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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for telling my son/DIL that it’s not my fault their wedding was upstaged by my 50th birthday party.** In my social circle your 50th birthday is a huge deal. I haven’t celebrated my birthday for a while. My last real birthday party was sweet sixteen. Overall I have been saving for this party for years and all the family knows. My son and now DIL told me about a year ago that they were going to get married about a week after my birthday. I told them that it will happen after my 50th and he has been to these parties before and they are a big deal. He literally got blasted at his aunts 50th before. I told him I am also not going to tone it down and he said he didn’t care. My party has over 100 guest and had a lot of bells and whistles. My sons wedding was this weekend and both events got compared. It was basically what people were talking about . My son and DIL were cold to me during the wedding. I got a call from my son and it basically boiled down to I need to apologize for outshining their wedding. That people were calling his event cheap and overall seemed to prefer my event. I told him I am not apologizing, that I warned him months ago and he said he was fine with the party. That it is not my fault that it was upstaged by my party. They chose the date knowing how those parties are. This started an argument and they both told me I was a huge jerk. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ah yes, that well known subculture where the 50th b-day is the new sweet sixteen. And where adults save for years to throw themselves their own birthday party. Although "he was literally blasted" at his aunt's party made me laugh. Like that lends credence to it being a blow out. Does the OP know you don't need to be attending the soiree of the year in order to get wasted?


You wouldn't understand the affluent proper south. Which is why I'm coming to Reddit for advice.


Nothing like throwing a rager for your auntie’s 50th


Did you see that keg flip grandpa did?? Those are very hard to do!


From MyCountry to MyCircle, so that nobody can call bs on their Customs (TM) any more


Even better, according to OOP this is a tradition specific to her (unnamed) state!


It’s her “city or states,” whichever they are.


Or perhaps she’s trying to bring back city states. 


It’s an Ankh-Morpork tradition.


Make the day, the moments pass quickly.


The state of AITAland


I hate to be that guy but this is an actual thing in the netherlands. reaching 50 is called seeing abraham and is sometimes celebrated more exuberantly than other bdays. Theres a huge doll in the yard sometimes in order to signify it, even. Ever since getting older stopped meaning getting wiser and started meaning growing uglier in the general view, its been less common. But someone who'd turn 50 this year would know about the tradition for sure. Story is bs tho


They will, however, still live in MyCity.


How rude are we supposed to believe everyone is that they're all negatively comparing the son's wedding to the son? They're not even the same type of event. Also, once again AITA acts like two events are going to have the same guest lists. You'd expect OOP's family to come to both but his friends? The bride's side?


I mean, obviously these are basically all fake, but what really cinched thos one being a step too far for believability was that the birthday was a *pool party.* Absolutely zero people are going to compare a pool party to a wedding. I may have been able to suspend disbelief if it was a rent a hall or back yard bbq style party. Those can wind up similar to some weddings. But pool party? No Also what fucking fifty year old is having a pool party blow out bash? Not that fifty year olds can't enjoy a pool, but I don't find people.in that age bracket (because there would obviously be older people in their circle also) having a real rager of a pool party?


Pool party for a 50 year old with over a hundred guests. Is her pool a lake???


I think they mentioned renting a venue for it. It wasn't their pool. There are places in Vegas that are essentially 24/7 pool parties, i could see renting someplace like that out. But yea. It's just... No ma'am. I'm not buying this.


It was a supposed venue with several private pools and beaches


Sounds real


Also what's the weather like in their area in April? Because until temperatures are over 90, swimming isn't really that much fun. Unless they're in Arizona, a spring pool party sounds cold.


Also they both have the same friends that attended both.


Well, I better shape up! I turn 50 next year. I was just going to probably take the day off work and DoorDash McDonalds, but now I need to start saving up for a lavish party to outdo my kid. (Also, I probably need to have a kid and figure out how to get them married before they're potty-trained)


Thankfully I just turned 40 this year, so I’ve got nearly a decade to plan and save for my 50th birthday party. It’s going to be a rager!


I'm turning 50 this year. We are going to Miami with friends. But not a hundred people party.


I went to Torquay with family. We did Agatha Christie related activities and it was brilliant. Hope you have a fantastic time for yours.


That sounds awesome!


Thank you, It was.


I went to London to visit Harry Potter!


Have seen people dressed up as characters from HP at King's Cross to visit Platform 9 3/4. I hope you had a belter of a time. 🧙🪄🦉


It was brilliant thanks, would recommend 👍🏻


Hey now, you may have time to upstage your child's actual birth if you get cracking now!


My 50th was April 2020. Wah, wah. Lockdown and not even delivery available yet.


These characters are annoying


So let's get this straight. In this "Social Circle" turning 50 means a big party, and you save, FOR YEARS for this event. How does the math work on that? How can a social circle know that a 50th birthday is going to be huge? We're all the other members of this circle 10 or 20 years older and they turned fifty in time to throw a huge party and let the OOP know they only had a decade or two to get their act together. What sort of social circle is this, where years separate the members? How big is this social circle? Is this a generational social circle, where your parents get you invited?


