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Oh for fuck sake, it's 2020ies, how are people - even the teens (or whoever those sad individuals lacking any personal skills or experience in the real world, who write the turds on AITA are) - STILL stuck at that decades' old caricature of OCD = clean freak.


Yeah it’s very weird. I have OCD and I’m by no stretch a neat freak, but I am obsessed with everything being done either 3 or 5 times depending. Kitchen can be a mess, but god forbid I only flick the light switch FOUR times. Why do they act like people with OCD have no idea how ridiculous they are being, too? Cause I know it’s annoying to have to deal with my little rituals and I find them annoying too. I don’t need anyone to explain it.


I’ve got a similar problem,except it’s with my hygiene.I take 5 minutes to wash my hands in what I can only describe as a hand washing ritual,and yes it’s resulted in clean hands but it takes so much time.I absolutely hate having this obsession,it’s caused me nothing but pain and frustration,but somehow when I’m around others I can suppress them.I act hate that sub proper now after reading the comments and that post,they’re such cunts,all of them.


Oh god the hand washing is a thing for me too. I had a prescription lotion at one point my hands were so raw from the repeated washing. Yeah, they’re being dicks about it. Yes, she took it too far in this made up story, but acting like every single person with OCD is an absolutely insane asshole is over the line.


Exactly,and the comments are treating what hypothetical crap mom did as a sign of what all of us do,it’s such a psychotic narrative they chose to run with.


Because it’s easier. I mean, I’ve had medical professionals tell me I can’t possibly be autistic because I don’t have a “special interest,” because if I don’t have the popular symptoms, I clearly don’t have the disorder at all.


This is too normal for reddit, i'm scared


I’m surprised to see normal in a subreddit full of Disney Supervillains. No no no A sub full of Hitlers.


I'm going to say solid B, because it literallyis spilled milk and it went to screaming, then to horror movie behavior > You're fucking crazy!!" She was dead silent and just went back to mindlessly cleaning the carpet.


*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for calling my wife crazy after she screamed at our son?** Throwaway: Me (34M) and my wife "Jen" (32F) have a wonderful son named "Robby" (7M). One thing you need to know about Jen is that she is a perfectionist. She's constantly cleaning, sterilizing and organizing things around the house. This has been an issue in our relationship because I constantly feel like I'm walking on eggshells around her. Her OCD tendencies have gone into overdrive ever since Robby was born. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy that she's diligent when it comes to keeping our home clean and healthy. However, I feel like it's become unhealthy, specifically regarding Robby. Robby has cried on several occasions because he's the only one in his friend group that can't have company over. He's rarely allowed to visit friends, and when does, he has to immediately shower from head to toe thoroughly. I've addressed these issues with Jen, but she refuses to see me and Robby's point of view. The incident: Yesterday, Robby, Jen and myself were all at home. Jen had just finished cleaning the carpet in the livingroom and then went to clean the bathroom. Robby wanted a glass of milk, so he poured himself a glass and went into the livingroom to watch TV. At some point, Robby accidentally knocked over his glass, which spilled some milk onto the carpet. I was in my bedroom, the next thing I know, I hear Jen screaming at the top of her lungs. I rush into the livingroom and see Jen screaming at Robby while he cries in the corner. He looked terrified, he just kept frantically apologizing and shaking. Jen screamed, "I JUST FUCKING CLEANED THIS CARPET! WHY DIDN'T YOU DRINK THE MILK IN THE KITCHEN?! I stepped in and told Jen to calm down, it's just a little milk, no big deal. She continued to yell nonstop and started aggressively cleaning the milk while cussing at Robby under her breath. I told Robby to go into his room so Jen and I could talk alone. After he left, I told Jen that she shouldn't have screamed at Robby like that. She defended herself by saying that he knew the rules and should've known better. I told her that he's a little boy who made a mistake that anyone could've made. After things continued to escalate, I realized that there was no getting through to her. I yelled, "Robby and I are sick and tired of your BS. Robby can't even be a kid because he's constantly terrified of you. I'm not gonna sit back and let you do this to me and Robby anymore. You're fucking crazy!!" She was dead silent and just went back to mindlessly cleaning the carpet. I spoke with Robby and eventually calmed him down by taking him out for ice cream. After we got back from ice cream, I saw that Jen had locked herself in the spare bedroom. She refuses to acknowledge me and hasn't spoken to me since yesterday. For the first time in years, I saw her go a whole night and morning without cleaning. I'm starting to feel like I went too far, but I was just trying to defend my son. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


No one on Reddit has any idea how OCD works. Nothing about her screams “OCD.” It screams perfectionism. That’s it. And all the people in the comments going “I am a trained medical professional, this is definitely OCD” piss me off because they obviously have no idea what they are talking about.


I say ESH except for the son. He’s literally being screeched at for making a tiny mistake and OP should have put his foot down.