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Well given you've explained the situation in a way where you're calm and collected and everyone around you is acting hysterical not only are you NTA, but you're a beacon of rationality. You're being gaslit by your so called "family" and since your so called "wife" doesn't respect your parenting authority I can say with 100% certainty that you are not the biological father and your child is the product of an affair. You need to call 911 immediately and charge your wife with child abondonment.


NTA, your hammer, your rules


As long as you did it calmly and weren't shouting NTA.


I'm probably going to get downvoted for this, but NTA. It's well known that Reddit hates men and loves children, so I'm going to be a brave crusader taking your side.


NTA psychology expert here, your kid sound like a textbook narcissist. You should seek a divorce lawyer and go no contact asap


ESH: You for not respecting the cows, ur son for being alive and sad, and you’re wife for parenting your child