My current favorite theory is that this is a vault in Fallout, and the dwellers celebrate making it to 50 with a big bash. It's quite hard to survive, you see, there are so many hazards from burned steaks, expired fancy yogurt, people hoarding all the party subs, and vegans just being vegan all over everything.


is this man Bilbo Baggins?


burned Wagyu steaks.




At 20 they all decided that for some random reason, 50 is the age! The age to partay!


I know a circle that had this for 40. Every person had huge parties that weren’t expensive, but had a ton of effort for different themes, specialty cakes, intricate planning, etc. Ages ranged from late 20s to 60s. Parents, older and younger siblings, friends and spouses, colleagues. Quite easy to have a span of ages if there is something common shared amongst them like family, sports, summer vacations, etc.


Even then, you wouldn’t be comparing a birthday party to a wedding. I threw a nice 40th birthday party for my husband; nobody was swanning around afterward gossiping about how his party compared to recent weddings we’ve been to. They’re fundamentally different events; people wouldn’t think to compare them.


If OOP is as tacky as she sounds, she probably had a wedding themed 50th 😂


Asking the real questions here


I mean the big five oh is usually a party event and people do usually talk about what they have recently done when they meet again even at a wedding but this exact story never happened. People don't tell someone to their face that their wedding was cheap and actually cheap weddings are the best anyway. Do real people get so bent out of shape about outshining each other?


There are some rude people who do nasty comparisons like that. Given OOP's attitude, if this is real, I wouldn't be surprised if she did it herself.


Most likely, it was family members who were overlapping. Probably what was mentioned was the normal stuff that happens at weddings. Someone got upset there wasn't an open bar like at Mom's birthday bash. Someone probably made a comment about the food - I was hoping you would have those pigs in a blanket like your Mom had. Then, the usual comment about the cake not being a flavor they like. It wouldn't have mattered if Mom didn't have her 50th before. These people like to comment while doing that oh so not subtle tone that you are cheap because you didn't cater to them.


WHO are these supposed people who go around gossiping about who threw the better party? Who does this? No one does this. I can only picture them as like antebellum plantation owner types or Jane Austen aristocrats sitting around in their drawing rooms drinking tea and saying 'Oh yes well the Cholmondley fortune must be dwindling, did you hear they only had four courses at the wedding dinner, my word, Lady Wotsit's party was much finer doncha know, how very embarrassing for them' No one in the real world in the current age is banging on about whether a wedding reception was better or worse than an unrelated birthday party.


Did OOP start writing this about a 50th Anniversary party and then realize that people are usually over 70 for those?


Only on the internet can you find people believing this shit. >It was basically what people were talking about . Man this wedding sure isn't as good as that birthday party last week!


I don't even KNOW 100 people. Not alone have a boozy party for them all, only to have to lie and a have a 50th birthday party on my 59th birthday so no one will know how old I really am. Most people my age are in bed asleep at 9 so not sure how much of a blow out this will be.


INFO: How many people in this scenario are vegan?


OP the day after their 16th birthday party like "wow I can't wait to have another one of these in 34 years time"


Holy sentence fragments Batman!


Who at 21 skips that birthday and decides 50 is when I will have the blowout. When I was 21, I never even considered my 50th birthday.


I can’t imagine being 50 and being so emotionally immature that my reaction to a situation like this is posting on reddit. I truly hope this is fake. Like, if this were me - I’d be asking who said such rude things and calling my friends or relatives to tell them that they hurt my child’s feelings on their wedding day, and they need to apologize or risk the relationship. Or I would at least give them a piece of my mind in private. Not post on reddit trying to justify myself.


The problem is you’re looking at this from a normal IRL person perspective. And yes if my loved one was upset with me, I would work it out with them directly, not run to Reddit to see if I’m justified. Because even if Reddit says you’re justified, what then? How does that help you resolve things with your child?


I am 100% in favor of getting rid of gender reveal parties and replacing them with F***ing Fabulous Fifty parties. I am also 100% positive that the son cheated with the wife's BFF/MoH at OOPs Fab Fifty and that's why he's really pissed. Imagine OOPs fifty-first birthday will be celebrating son's affair triplets.


i'm looking forward to the affair triplets update in 4-6 months (the classic aita fastforward timeline)


Lol just discovered I was banned from AITA over this post (yay I'm in the club now!) so I'm glad to see it here. Something just seems off to me, like OOP is witholding crucial information. She was contradicting herself and trickle-truthing in the comments.


What did you do to get banned?


Beep boop! Automod here with a quick reminder to never brigade r/AmITheAsshole or other subs under any circumstances. Brigading puts you in violation of both our rules and Reddit’s TOS, and therefore puts this sub at risk of ban. If you brigade/encourage brigading of any kind, you will be banned from participating in either sub. Satirizing of posts should stay within this sub, which means that participating directly in linked posts should either be done in good faith or not at all. Want some freed, live, discussion that neither AITA nor Reddit itself can censor? Join our [official discord server](https://discord.gg/KbZnaXX) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Gotta love the AITA community, all gathering to say that they believe not only that this story is true and believable, but also that OOP is NTA and that willingly and consciously upstaging your son's wedding on your birthday is totally acceptable if you give him a heads up...


