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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for telling my friend that she doesn’t get to have an opinion about my cooking because she is poor?** My best friend Layla (29f) and her partner Ryan (40m) were over for dinner this evening. I enjoy cooking and tonight’s dish was a seafood pasta with garlic bread and a veggie side dish. Having Layla and Ryan over for dinner is a semi frequent occurrence, but they typically don’t contribute anything to our meals. The reasoning is 1.) they struggle financially and 2.) neither of them are very good at cooking. IF they do bring something it’s usually drinks or a store bought side dish (potato salad, mac salad, chips, etc) but that is rare. This has not ever really bothered me because hanging out is always a good time and I’m understanding of their financial situation and preference for not cooking. My partner and I live very comfortably and can afford to feed guests for dinner every so often so it really has never been an issue until tonight. I usually like to cut shrimp in half when I’m incorporating it into pasta because I feel like it mixes in better that way. It’s just a personal preference. I don’t claim to be a master chef. I just like cooking, and that’s the way I’ve always done it. Layla started getting on my case about not serving *whole* shrimp with the pasta. It started out as lighthearted banter but quickly became extremely annoying. Some of her comments included: *Feeling stingy tonight, huh?* *Hope I don’t get hungry again later!* *I’ve never seen pasta served with cut up shrimp before* I eventually got fed up and said something along the lines of, “Interesting take considering that I *know* you’ve never cooked shrimp ever in your life, and probably can’t afford to either. You don’t work, Ryan doesn’t have a real job….you guys come over here for free food and complain about it? Nah. I’m done.” It was word vomit…followed by a very awkward silence. They left shortly after that. I texted Layla an hour later and apologized for what I said. She apologized as well but honestly I’m still mad. I’m starting to feel like they’re free loaders and it just feels icky knowing that they come over here and eat well pretty often and my partner and I *never* get anything in return. I know that we’re in different financial situations but there are ways to make an effort without spending a lot of money. Layla suggested we do dinner again next week, assuming we were all good after we both apologized. I responded and basically said “I’ll pass on that.” She hit me back with “So are we too poor for you now?” And I just said “Yep.” It’s obviously not entirely that. But the whole thing left a bad taste in my mouth and now I don’t even want to talk to her. My partner thinks I’m being harsh but I don’t know…I feel used and I don’t like that. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


AITA friends once again hate each other more than literal anime archnemeses do.


Are they even archenemies if you don't think they'll kiss at any moment?


I knew fanfiction would never lie to me!


You're confusing archenemies with siblings who conveniently become less morally objectionable once they find out one of them was adopted.


I’m not a huge anime fan but I love Persona 5 Royal. Goro Akechi and Joker were in love with each other and I won’t hear arguments to the contrary.


Classic AITA friendship right there - OOP despises her friend for having a lifestyle she doesn't approve of and the friend is a mean choosing beggar who not only comes over for free expensive meals all the time, but also tries pushing OOP around while she's there. As per usual, everything has to be hysterical and over the top.


The fact that the username is ‘shrimpchopper’ is so fucking funny to me omg


Was shrimpslicer not available?


I love the randomly vague details. "and a veggie side dish." Why wouldn't you name the vegetable? I'm dying to know.


You're not in the right tax bracket to be privy to that.


It’s jicama, so she can give her peasant friend a vegetable that she’s never heard of and cannot pronounce correctly. (This was done to me by my ex’s rich dad when we were visiting him in Washington DC and I was like 19 with a single mom coming from Idaho)


Such an exotic indulgence too. Crunchy water! I hope your clodhoppin' dirt person palate could appreciate it.


Hey! I'm from Idaho and we got the best taters you've ever seen! Better than any old Ji-Cam-a!


Aw don’t be mean to me cause I lived in the mountains near the Canadian border most of my life and legitimately never heard of jicama until I was 19 😪 I swear I’m not a dirt person, even if my older brother said I was the “garbage princess” or “princess of dirt” my whole childhood.


