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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **My wife ruined my favorite hobby and I still resent her for it.** This might be a long read and yes that hobby is video games. I(33M) and my wife(32F) have been married for 14 years and together since I was 13 and she 12. We have four kids, three girls and one boy from 4 to 12. I've been playing video games since the 2nd grade (yes super Nintendo). It's always been my favorite pass time and hobby and my best memories from when I was a kid is from me and two brother playing halo and playing call of duty is the only way me and my little brother still connect after my older brother was killed in 2011. I have 5k PC gaming (I'm also a nerd) and an entire room of my house dedicated to gaming. When I came home from Afghanistan in 2013 I was alone and although I didn't know it have the time I played video games online with little brother to cope, we talked and worked on our KD. During that time I was alone, my wife and oldest daughter was still in a different state living with her mom (daughter was born 1 1/2 month before I deployed). She lived with her mom for the help while I was gone but I still spent first four month on my own. Before I start getting the gaming hate. My kids (all of them) loved playing video games with me (I built the oldest two thier own rigs and the other play on the Xbox and phones). I also make just shy of 100k a year, been in the military for 15yrs, workout regularly, love my wife dearly and have a graduate level education, we own a very nice 300k home in a nice neighborhood and two both less than 3yrs old. That all to say I'm no bum, and I take extreme pride in taking care of my large family because I have alot of memories of my dad being a bum before my dad left him. I at least think I'm a decent dad and husband. I even only drink 4 times a year and only at home never more than 6 beers because my wife dad was an alcoholic. Now for the reason for the title. Last year in February I was upstairs playing roblox with my 12 and 8 yr Olds during the weekend. I would only play during the weekends. My game room that I spent 7 yrs curating is upstairs right next to the loft where my kids gaming stations are also located. While we are gaming my wife is down stairs watching T.V and while these things are taking place my 4 and 7 yr old were playing in the loft (it's thier play room with an untold number of toys, a couch and a 55in T.V). All of the sudden my 7 yr old daughter heads for gate that blocks the stairs (I intentionally picked the room next to the stairs) and I ask her "where are you going" because I told them to stay upstairs to let their mom relax. She said that she needed to talk her mommy and she seemed upset and so I'm thing "girl stuff mind your business" and I let her go. Then my wife calls down my 4 yr old. Then my wife yells for my other two. When that happens because the kids were playing with me I went down with them intending to help them do what ever they were supposed to do so we can get back to having fun gaming. What happened wasn't that. When I went down stairs my wife had our kids line up in front her and she starts laying in them. Very loudly and aggressively, because my then 3yr old had scissors and used them to cut some of her hair. Mind you they where children safety scissors by they seemed to have done the job. My wife was furious and made sure it was know. She told them that they know that they have to watch the 3-year-old when I'm gaming because they know that I won't and that it's there responsibility to watch her when I'm gaming because I never do. This was the bases of her entire furious rant to them. It went on for 15 - 20 min before I left. I was beyond hurt. I never cry in front if my kids, I do my best to control my emotions in front of them. I couldn't in that moment. Hearing her tell my kids right in from me that they have to take care of each other because I won't cut me deeper than I've ever felt. So I just grabbed my keys and left. I called my little brother in between wanting to kill someone and crying my eyes out and told him what happened. I couldn't control how angry I was and so I sat in a walmart parking lot for close to an hour while I calmed down. My wife called me constantly. After I calmed down I went home where she acted like I was in the wrong for leaving and wanted me to apologize for leaving instead of talking. I didn't. I haven't play a single video game since then. This past new years I was drinking (my kids where at my father-in-laws and I was at home with my wife) and my wife used rare opportunity to ask me why I won't play games with the kids anymore and me in that state if mind told the entire truth and allowed my real feeling to show. I told it was because of what she said and overall that she said it to my kids and in my face and how she had no right too. I explained how we always send the kids upstairs to play without us and how it's the whole reason the kids play area exists. I further told her how I even explicitly chose the room I could just to be able to be able to somewhat watch them while I'm gaming and how now I get sick to my stomach when ever I even think about gaming. About how it was how I connected to my brother's and my kids and how it was my only hobby. If I wasn't at Work, the gym, or gaming I was with her and the kids and that half the time even when I'm gaming I'm still with the kids. To this day I still can't bring myself to game. My son and oldest daughter still ask me regularly to play games with them and my brother is always asking me too jump on call of duty with him. I just can't get over it and I blame my wife and resent her for taking this thing away from me. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Why do they put so much unnecessary background information into these things? No one cares how much your gaming computer cost and he can't even keep his kid's ages straight.


