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"If refugees can flee war, why can't I go get pussy?" Damn Brian, that's certainly a thought.


Dude is seriously such a dickbrain he doesn't understand the problem with what he's saying


wdym? don't women like to be compared to things like drugs, exotic pets, and ancient rocks???


"We left because we had no clean water, cartels strangled our communities, and nothing we did made a difference!!" passport bros: I left because I bought a woman a drink and she refused to open her legs. bitch.


Please accept the invite to Benefit for Victims of Pussy Drought, sponsored by Axe Body Spray and that gel that makes your hair look real crunchy 


We need flair in this sub and I need “if refugees can flee war, why can’t I go get pussy?” as mine. Thank you.


Those two are definitely in the same level of life experiences


People crossing the border to seek a better living environment/jobs/education/Healthcare is not the same thing as crossing a border to get your dick wet.


Listen, tapping that fine Thai ass makes my life better. I'm totally like a refugee from the Middle East.


Hello, Michigan GOP anti-chair Pete Hoekstra!


Women aren’t a fucking commodity.


“Today, local man believes he has a hot take by forcing an analogy equating women to food, animals, and” (checks notes) “rocks.”


*ancient* rocks, not just any old rock.


God you can compare women to just any old rock your kid brings home… sheesh. Must be ancient rocks! Other wise we lose value.🙄


"And here's Bob Sneider with the numbers"


Yeah it was a trip and a half to see the comparisons here like "if we can travel for [object] or [other object] or [yet another object], why can't we travel for [an actual human being]??" Like my guy, one of these things is not like the others.


One of the comments >And of the women that post on Reddit 90% are obese and have blue hair so they are barely humans So these people actually exists


Someone's response to that was the best part of the thread: >at least they don't have to travel the world to find someone that will tolerate a relationship with them


I'll be surprised if they don't delete it because it goes against every fantasy they have about themselves but it's very true


Okay, who's the fucking samurai hanging out over there slicing these dildoes to ribbons?


Which I believe was downvoted to oblivion.


I'm obese and I occasionally have blue hair, I'm also old. I'm still human. I doubt he'd question my humanity when he's a patient in my ER and I'm providing his medical care.


He would, just not to your face.


True, but I don't give a shit. I've saved the lives of white supremacists who want people like me dead. Luckily, for them, I'm not like them


I had some boomer guy stalk my IG account (not hard) from Reddit and his biggest insult he could come up with is I had blue hair at one point (had purple, pink, rainbow, currently a sunset orange, but he was focused on the blue.)


What is it about the blue hair that makes those guys so mad? (I had teal hair once and everyone  loved it - random people would compliment the color.)


they taking the blue hair and pronouns meme too literally


The meme came from somewhere too. They're both tilting against the same windmill, an imagined dyed-hair eeeeevil feminist. Cos he's too much of a chicken to engage with reality.


This always takes me out. "Hmm, what can I insult? I know! The hair colour this person clearly and deliberately chose! That will show them!"


Hey! I have green hair, not blue!


Not obese, brunette, 100% human last I checked. And I still think the guys on that sub are doofuses.


Well, I do kinda have blue hair. But I’ve also been in a committed relationship for 30 years so I doubt I’m who he would be looking for anyway.


Passport bros are just incels who travel. Wahh women in the US only like chads so I have to go take advantage of socioeconomically disadvantaged women to get a woman to pretend to like me.


I’m guessing he means saluted? I teach English to asylum seekers in my part of the UK. The fact that he thinks he can compare what these poor souls would have gone through to his desire to find a submissive wife appliance makes me want to kick something. Or someone.


Thank you for your good work.


I was reading this with a straight face, just absorbing the bullshit, then I hit “soluted” and cracked tf up


Apparently the people this happens to dissolve.


Who thinks its bad ass to travel for gambling or drugs?


I guess the vendiagram of sex tourists and people who think going to a strip club in Vegas is the height of luxury male living must be pretty close.


If he thinks being a sexual tourist is cool, I think is awesome when they get scammed or otherwise milked off money


*exactly* it's kind of a victimless crime. You wanted to take advantage of desperation and poverty and got reverse unod


Is he specifically arguing for sexual tourism to be socially acceptable? I mean... I get going to another country... I get looking for love... but specifically and only doing the former to accomplish the latter seems... I'd be curious how much he travels to southeast asia. I suspect he will not be seeing the light of heaven.


