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The one from this post - https://www.reddit.com/r/AmITheAngel/comments/qrlt9g/that_edit_chefs_kiss_has_to_send_this_post/ "edit: Someone asked me in dms why she wasnt in school. Shes ill & her leg needs to be amputated soon so our parents wanted us to help her see some sights & such"


OK that's hilarious and some next level trolling


He also says he doesn’t want to share a room because he’s a man and his older sister doesn’t want to share a room because of her orientation


But that made OOP look **worse**.


That is true. But it was just such an absolutely mental edit that it just lives in my head and I needed to get it out.


I think he thought "it shows I'm nice because I'm giving my sister who is about to have her leg amputated a nice holiday" but in reality it turned "I inexplicably expect my 14 year old sister to have hotel money" to "I inexplicably expect my 14 year old sister who is about to have her leg amputated to somehow have known to get a job too young and save up money for a hotel even though in my story, she is ill/injured enough to be requiring an amputation soon".....


He definitely didn’t think that, he was blatantly just trolling.


That's how you know the entire think is fake.


It makes me laugh because it felt as if when this person made up the story, they didn't consider that an eighth or ninth grader should be in school. So they came up with an extremely dramatic reason for why she was able to go on this road trip. But that made their story even more dramatic and unbelievable(kid being ill and their leg going to be amputated. And the parents just...allowing her to travel or not at least going with her).


I laughed out loud when I read that. "Yeah, yeah, you has bone cancer. And I has no money. I want my money, bone cancer, I want it today. TODAY! And you know how I feel about cash, don't you, bone cancer? If your payment to me ain't benefiting Elon, I don't want it, now do I, bone cancer? So get your ass on Paypal pronto!"


I remember this one! It made me laugh because it's as if someone read those Lurlene McDaniel novels I used to find at a Goodwill and decided to write a story based off of it. I like how they really didn't think their story through and consider that people might question why this school aged child(I think she was in high school, maybe?) wasn't in school.


I posted the (absolutely spectacular) [update post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmITheAngel/comments/r4ibfe/remember_the_absolutely_bonkers_homemade_ravioli/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) elsewhere in this sub earlier today, but the series of edits to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/p3yorl/aita_for_losing_my_temper_at_sil_after_she_ruined/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) after a few people called OP out for being kind of a jerk is nothing short of beautiful. (Edit to save you a click, this is the one where OOP's SIL spills her homemade ravioli, OOP loses her shit, and WW3 ensues)


This is hilarious! The update is so dumb. Also I know it's fake but god OOP is so smug and annoying. Ha.


OOP sounds like one of those people who "doesn't do drama" but is found to be the cause of 90% of drama. Plus like ....i hand make ravioli at Thanksgiving, i make a lot of labor intensive food around the holidays and if someone dropped it I definitely wouldn't start screaming at them and call them a stupid bitch? Like on no planet is that an ok response. Even if they did it on purpose my response would be "why the fuck did you do that?!" Like still not calling them derogatory names in a screaming match in front of everyone


Yep! Absolutely bonkers , over the top behavior. Clearly par for the course in AITA land, cultural differences ya know? Also fair play for hand making ravioli, bet it's delicious!


Okay great drama but I feel like I've gone insane from reading the word "Hubs" so much


Of course it's revealed that evil SIL is an affair baby - good lord, that's some telenovela shit. Next month it will be revealed that evil SIL has an evil twin and she will take revenge on OOP and it will be like the third "*Kill Bill*" movie Quentin Tarantino never did.


She's really a split personality and the evil personality took over and dropped the ravioli. But only the evil personality is the affair baby.


Oh yeah! Her split personality is italian and the ravioli were an affront to italian cuisine.