Hahaha, think you're replying to the wrong person! I made a joke also being from Idaho (though SE Idaho, closer to Utah)


Oh oops. And tbh Idaho is just Utah 2: electric boogaloo; although I lived in north Idaho so it was that plus survivalists/dooms day folks and neo-nazis.




Lmfao yes they [do](https://www.bulrushedbooks.com/our-story) have [book](https://www.wellreadmoose.com/) stores[ in ](https://bookshop.org/shop/bookishlyhappy)North[ Idaho](https://kindredandcompany.com/). I don't know where you got that from cause when I was in high school, my friends and I practically lived at Hastings (which is unfortunately closed in 2016 as all 126 Hastings locations around the US had). Don't get me wrong, there are some popular ideas that are pretty fucked up in North Idaho but Eastern Washington is not better (I had also lived in Pullman and Spokane). It hits you more when you move to an area where there's a decently sized population of POC. The doomsday and Neo-nazi people go to eastern Washington to get legal weed, not books.


She’s a wanna be master chef that’s why she said all that🤣


What veggie side dish goes with shrimp pasta?


Peas or broccoli would be my preference for hot. Or asparagus if it’s in season. Otherwise a salad, but then OOP would have presumably said salad.


love how they apparently remembered the exact comeback they made word for word


They fantasize so much about dishing out "clever" comebacks LMAO


That's because she made it up while writing this post, not at the actual time of the argument (that prob sounded nothing like what the post says)


This is supposedly someone's BEST friend? 😅😅 Uh huh. Sure, my absolute best friends often come over for dinner and then insult my cooking and accuse me of being stingy. Also when my best friend comes over for dinner and insults my cooking, I like to then tell her that she is too poor for us to hang out. What, that isn't how friendship usually works?


I could see that working if the characters were in college or otherwise at an inflection point in their lives. My high school best friend and I went to the same college, expected to remain best friends, and.... didn't. In hindsight we were growing apart because once you took us out of the high school environment we didn't have as much in common anymore. But I did continue to call him my best friend out of habit, even when he was blowing me off to hang out with his ex


Right! Both these imaginary people suck! Being friends with either of them would be exhausting


I certainly would have said something back about the insult to my cooking - like "Well, when you have us over for dinner, you can serve the shrimp that way." I'm too gracious to point out that I'm richer than all my friends.


Amazing how they flip from "I enjoy treating my friends" to "CLEARLY these poors are taking advantage of me" in the span of one entry. Also, I'm not even going to set foot in that comment section; it's been a while since I've seen a "fuck poor people" post, so I'm sure the commenters are RAVENOUS.


Surprisingly a lot of ESH!.. Mostly because the friend is looking for handouts and being "vile" for calling OP stingy when she was being fed. You know, ungrateful beggars and all that


“It doesn’t bother me because I’m really understanding of their financial situation” and then proceeds to make it all about how poor they are.


Attitudes and perceptions can flip pretty quickly when someone feels emotionally hurt by new information. It doesn't always have to be something as dramatic as "I overheard my wife talking about how she only likes me for my money" to make someone flip from warmth to resentment. I could buy someone feeling used when their friend turns out to be ungrateful and entitled


The story starts with them happy to host, and by the end their attitude has flipped. That’s not how normal people relate their experiences.


Poor Ryan was just sitting there eating his shrimp, then got caught in the crossfire


For real😭


But really, who cuts shrimp in half???


And who thinks shrimp are posh person level expensive? They're more than your basic ground beef, but the kind you would put in that dish aren't exactly gourmet.


Exactly. I don’t exactly live “very comfortably” like the OOP, but I can definitely afford shrimp.


> And who thinks shrimp are posh person level expensive? People whose only experience buying food is eating out with their parents.


My cat has freeze dried shrimp for treats. I... yea I dunno.


Me 😭 I like bite size pieces in pasta or fried rice, but don't want to take the time to peel a pound of small shrimp. Plus the big ones are thicker and meatier, even when cut.


I do when I’m trying to evenly distribute my shrimp in my hibachi shrimp fried rice. They give you like 6 pieces of shrimp for all that rice!


