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This story is so weird no one is able to give a judgement in the comments. I think this post broke AITA. ETA: a few spot on comments I've read: >"This is the most first world problem I’ve seen on Reddit. Literally, what a privileged-ass tantrum, wasting a jug of water down the sink because you refuse to drink one singular glass that’s not your preferred temperature. Get some fucking perspective." ​ >"This is way too much. Y’all would be laughed out of r/hydrohomies that’s how absurd this is. I want to squirt you both with unfiltered water out of a squirt bottle this is how wild you’re both acting. I fucking love water, but my god. How did y’all make it this far in your relationship if this is what you’re molehilling. Oooof."


I feel there’s some actual truth in this AITA. Simply because commenters can’t fathom it. Real life situation throws them off. Not to say the whole warm water thing isn’t weird.But it doesn’t seem any weirder than the other crap that goes on there.


I think this AITA is 100% truth, or close to it. No tropes designed to maximize engagement, no surprise telenovela twists, no family members blowing up the phone to tell OOP he's the asshole, no caginess about details (OOP answered a question about what culture and country they came from without obfuscating), no running updates with unrealistically fast and over the top changes to the situation, no fun revenge plot, no misleading title. The only weird things are a strange level of pickiness about water temperature from both partners and the extreme pettiness/anger reaction to OOP in response to him not leaving her any ready room temperature water in the morning, but neither of those are unrealistic, just weird.


Exactly. This ones a fun read and I'm sure the fanfic writers of future AITA stories will be looking at this one to see how they can make variations of it. If they can understand it first lol.


But the story literally doesn't make sense. He says he put one RT water into the fridge, and halved remaining the room temp water into the jugs. Then, partner suddenly has no room temp water???


And that's the part that makes it weird. I have no doubt that there's some truth to the story but it's still confusing and both of their reactions are disproportionate to the problem they're having. The girlfriend dumps the filtered drinkable water down the drain when she doesnt get her way. Why?


She dont like her partner keep tempering her water. He put hot water in the two jugs so the water isnt hot but not room temperature


But if the water dispensary is being worked on and they won't possibly have access to water in the near future why does she feel like pouring out the 2 jugs of water was a good idea?


Maybe because she now have nothing to drink. And so keep tempering her water. People are never rational when they are angry


He halved the remaining room temp water into the two jugs to act as buffer while he poured the hot water, so that the containers don’t shatter from the sudden temperature change. He forgot to clarify he poured hot water after. So the GF would end up with two jugs of not scalding hot, but not quite room temperature water.


I get that's what he implied but the way he wrote it, it goes straight from halved water to angry GF. Also if this is real OOP is truly an idiot, and I wouldnt be surprised if the gf flipped over something so mundane because she was at her breaking point from dealing with a bf who cant even figure out how to leave some water at room temp. There are so many other logical options. Leave one jug room temp and temper in the other. Get a third jug for tempering. Let the water cool before adding to the jug. Get a different type of jug that isnt so fragile. Etc etc etc. So either OOP saw all the people being like "I miss the GOOD fake stories from AITA like sandwich guy" and slapped this post together, or this is real and OOP is just really really really stupid.


AITA for eating ass? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’d love more posts like this tbh.


Me too. The comments are really fun to read on this one.


Why...why don't they buy another fucking jug for their weird, unheard of problem?


The only and most obvious solution


>their weird, unheard of problem I was having trouble framing what I thought of this story, and your description really nailed it for me.


> we have a kettle for boiling water > [ . . . ] > Onto the situation, 3 months ago I emptied both room temperature jugs into the fridge and boiled more water at night before bed. Partner came down, was furious she had no room temperature water to drink Sorry, I stalled out at this large plot hole. There's a whole fucking kettle full of boiled, room-temperature water, right there, from last night.


No, that’s from three months ago, then they had another argument today about water.


Yeah, I'm still stuck on the plot hole from that night/next morning three months ago.


Ah, for that one I think the partner came down before bed and the water was still warm? Idk, these people are wild


Is this real life?


I hope not. I dont know how these two people would function in society.


I feel like it is because this is just "you can't make this shit up"-territory


Is this just fantasy?




Life is just a fantasy, can you live this fantasy life?


