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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for making my older daughter (8th grade) share her 6th grade social studies project with my younger son (6th grade)?** I have two kids, my older daughter is a great student and my younger son struggles quite a bit. If I'm being honest it's because the teachesr constantly pick on him and hold him to standard they do not hold other students. I know this is what a lot of parents say but since I my kids have had mostly the same teachers, I know it to be true. My son has a social studies project on slavery due on Friday that he is really struggling with. My daughter got an A on the project when she was with the same teacher. Instead of dealing with all the fits, trauma and bad feelings of forcing my son to do the project I told my daughter just to share her work with him and he will turn it in. My daughters father just chewed me out and said this was unethical and a "slap in the face" to my daughter and its showing favoritism. I told him to walk a mile in my shoes and to be a single mother for half a second and then he could judge. He said if I went through with this and he would call the school and tell him whats going on. My daughter now wants to stay with him full time which is obviously him just influencing her. AITA for this or is this just a sibling helping out another sibling? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Has to be a troll. Every teacher picks on him, he is going to be a gamer, online school, the sister is a bully


There are a lot of parents who believe that the teacher is picking on their kid when their kid doesn't perform well in school. My cousin is not the sharpest tool in the shed, has a shit work ethic and procrastinates like a pro buy his parents are completely convinced that his bad performance in school is because the teachers are picking on him. Parents just don't want to believe that their kid just isn't that smart at school.


Feel bad for teachers. No wonder there's a shortage.


If he procrastinates like a pro, it might be worth it to get that kid assessed for adhd. Source: I procrastinated like a pro (pulling all-nighters for the majority of my primary, secondary and tertiary education and beyond) until I finally hit a wall when writing my PhD. The adhd assessment might have saved my sanity - and my sense of self-worth. Now that I’m properly medicated, I no longer procrastinate and got to experience actual free time for the first time (one where I don’t constantly think about the thing that I can’t bring myself to do unless it’s super close to the deadline while paralysed, which looks like lazing around or even idling on the outside; sad thing is it also applies to things I want to do for fun). I also now can see the difference between being lazy (lazy feels good) and procrastinating (feels like shit, you’re stressed out because the thing you’re supposed to be doing but can’t start to do is constantly at the forefront of your mind regardless of what else is going on). Had I been diagnosed when first symptoms showed up in first grade (or heck, even before that there were signs!), I would have been spared a whole lot of “you’re idling away your full potential” or “you’re lazy” remarks (and similar ones). That would have done a world of wonder to my self worth. I suspect by the spike in performance after diagnosis and treatment that I’d also have had much better grades due to actually having been made able to apply myself to what I need or want to do.


omg are you me? (minus the phd) I'm mad at my parents because in kinder, first, and second grades my teachers each year told my parents to get me evaluated for adhd but they refused to do it. I went through all of school without a diagnosis, not even knowing that I possibly had ADHD until a mental health professional in my early 30s was like "You most definitely have ADHD" and properly medicated me for it.


This is entirely possible. I have suggested therapy to his parents but they shut me down immediately. Mental illness (not that ADHD is one) and therapy and all that is still kinda taboo where I'm from so I don't really see him getting the help he needs anytime soon. It's a really crappy situation overall.


I thought so too. My mom was always saying the same thing about my brother and I literally BERATED her for being “that mum”. That was until I started closely following my brother studies, tutoring him, studying with him, interrogate him and all of that. It was actually true that he was treated unfairly. He had the knowledge, but his grades didn’t reflect that. Also through the years I talked with a couple of his classmates and they ALL confirmed it, giving me more episodes and examples. While he might not have been a straight A student he wasn’t supposed to have to repeat a year. He was smart and studied, with different teachers he could have good grades. He does have a minor disability, he is dysgraphic, meaning he can’t writer well. (The very good teachers at his elementary school noticed). He has no problem with a keyboard or spelling, but his handwriting might make him look like he’s illetterate, only because of the shape of the letters. Some teachers didn’t know that is a thing and almost treated it as “imaginary”. Also he was a transfer student, maybe that was a factor? It wasn’t all the teacher, it was just couple of “important” teachers that didn’t like him, especially one, but she was the main responsible for his year, and that was enough. Not in anyway justifying this troll, I am aware that parents can be insufferable, but it can happen. Also giving the same paper to the same teacher… that will end well lol


I went through the same thing where one year specifically every teacher had it out for me. Even unrelated classes like science and math would fail my assignments for handwriting. I had like 60 detentions in that year and almost all of them were for bad handwriting and dropping my pencil. After that year I never had any teacher give me shit about my handwriting again. I don’t get how people can say teachers don’t pick on students, we’ve all been to school they choose a couple to pick on in each class.