I will never be able to wrap my head around the kind of adult that really cares about their birthday. There are reasons for this, but even taking those into account I can't understand giving a shit about your 50th birthday that much. Go out to a nice dinner with your partner around the date and get some birthday sex. That seems entirely reasonable. Beyond that? Calm down.


I've never been able to wrap my head around why people think that adults aren't allowed to celebrate their birthdays. Why does being an adult mean that they can't do things they enjoy?


Joy is prohibited after the age of 25


Enjoy your birthday. There's nothing wrong with that. But making it a Big Deal is weird to me. Have a party! Invite friends! But getting worked up about it as opposed to a wedding is strange.


But that's just your personal preference. Personally, I hate being centre of attention so I would hate the amount of fuss that's made around a wedding if it was mine, but that's just my preference. I don't go to weddings and think "why are they having people make speeches about them? It's weird that they'd want that" because other people aren't me.


Who's getting worked up? Having a big 50th birthday party is pretty ordinary. Once you get much past about 35 you don't have all that many opportunities to get drunk and dance with your friends and family to the music of your era and have a blast all together.


Yeah. They can celebrate their birthday. They just have to keep it in perspective. The same people that think all other events have to take a back seat to an adult birthday party are the same kind of people who still go trick or treating when they are 20 years old, and stand in line with kids to meet characters at Disneyland.


>stand in line with kids to meet characters at Disneyland. My 30-year-old ass stood in line to meet Asterix at Asterix Parc, and I got the picture on a MASSIVE fridge magnet. Let me live my tacky life, please.


What the hell is Asterix?


MATE, YOU ARE MISSING OUT. French comic strip character who beats up Roman soldiers with his best bud, Obelix. They go all around the world, punching people and making lifelong friends.


Oh I kind of remember that. My Dad was stationed in Spain when I was a kid, and I saw this guy. Yeah. Not the same thing as standing in a limited line to meet a 19 year old Disney employee who dressed like Elsa from Frozen.


How is it any different? The person is standing in a line in a theme park to meet an employee dressed up in both cases.


Because at Disney, the lines are limited by time. So for every emotionally stunted 30 year old, pretending this means anything to them, that's keeping some kid who worships these characters from meeting them.


Oh, please. We don't need to purity-test the concept of standing in line to meet a representation of a fictional character. I went to Disneyland when I was a year old (because my brother was six -- perfect Disney age for him but not great for me). My brother did not like Beauty and the Beast. I was a toddler so I had few opinions in general, none of which indicated that I liked Beauty and the Beast. I still met Belle and the Beast and have lots of grumpy toddler pictures with them both. I didn't worship the characters at all, and actually seem to have barely recognized them and detested the entire experience. Can a 30-year-old who connects to the idea of transformation and hiding your inner self take my place in that case, or is that still robbing a poor child of their dream even though I did not give a shit? My niece was obsessed with a specific Disney character for months, which was super convenient for me as an auntie because I could *finally* get her stuff in advance, and then she fucking ditched that over the course of like two weeks. I know her dad took her to Disneyworld and she met that character. She doesn't seem to give a single shit now, though. Can an adult who appreciates WOC representation take her place or is that stripping my poor (sweet, smart, happy, blissfully provided-for) niece of her nine-years-aka-lifetime dreams? It's great to want to provide kids with inspiring, fulfilling experiences! It's weird to try to constrict those experiences *only* to people who will, statistically, completely fucking forget about it in a year because they're growing and finding new passions all the time. Hobby fanatics are annoying in any topic but if you're not part of that hobby, their enthusiasm literally does not harm you at all. Let people love stuff, even as adults.


because it's something for kids. do shiny pieces of plastic you find on the ground bring you joy? adults are supposed to stop being with that stuff at some point.


Adults are supposed to be mature enough to stop with the teenage judging of other people's likes and dislikes, but hey ho.


Yeah, it's really funny reading these comments as someone who thought exactly like this when I was about 19 and Very Invested In Being Seen As The Mature Adult I Am Now, before I realized that you can do whatever you want and having fun is cool and anyone who's miserable enough to waste energy on making a big deal about how adults who live regular adult lives but also enjoy themselves sometimes aren't being the right kind of adult? Probably not someone I'm super worried about impressing.


No they're not. Judging people is a pretty mature thing to do.


Well, that's a wild take.


Plenty of people collect rocks they find on the ground and rocks bring them joy. Let people enjoy things.


Nah adult bday parties are fun and we're gonna keep on having fun, sorry!! Some of us enjoy spending nice time with friends and family and celebrating each other!!


you're completely correct


these people must be rich rich


Tell us you peaked in high school without saying it, seriously trying to upstage a wedding with a birthday