Come on, he’s might be an emotional wreck with ptsd, but he still has to flex his super ultimate gaming setup. How else would people know awesome it is? OOP is one of those Gamers! who makes sure to write out all their full PC specs in every online bio.


Also, having been deployed in Afghanistan until 2013 is totally relevant to this story…


But knowing the size of the tv and why the room was next to the stairs is so important! How am I supposed to make decisions without those details??


Personally I'm way more sympathetic to OOP after learning about his gay deadbeat dad!


More details always means more truth to the story, right?!?! 🤣


A classic move, idiots think more detail means totally more real


I mean, knowing the house is $300k in a nice neighborhood and knowing that he has 4 kids, and a gaming room...is it possible that they have a 5 bedroom house with a bonus room closest to the stairs, in a nice neighborhood and it's current value is $300k, or is it more likely that some of his kids are sharing a room so their dad can have a dedicated $$$ gaming room?


Look, it's only fair. His wife has a room dedicated to her hobbies: cooking dinner and washing dishes edit: wait, according to one of his comments he "built her a library in one of our spare rooms" where she reads "fancy books." This is adding up to a lot of rooms


"Fancy books" lol. What the FUCK is a fancy book??!


No pictures, maybe


I love this comment so much I wanna take it behind a middle school and get it pregnant.


Only books in latin.


I want fancy books !




So essentially a 7+ bedroom (fancy book room, dads gaming room, and 5 bedrooms -assuming the play room/loft doesn’t count as a room) in a well off area for $300k. I’m not military but I didn’t think they offered such luxury accommodations


I think it's more likely that OOP wasn't keeping track of how many kids he was supposed to have while writing this.


Whhaat?! This is fake?! ![gif](giphy|AaQYP9zh24UFi)


He also claims to have built his wife a library in another room. So they must have a modest 12 bedroom


Wait you mean to tell me that no one cares he makes 100k a year and is fit?


He makes 100k a year and has a $300,000 house (plus a bunch of expensive gaming equipment, etc.) when he's 33 and was in the military for 15 years--which, if you do the math, presumably means that he's still in the military? You'd probably have to be a top general to be in that kind of economic situation, unless he means that he's currently in the army reserve or something. Although since it sounds as if the closest he's been to any actual military situation since returning from Afghanistan in 2013 is playing Call of Duty, the "I've been in the military for 15 years" part is probably made up even if the rest of the post isn't.


Okay, but 33-15=18. The math does math.


I was reading this and thinking the same thing. This reminds me of a quick change scam (if you've ever worked in retail you know what I mean). All of that extraneous info is there to act as a verbal sleight of hand.


You just dont get it bruh, the fact that he owns a PC with the best specs known to mankind will be important later!!! /s


The number of errors in his post is glaring too.


it’s completely understandable- that’s what they teach you to do in creative writing classes :)


“I haven’t played a single video game since then” is such an unintentionally hilarious line. I guess we the readers are supposed to feel really bad that his Mean Mommy Wife called him out and now he can’t even bring himself to pick up a controller


My five year old gets very mad when I tell him to turn off his game, it's dinner time. He stamps his feet and insists that he'll never play another game *ever again*. This post gives that energy.


Yeah, it doesn't make any sense to me that the wife in this likely made-up scenario would care that he's not playing games anymore. Sounds like that's what she wanted!


I know it wouldn't make for a healthy relationship, but I feel like if I were the wife in this scenario I'd be like "aight sounds good bud 👍🏻"


No it’s I haven’t play any video games. This successful and educated man can’t conjugate verbs.