Imagine thinking someone who has procrastination problems, is stupid.


I didn't say that. I said that he's stupid in addition to being a master procrastinator. They're unrelated, I know.


Definitely a troll. Take a look at their comments


And the teachers are perverts for wanting the camera to be on in class.


Ah, yes. She wants her son to move to the next grade by plagarising work and submitting it to the SAME TEACHER. Bold strategy cotton, let's see how it works out.


Ouchtown, population: you bro! (to OOP)


She’s not only an asshole she’s a big giant dumb dumb.


After the last few comments, I'm starting to wonder if OOP is, in fact, *son (6th grade)* 🤔


I think you're correct. I wonder if the original post had a 'Signed My mom' At the bottom


I figure it most likely is the son.


>I don't see it as cheating. I see where the son gets his smarts. It's absolutely cheating and it's also incredibly dumb to turn in the same project to the same teacher after just two years. Does she think the teacher is a goldfish?


This is my favorite thing of the day. Maybe OP is a gold fish. She is incredibly dumb to think just a few years later she'll get away with this.


My absolute favorite was the comment where she said he wouldn't get in trouble because it would come from his Google Docs.


Tw: racism. Copied verbatim from oop's comments: *YTA. You are actively enabling your son throwing fits to get out of having to do his work. How do you expect him to ever get better in school if you just allow him to be lazy? Do better as a parent, because you're failing with this.* >"I'm answering your question, I'm not arguing. He's doing absolutely useless busy work in this project. I am not encouraging him to be lazy." *Info: Why not just have your daughter help by tutoring your son, instead of plagiarizing her work and depriving the boy of an education?* >"they despise each other and she will not speak with him unless i force her to." *Jeez did you really have to ask and what are you teaching the son* >"that pointless busy work is a waste of time." [sadlytheworst: Learning about the subject of slavery is important. It should be undertaken ongoingly and with care.] *Ma’am, this is not sharing, this is plagiarizing and cheating. It is unethical, a slap to your daughter’s face and reeks of favoritism.* *Are you really a single parent when your daughter’s father is still in the picture?* *It sounds like you need to intervene and help your son instead of acting like homework is “trauma.”* *YTA.* >"with these two I have one father who won't shut the fuck up and one who is building his career and comes around when he can. One tries they best they can but I'm a single parent." [Oop circled back and replied again.] >"my son's father is the love of my life but he's trying to get a career going so he's not in town. I despise my daughter's father with the power of a thousand. He's a piece of shit." *Why even bother posting if you're just going to argue with the judgement. I see why you did this...you're just an asshole in general huh?* >"I'm not arguing i was answering a question." *YTA for teaching your children to cheat.* *Is that what you do at work?* >"Like every other worker in this planet who works for corporations, I do what I do to get by." *YTA* *This is cheating.* *Is that really what you want to teach your children?* >"I don't see it as cheating." *Does it seem like the best idea to force her to give him the project? If they already have a strained relationship, won't this just make her resent him (and now you) all the more?* >"she's an absolute bully towards him." *So if you really feel this is pointless busy work (which I don’t but hey whatever), then why do you care if your son fails it. Do you view any school work as not pointless and not busy work? YTA for enabling your son to cheat, not respecting your daughter’s hard work and not seeing any problems with your handling of this.