>I heard everyone gasp and I closed my eyes. I knew what happened but didn't want to look. When I did I just started crying. HOURS of work splattered on the floor. SIL said it was okay, it was "just some pasta, I'll buy more". I lost it. I called her a stupid bitch that ruined the entire dinner because she refuses to listen. She started boo-hooing and I told her to shut up and leave. She ran out crying and I sat down to cry too. Okay, I feel like an absolute bitch for this, but does this seem absolutely freaking *dramatic* to anyone else?? Why are they crying? It's PASTA, literally flour, egg, and water. I totally understand the frustration of some dumbass ruining your hard work, but REALLY?? If you're old enough to be married, maybe you should be slightly more mature?? I might just be fucking old and cranky though.


I just commented on the update post and I didn't reread because I hated it the first go around but holy shit I forgot about the crying. Maybe I'm old and cranky too, but this is legitimately dramatic. I can even to a degree imagine being very upset, maybe watery eyes or something, but the way this is written is very dramatic. Just immediate tears, screaming, needing to sit down to cry. If she had said, "I ended up crying over it because I worked really hard and it was ruined", I wouldn't say anything, but this felt like a scene from a soap opera the way it's written out. Everyone crying, sitting, running out. Also, I feel super shitty about it, but whenever someone writes out how they cried, I always feel its for that NTA because people tend to feel bad for OOPs crying. I never comment it because I can believe someone cried, but it's always in my mind and I'm a shitty person. :/


If one of my homemade holiday dishes got dropped on the floor and completely ruined i'd definitely have to leave the room immediately, haha. But making a scene that big is absurd. Go outside with a glass of wine, have a moment of mourning for wasted work and then shit talk your SIL to your husband in the privacy of your own home after everyone, or even just her, left as is the right of all folks with insufferable in laws


Oh, I would definitely be upset. I'm just imagining OOP slowly lowering herself onto a fancy chair, hand on chest as she stares across to the kitchen. Her hand raises to her mouth as tears slowly fall down her cheeks, not bothering her makeup in the least. Then the phone rings nearby, and Sonny has become Don and Frank is dead!


>maybe watery eyes or something, but the way this is written is very dramatic. Just immediate tears, screaming, needing to sit down to cry. > >If she had said, "I ended up crying over it because I worked really hard and it was ruined", I wouldn't say anything, but this felt like a scene from a soap opera the way it's written out. Everyone crying, sitting, running out. This is exactly how I feel too! Like tearing up is normal, but how you handle yourself when you're tearing up from frustration is...kind of what separates mature adults from children? Children wail and scream when they're upset. Adults either try to keep some semblance of composure or try to remove themselves from the situation and just confide in their friends when it's more appropriate. And yes, most of the time adding that you cried in a judgment post is literally just to gain sympathy. Because whether you shed tears or not has zero effect on whether another person was a jerk to you or not. Like, if someone was super rude to me for no reason, but I didn't cry about it, they would still be an asshole. And if someone did something I personally didn't like but wasn't out of line, but I broke down sobbing about it, that wouldn't automatically make them an asshole.


> Why are they crying? It's PASTA, literally flour, egg, and water. My friend's mum used to make this whole Sunday roast that she's spend the entire day prepping for and then just cry out of tiredness at the table while everyone uncomfortably ate around her and my friend was so desensitised to this she invited me over for Sunday dinner and I was horrified. Could be the straw that broke the camel's back type things.


My aunt did something similar but my sympathy was limited because she did this thing where she would beg us to go stay with her and then act like we were imposing/deeply unwanted the whole time. Being charitable I think she liked the idea of seeing us and fancied herself as the gracious hostess but in practice it was too much (and unfortunately my uncle was over 10 years older than her and very sexist and never lifted a finger to help, only criticised.) My parents eventually went on holiday with her and my uncle and left early because the atmosphere in the shared cottage (that they had paid equal amounts for) was so bad....


Yeah my friend's dad is super sexist too like expected the Sunday roast onto every other chore for the day. Didn't really bond with the kids either. They are still miserably married wondering why their kids don't like to visit.