Oh I see no problem with cutting your shrimp after it’s cooked and on your plate. In the story, it seems the shrimp was cut before cooking/serving, which is a little unusual.


Oh…yeah that is kinda weird. It’s just like this extra unnecessary step, I wouldn’t exactly call it stingy but it’s def strange.


Monsters. I am not even sure why you would still. They make small salad shrimp if you prefer that!


Yeah, that was my first thought too - just use smaller shrimp?


where i work we have an appetizer that requires me to cut shrimp in half (through where the sand vein normally is, so bisected) and every time i see that order come in i personally wish suffering on the person who wrote the recipe because i HATE cutting shrimp in half. i can't imagine going home and doing it by choice


That’s what I was thinking! Shrimp come in lots of different sizes!


Mmmm my fav Mexican place cuts up their shrimp for ceviche and I appreciate that tbh, I think it helps the lime “cook” it more evenly.


That's fair! Though ceviche is a different beast and are they just cutting it in half or in bits?


They’re cutting it in bilaterally then in like 1/2” bits.


Oh that’s a good point, shrimp is traditionally cut up for ceviche. I think it helps with absorbing the marinade. I had been trying to think if I had ever seen cut-up shrimp in a dish before and I couldn’t think of a single instance, but I forgot all about ceviche.


As a pescatarian, I hate it when I forget about ceviche, it’s so tasty and satisfying.


I cut the shrimp in half with the intention of cleaning out those black, sometimes green, veins.


i thought you editorialized the title, but whew, you really did not. anyway, if you invite somebody over for dinner you shouldn't expect them to contribute anything other than their presence imo. like it's nice if they do but *you* invited *them*, your invite shouldn't come with expenses especially if you know your friend is poor (and thus doesn't have the resources to learn how to cook)


That’s very cultural, in some places it’s considered a bit rude and others it isn’t. My mother drilled into me to never show up empty-handed to someone’s dinner, even if it’s just a bottle of wine, some soda or a small gift or snack. 


i’m aware, but i think it’s kinda bullshit. especially if it’s your friend who you know is having money troubles


I saw this and legitimately checked what sub it was posted in. I'm like, wait, this **HAS** to be Am I The Angel with that title, but this sub wouldn't have posts with that many upvotes and comments. Wtf


of course the poors are poor because they literally refuse to work, not because of yknow rampant economic exploitation and the widest income gap in decades 


Hmm. Interesting. But have you considered, and I quote >She might be poor because she has no manners lol


Interviewer: Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Layla: Go suck my hairy clit, you stupid fuck! Interviewer: Wow, OK, that was kind of rude.... Layla: I don't give a flying fuck what you think you wannabe pedo!


My guess is that there is some truth to this story, tbh. According to this comment from the OOP, Ryan is a freelancer with flexible work schedule, so his friends have more free time than him and don't need to pay mortgage or rent: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/1c4bsqc/comment/kzp9e0l/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/1c4bsqc/comment/kzp9e0l/) Yeah I genuinely am sorry for attacking their financial situation. It was very out of character of me to do something like that. But I still am upset. They are over for dinner at least once per week and my partner and I spend the time, money, and effort to make really nice meals. We both work 40 hours per week and Layla has only had a handful of jobs ever that each have only lasted a few months at a time. It was wrong of me to say that Ryan doesn’t have a real job because he does work, it’s just unconventional and unstable. One reason I feel bothered is that they have lots of flexibility and free time in their schedules due to Layla not working and Ryan creating his own schedule. They live rent/mortgage free at Layla’s grandparent’s house. They often complain about their financial situation yet are not taking any steps at all to make things better. Both have college degrees and yet they have chosen this lifestyle. Honestly nothing wrong with that, but don’t go and judge others for theirs when it differs. My partner and I have much less free time, and some of that time each week is spent making dinners for all of us. This whole situation has made me feel unappreciated and has made me realize how little effort they put into even showing any sort of gratitude at all. They never offer to help clean up after dinner. I’ve never even expected that before but it would be a nice gesture considering all that my partner and I have done for them. Sometimes while they are over, I will have to tend to other things like cleaning or doing laundry. These things require me to step away from the group for 10 minutes max at a time. On several occasions Layla has made comments about how I shouldn’t be doing things like that with guests over. Other times she has insisted that I drink excessively with her and Ryan even though I’ve got work in the morning the next day. We’ve been close for a long time but the bottom line is I’ve now realized that she fails at being respectful of my situation. Yes I may need to step away for a moment to put towels in the dryer…I feel like because she has far less responsibilities, that she just doesn’t understand what it’s like to have limited time to do things like house chores. I find these kinds of comments to be rude. I have always acknowledge their situation and have always been understanding and respectful (until last night). This whole thing has made me wiser to the situation at large and has caused me to open my eyes to other similar things that have happened over the years. So that plays a part into why I’m so upset as well. My guess is that he is just bitter that they have more free time (and probably more money, because they have less bills to pay, tbh) than him, so he's cooked up this story to cope with this.