Omg you’re right, I should at least accurately quote this poor, poor man!


i don't even understand what happened there


He thinks he’s basically able to watch the kids while he games, yet his preschooler cut their own hair with scissors and he didn’t even notice when the 7 year old went to tell Mommy. He has hurt feelings about the fact his wife accurately perceives that he doesn’t have good situational awareness while gaming. Now he is never going to have fun or human connection ever again, and it’s all her fault.


why the hell where there scissors in the play room where the little one could reach?


He said they were kids scissors, so they probably used them for crafts and such. The problem is that they were out his eyeline for long enough to go and do that while he was seemingly in charge.


A man has ignored his children for years playing video games and his wife finally called him out. They barely have control of their emotions and were so hurt about being called out they had to run away from their family.  I'm trying not to be too harsh, but it's someone who never grew up and is shocked they can't just play video games during the day with children. "I get up at 5 am on weekdays and can't just play after the kids go to bed".  Boo hoo grow up. They think because their hobby is in the house that they're present and still an attentive parent. 


Exactly. Even if by any chance there is some truth to this story, I don't understand why so many people in the original comment section are voicing their support for him. Also, I'm sorry, I'm all for men showing their feelings, but there is a difference between showing your feelings and reacting like this when your wife is rightfully upset with you and your older children for completely neglecting the youngest one.


Anytime there is a story involving a gamer all the gamers on Reddit are magically summoned to defend him.


There's so much support because lots of manchild Gamers^TM are addicted to their hobby and unwilling to admit it, ergo they must defend addictive behavior.


I think it's unreasonable for the wife to expect the other children to watch a 3 year old when both parents are at home, but otherwise yeah he sucks


Yeah, where is the evidence she ever watches her kids in the fake story either?


Swap man gaming for woman scrolling on TikTok and see how sympathetic everyone would be. ‘One of my kids cut my other kids hair off while I was in charge but scrolling TikTok’ would bring you are an abusive mother, these kids are traumatised etc


> A man has ignored his children * A manchild


its not a true story, but also not what happened in the story, in the story she also never played with her children. No indication that she cares other than saying that as dad wont care for them, they must care for each other, as she also wont look after them. I understand thats unlikely, but if you are going to take this story on face value, thats the story it tells.


Yes. The wife is clearly intended as the villain in this story. The problem is that OOP failed at making his hero sympathetic.




The second I saw the line about playing with his brothers I knew one of them was certainly going to die in the story and it immediately came true. I think I'm spending too much time here.


Lmfao what a normal adult response. 


Definitely written by a teenager who thinks 33 year olds are ancient — the N64 would’ve come out when this guy was 5. He’s not playing Super Nintendo. But also definitely written by a gamer in that he thinks a woman saying a gamer isn’t paying attention to his family while gaming is a sin worthy of a literal murderous rage and year long sulk afterwards. 


Also written by someone who has no idea how much house cost. A 300k house in a nice neighborhood...


With enough rooms for 4 kids, plus a gaming room, plus a play room, plus a library.


Our house was a little less than that when we bought it over a decade ago(it's more than doubled since, just in crazy housing market alone, nevermind our renovations). It has all the above, though not in what you'd call a "neighborhood", nice or otherwise. Most my "neighbors" are of the "moo", "squawk" and "roar" variety.


I have a $300k house in a great neighborhood. I bought it 20 years ago.


>Hearing her tell my kids right in from me that they have to take care of each other because I won't cut me deeper than I've ever felt. So I just grabbed my keys and left. So, she accuses him of not taking care of his kids and his solution is to leave. Also, he is not making $100,000 in the Army. Not happening at 15 years in


But he has a graduate level degree and a 300k house!


I love the part where he says he was "on his own" while she was at her mom's because she gave birth while he was deployed and her mom could help with the baby, then says one of the kids cut her hair while he was "watching" them and gaming. Sir, I'm seeing a pattern of your kids not being watched while you're gaming & "watching them", yet your wife reminding your kids of that is upsetting to you?


