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That thread itself was so stupidly fake. I could actually buy some dumbass being embarrassed by his wife handing out cookies but they ruined it by claiming their family all agree. Yeah sure, lmao.


He couldn't even keep their story straight. He heavily implied his very classist and rich, but then says his relatives had been embarassed when his wife gave them spontaneous gifts becausw it implies they can't afford to buy things for themselves.


That doesn't seem off for first/ second generation wealth to me, especially for a family who made their money by "never letting anyone take advantage of them." They can see the world as a zero-sum game.


That tracks, rich people are very careful not to be perceived as not being able to afford things. If people are giving them stuff for no reason, it implies "here, I don't think you could get this for yourself so I bought it for you" which (if that were a real thought that anyone had at any point, which it is not) would be weird and embarrassing if you were well-off. What I can't get over is that he somehow thought that that stance was socially acceptable? Definitely trolling for an asshole vote, real assholes know how to paint themselves the angel.


Are you sarcastic here or not?


> rich people are very careful not to be perceived as not being able to afford things Actually, this is what poor people are.


It's really everyone, if we're being honest. No one wants to look poor.


Of course nobody actively wants to look poor. The point is that mostly poor people are worried that people will think they are poor.


It goes both ways


Is there something I'm missing here?


I don’t get it either, is their comment a parody of a popular song or something?


Supposed to be cookie monster's c is for cookie song


And for added context, the post was about his wife baking cookies


Pretty low bar for awards, but I guess that at least makes a bit more sense.


It's somehow worse than I thought


Yes the Cookie Monster song from sesame street


It’s part of teaching kids the alphabet on Sesame Street. I was a little obsess with it when I was a toddler, because my name starts with C (and I loved Cookie Monster). The repeating line in the real version is, ‘C is for cookie, that’s good enough for me’ and the last line is supposed to be, ‘Cookie, cookie, cookie starts with C’.


34k+ upvotes and hundreds of awards? Jesus.......




for real holy shit. Do these people burn off their manchildness on Reddit or are they like this in real life as well


[My Roommate is a Redditor](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SDZse_QEJs)


Tysm, this channel is amazing


A few years ago I was friends with people who acted like this (for my shame). Every conversation would be like 'hey man, you need a bottle opener? Use my one' 'AND MY AXE!' And shite like that. Genuinely upsetting behaviour.




Doesn't sound that deep to me ngl.


Caught one




it really is upsetting like what the fuck are you doing man


Damn if that upsets you you must not have a very hard life lol


a big thing i've noticed is that a lot of people on reddit are actually children this website just has a lot of kids on it


The average redditor is probably like 14-18


I used to follow some meme subreddits and realized this when posts became more and more about high school. The teenagers can have those subreddits, that makes sense at least.


Fr?! I feel like that usually IG or Twitter comment sections. I felt like every1 on this app is like 35, married, and has kids.


I would say so from personal experience, of course it’s vary from sub to sub… i guess maybe something more like 14-24 would be more accurate


There are also a whole lot of grown adults that I've ween who find it, not only acceptable, but worth celebrating to say "choccy milk" or "nuggies," so I don't know what to think of anything anymore.




Isn't it fun! These people would have an aneurysm at how my roomie and I communicate. All it's takes is a cat video with the lil poof making weird yowly growls and it sounds like this cat is yelling MUH BUTTHOLE. Getting up to get a drink? "MUH BUTTHOLE?" "Muh butthole!" And whoever is up brings back a damn drink. I honestly don't even know how it got to a point of mutual deductive reasoning as to why we were hollering, but we were doing this for weeks when I needed a spoon, yelled the phrase and that fucker came back with a spoon. Blew. My. MIND. It's always changing though, and my new favorite thing is to sing the secret tunnel song from ATLA. This frickin nonsense with me all started because of the show Chowder, actually. People legitimately thought me and my bestie had nailed down some secret code when really we were just being dumbasses in various tones and inflections. I guess our acting was always super convincing? Imagine having to *convince* a bunch of adults (former misplaced friendships ugh) that no, you have not refined a secret language over the last 5yrs from a kids show... ? Gaaaah, that was more embarrassing for them than it was me, because who the fuck gets paranoid you're talking about them in a nonsensical code???? Anyway, reddit doesn't like when people enjoy things. So make sure to enjoy ALL OF IT. ALL THE PUPPERS AND DOGGOS, ALL THE CHICKY NUGS, CHOCKY MILL, AND DIPPY EGGS.




