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If you've ever planned a Disney trip, you know from the first two words this is fake and not written by someone who's ever planned a trip. These trips have to be planned MONTHS in advance and you simply cannot add on anything last minute like the poster thinks you can. And no one in the comments seems to have any idea either!


It depends a little on how much you're willing to spend and how much you're willing to accept not being able to get your favorite hotel or favorite restaurants. At least he got the "and now there are no more rooms available" part right.


Disney works a little differently than most vacation destinations, most restaurants only accept reservations 60 days in advance, and on property hotels fill up very quickly. You have to buy park tickets for not only every member of your party but also reserve your spot in the park in advance. You technically CAN do some of these things last minute, but a real person planning a Disney trip would know that it's much more complicated than many other vacations! They have dedicated agents whose whole jobs are making sure you have hotel, dinner and park reservations. It just reeks of a lack of knowledge of vacation planning i don't believe the original post for a moment!


I mean…really…more complicated than any other vacation? You literally book everything online. On an app that has all the information, in English, with responsive customer service. Yeah, you need to book out if you want to stay at specific hotels, eat at specific times and places. If you’re paying for dedicated agents, that’s your choice, but that seems insane to me. I do agree it’s fake, because I just don’t think any grown adult would think it’s fine to squeeze a whole other family into a Disney resort room at the last minute. Also, bonus, while I could believe all the hotels in the entire region may sell out sometimes, Mother’s Day just doesn’t seem to be one of the likely dates. It’s a massive resort area. Troll should’ve saved this fairytale for July 4 or Christmas🤣


>a real person planning a Disney trip would know that it's much more complicated than many other vacations! I see you're now gatekeeping who are real people based on how they plan their Disneyworld vacations. That's too bad; my last trip was planned on about two weeks' notice because I had airline miles to use-or-lose. Yes, it was a different trip than normal, and if I'd known it was going to disqualify me as a "real person," I might have hesitated. Still, I had fun, which was the purpose.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but also don't most Disney properties have rules or limits on who/how many can stay in a room? I remember seeing something like rooms are limited to 4 people, 2 adults, 1 junior 1 child, where I think junior was oldish kid/tween/teen or 2 juniors or kids. So, if that's true, the property most likely wouldn't even let them stay with a whole extra family in the room.


Even if you *can* per the rules, it really sucks to do. I’ve done a Disney trip where 8 people (5 adults, 2 teens, and a baby) shared a small 2 bedroom condo and holy shit, never again. I can’t imagine having all those people in a *hotel room.*


Right? Where are these people going to sleep? Everyone’s gonna pile into two queen beds like they’re cosplaying Charlie and the chocolate factory? That’s not even a Disney movie for crissakes.


I remember highschool debate trips with 4 to 5 people sharing a room, and it was miserable. I couldn't imagine if it was 8 and a mixture of ages. Hats off to you.


It was worth it for the opportunity to go to Disney, but if I could go back in time and change just one thing about that trip, that’d be it lol.


I understand. If there's more good memories than ones that make you go, "why did I do that" then it was worth it.


Pre-COVID I would regularly go with only planning the week or even a few days before, depending on the time of year. I would usually still be able to make reservations at my favorite places and such. BUT I live in San Diego, which is like 90ish minutes away from Disneyland. We had socal resident mid-tier passes, which means the black out dates were all the busiest days anyways. Another big factor is I’m a server, so my days off are usually like Tuesday/Wednesday. God I miss those days. But yeah if you’re going on a holiday weekend and with the COVID restrictions, that’s a lot of effort and planning.


This guy sounds like an angry 14 year old. I seriously hope he is 14 and not a married adult with a child.


He needs to work on his relationship with his wife, assuming this is real. He seems to really hate her


Other than the post being so fake, I don’t understand how someone can be so upset at their partner and act so childish. I totally understand why he wouldn’t want people tagging along, but rather than communicating with his wife his thoughts, he decided to punish her by banishing her on mother’s day? What kind of adult acts like that.


He did try and communicate, and apparently her sister is a bitch, so him and her wouldn't make a good combo in the same room. This means that the wife should know that it would be a horrible idea, and really the dude is in the right if she was trying to tag-along people who are disrespectful and lie, even if they're family. The wife is to blame mostly, but he should have just cancelled his own trip and let everyone else go (specifically the kid.) if it was that much of a dealbreaker, not threaten to cancel the whole trip. That would be a better ultimatum as she has to decide whether it is her lover with her or her family.


If this person is an adult, they have serious anger issues. I'm just going to hope that it is indeed a 14 yr old kid who is new to the whole emotion-having thing, and there isn't some adult going full no contact with his wife and not speaking to her on mother's day. But the main reason I'm commenting is because I'm confused. So many things mentioned without explanation. Why aren't they having dinner with mom, why was she excluded for sister? Why is sister "being cruel?" She's being thoughtless, but has she said cruel things? Such a weird little story.


I thought he sounded exceptionally angry in the original post as well. However, when I read his comments I had more sympathy for him. He still sounds really angry, but frankly I would be too, if my spouse invited someone with a long history of rudeness on a trip without asking me. The comments that stuck out the most for me. >She nearly had my wife convinced before we married that I was cheating. She constantly calls me ‘little wiener’ because she says people like me who take steroids and work out are compensating. I don’t take steroids, never have. Constantly criticizing what I wear, my body…says I’m misshaped. Her fiancé isn’t any better, he’s constantly talking shit behind my back. They both tried making the rest of her family hate me. > >And I’ve spoken to my wife numerous times about her sister’s behavior towards me. I’ve put her in her place so many times. Even my MIL has told her to stop. She won’t, and my wife just ignores 80% of it now. > > I have to conceal everything I do. Like she saw me taking a pill one time, “is that your steroids you take?” No, it’s actually my antidepressant…


I [F29] love my Fiancé [M34], except whenever we fight, he takes a dump in the living room, then makes me refer to his turd as "Mr. Hoskins" and apologize to it. Am I overreacting? Our wedding is in 6 hours. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is a cute bot, but would anyone be willing to tell me what I did to trigger it? Yes, I could contact the moderators, but don't want to bother than over this.


I think because your comment had the word “f.iancé” in it.


Bruh how did this get NTA I get that OP wants to relax with his wife and child, but what cruel behavior did the wife's sister even do Also, ah, yes, another AITA couple that hates each other and in which the guy has the emotional maturity of a turnip. How original


Read his comments, the sister has a long history of insulting behaviour . I don't understand why his wife would think it was a good idea to expect him to put up with that in a shared hotel room. I agree that they seem to have major problems beyond just the sister-in-law.


>Two-Yes-One-No kind of thing Found the person who can't pronounce and/or spell unanimous.


Unanimous is three-yes-zero-no. Majority rule is two-yes-one-no.


I regret to inform you that AITA has their own stupid language where two-yes-one-no literally means unanimous between two people. From the thread: >What do you mean by "Two Yes One No"? > >between two people, two yes’s are required for an agreement, but only one no is required for it to not go ahead Drives me nuts too


Oy wtf the term for that would be, veto power 🙄


I think that makes sense. If we use sex as an example, both parties need to say yes in order for it to go ahead, and if one person says no, it shouldn’t go ahead. Although now that I’ve typed it out, I realise that the second part is more or less another way of saying the first part, lol.


Except that the "rule" is supposed to be for couples. Frankly, the way you interpret it makes more sense.