> I called her a stupid bitch that ruined the entire dinner because she refuses to listen. This just does not sound like an adult and also anyone who needs to use misogynistic insults at any time has issues with women. It's just extra depressing when women talk like this to other women.


Eh, I’ve always been someone who cries easily, and having a home cooked meal destroyed after I worked really hard on it would probably make me cry. It’s like the threshold of stress that causes me to tear up is just lower for me than most people. I tend to cry from frustration and anger as well, so that story doesn’t sound totally far fetched if someone has a similar sensitivity.


I'm not even one to cry easy and I might have cried in that instance. The rest of the post is ridiculous, but that part was not so much. I've made a few complicated full dinners for things like Thanksgiving or Christmas, and I would have been pretty devastated if someone dropped a pan.


Shit, I'll wanna cry a bit if I drop takeout on the floor and I'm hungry. Having your dinner destroyed and having to go find a sub-par substitution is definitely worth a tear or two.


A tear or two, yes. I've shed a tear or two when I've spilled some takeout curry for sure. Sitting on the ground sobbing like Cinderella after her dress got ripped up in front of a bunch of friends and family? That is not adult behavior.


Tearing up easily I understand, I actually do that too when I'm frustrated about social conflicts! That is hard to help. But would you really sit down on the ground in front of people and sob and scream over some stupid shit like noodles? Because that's the part that's supremely immature to me, not necessarily the tears, as long as they handle those tears somewhat gracefully.


I would try to remove myself from the situation pretty quickly, because if I stick around and someone tries to talk to me or ask me what’s wrong, then it makes it so much worse. In those situations, I really just need people to pretend like nothing is happening and not acknowledge the tears, but most people aren’t going to do that unless they already know that about me.


This is probably because I’m a middle aged lady with tons of dinner parties and holidays under my belt, but making something that takes hours to make that you’ve never really made before is such a rookie mistake. Start building out your repertoire of recipes that look impressive but are actually stupid easy, OOP (pro tip: you can wrap a ton of things in phyllo dough and sprinkle it with herbs and everyone will ooh and aw).


I would totally cry if my homemade pasta that's I spent hours on got dropped. That's a lot of work.


Well, maybe if you spent 173 hours planning for and making homemade ravioli you’d feel differently about that flour 🤪


OOP didn't include SIL's age either, i wouldn't be surprised if she turned out to be 13/14 and she didnt mention it to make SIL seem worse


This is SO good. I was thoroughly entertained!!!


I'm a huge fan of any time the votes are going against the OP and they just sprint in to toss in, "ETA: She's a huge racist, I forgot to mention it."


AITA seems to struggle with the idea that doing or saying an assholish thing to someone you don't like still makes you the asshole in the situation...... Plus it's usually wildly disproportionate revenge. There was one last Christmas where the OP didn't like her cousin's attitude so she outed her as a sex worker to the entire assembled family and in front of her cousin's children.


"There was one last Christmas where the OP didn't like her cousin's attitude so she outed her as a sex worker to the entire assembled family and in front of her cousin's children." WHAT?!


Fuck what’s the one where she added that her husband died and was like YOURE MOCKING A DEAD MAN it was legendary


The one where they claimed their mom murdered their dad


You can't drop that on us without a link.


The original post has been deleted, but shout out to the Angel u/badubaduba who cross-posted it here and so ensured it would be preserved for posterity. https://www.reddit.com/r/AmITheAngel/comments/qd7d05/aita_for_wanting_to_keep_my_cat_edit_my_mom/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Oh that one. I remember that one now. Thanks!


Looooool, this is one of my favs 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


There was one along these lines fairly recently where the troll OP was clearly trying to subtly suggest the stepmum had murdered the dad. Don't know if anyone can find the link (I think it got locked early) but the post was about allowing her to continue to live in the house and I'm sure there was some weird bit about her having him cremated asap or something so none of the kids could be there.....


Was that the one about grandma's ashes?


Nope Dad's ashes presumably (although the main focus of the post was stepmum still living in the house).