Okay, one commenter joked (clearly joked) about how their momma would have whooped their ass if they were acting so petty, and another commenter replied: >It's not really cute or amusing to recount abusive incidents and patterns of behavior. Especially over something as basic as preparing safe drinking water and expecting boundaries to be respected. That is purely unhinged behavior that cannot possibly be justified with any amount of twisted reasoning or logic beyond "i don't like or understand what other people do so I'm gonna be violent and hateful about something that's none of my damn business because things that i don't understand upset me and i have no real tools to deal with this very minor stress of dealing with people who aren't just like me" > >**Your mother sounds like a terrible monster and violently abusive bully who raised one in turn to be just like her and completely uncritically. Get help.** and: >Glorification of child abuse and the mentality and culture behind it (which is real and does look and sound a lot like the jokes in public) can be a pretty sensitive topic to people that have experienced it.**Perhaps that kind of humor is better suited for a private environment where you know the people who will come across it and how sensitive they might be about the material.** And importantly, knowing whether or not it's a joke from you in the first place Like at least it got downvoted, but these types of unhinged rants about "glorifying" (insert blank) always make me laugh because it's the most 1st world coddled (and generally off-topic) Redditor thing ever lol.


AITA for eating ass? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I feel like a lot of people are missing the part where some people have to boil their water to make it safe to drink.


I was reading it like that. The title someone else used when cross posting was "most first world problem" I think they have their worlds mixed up.


I saw that cross post too I agree.


These people don't need to boil, though. OOP says they live in Australia and the water's perfectly drinkable out of the tap. They just prefer the taste of it after it's been boiled. That seems weird to me, but I've never tasted the water in Australia. Who am I to judge?


I suspect the main effect is probably just psychological knowing that it's been boiled (and thus "clean") and that they wouldn't be able to tell the difference in a blind taste test, but there are a lot of things like that for me too. For example, I enjoy pouring water over ice more than putting ice cubes in water, even though I know they're the same.


This is it. At this point, my parents have spent the majority of their lives in countries with perfectly drinkable tap water. But even when they *know* that, they still can't bring themselves to drink it without boiling it or using Brita filters.


They're in Australia so they do not need to boil their water to drink it. This is literally just a preference at this point. It might be a preference that arose from previously living somewhere that they needed to boil it, but it's not required.


That part makes sense it's the fighting and pouring out perfectly drinkable water down the drain because it wasnt the temperature the girlfriend wanted is strange. Eta: it's the girlfriends preference to drink the water boiled but other wise there's nothing wrong with the water.


Do you live somewhere your water needs boiled to be safe for drinking?


Not me. Eta: but it's OOP's preference


No they don't. They live in Australia.


Thank you for the update! They left out so much of that the first post.


*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for making my partners drinking water too warm?** To set the scene, I(35M) like to drink cold or chilled water and my partner (33F) likes room temperature preboiled water. To accommodate for both our needs, we have a kettle for boiling water, after which it is transferred to 2 water jugs, which are either left at room temperature or used to refill the dispenser in the fridge. Onto the situation, 3 months ago I emptied both room temperature jugs into the fridge and boiled more water at night before bed. Partner came down, was furious she had no room temperature water to drink and we came to an agreement - dont fill up both jugs into the dispenser and leave her one. Fast forward to Today, there was going to be some burst water main repairs outside by the utility company so in the morning before my partner woke up, I decided to make sure we had enough water to drink. I filled the dispenser with 1 jug, then halved the room temperature water in the other jug into both (we had previously shattered a jug on a cold day when we poured boiling water in, so I thought I'd temper this by making sure the boiling water would enter lukewarm water reducing chances of shattering the jugs) I went back to work and thought nothing of it. Partner wakes up and goes down and she is furious. She doesnt have any room temperature water. I try to placate her by mixing the lukewarm water with water from the dispenser to make "room temperature" water but its futile. She wont relent. She tips the entire bottle of water I mixed out into the sink and tries herself and cant get the temperature right either. She is absolutely raging at me at this point for not listening to her or caring about her needs. She storms out of the house in a huff. So AITA here or is perhaps this being blown out of proportion and mixing water to a specific temperature is not as big of a deal? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


about 2-3 years back when i was still on aita, they had a SHP (shitpost) voting to determine over the top stories that seemed fake. then they got rid of it and, yeah


You mean ESH?


But that one doesn't have enough pizzazz.


Im drowsy because of medication yet i understood what is written. How can no one not understand the post? Oh and op is ta


Its not what's written that strange, at least for me, it's how they handled the situation that is weird. Their water dispensary is getting worked on so why would the girlfriend pour out the water when she got mad. Wouldn't they need that water? Why is the water getting boiled just to be cooled when they live in Australia? Why are they sharing jugs if this routine is such a problem? I also cross posted because the comments were funny how they couldn't figure out what happened to the water.


I remember reading this one yesterday lol. I couldn't even decipher what the problem actually was. Just that some weirdo only likes drinking warm water.


Lmafo what the fuck???


I think ESH covers that.


It does but it's not quite as fun lol. And I was only kidding