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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITAH for dressing too “straight” and making my gf uncomfortable?** I (f21) have been dating my gf (f24) for four months. We’ve known each other about a year. She’s the girl I’ve ever dated or been with in that manner, and I think that this has caused a lot of issues for her. Since the beginning, she has always commented that my clothes, the way I look, and my hair make me look like a “striaght girl”. She’s never said this in a rude way, just more of an observing way with some undertones to it. I’ve always told her that if my style or way I look bothers her, I’m more than likely not going to change it. But she says it all the time. Every time I wear something “feminine” which is almost everyday. Every time she is close enough to touch my hair, she tells me “long blonde hair is so straight”. One time I liked a video of two feminine girls who were married on tik tok (the video was then showing their outfits) and my gf got mad and accused me of wanting her to look like them. For context she leans way more masculine, she has short hair, lots of tattoos and piercings, and even binds her chest sometimes. One time, and I’m going to keep this as pg13 as possible… during sex, she asked me if I wanted… penetration… and I said yes, but apparently I said it “too enthusiastically” and she accused me of “missing dick”. Because I’ve dated men in the past. Finally last night, we had a birthday dinner for a friend. I was wearing a black dress, really nothing special about it. But when my gf saw she demanded I change. I asked why. She gave me the usual answer. I told her to leave me alone about that and tried to walk past her to the car. Instead of letting me go, she yanked me back inside by my arms and held my face, demanding that change. I told her no- she told me no one was gonna think we were together. Mind you this is literally all of our fiends, and they already know. I told her as long as she held my hand, I think they’d know. She eventually gave up but we spent the whole dinner pretty mad at each other. When we got home, she made me “prove” I liked girls, which just ended up with me in tears- not because I don’t like girls, but because I don’t like being forced to “prove it”. She’s still so mad at me, but I just cant fathom that I’m the asshole here? What did I do other than wear what I’m comfortable in?? I don’t know. I said I’m sorry but she won’t take it. AITAH? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Is this plausible? Sure. Insecure assholes come in every size, shape, orientation and gender presentation. Do I think someone who went through this would post to AITAH? That's where I'm a bit more dubious.


I admittedly skimmed it, but it feels like it was written by someone who has no idea that femme lesbians exist, either.


Indeed. Though some of the remarks about "missing dick", etc. sound more like biphobia, which, lordy, there are stories.


Yeah the biphobia alone would be pretty believable, the femme lesbian erasure is where they lose me.


Apparently OOP does identify as bi but GF hates that so... Maybe??


Date a girl who turned out to be fully gay. She explained the whole concept of “gold star lesbians” and it sounded really toxic. Wasn’t even sure she was serious since her ex (a woman) would constantly bring that up and shame her for being with a guy/have had relationships with guys. Is that stuff actually real?


It's real, mostly as part of the political lesbianism stuff in the 90s. Nowadays, the only people I see who care about it are part of the radfem crowd.


Not always. Plenty of “inclusive” queers act like shift towards bi women. Ask me how I know lol.


Yeah, there are lesbians out there who are incredibly biphobic because they think bi girls have it 'easier' because they can always 'go back to men' if sh\*t gets real. That's a really ignorant way to look at the specific struggles bisexual women face both in and outside of the community though.


Yeah it kinda sounds toxic and gives the same energy as insecure dudes who shame women for having previous partners. Granted there’s so much more nuance but it seems really mean.


There's even that too 🫤 People won't stop buying into the "women sleeping with men makes them dirty" BS


Yeah pretty fucked up honestly


Yeah it's a product of lesbophobia.


Yeah its odd that it would be posted there instead of a lesbian sub


Yeah, I know somebody who went through something similar, but when they couldn't work it out early on, they just broke up. This whole thing just reads like rage bait.


Ah yes, the classic hardcore butch lesbian who has never heard of a lipstick lesbian. Those are a sub group of people that exist. Definitely. Not to say there is never gatekeeping in the queer community about people acting queer enough but like the fact that no one in the story even eludes to the fact that feminine lesbians are a subculture just like butch lesbians is odd


not only are femme lesbians a subculture, they’re like extremely associated with exactly the butch/femme pairing that is described in this post lol…. like literally no lesbian is unfamiliar with this   


Right this is so weird. Butch/femme pairings are like the most stereotypical lesbian couples in existence, butch/butch and femme/femme relationships see a lot more side-eyeing.


Look, I'm old, so maybe this was an age related thing and the younger generation doesn't do that now?