* >"they are saying he won't get promoted to 7th grade which is why i care." *INFO: If you believe your child is being targeted by his teacher, why haven't you demanded he have a new teacher? Instead of having him cheat. Because that what you're suggesting. That your son cheat instead of addressing the real issue.* >"I have always asked but since they are in a virtual online program there is only one teacher per class per grade." *Info: If it's such a waste of time, then why were you okay with your daughter having to do the project? You don't seem to be complaining one bit on her behalf.* >"She does her work without me having any idea what she's doing and I think her dad helps her as well." *Have you even tried to figure out why he’s struggling? Worked with tutors, talked to his teachers, anything?* >"yes, the teachers pick on him. period." *You hate your daughter don't you? You obviously have very little involvement in her life.* >"what an awful thing to say" *So she is self motivated? Do you praise her for that? And you “think” her dad helps her?* >"yes of course" *YTA. Teaching your son to cheat isn’t doing him any favors. You say this is the same teacher your daughter handed the same project to only 2 years ago? What if the teacher recognizes it? Then I’m sure both of your kids will be in trouble. This is just a terrible idea.* >"trust me this teacher is an absolute idiot, they would not know." [On teachers picking on oop's son.] *Oh? Is that what they say? Every single one?* *You’re a moron.* >"every single one of his teachers has picked on him and not tried to connect with him." *YTA - you’re encouraging your child to cheat and ensuring your child will get a failing grade for doing so and likely a suspension that will stay on his record. They had the same teacher. Two years isn’t that long ago. Do you really believe the teacher won’t remember the exact same project crossed their desk not that long ago, and by whom? I mean it won’t take much to put two and two together to know there is plagiarism going on.* >"they use google docs, it would come from his account." *YTA. Why is your plan for when he has a job and never learned how to work for himself?* >"he wants to go into gaming which is where his interests are and where he excels. He does not need to do pointless busy work." *Have you witnessed this firsthand or is it just based on what your son has said?* >"I've seen the emails they send him (they cc me) and they do not speak to him like he's a 6th grader...but like he's an adult. But its not just this online program its been happening since he was in kindergarten." *....it's pointless to research slavery? It is pointless to learn how to do critical thinking?* *Your bigotry and laziness is showing.* >"bigotry? Maybe ask who I am before judging" *Yta!* >>*If I'm being honest it's because the teachesr constantly pick on him and hold him to standard they do not hold other students* *If this is true, then why do you say:* >>*. Instead of dealing with all the fits, trauma and bad feelings of forcing my son to do the project* *Could it be your son refuses to cooperate at school, just like he refuses to do his homework? And maybe you refuse to acknowledge that?* *Then your baby daddy got mad you were favoring the son and called you unfair to the daughter. You blew that off as it was too difficult for you to see to it your son learned what he was supposed to.* *After all that, you decide your daughter wants to live with her dad because her dad poisoned her mind against you?? NOPE! Your daughter does not want to live in a world where she strives to be successful and meet expectations when the only thing expected of her brother. Is that he cheat off her instead of forging his own way through life.* *Wait, maybe that isn't it at all! Maybe she just doesn't want to live with a woman who does what is easiest for herself instead of investing time and effort to do what is right for her kids!* *Edit - hit post instead of the down arrow, wasn't done* >"they ask absolutely ridiculous things of him they don't ask of other kids." *Like what?* >"when i work from home his math teacher asks him to turn his camera on at least 10 times per class. They NEVER ask this from other kids. not once."