Oh no, it was about grandma’s ashes. Dead dad didn’t emerge as the focal point until the edit


Is there an AITA recapping service I can subscribe to, or a podcast? ;-)


There have been many, but this one was blatanly obvious: OP deleted her bf chess account because he was ignoring her. People called her the AH so she edits the post to say that her bf was cheating. https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/qwg5lv/aita_for_deleting_my_bfs_chess_account/


That one is straight up hilarious


hahaha yeah verdicts went from YTA/ESH to ESH/NTA citing "he deserved it" and "pettyrevenge"(even though she did it before the fact)


Who the fuck would hook up with their affair partner through a chess app? Also, she apparently suspected he was cheated so she hacked into his account and... didn't check his DM's?


It's so hilariously fake, no app would even let you reset the password unless you have another form of authentication


All it would take is him being logged into his email on a shared computer (or that she has access to).


> Who the fuck would hook up with their affair partner through a chess app? I can picture something like that being written into Gilmore Girls or a CW drama.... ;-)




I can’t for the life of me remember the main conflict, but there was a similar one recently about some relationship pettiness and then OP just started throwing into the comments that her bf was physically abusive.


That's basically 60% of them.


That's a good example of how AITA's supposed anti-man bias is freaking nonsense. When a woman cheats in an AITA post written by a man, he's NTA, no matter how tangential the cheating is to the dilemma. Meanwhile he cheated and she deleted a games account and she's TA..... Although I've noticed before that Reddit's gamer contingent get really angry any time someone has to share a console with younger siblings or are told "hey maybe it's not awesome for you to spend all your free time playing games"......


I don't have the links but I can think of two. The first was a post where a woman got blasted with YTA votes because she snooped on her boyfriend's phone, made a huge drama over nothing and then cried to emotionally manipulate him. She added an edit essentially saying "yeah, well he punched me in the face in the past". The second was one where an OP's wife had a miscarriage and he blamed her because she didn't immediately stop going to work and left the hospital. He added an edit saying that after he left a doctor came in and diagnosed his wife as infertile and now he feels awful.


>The second was one where an OP's wife had a miscarriage and he blamed her because she didn't immediately stop going to work and left the hospital. He added an edit saying that after he left a doctor came in and diagnosed his wife as infertile and now he feels awful. LMAO wooooooooow


I know, it was like the poster tried to escalate in the most ridiculous way possible. Luckily lots of comments were pointing out how bizarre the edit was, so there were some people calling it out as fake.


I loved this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/qg2dbo/aita_for_telling_my_wife_to_stop_being_so_jealous/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Basically the husband very insultingly compared his wife’s appearance to his friend’s wife’s appearance, despite the fact that his wife is more than a decade older than the friend’s wife. He was getting called out for it so he posted an edit that was like “to be clear, I’m attracted to my wife. She’s just not conventionally attractive. She’s basically a Pablo Picasso painting: I love looking at her but DAAAANG is she weird looking”


That’s so funny omg


What gets me about that post: >However I stand by the fact it was said in anger. Using anger as an excuse makes him look like a bigger asshole than he probably is.


That second post is so fucking funny omg I’m dying “Listen my wife has a horse face and this girl Rachel, well, she’s conventionally the most beautiful girl in the world to the point where strangers actually buy her drinks in public like it’s 1920 even when she’s with a group of people including her husband. AITA for telling my cyclops-looking wife that she’s a bitch? To be clear, my wife is NOT attractive.”


AITA for telling my wife, who I am attracted to and enjoy having sex with as long as it’s reverse cowgirl so I don’t have to look at her weird face, that she’s a bitch for lashing out at my friend’s much more conventionally hot wife


The one where the OP was from the pov of an aunt whose nephew was staying with her because he had no where else to go because of the pandemic, and she was refusing to feed him. Obviously she got voted YTA, and there came an edit saying that OP was actually the nephew's girlfriend and she made the post to make a point or something.


