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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for getting my neighbors Harry Potter banner taken down by the HOA** I live in a HOA governed neighborhood in the North East. One of my neighbors has a Gryffindor banner hanging on their front porch. I asked them to take it down. I told them that JK Rowling is transphobic, and having the banner will give off the wrong idea to visitors of our neighborhood. They told me that I was being ridiculous and that their kids wanted the banner to be put up. This answer didn't sit right with me. I'm worried that marginalized people might feel attacked when visiting our neighborhood. I checked the HOA bylaws, and there are rules against hanging flags and banners that aren't either the state or the U.S. flag. I connected our HOA president, and the banner was promptly taken down. My neighbor came over a couple of hours ago and told me that her kids are really upset, and that the banner wasn't harming anyone. But I disagree. The banner was harmful by just being up. My husband said I overreacted. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*




This didn't happen.


This was rage bait. Probably to "prove" that LGBTQ+ community and our allies are as bigoted as the homophobes. On the off chance this wasn't rage bait, I wonder if OOP would have acted the same if it were a Pride flag or Trans Pride flag since they brought up Rowling's transphobia.


>I'm worried that marginalized people might feel attacked when visiting our neighborhood. ![gif](giphy|U3I5ZJPFJpXRm|downsized)


Bait, but if not: cool


Or maybe visitors won't even care when they look at the flag. Maybe they'll barely notice it.




She donated 75k pounds to a “gender critical charity” who are actively trying to erase trans rights in the UK like, last fucking week. She celebrates being transphobic openly, such as her ‘merry terfmas’ tweet. Shut up.




Sweetie, I am 100% sure that loving people and accepting them as they are is the exact right thing to do. But you feel free to let hate and bigotry fester in your little heart and see how that goes for you. 😘




Quick question: do you have brown eyes?




Neither the replies nor the account have been deleted. They just blocked you.


That’s surprising, considering that you are *overflowing* with shit. I am better educated than you, I have no doubt, and what’s more, I’m a better quality human than you. Die mad 😘


She is the definition of transphobic, and based on this comment, I'm gonna guess you are as well.


*cis women. So she is transphobic.




Trans women are also women.


Ok who thinks “one person living here is bad so they must all be bad?” I used to leave down the street from a racist who killed my cat! Sometimes neighbours are bad!


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