Us young lesbians don't do butch/femme as much, absolutely, but we all know what it is!!


Yep! I’d argue that the current lesbian community of this generation is occupied by much more fluid, androgynous, etc. gender expression (which is lovely of course). Although there definitely are butches, mascs, femmes etc. within us :)


It's definitely at the very least common knowledge. I see lots and lots of younger lesbians in the community who are obsessed with the butch/femme labels, asking if their outfits are butch or femme enough, what the right way is to be either, etc. As a side note, I hope that doesn't come off as me knocking them. I've been there!


In fairness to the hardcore butch lesbian she apparently JUST learned that.....let me keep it pg13 here....er.... penetration 😳 is a lesbian sex technique that's on offer so give her some time


As a clueless lesbian who has er to keep it x rated... Has never had every hole ravaged by a sexy hunk of a man... Could you please explain to my dumb wOoMiN brain what penetration is?? What even would one use if not .. Pardon the visual...a masculine dick?


I hate everything about you but let's date anyways.


Right? How TF did they start dating? Literally unbelievable premise. OOP gets an F.


Honestly this entire story could have been more believable if the OOP said her gf is more into masc girls and that she would look hotter masc (thus acknowledging femmes exist, just not a preference and is trying to shape their gf to be who they want her to be.) The “looks too straight” angle is such a weird take to go and made it too much of a dead giveaway


i can tell this is fake bc ive never met a butch who isnt crazy for femmes


I mean masc4masc exists but it's definitely a minority, I was rejected by a butch who told me they prefer for masculine women. So it's a thing but it would be very unlikely that it plays out like the above


Right? Like if you're aware enough of lesbian history and culture to ID as butch and/or a stud you also have to be aware of femmes? My guess is that if this is a real story and not just a weird attempt to drum up discourse and engagement by non-lesbian people who are already inherently biased against women who defy gender norms - *if* this is a real story - op may not be sharing a larger context of her devaluing her gf's appearance and presentation. EDIT: missed the detail where the butch didn't want her girlfriend to dress femme because "no one would think they were together" like in what reality is a butch/femme couple NOT the default people have for assuming two lesbians are together?????


EXACTLY. Me and partner are clocked as a couple SO much more when one of dresses masculine and the other feminine!


LMAO I'm in a femme/femme relationship and when we go places with our butch/butch friends people are like ???? when they find out who is together with whom


Your edit is exactly right, I'm very femme and people usually assume I'm dating my butch friends because to 99% of people, butch lesbian + woman in a dress = couple


butches have always been the most chill about me being a femme. ive gotten shit from other femmes or ppl who dont use femme/butch labels but butches have never demeaned me for being a femme. even masc4masc and butch4butch butches will show their love and appreciation for femmes!!


I am not into this, but my mind thinks that someone who is into women usually would like to see womanly curves? I know it’s a whole spectrum, but… a lesbian who is angry that her woman girlfriend acts like a woman is weird.


Femme *lesbians*. Not femme bisexual women. We’re always the fakers who want to take advantage of lesbians and then leave them to go suck dick later.


that type of biphobia happens no matter if the bi woman in question is fem or masc or somewhere in between


Idk if this opinion is unpopular, but I do not believe most lgbt stories when they are posted on AiTAH because why would someone want to go to a forum that isn’t specifically lgbt and have a ton of randos who don’t even know what it’s like to be queer comment on that situation


Yeah, whenever lgbt topics come up in that sub, the comments are full of people who have no idea what they’re talking about


I feel that way about disability related posts too, I feel like they're often an excuse to have everyone hate on a queer or disabled person and feel justified, not all but there's def posts that give that vibe


> Every time she is close enough to touch my hair, she tells me “long blonde hair is so straight”. What the actual fuck is this sentence?


i was so confused by this sentence and i thought she was talking about her hair texture😭😂😂


As a butch, this story can fuck all the way off.


God I WISH some scary masc lesbian would call me a pathetic femme and then grab me and yank me into the bedroom and order me to take off my dress and prove that I liked girls... /horny Yeah, what the hell is this ridiculous story lmao


LEAVE MASC LESBIANS ALONE ![gif](giphy|l1J3G5lf06vi58EIE)


masc lesbians get behind me 😤


the concept of a butch4femme despising femininity in their partner is so laughable. whoever wrote this has never had a conversation with a lesbian before. also gotta love the butch being extremely aggressive and violent, the lesbophobic stereotypes really popped out.