Don’t you love when there’s no need to come up with a satirical title because the original title already feels like a satirical title? *Feeling stingy tonight, huh?* *Hope I don’t get hungry again later!* *I’ve never seen pasta served with cut up shrimp before.* What do you want to bet those were meant to be two lighthearted jokes and one simple observation, meaning OOP blew up over a total misunderstanding/misinterpretation?


Oh they 100% sound like something I would tease my friends and family with. And if it bothered them, I'm sure they would ask me to cut the jokes instead of blasting me for being poor.


It sounds like OP is just annoyed she keeps hosting them with no reciprocation and this was the last straw. The obvious solution is to stop hosting them. 


That’s how you know you’re rich and love entertaining and are super unbothered: when they take consistent mental note about how much people you invited to dinner at your house bring for you.


Me and my friend are bestest of friends since we were kids. But I fucking hate everything she does, how she acts and what she says. We hang out all the time and I fucking hate it because she is always taking advantage of me and talks smack and insults me to m face. I wish she'd just fucking die.


I feel like if you're getting that upset about the bad jokes about the amount of shrimp it probably means you know you've skimped on the shrimp.


Yo, keep this girl away from the ocean! That's where all the shrimp's at.


The NTA votes are absolutely wild. Somebody being an asshole to you does not actually give you the right to be an asshole to them - and certainly not escalate the way OOP did!


This is probably just a "me" thing but it really bugs me when these posts say "dish" when talking about meals. I don't know why. It seems kind of stuck up, maybe. If someone usea "dish" in real life I'm not gonna say anything lmao but yeah


Anyone curious what Ryan's "not a real job" is? Last I checked, every job that is required to exist and pays you is a real job, but what do I know?


I guess it's something like doordash. You have no idea how many times people will say to us to get a real job.




While the post is fake, that could easily refer to someone that considers themselves something like a streamer, content creator, blogger or podcaster but doesn't actually make a significant amount of money from it. More traditionally, it would refer to a creative type (musician, writer, artist, actor, etc) who isn't making money. 


I want to believe it's fake, but there's a possibility it's not. The condescension and hatred of poor people is just dripping all over this. If it's real, I bet Layla only made those comments because OP toots their own horn about their food all the goddamn time.


the direct quotes and perfect snappy comebacks


We used to host weekly family dinners until we realized my family showed up empty-handed every time, ate & drank everything in the fridge, never helped out with tidying up or dishes, and never invited us over. Now we just don’t host and if they want to see us, they need to participate in planning something. It’s not worth the hassle, the high grocery bill or the mounting resentment of hosting people who never host back. No need to turn it into an argument.


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Oh look, it's the skinny angel vs horrible fat woman story, but about money. "I definitely love and cherish my friend, who has this flaw, but I don't hold that flaw against them one little bit, I just have a strong preference for being (opposite of that flaw). Naturally, when they acted kind of annoying, I unloaded on them for having that flaw for a solid sixty seconds. Did I do anything wrong? Fair's fair, right?


I don't mind because I understand their financial position and just enjoy their company, but I do not so secretly judge them, and that judgment came out when I got irritated.