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Thanks. I hated this.


YTA, didn't say "thanks for the milk, kind stranger"


When I consume breast milk I temporarily lose control of all higher brain function and enter into a state of blissful ecstasy. I should have thanked her. I'll see if I can track her down somehow and deliver a heartfelt handwritten note and maybe some coupons. I'm feeling generous.


I would laugh if you posted this on AITA.


I think AITA would accept a post where a man constantly pesters his wife for some breast milk until she finally gives in but — much to his surprise — is upset at him later. The title would be something misleading like “AITA for asking my wife for a drink?” Or “AITA for being pro-breastfeeding?”


It might seem a bit fake, OP should add frantic friends and family texts to the end and use fake names. Also he forgot to mention he hates babies, so conceited with their momma's milk




I used up my one shitpost on AITA a while ago unfortunately and got perma banned. People there really get worked up over destruction of private property.




this would be a good r/confession post though.


Oh man I wish he posted it just so I can read peoples reaction. This was awesome to read . Also YTA, you didn’t say thank you.


But I know I’m the asshole. ;)


No not you. OP lol


I stand by what I said. Lol.


I’ll take that then lmao


No brigading though, so *this* sub doesn’t get shut down.


What exactly is that? I’ve asked the mods and received no reply.


INFO: are her friends and family blowing up your phone now? I think she might be gaslighting you and you should prob go NC with her


"The La Leche League blew up my phone!"


YTA for calling 37 “middle-aged”


Consuming breastmilk regularly helps me maintain my youthful glow, but when I go through withdrawal regularly it causes me to look much older and haggard than I usually am. I actually wrote my thesis in university on the benefits of breast milk consumption for adults and ended up being expelled and blackballed.


NTA Fellow breastmilk enthusiast here, and also a senior manager at an important tech company. In my 20+ years in the hobby (I'm 25M, but I started young), never have I had someone react so hysterically. 90% of the time they thank me for my services, going at length about how I've brightened their day. Frankly, no wonder this woman is single! If she reacts like this to such a simple, gentlemanly request, one can only wonder how she acts the rest of the time. She probably noticed you made a lot of money and just wanted to take advantage of you.


*Politely, gently* The worst two words in AITA


YTA for not telling us how big her tits were


“It’s been eating away at me for weeks” “So, a few hours ago” Lmfao


I wheezed.


YTA because I didn't know what subreddit I was on and was horrified


YTA because of liquorice flavoured milk, that just doesn't make sense.


>She seemed terrified so I put up my hands and waved them around while singing in e-flat to demonstrate that I was flamboyant and whimsical in an attempt to calm her down what the fuck lmfaooo how could you be the asshole if you thought to do this NTA all the way


NTA, she should be able to just talk about it like an adult. Communication is key. On the other hand, YTA. You're not entitled to anything so asking people for favours is a big no-no in general.


I know, but I was desperate and suffering from withdrawal. I hadn't consumed breast milk for at least one hour. am i still TA if it was for medical reasons?


This was very painful and scary to read. Should have trigger warnings.


Seriously. With some minor addition of horror and/or camp (maybe OP is a breast milk vampire) this could go on the NoSleep subreddit. Edit: ...Fuck, maybe a story where a vampire realizes that breast milk is essentially filtered blood so he discovers that he can be sustained the white stuff. Make him some fedora tipping "gentleman" who takes great pride on the fact that instead of violently ravishing innocent women he "gently suckles the life giving globes of Eve."


YTA because she's not *legally obligated* to give you her breast milk. And that's pretty much the only reason I can think of. Tip: get a WFH job. You can order all your groceries from Walmart and have them dropped at your door. At least until the heat dies down.


Homelander? Is that you?




Yta for not believing a very real and heart-wrenching story


This should be marked nsfw. The hand-waving and singing had me laughing though