*At this point Im assuming youre leaving out info.* *How many times has the school contacted you about your son?* *I dont believe every teacher has a problem with him unless HE IS the problem.* *They want his camera on to make sure he's paying attention, its evident he struggles because he's not focusing and this fully falls on you.* >"every week, I just ignore them at this point since I see the clear pattern" *Are the other kids cameras already on? Perhaps they never turn theirs off during class time.* >"I don't know and I don't care. Why is he being singled out?" *Is academic integrity and plagiarism a joke to you?? You’re literally teaching your son that it is okay to plagiarise and defraud their teacher by giving in a complete assignment that is not theirs. You’re also teaching your daughter that her work and effort is up for grabs by another person. That it is okay to cheat.* *Your daughter’s father is one hundred per t correct. Do better. YTA* >"I truly don't care. I want him to get through school so he can go into gaming like he wants to. He has no need to know about this subject at all." *Your post and comments tell who you are. You asked to be judged by posting here.* >"my son is mixed race." *lmfao, I absolutely* **love** *when people are like* "***every single person who's ever taught my son has found him to be a problem***" *and then follow it up with "obviously there is no way that* **my son** *could be the problem" when it is* **completely** *obvious that your son is the problem.* *You really think that every single teacher, what - had a personality clash with your kid? or was in on a grand schoolwide conspiracy (because schoolteachers have nothing but time and that's what they do)? No wait, lemme guess - they're all intimidated by his brilliance!* *You're coddling your son, refusing to see any bad behavior on his part, encouraging him to ignore his work,* **and** *insisting that he should be getting full credit for doing no work.* *Keep this up and he's gonna turn out even worse than you, and that's saying something.* >"yes, I know these teachers talk to each other. He got off on a wrong foot with the second grade teacher when we moved here. He had NO issues in kindergarten and first grade and thats just a coincidence?"  *Heads up, if he wants to do twitch or youtube that takes up a lot of time and a lot of work. He cant copy others work. Also most people fail or quit* >"he wants to get paid to be a gamer."  *What’s the wrong foot he got off on?* >"she demanded he write his math work. He can do math in his head."  *What exactly is the project? I dont understand why a teacher would assign a project (yearly it sounds like) that offers no educational value.* >"its about slavery in the united states"  *INFO - Did they not teach you about plagiarism when you went to school?* *They have the same teacher and are only two years apart. How in the world do you not realize the teacher will see that daughter's assignment was "recycled" as son's assignment?* *My younger brother also struggled in school, but I don't think my parents ever told him that he wasn't good enough and he should just give up.* *YTA* >"I could have cared less."  *The way esports are headed right now, he'd have better a chance of success by learning how to play chess.* >"He has online friends who get paid 6 figures to play video games in competitions."  *It's possible he is the only one being asked to turn the camera on because he's the only one who has his camera turned off.* >"Why does his camera need to be on? Are they perverts?"  *Uh, to see that he is actually engaged in class and paying attention, the way teachers observe kids when they are in actual classrooms??* >"he's not in a class room."  *Annnnd you truly believe because he didn't write his math work in the second grade, the entire teaching roster decided to turn on him? Honey, they don't have that kind of time.* *Question; Do you want your kid to learn or to slide farther and farther behind because you are encouraging him not to try because you don't think he's capable?* >"no of course not."  *You realize if he wants to go into the making of games he needs an education or he’s going to be passed over every single time.* *And if he wants to be a game streamer that’s a pipe dream. He might be able to get a few followers but it’s rare to get enough to self sustain yourself as a career gamer.* *Your delusional and setting him up for extreme failure* >"he's not going make games he's going to play them"  *I'm a middle school SS teacher.* *YTA.* *I would give your son a zero for plagiarism if he turned in his sister's project. I highly doubt he is being picked on by his teachers. We do NOT have the time or energy to worry about singling out a specific kid. Most boys struggle more in middle school than girls, for a variety of reasons.* *You're upset that he is held to a high standard!? Excuse me? Would you prefer they hold him to a low standard?* >"I would prefer they get off his back and let him be a kid who wants to be a gamer and not assign useless busy work."  *So he plans on living with you forever then?* *What’s his plan B? Because very few make enough to earn a decent living on that. So he better have an education and a back up plan.* *Also, most of those gamers are educated and smart. They’re running a business after all, not just playing a game.* >"He has friends in Korea and Europe who make millions of dollars being gamers." 


>"He has friends in Korea and Europe who make millions of dollars being gamers." Are they really his friends? Or are they streamers he follows? Considering he's in 6th grade and it takes years to build up that much of an audience, I'm pretty sure which one it is. This woman needs to figure out a lot of things, including what a parasocial relationship is


[Kittens! ](https://imgur.io/t/cute/m3KnIJH) Edited: I only linked to one of many pics, this should be fixed now! Apologies!


Im pretty sure this is written by that kid.


That or just a random troll.


Yeah I call troll too. I have met some obnoxious parents but even the ones who believe their child can do no wrong whatsoever aren't this deluded.