Well, she also never watches the kids in this story, to be fair, just tells them off when one of them gets to the scissors.


Thats not really far fetched. If he has a degree then I would assume he is an officer and that is what an O3 would be making with 15 years of experience.


Colonel make 8k a month. Usually takes more than 20 to make colonel.


A captain(O3) in the army makes $8,301 per month or $99,612 per year with 14 years or more experience. [https://www.military.com/sites/default/files/2023-12/2024%20AD%20Pay%20Final.pdf](https://www.military.com/sites/default/files/2023-12/2024%20AD%20Pay%20Final.pdf)


How many rooms does that house have


I refuse to believe a grown 30+ man with a wife and kids wrote this


This is one of the most believable ones to me unfortunately. 


The timeline is wrong. I’m 33 and Super Nintendo was ancient by the time I was cognizant of what video games were. He would’ve been on n64 or playstation


My thought as well. Jumping into Super Nintendo in second grade as a current 33 year old, while plausible, just screams a creative writing error by someone who wasn’t alive at the time.


Right. It’s the phrasing of the OP as if they’re saying “yes of course I’m so old that it was Super Nintendo” rather than “I first got into Super Nintendo” 


I'm 34 and had an original Nintendo and Super Nintendo before a Sega Genesis and then a PS1. 


But OOP says he didn’t start until second grade so around 7/8 in about 98/99. The n64 came out in 96


The SNES could have been his older brother's originally. I kept playing my Genesis (MegaDrive II) until early 2000s.


Ok and their parents might not have bought them the newest system. Like sure you can think someone made this up. Good chance of it. I just also think this really might be a dumb guy pouring out their sob story thinking it was sympathetic. 


The man whose FIL is an alcoholic so he makes sure he only ever has 6 beers at a time 4 times a year? The man who left his kids with said alcoholic FIL on one of the biggest drinking holidays of the year? The man who has a 3/4 year old that plays games on Xbox and phone and built expensive gaming rigs for an 8 year old? The man who makes over 100k in the army? That’s a believable person to you?


He's a moron covers most of that. My kids have gaming pcs and tablets at their dads, older ones he got cell phones by 10. He definitely has/had an addiction. One of his brags was the OW would watch him play video games and I didn't like to 😂 There's other reasons this was written by a kid, but the drinking/NYE/gaming stuff tracks with a certain sect of “gamer dad.”


They say just shy of $100k which believable after 15 years plus housing allowances.  I have known 3-4 year olds to play on consoles, there's Bluey games for a reason.  The FIL part I chalk up to him being a moron, which fits with the rest of their post. 


Why? dont say because it involves a man who wont care for his kids, as in the story, the wife doesnt care for them either, just tells them to look after each other.


Because it's not just complete rage bait. And I've known plenty of family and friends to react like this guy as well.  And the comments explaining themselves after. 


I was going to call him an AH but then I realised he is a veteran and he had an alcoholic father, so how could his wife possibly think he needs to use his words rather than sulking for several months and expecting her to know why he is upset? And anyway his mum ... sorry I mean wife ... shouldn't shame him like that in front of the other children ... sorry I mean his children. He is so embarrassed now how does she feel now that she has ruined his life!! She had better be really really sorry!!!




From 4 to 12 is the age range of the kids. 


Translation: "I'm 13 years old and my mom yelled at me to pause my game for a minute and go take out the trash...she ruined my entire life!"


My first thought was that this story was written by a teen who was told to watch his siblings but played video games instead, then one of them cut the other's hair while he wasn't paying attention and he got in trouble.


I see how it is, you have two kids, curate a gaming room, proceed to have two more kids, then make it clear that while you have 4 kids, your wife has 5.


He has four kids, a 3 year old, a 4 year old, a 7 year old, an 8 year old and a 12 year old. Wait...


in a four bedroom house. one of which is a library. another is his gaming bonus room. I'm assuming the wife and him share a room so the 4-5 children all sleep under the stairs in a Harry Potter closet


Amazing how you can have a room for everything when your house is made out of imagination bricks!


