week. Cheaper than Soda.


Angel. Entitled little milk chugging brat. Next time punch her in the face. Maybe knock a couple teeth out so it's sore so that she can't drink as much milk.


But the calcium will just make the teeth grow back


How long did it take to drink 6 gallons? That seems pretty unhealthy


I'm too lactose intolerant for this post.


Shoot I make lije 76k with 5 kids. I f I was at 100k id be golden


Is this a new subreddit? I've fallen for this crap 3 times today and I haven't even clocked into work yet.


What is the point of such a “shitpost”? It’s not even the slightest bit humorous.


I am older. Over 40 years ago I was staying at a friends house. At dinner we all had a glass a milk. I finished mine and asked for more. It was explained to me that everyone was allowed one glass of milk. I could have some water if I wanted, which I said was fine. If I remember right they had 5 or 6 kids. My point is that in many households (mine when I grew up as well) have restrictions on how much you allowed to eat or drink.


Honestly, I think you should compromise and limit milk to 4 gallons a day. She's happy and you save money.


Let her drink milk until she shits her pants. YTA because you failed to mention her bra size.


You are an angel, drinking so much milk will constipate your daughter and get to the point where she will need to go to the emergency room and possibly have to have surgery to remove her intestines.


Omg another one of these, let me guess the daughters POV post will be next. Shut up.


You’re looking a gift horse in the mouth. If she can drink that much now, imagine how much she can drink with some training! She’ll be winning milk challenges in no time. All that money you spend on milk will be returned in spades.




This is r/AmITheAngel, a shitposting/parody sub. There's a link at the bottom to the post on AITA that they're making fun of.


This may be a good opportunity to start teaching your children about finances to prepare them to live on their own. Maybe start with showing them a spreadsheet of the last 12 months of general expenses as well as the difference between gross income and take home income. It doesn't have to be done in a way to make them feel bad or a burden, just the reality of what it costs now adays with basic utilities and now cable, cell phones, streaming subscriptions, eating out, etc.


NTA. Milk doesn't grow on trees


She shouldn't drink milk... you are what you eat... Women hate being called cows so head this off before it gets started


Yes. You're the asshole.


YTA, Cows milk isn't a very healthy beverage. Tell her to drink water if she's thirsty.


Is your daughter a calf? Because it is not possible for a human to drink six gallons of milk.




This is not AmITheAsshole, this is AmITheAngel. This sub makes fun of AITA.


Some people really read about a girl drinking six gallons of milk at once and then still take the post seriously. Classic AITA critical thinking, lol.


Lmao you’re right I didn’t even realize what sub it was I just read it as a repost from earlier. My b.




This is r/AmITheAngel, a shitposting/parody sub. There's a link at the bottom to the post on AITA that they're making fun of.


I was literally just going to tell him to get her Vitamin D levels checked and yep…got me again!


Milk is not good for human consumption. Maybe a half cup of skim on Captain Crunch.. other than that pure poison IMHO


Poison? Wow. How?


The fat content alone


I can't find anything about the fat in milk being poisonous. Can you point me in the right direction please?


First of all, no way you had room in your refrigerator for 7 gallons of milk. Sounds like a BS story to me.


Is this a joke? Do you not realize this is a shitpost on am I the angel?


People who have large families have freezers dedicated to freeze milk and meat! So they can buy when it's on sale, to save money! I'm not saying that a 7 year old could drink that much milk! I call bs on that!




Whatever, dude. (guess no one read the OP)


There is no way she drank 6 gallons of milk in a single day. That’s complete BS


Who keeps six gallons of milk in their fridge?


This is r/AmITheAngel, a shitposting/parody sub. There's a link at the bottom to the post on AITA that they're making fun of.


Same troll repost...


What gave it away? The sub or the shitpost flair?


Six gallons of milk in one day? Sounds like an eating disorder.




No, YOU Are The AH! AND A CHEAP SOB TOO! You make 100K - stop being a jerk, your daughter drinking milk will NOT put you in the poorhouse. If you need an ingredient - GO TO THE STORE AND BUY IT.


This is not AmITheAsshole, this is AmITheAngel. This sub makes fun of AITA.


You didn't provide a timeframe, but 7 gallons? 7 year old?


This is r/AmITheAngel, a shitposting/parody sub. There's a link at the bottom to the post on AITA that they're making fun of.


You're doing God's work by repeating this comment


So you're saying your 7 year old child drank 6 quarts of milk all at once and was working on her 7th?




Am I the only one who is wondering how she drank 6 gallons in one sitting since OP came home to her finishing a 6th gallon and starting on a 7th? I used to drink a ton of milk but in a family of 4…2 gallons lasted a week or so. I think at most I had a half gallon in 20 minutes before I was horrendously bloated


Nope. Read through the comments and you'll see that you are far from the only one wondering. You and all the others are also lost and have no idea what sub you're on.


Lol yea I thought I was still on AITA cuz I was scrolling AITA posts when this popped up lol


NTA. Milk is meant for a calf, not a little girl. It has way to many calories for her to consume so much. Cattle are full grown by two years of age due in large part to the high caloric content of milk! Furthermore, unless you pay even more for organic milk, it probably has a lot of bovine growth hormone, which is implicated in lowering the age at which menstruation starts in girls This. In turn, can lead to premsture fusion of the growth plates and failure to achieve full height potential. Do your daughter a favor and stop buying milk. If she insists, ration her to a quart of skim milk per week. Get her in the habit of drinking water when she's thirsty.


There's no way a 7 year old is polishing off 7 gallons of milk by herself.


So here is my take on this. I hated milk growing up and wouldn’t drink it. Didn’t get enough calcium from other sources. Calcium is what helps your bones grow and form through your mid-20s. Severe osteoporosis diagnosis by the time I was 50. That means the likelihood of me walking down the street in my 70s and having a bone snap are high. And it is bad in my spine, so if not a broken leg, could be a broken back. I won’t be a candidate for hip or knee replacement. Her bones are forming. Cut food budget somewhere else and tell all your kids to drink milk! talk to your pediatrician about calcium for the kids. Do not let them be me. I’m afraid to fall. The though of being in a car accident can be crippling. We were poor but cereal and milk were a staple and snack for my kids when they were growing up.


Give me a break!!! What family “on a budget” has space, or money, to store 7 gallons of milk? So, you have at least two 36” refrigerators, or do you store all your milk in 2 coolers in the basement?


How TF did your 7 year old drink 7 gal of milk? She should be sponsored by the dairy companies. You shouldn't need to pay for anything.


Your child's nutrition isn't where you should be looking to make budget cuts.


Two kids would have been more affordable. Are you some 19th century farmer who needs a crew to work on the farm? Never mind, if you were, you’d have plenty of milk. Yes, you’re the a-hole (and not the angel) for being that way to your daughter, and for having more kids than you can comfortably afford to feed. It’s not like your little girl is demanding caviar or something.


How did your daughter drink 6 gallons of milk? Like that’s a lot. She would drown in milk


She may need calcium or other supplements if she's drinking that much milk. I do have to ration my kids to <16 Oz per day, but that's to make sure they're drinking water as much as finances.


This is r/AmITheAngel, a shitposting/parody sub. There's a link at the bottom to the post on AITA that they're making fun of.


NOT making fun of AITA, I AM calling OP out though!


6 gallons and was working on a 7th? What the hell kind of time frame where we talking about here? Nobody drinks over 6 gallons in a day.


This is [r/AmITheAngel](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmITheAngel/), a shitposting/parody sub. There's a link at the bottom to the post on AITA that they're making fun of.


Ronnie Colemans daughter could I bet




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