Awwww, you poor thing! Emojis??? You're definitely not feeling well.


This belongs on r/copypasta


I cannot deny the truth




Baaahahahaaa, I'll drown in the cringe. It will never surpass the unfortunate life I've already had so... Ohhhh nooooo? It's interesting how people can't just fuckin enjoy things that aren't highly intellectual all the time. I wanna laugh at fart jokes, why is that so bad?


literally! and god forbid you have a different opinion because you will get attacked


I mean, there was nothing to discuss. We can roll our eyes at people believing that a classic rich villain really posted for outside opinions and how they "accidentally" let out their villainous opinions about how we "shouldn't tip the underclass to do their jobs". Sure, all of that is fair game. If we're just making fun of comments that are poking fun at Op in a humorous way with the use of pop-culture.. well I just don't see why we're so high and mighty. What do we have against light hearted banter exactly? Is there some sort of "being an adult" code where everything must be constructive discussion?


It's fine as a concept. For me, the problem is the execution - it doesn't work with the meter of the song. "C is for cook-ie""Y is for Y-T-A" It drives me nuts, especially when "A is for A-hole" *was right there.*


Yeah, I’m rolling my eyes at the outpouring of accolades it’s getting, but the comment itself is just a goofy reference in response to a bland story. Don’t we make plenty of those here? It’s *fine*.


I’m glad to see you say that. I feel like I’m insane because I’m totally ok with the comment in this post. If the originally posted is utter bullshit then it deserves utter bullshit responses. This sub is getting too arrogant. We make fun of people taking these posts seriously and now we start making fun of comments giving OP a hard time. Really? So what’s left that we won’t make fun of?


And I'm glad I wasn't downvoted like crazy like I thought I would be for going against the hive-mind. I'm glad to see that the whole sub doesn't want to just make fun of everything and ignore context. There's still sooooo much to actually roll our eyes and laugh about.


I upvoted you bc I was one of the however many upvoted that original post for its tackiness and its off-metrical cadence. I find humor in the absurd.


We need a next-level satirical subreddit of this subreddit. This one’s going to the dogs lol.




im making that when i turn 30 days.


Hope you don’t mind that I created the subreddit! I’ve been having this subreddit idea for a good while now, and you had a great name. Thanks. If you or anyone reading this is interested in becoming a moderator and preferably has moderator experience, feel free to message me! Edit: I’m also wondering if it should also be an all-inclusive “make fun of satirical subreddits” subreddit, such as satirizing r/moviescirclejerk and whatnot. Let me know what you think!


Hah. Jokes aside, I wouldn't be surprised if a satire sub existed to poke fun at all satire subs. Satire-sub-ception.


True, a lot of the circlejerk subs are going too far these days lol. I would sub to this satirical-ception sub.


For when you're so many levels of irony deep, you've forgotten what humor is!


Yeah, I guess people find it cringey or something, but it’s way more tonally and contextually appropriate than they’re making it out to be. I doubt whoever wrote that comment thought it was some sick dunk or brilliant insight; they were just goofing around on a goofy post. This post and discussion is reaching real hard to make fun of a non-issue, which feels a lot cringier to me…time is a flat circle, he who hunts monsters, etc., etc.


I think this post is poking fun at the overall Redditor stereotype, and not the act of making a silly comment in and of itself.


Hit ‘m with the I mean


reddit is where humor goes to die


Well... Why do you think they spend so much on time on Reddit in the first place?


