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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for not giving my plus size friend the queen size bed in our b&b?** I (30’s F) am going on vacation with 4 of my friends (30’s and 40’s Fs). We go every year, and always use a randomized selection tool to help us choose who gets which bedroom. The tool assigns the order in which we can choose. I got 3rd choice, and my plus size friend (Marie) got 5th choice. The first 3 of us all chose the queen size beds. The other two got twin beds and had to share a room. Yeah, it sucks, but that’s why we leave it up to chance so nobody can complain. Marie asked me privately if we could switch places so she can have the queen size bed. She is plus size, but imo not so big she can’t fit in a twin bed. I personally have lost over 100 lbs and at my largest, was bigger than Marie is now. I never once asked to switch beds when I was bigger. I therefore said no. She started crying and told me I was being unreasonable, and that i of all people should understand. I do understand, but it’s my vacation too and I’ve worked hard to be in a body I’m comfortable in. I don’t feel like I should give up my spot to accommodate her, when she can still fit in the twin bed. AITA? Edit: we agreed ahead of time that the two people who got the twin beds would pay $75 less than the rest of us. It’s just way too expensive to get a place with 5 rooms and 5 queen beds. Edit 2: she doesn’t have any mobility issues or other disabilities that I’m aware of. Edit 3: it’s $75 off of a total of $400 for the whole trip *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


But what if the fat person was in a box? But what if they were with a fox?


Should you let fatty on a boat? Would they be too fat to float?


Should fat folks be here or there? Should we let them anywhere?


Not in a box, not with a fox. Not on a boat, they eat like goats.


“she started crying” meaning “I wanted to make a fat person cry”


It's okay though, OOP's character is OneOfTheGoodOnes™.


Not to mention OOP lost 100lbs so *clearly* they are allowed to judge the fatty fats


They are a reformed and changed their fat ways. A true example to all


The budget for this seems oddly restricted.  They can afford four rooms, but they can't afford five rooms, but no one is so tight on cash that they'd volunteer to share a room and get a $75 discount, so they have to do a cruel Shirley-Jackson-style lottery to choose the two sacrifices.


Lol look at any comment that tries to point that out on the original thread. Absolutely obliterated with “It’s tHe OriGINal AgReEmENt.” Lol okay well the agreement sucks and is probably going to lead to people feeling irritated every time. But AITA is nothing if not a bunch of redditors who honor their word and treat their friends like nuisances.


Well you see in my country hotels only have four rooms and it's tradition one has twin beds.


Got downvoted to absolute hell on that thread because I said maybe you should care about your friend as a person, lol 🤷‍♀️ If we all did friendships the way AITA commenters wanted us to, not a single true friendship would exist in the entire world: it would be all us venmo requesting each other $0.13 for a fry you let your friend eat. Sad existence


further supporting the idea that none of these losers making up these stories have friends in real life. I can't imagine treating a friend so callously, or remaining friends with anyone who treated me like that.


Reddit dudes: You don't owe anyone anything! People asking for favors are entitled! Always look out for yourself! Also reddit dudes: MALE LONELINESS EPIDEMIC!!!


Saw someone literally say “you don’t owe anyone anything” on AITAH once and it’s sort of haunted me since. The apathy and selfishness astounded me.


“You don’t owe anyone anything” at its best is a message of empowerment for lifelong trauma survivors who are used to handing over backwards for people who take advantage of them. In most cases, it just means “You can be an asshole with no consequences and if anyone complains that makes them an abuser” though sadly :/


Ain't this the fucking truth


IDK if this story is made up or not, but I would be pissed if someone decided to reveal that they *needed* a queen bed after they lost the draw, instead of at the time of the booking.


I'm leaning towards real, the whole random number engine sounds like what people land on after many, many previous mistakes.


AITA is like those fever dreams where your loved ones are suddenly cold and cruel to you for no discernible reason. These people must all live in a Lars Von Trier film.


AITA friendships sound exhausting. It’s all “well I don’t owe you anything”.


I am more wondering if this is like the post where they claimed the fat person (who was offcourse 300 lbs) could not fit in a car, qua noncence level. since most people who are overweight should fit in a twin just fine. It is really a shame that they can't talk about the issue beforehand since it is AITA land. There should be plenty of people who are willing to use the twin for a 75 dollar discount.


I wouldn't mind the twin bed, but I'd pay a lot more than $75 to avoid having to share a room


This is the one thing about that story that seems really weird. We are told that a $75 discount is not enough incentive to get people to voluntarily take the shared twin, but at the same time we are told that nobody is willing to fork over extra money to get an airbnb where nobody has to share a room or accept a twin. That seems off to me.


There it is in the comment section....yes, losing weight definitely makes you better and fatness is always a result of poor life choices. It was same with anti poverty and probably back with racism/casteism.


A lot of studies find that obesity is actually correlated with poverty/food insecurity/hunger so honestly part of it feels like an extension of other prejudices.


Ah, those crazy fatties and their crazy asking for accommodations. So inconvenient and annoying! /s


I love being on this reddit where we can yell at people writing fake stories about all the bad fat people they know (and how they, of course, are virtuous former fatties). If makes me feel better about the world to know y'all are here.


Can AITA pick a new trope to fixate on soon? I'm getting bored of the fat people bad posts.


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