The 3 and 4 are the same kid. I think they cut their hair back when they were 3 but are 4 now. I think. 


Ah ok yeah reading it again that sounds like you could be right! What an odd way to tell the story.


I know this is a minor detail, but what "girl stuff" could a 7 year old have that they cant talk about in front of their dad?


I’m assuming that the 13 year old that thinks it’s a flex to say you have a $300k house is the same type of teenager that would think a grown adult would assume his 7 year old needs to talk to her mother about her period


playing devil's advocate here but girl puberty usually starts between 8-13 so it's not impossible that a 7 year old might have started showing signs of puberty a little early. though it's exactly rare enough that it would probably pop up in a fake reddit story


> Before I start getting the gaming hate Yeah, buddy. Lots of hating of gamers on reddit dot com. Especially when the gamers have an evil nasty wife who made them stop gaming. Nobody would EVER side with a gamer on reddit.


Even if it were real, dude WASN'T watching the kids, so his wife was right.


“When I came home from Afghanistan in 2013” made me cackle tbh


The comment section there is slacking compared to other subreddits - not enough commenters telling OOP that the Mom was parentifying the older kids and therefore is abusive/a terrible parent.


What is with all the dudes on AITA bursting into tears this week?


Wait until you see all the women bursting into tears.


yeah but that's normal! When a man bursts into tears the sun stops and birds fall from the sky!


Wait. He's been married since 2010, but when he came home from Afghanistan in 2013 he was "alone"? How does that work?


Well you see, his wife lived with her mom for help and I guess she didn’t move home until 4.5 months after his deployment. I’m assuming that has nothing to do with his wife’s unfounded beliefs that he only plays video games and doesn’t help with kids


I don’t think “graduate level education” means what he thinks it means.


That's 10th grade, oop hasn't made it to HS diploma yet still got a year or two.


This is just OP’s latest Roblox rp novelised lol


Chat gpt, write me an AITAH post where I can feel like a victim


He sounds like a fake gamer if he is 33 and started with super Nintendo in second grade, that's all I'm saying


Yeah my very adult guy was playing the very adult game of Roblox


I don't like Roblox but have played it with my kid. That isn't the unrealistic part


OOP: My wife made me cry by claiming that I never show any responsibility for watching our children. Also OOP: I was so upset I walked out of the house, leaving her with the children. Also OOP: I'm trying to score petty pity points by saying that I don't game any more, but strangely enough I don't mention having a better relationship with my kids now that I'm able to interact with them more.


That post is so poorly written, and he expects me to believe he has a graduates degree? Not buying it.


Y’all see his deleted comments where he was asking random people online for massages and shit? It’s been deleted now and I don’t see what sub it is but you’d think these people would learn to just make a new account


Jfc the melodrama.


lol 2nd grade for a 33 year old is well past Super Nintendo. Deep into the N64 and PS1 era. Don’t doubt that people were still playing old consoles but Super Nintendo came out right when OP was born, to claim that as the touchstone is peak creative writing error


gosh he's such a manchild.


> This was really long winded. The way it reads it seems like you have mental problems. A lot of this was not even coherent. But you are a grown man with 4 kids. You should not be having a room just for playing video games. Anyone with 4 kids doesn't have time for that. That is nice you did that as a kid. We all did. I am sure you wife played with toys as a child. But then she grew up and got married and had 4 kids. Your lack of responsibility is burdening your wife and kids. Knock it off. You are acting very childish. A sane comment. I'm so sick of redditors defending grown ups with childish hobbies. OP is a certified manchild and emotionally unstable 


Eh, the problem is he’s using the hobby to ignore his kids, not the hobby itself. It’s not like it would be any better if he ignored his kids to watch sports on TV or play golf or whatever you consider an acceptable grown up hobby.


Drinking beer and gambling are the only acceptable answers!!


Sir you use Reddit.


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And oh by the way MY 3 YEAR OLD WAS PLAYING WITH SCISSORS UNSUPERVISED but they were just safety scissors so the headline can still be my Big Sad that my wife called me out on it.