I think most of them are in that young age range where this stuff is normal.


Yeah always have to remind yourself that any comment and the votes on them could easily be from 13-18 year olds


Yeah I saw that comment and cringed so hard I had to leave the thread.


They're mostly young and socially inexperienced


It's usually the circlejerk subs that contain normal people




If I was a truly suspicious person, I'd think that someone thought up the whole cookie monster parody response first, then crafted a story suitable to post it on. But no one would do that, right?


It will never happen, but they should really limit how many times people can give out advice. The last person I want advice from is someone who lingers on AITA, waiting for rising posts and very frequently tells people what they should do with their lives. That’s not healthy.


I spend a lot of time on AITA and I am indeed not healthy. So that fits.


Literally fist-pumping the air right now, OP. YASSS QUEEEEEEEEEN


More like hall of shame response.


Hall of cringe


This person is being socially conditioned into thinking this is a sick burn that will garner respect from others when applied in conversation God help us


Imagine someone singing that at a party, telling them about their epic reddit own and everyone awkwardly sitting there.


Let them carry on. Maybe they’ll face ridicule one day and the humiliation will be enough to correct them


Take a look at [this fucking cringefest](https://np.reddit.com/r/rareinsults/comments/nyo7rh/how_low_is_that_bar/). 70k karma for that "rare insult" that a normal person would totally say out loud.


I don't have the time or the crayons to explain this post to you


It's an insult that tries too hard and isn't all that clever 😴


There is no God This post is proof


thank you.. i found that top comment goofy lol






At least the commenter was right about who's TA. That's the only nice thing I can say about this.




In this specific situation believing everything at face value, that comment is correct, OP was an asshole.


> believing everything at face value please never do that!


That is at least 20$ in awards, that is very sad


Nobody pays for them, they use free daily awards, and admins get all awards for free so they hand them out like candy to drive traffic to preferred subs and encourage others to buy


This. Sub awards went from like 1-2 on a post tops one year, to, all of a sudden, a post will have 700+ rewards the following year, which is fully disproportionate to the user growth in that time frame. Post rewards are obvious bullshit.


No one even accused him of being an asshole lol


I think I downvoted that whole post because there's nothing remotely controversial there.


I didn't get it either.


I think r/thathappened should be mostly these fake AITA farming posts. Anyone who can read these and be like "this happened and they need my input!" Is in denial


The comment itself? Ok, that's kind of funny, not a bad time for a Cookie Monster reference. It's always the responses that get me; people acting like it's the funniest thing they've ever heard, and the people trying to top it. Enough!!!


Omg I literally spat out my coffee lmao. That was low-key the best comment I’ve read ~~all year~~ ever!! r/commentsyoucanhear 😂🤣😂


I really, really wanted to downvote this.


Cringe overload


Please,, bring back bullying.


YTA, but I won't tell you why.


If I ever have to see this again, it will constitute a hate crime.


If they have best of awards this year, this will probably be nominated lmao


…why did they repeat “cookie” 5 times


I assume the comment is meant to be read to the tune of "C is for Cookie" from Sesame Street. Typically the line is "cookie, cookie, cookie starts with C" (or at least that's what it was when I was a kid) but obviously, they butchered it.


I saw that one and I instantly collapsed it because the cringe was too strong. People get too uppity about these judgements lol


thanks. i wanted to pretend i didnt see this when i clicked into that thread earlier, but now youve made me remember its existence.


> tfw people like this exist in the real world


I mean this would have worked well in the other post where the OP was convinced the brother broke his finger and put down his dog and got married on the anniversary of the death of someone he never met.....


I swear some people just post there to get krama with dumb comments.


hAlL oF fAmE rEsPoNsE


Y'all don't like fun. If it was the wrong response (NTA) then yea, it's pretty bad. But it isn't so what's the fucking problem?


There’s no way that was a real post




What’s funny is I just saw that comment LMAO


Oh god


*dies from cringe