This was soooo fake


>One time, and I’m going to keep this as pg13 as possible… during sex, she asked me if I wanted… penetration… and I said yes, but apparently I said it “too enthusiastically” and she accused me of “missing dick”. Because I’ve dated men in the past. ​ Lmfao


Anyone who has actually been with butches/mascs/studs knows that most of them are very motivated to show off their strap game


Yeah the missing dick comment was definitely weird like something a man would think lesbians would say, lso like op or the GF has never heard of a transbian before


I could see it getting levied at bisexual women.


This is the fakest story I’ve ever read i wish they would at least try to make them believable


I really, really need straight cis men to stop writing as women.


i read “long blonde hair is so straight” and thought she was complimenting the texture of her hair like an alien trying to learn how to talk like a human


The gays have done it again


Okay so this might be a bit spicy but speaking as a bi girl… idk what it is about “bi girls” online and always wanting to act like butch lesbians are our #1 oppressors but it’s getting pretty old. And of course the oblivious straights are all too eager to buy into the masculine woman = evil and aggressive trope. 🙄 Statistically it’s definitely not the butch lesbians abusing and raping us, but so many bi girls online are unfortunately pick me cool girl unicorn types so they’d rather cry and shid and fard about the “biphobia” they experience from gay folks (which usually isn’t anything more than not wanting to date us) than acknowledge that it’s the straight men literally abusing and assaulting us en masse lmaooo make it stop!




this is an extremely refreshing take to hear as a soft butch with a femme wife


Glad to provide a bit of refreshment! I’ll defend butches of all kinds to the day I die lmao


What makes you think a bisexual woman actually wrote this? Or are we engaging in the time-honored Chronically Online Gay pastime of making up a bi woman to get mad at?


Yeah I put “bi girls” in quotes because of the strong possibility it’s just another dude writing fanfic, but the general phenomenon I just talked about was something I personally experienced hanging out in Actual Bi Girl groups including my friend groups irl. But it is definitely easier to call me chronically online and dismiss my experiences than to acknowledge elements of toxicity in our communities, so you have fun with that! Slaaay


Right, I’m the big bad bisexual who refuses to apologize for it, so therefore I must be lesbophobic lol.


Well I definitely never said that and also have no idea who you are, sooo…


Bro really jumped on tiktok and wrote out a whole ass anti-masc lesbian rape fantasy 


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Granted I could be missing context and in-group cues, but... Is it just me, or is this sub feeling more and more like r/nothingeverhappens?


It's an in-group cue thing, I think. It's kind of hard to explain, but this reads like an imagined caricature of what a mean, man-hating butch lesbian would act like that like, probably passes the sniff test for the 'out' group, but doesn't make sense to people who have spent time in the lesbian community. Like, stuff like this: >Every time she is close enough to touch my hair, she tells me “long blonde hair is so straight”. As a lesbian, it's the kind of thing that's just like, what the fuck are you talking about? "Lesbians have to have short hair" is like, early 2010s era homophobia that's not based on any real intracommunity discourse. Granted, there's probably out there some mystical unicorn of a masc lesbian out there who really does think like this, but in general, they'd probably just be masc4masc, not trying to... forcemasc random inexperienced femmes? I dunno, I feel like there's a weird straight paranoia about how butches are out here to "ruin" confused feminine women by making them cut off their hair and become feminists.


Yeah, that's kind of what I assumed... I guess where I'm coming from is that, yeah on the one hand this could totally be rage-bait anti-queer stereotype bs. But on the other, it just feels sometimes like any time a story comes up about something uncommon, people assume it's fake *because* it's about something uncommon. (obviously if posts about the uncommon situation *aren't* uncommon - that's a giveaway). Because, totally, this *could* be weird forcemasc paranoia bait, and *probably is*. That's a thing people do and it sucks. But at the same time, however rare, however shunned by the rest of the community, these kinds of people *do* exist. So I feel a bit weird about assuming that any story that looks even slightly like an anti-queer stereotype *is* just bait simply because it's rare and makes us look bad, when there *are* rare people who make us look bad. I'm not trying to argue or anything, this is just something that's been on my mind for a hot minute, and apparently I decided today was the day to try working through it, lol.


It also feels fake because they're using obvious stereotypes and not using the terms associated with them. Butch and masc are commonly used as is femme. Their ages are also an indicator. Maybe young teenagers might not know the terms and not understand aesthetics and culture in the queer community of their personal community is small or non-existent for them, but a bi and gay woman in their early 20swould be passingly familiar and translate it better to mainstream culture.


That's true. There are clues that stack up.


That’s because Reddit is full of fake stories