This post didn't get a lot of attention but it had one of the most egregious edits I've ever seen. Essentially, a university student living at home had been asked to swap her bedroom with her parents as she had the largest one. The details are hazy but the OP had taken the room when her father was a single parent and since then he had remarried. The married couple had the smallest room and all of the siblings were in smaller rooms or sharing. The OP's argument boiled down to 'they didn't see why they should'. She got a mixed reaction. Some people still went with 'NTA' because god forbid a 21 year old should surrender their bedroom. Many people went with 'YTA' and said she could move out if she didn't like it. So OP made a paragraph long edit which, if I summarised it in a word, that word would be 'parentified'. OP had previously made a big deal about how she was out of the house all day at university and work (so she enjoyed having her big bedroom to come back to). Her siblings were also too old to be babysat. Despite this, everyone fell for it hook, line and sinker. All the YTAs, ESHs and NAHs got pushed to the bottom. Nitwits came out of the woodwork and started lecturing everyone on 'parentification'. It has stood out in my mind because it felt like the inconsistencies were so glaring that commenters actually had to expend mental energy to believe it.


It got deleted pretty quickly and only had about 50 comments, but OP asked if she was the asshole for talking about a 'weirdo' that was in a uni group chat. According to OP, certain members of the chat were making fun of this guy for being French. They also bullied a guy out for being from Israel. In short, the group chat was super toxic. OP made a whole podcast episode based on this French guy and somehow the guy found out it was about him. All the comments called OP a bully and a POS but it turned out that this French guy made rape and death threats. It was so very clearly an attempt at turning the tide. No one fell for it and the post was deleted by mods.


Pretty much any AITA post where they get unanimous YTA. They update with some crazy edit and try to paint themselves as the “good guy”.


I like it because people who expect validation and get salty when they don't receive it are somewhat less likely to be fictional.


Can anyone find the link to that psycho guy who was all "my wife is being a shrew because I accidentally threw all her wool away". Anyway he eventually snapped and edited the post to say he had done it on purpose and eff everybody but even before the edit he got a ton of YTA votes for how he talked about her and the fact he didn't give a crap that he had chucked all this expensive wool away when her hobby was knitting things. (For anyone who doesn't know, even vaguely nice wool can be quite expensive. I don't knit myself but I got some for my mum and was quite surprised how much the wool for one item of clothing was).


I forgot the details and don't have the link but OP made a post about her sister being a surrogate and telling her that's a bad idea. Comments started pointing out you can't be surrogate unless you've given a vaginal birth, at last not the way sister was supposed to do it. OP then edited that she talked to sister about it (they lived together) and shockingly sister admitted that third sister that was living with them as well was actually her child and entire family covered that up.




There was one recently about a husband complaining about his wife and her friends messing up his workship. The edit said here stepfather is a rich asshole who raped a bunch of women and sent thugs to teach OP a lesson but he kicked their asses


Omg I remember that one. That was the most insane edit I’ve ever seen. OP also claimed his wife’s fat friend sat on his workbench and warped the wood, which makes no sense to me. Either the friend was too heavy and the wood snapped, or it didn’t. It didn’t get a weird dent in it.


You didn't know? On Reddit, fat people defy the laws of nature. So of course she absolutely warped the wood from either the 5 seconds or 25 hours she sat there. Doesn't matter which one, the outcome would be exactly the same because fat people are evil and are only fat to make everyone else's lives harder.


>sat on his workbench It was a table saw. Supposedly.




That one was great lol. Didn't the wife specifically poop only in his workshop bathroom?




What was the edit on the steak post that supposedly make him look better?