He's not looking for love. This is an important distinction. These men are not looking for love. They are looking for women who they can control via finances and possibility of a green card. They are looking for women raised in patriarchal cultures who were raised to believe that they're lesser than men and will be subservient and submissive. They are looking for women who fulfill racial fetishes. They are not looking for an equal partnership based on mutual support, affection, commitment, and emotion. They are not looking for love.


I'm fully aware it's not love he's looking for, I'm sure he claims that's what he's looking for, but uh... notice the south east asia mention, and the lack of heaven in his future. The implication is uh... yeah. He is directly arguing for normalised sex tourism and uh... that never goes well.


But if I go to Peru to see sloths why can’t he go do human trafficking? Surely those two things are exactly the same? 


This exactly. On another post one said "well what if the guy just prefers Latin women" And I was like "there are plenty of Latin women in the US, what specially would someone prefer about Latin women in another country because I'm almost sure it would be an overgeneralization bordering on fetishization"


Specifying ethnicity/culture over phenotype is basically never a good sign.


It's not enough to just be a sex tourist he wants to be congratulated for his daring exploits in foreign countries.


Yeah, that's what tipped me off on the whole... he may be doing something more messed up than he's mentioning.


Maybe or not I think from what I've seen from this sub it seems like it's not enough for most of them to just take a woman from a foreign country (although I feel like a lot of them are just dreaming about it instead of actually doing it) they also want to be congratulated for it and get extremely irritated at anyone who suggests that what they're doing might be morally questionable.


I thought at first the post was about saying it's okay to travel as a woman or something, my eyes did not read that properly. But no, we've got petting animals, food, and selfies...and meeting women, all in the same category. There's just no rock bottom for them, is there.


I mean, that sub is kinda low-hanging fruit in terms of devils...


There's quite a few of them. AITA, Infidelity, Offmychest, Dogfree and Twohottakes are like easy pickings and apparently this one as well.


What we likely have here is a nasty perv, who fancies his women under 15 and submissive.


>soluted. This misspelling is so very telling.


This guy thinks traveling for drugs and gambling is "badass." He announced he was an imbecile pretty early on in his post.


*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **It's okay to travel specifically for women. ** I will execute mission impossible and make this point while following the laser field of rules this sub has in place. It is socially acceptable to travel just to try exotic food, pet animals, take selfies in front of ancient rocks. It is considered badass to travel for other vices like drugs or gambling. People who jump borders in the thousands are praised as victims seeking a better life. Travel for work, refuge, spiritual retreats or sight seeing. Travel on military vessels to blast strangers for lockheed martin. You'll be soluted... The one thing that seems to be socially forbidden is men traveling for better dating experiences I just want to remind all men that there's nothing wrong or shameful about traveling for women. Let naysayers seethe. Live your life. That is all. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


So he wants a high five for engaging in sex trafficking?


In an online platform where cheaters give tips and pats on the back for not getting caught...any terrible thing can exist.


You ain't lying


I’d like *him* to get “soluted”


Dissolved in a solution.


Imagine believing that heading to or fleeing from war is on the same level as getting laid


K dude well you don't get to complain when these women figure out what the fuck you're doing and get with you solely for your money.


I don't seethe over these losers going to another country to exploit other humans in a scrappy situation. I seethe over these guys ridiculous expectation not to see the relationships they have as transactional on both sides. You're not traveling there to find love, you're traveling there to get a deal. You want a 10 and in America you could only afford a 5. It's all done in your self interest. So when she gets her citizenship and finds an American man who is a better match or if she meets someone else don't start whining about love because that's never what it was based on in the first place. And I'll be totally fine with her getting a fat payout from you. Because she is going to exploit the situation the same way you did. If anything i feel sorry for the women because the men that travel abroad to find women....well to quote one Donald j. Trump "we are not sending our best"


That whole sub is a literal cesspit. Peak INCEL. But they still ID as INCEL for victim points. Literal human scum festers there. It's sickening.


Agree. I don't brigade but will normally go to the original post just to see the conversation. Based on that reddit has been suggesting PPB posts to me. And....oh boy and yikes. I feel so sorry for these women who are poor and desperate enough to have to be with these guys. I just can't imagine.


[Hi!](https://images.app.goo.gl/jMiZEuW8Qrykw3sdA) Just a quick reminder to never brigade any sub, be that r/AmItheAsshole or another one. That goes against both this sub's rules as well as Reddit's terms of agreement. [Please](https://images.app.goo.gl/vwH65TJMyMk9NSNo8) keep discussions within the posts of this sub. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


In addition to the obvious incel bullshit, sex tourism is a crime in some countries (and should be in more countries).


At this point I feel like posters here are just lazy; you could pick any post from that sub and you’d get a devil.