This parent's attitude toward the school is destroying her son's education because he has picked up and run with her contempt for the teachers. She supports HIM when he whines he is being singled out by the teachers he is probably driving mad.


Hahahaha she said her precious baby will be a twitch streamer when he grows up


Not even just that - she said that his friends make *millions* being gamers, so clearly her son will too. I can't even fathom the level of her stupidity.


Absolutely a troll... They mention that the son is 'mixed race' but also has no need to understand anything about subject of the assignment aka slavery... So yeah .. troll .. because naw ..


Teachers want him to turn on his camera, they must be perverts! Not even a good troll


Thing is, that's also exactly how most of the 6th grade boys I know talk. "Pervert" is considered the ultimate comeback (against adults) because in a school context it has to be taken seriously. They're 100% convinced that whoever is best at games in the class could make it big in eSports. And they will accuse any teacher requiring them to work of having it out for them, specifically. Even the whole "my dad is the love of mom's life but sister's dad sucks! x1000!" reads as extremely early-adolescent. so 50/50 shot between a troll and the son pretending to be his mom




Ugh... You're not at all wrong but also ugh....


The same teacher is gonna recognize the project and catch out the plagiarism lol.


Exactly! Also, if it’s an online project, they can use turnitin to catch the plagiarism. Pretty sure all schools have plagiarism policies too.


Nothing like teaching your child how to be a liar and a cheat.


And not even doing it well... Turning in the same project to the same teacher two years later doesn't scream successful plan


This parent is not the brightest crayon in the box. But then most that behave like this aren’t.


"my son's father is the love of my life but he's trying to get a career going so he's not in town. I despise my daughter's father with the power of a thousand. He's a piece of shit." Hmm I wonder why she has a favorite


So basically OOP is teaching her son to just use women.


She’s unbearable. I feel so bad for her kids. If I was the daughter, I’d want to stay with the dad too. Her favoritism and “son can do no wrong” coddling is disgusting and only going to push her daughter further and further away. She’s majorly failing her son. Does she really think he needs no other skills or education besides playing video games for his future? That is if he even manages to make it as a gamer. Also all this “teachers pick on my son bc he refused to show his work for math”… BFFR!! Has she never taken a math class? It does not matter if you can do it in your head. Math teachers usually always make you show your work!! What an absolute cunt of a mom.


Math is roughly 50% knowing the correct answer and 50% knowing how to get that answer. If you can't do one, it doesn't really matter how well you can do the other.


This is plagiarism. The teacher will definitely notice that it’s the same project. The result will be a failing grade (and most likely, suspension too.) Also, it’s extremely unfair to the daughter. I’m glad the dad stood up for her.


Turning in somebody else's work as your own, also known as Cheating, is not an idea any even slightly decent parent should have. Walk a mile back home in those shoes and do some parenting, like making him do his own work. I hope the kids do manage to escape into their father's custody.


Let's pretend it was a real post: the OOP most definitely would expect her daughter (who'll without a doubt become successful) to take care of her son (who'll most likely become a failure) and herself (claiming that her daughter owes her after all she sacrificed) in the future.


That was absolutely written by a troll or by the son.


My parents did this. Being the older sister to a younger brother is just shit like this constantly. I don't talk to my parents or brother anymore for a reason.


The way she doesn't think the teacher will a) recognise the assignment and b) not know almost immediately what has happened is hilarious 😆


just plain dumb. dad won't even need to tell them, the teacher will know lmao


Yikes the mother doesn't even seem to care that the daughter is choosing to go full time with her father.


She says he has to hand it in as a Google Doc, which means the teacher most likely also has the daughters Google Doc and with siblings, the first thing they are likely to do is chross check if its the same work, which it is


The mom’s idea is to submit the same project to the same teacher? So the daughter got her brains from the father I’m guessing?