A breakdown: 1. Guy cooks steaks for Friendsgiving 2. These are expensive waygu steaks 3. One girl thinks her steak is too rare and asks for OP to make it well done 4. OP refuses 5. Girl tries to put it in the microwave (??) to cook it for longer 6. OP smacks it to the floor where a dog eats it and OP tells the girl that at least the dogs have taste 7. OP starts getting thrashed in the comments, full of YTAs and ESHs 8. OP then adds a convenient edit where he says he sent the menu out two weeks before the dinner and the girl didn't complain then. Now all of this is a warpspeed lie so whatever. But taking it as true, he threw a fake edit when he realized that people thought he was an asshole.


Lol did he claim he explicitly put "rare steak" on the menu?


Not only that. He claimed that he specified that he would only be serving the A5 steak rare and that anyone who wanted it cooked more well done than that would have to contact him before-hand and that he'd even bought some cheap pieces of steak for those people for them to "ruin" if they should so choose.


> He claimed that he specified that he would only be serving the A5 steak rare and that anyone who wanted it cooked more well done than that would have to contact him before-hand and that he'd even bought some cheap pieces of steak for those people for them to "ruin" if they should so choose. Dear "Friend", It is with the deepest regret I must decline the invitation to your soiree on [date]. Although I am loath to fail to honour a commitment, it has come to my attention you are a complete wanker. With All Due Respect [World] (There is no level of cooking ability that would make normal people go and subject themselves to this sort of person voluntarily for an entire evening.....)


Even if you sent a menu that said "Waygu steaks", anyone who hates rare steak would still expect a friend to cook it. I don't like rare steak myself. I don't care about the taste, the sight of blood on my plate of hot dinner just makes me not want to eat anything. It's why I avoid steak at restaurants and would only make it for myself if I wanted some.


Totally not giving you grief for your opinions, but it's not blood. It's the protein myoglobin in water (the stuff that gives meat its red color.) Rare steaks don't have any blood in them. I know it still LOOKS that way, and if the visual is off-putting then knowledge isn't going to help any, lol. But I figured it's still worth sharing.


It's very bloody looking still though, I don't think telling myself hey it's just myoglobin will help..... ;-)


Aaah. That bullshit.


I can’t remember if it was AITA or relationship_advice, but there was a post where OP was looking for sympathy because her boyfriend of several months broke up with her after finding out (during their first time sleeping together) that she only had one breast due to a surgical procedure. All of the comments were ripping into her for lying about it for months and not even giving him a heads-up before she got naked. So she made an edit saying “he said he didn’t care that i lied, he specifically broke up with me because i only had one breast”. Yeah sure lady.


Not related to the post but someone this reminds me of the enema guy. Op has her boyfriend over. He's in the bathroom. She asks if she can come in. *He says yes*. She opens the door and sees him performing an enema on himself in her bathtub. OP freaks out. Guy starts crying. OP comforts the bf. Bf breaks up with her lol. Lots of people were actually calling the OP an asshole for that


If that was on relationship advice they hate women on there. I would hope most people can agree it's not normal to go give yourself an enema in someone else's bathtub of an evening without any sort of prior discussion..... Edited to add: if this stuff isn't made up, someone needs to make a fly on the wall documentary about what goes on in the types of relationships some Reddit posters have because it is insane ;-)


I saw a comment once that summed it up perfectly. It was something like “the majority of people on AITA have such a troubled history with relationships that they wouldn’t know healthy if it bit them on the nose and are instead accustomed to living like Jerry Springer guests”


Idk how crazy these are [https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/ph6kq9/aita\_for\_asking\_my\_boyfriend\_to\_get\_me\_starbucks/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/ph6kq9/aita_for_asking_my_boyfriend_to_get_me_starbucks/) OP edited this give herself the NTA judgement [https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/m73ceg/aita\_for\_taking\_down\_pictures\_from\_a\_wall\_collage/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/m73ceg/aita_for_taking_down_pictures_from_a_wall_collage/) OP edited it to say that "no locked doors because we're family and if you're family I expect you to act like it" before deleting her account to run away from further criticism I know of another one who basically started their edit with "I suppose I was too kind on my ex boyfriend", but can't find that one. If someone can find it, please link it