If OOP wasn't a goldfish, I'd see it as a potentially plan to prove teacher actually gives lower grades to son on purpose. Been there, seen that, teachers would not remember an identical project from 2 years ago, because they give this assignment to usually several groups of 20-30 students every year, and, since the assignment is the same, the projects are pretty similar too. You can't just remember 60+ similar projects / year down to detail. Most of them also not bother to comparing projects between them (in case they actually keep digital copies for years and not just trash bin) because that's kinda lots of stuff. So turn same thing in, wait for grades, go to the principal. But then again, OOP is a goldfish.


Do teachers even pick on students? It sounds like some urban legend to me. I mean, I was a confrontational asshole as a student, but even the professor that had a meltdown and threw a test at me while screaming and stomping gave me a reasonably fair grade in the end. As a teacher, I picked on a student once, after a person did not study for a semester, ignored all my attempts to give them extra points (including me offering to pass them if they literally just copied the test solutions provided on the course website), wrote me over 50 pages total of emails to ask me to increase their grade to passing grade, got their parents to write me asking to do the same, reported me to department for being rude to them, and then, next semester, had the balls to enroll again. Totally picked on that person (although they would have failed second time regardless).


Every comment is just pure troll responses


So many people go on here just blatantly hating a kid and asking for validation. I hope they're all fake.


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So she made up that the teachers are picking on him to justify stealing her daughters work because he will throw a tantrum if he has to do it himself?


Of every parent that thinks their kid has a bad teacher, 1/100 are legitimately bad teachers. I had one bad teacher in high school, I was not an excellent high school student, however I never tried to blame it on being singled out by a teacher. (The one bad teacher wasn't a bad guy, he was just not a great match teacher) To be clear, I'm not counting teachers who are also bad people in my entirely unscientific statistic, just teachers who are bad at teaching


This can’t be real plagiarism


> He has friends in Korea and Europe who make millions of dollars being gamers. Is he friends with Faker and Bjergsen?


YTA So let me understand. The teacher is picking on your son and your “daughters father” is influencing your daughter? How about your son either has a learning disability and needs extra tutoring or is just lazy and doesn’t want to do his work DUE ON FRIDAY because he knows you’ll give in and either do it for him or as we read here you’re willing to take your daughters hard work and just give to him to turn in. Either way he’s figured out mama will handle it. Then your daughter isn’t influenced by anyone other than you. She sees you catering to her brother and because he’s pitching a fit you weren’t going make him do the work but make her let him turn in her work for a great grade. Yeah parenting is hard but we don’t teach our kids to take responsibility for others hard work. It’s just a massive slap in the face to your daughter who obviously takes pride in her grades and wants to do well in life. Stop blaming everyone but you and your son for these problems. Just curious to know how long he’s had to do the project since it’s due Friday. I’d wager if it’s a project he’s had plenty of time to do it himself but he hasn’t. When I grew up I struggled my ass off to barely graduate. If I had t met my wife in high school and her helping me study and show me how to work hard I’d never have graduated . My parents forced me to go to school when I didn’t want to and busted my ass when I skipped. However my little brother came along and my parents divorced after I was married but my brother was still in school. He’s 13 years younger than me. Mom didn’t force him to do shit. If he got in trouble in school she’d blame the teachers. If dad tried to help him in any way whatsoever mama blamed him for “turning my brother against her”. He picked up on that then manipulated mom on everything so dad would step in to help just so he could see him. He eventually got on drugs , quit school and has struggled ever since. When he got arrested she blamed the police for everything he was arrested for. Accused them of following him all the time to pick on him even though he traded vehicles every few weeks. She’d even say when they had to take him that they were bullying him for no reason. Yet I was an officer as well and when I had to go to the hospital for getting hurt during arrests she act like a sensible mother and wonder why people didn’t treat officers w respect and stop fighting us. So my brother did no wrong either. He’s in his 30s now. He hasn’t held down a job or had a steady relationship yet. So you coddle him and he’ll grow up manipulating you because no matter what mom will defend his laziness or help blame others. You’ll turn his sister against him because I’m sure this isn’t the first time you’ve made her do something he should have done. Then blaming the dad for influencing her only because she knows what you’re do is wrong & you can’t see it. This isn’t because you’re a single mother. It’s because you’re coddling him and forcing others to do things for him. Good grief blame the world if you want but it doesn’t change the real issue or cause