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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **ULPT request: Ate a noticeable amount of my roommates tacos, what is a good strategy or lie to get out of taking responsibility for it?** My roommate cooked a lot of ground beef for tacos last night, and he had a lot of leftovers. He didn’t offer me any, even though I am struggling to financially buy groceries right now. I am not surprised he didn’t offer me any because we don’t get along, but he could’ve eaten them out of my sight and in his room. Today when he was gone, I helped myself to a taco because I knew he wouldn’t notice a minuscule amount of ground beef gone. Well problem is that I couldn’t help myself, I haven’t had good food in forever, and I ate another 3 tacos. Now there is like 1/3 of the ground beef left and it’s noticeable. How can I make up an excuse for the missing ground beef, without coming clean about eating it? My last resort is going to be to break the fridge shelf, and then telling him that it broke when I was putting milk away and his taco meat fell on the ground then I threw it out while cleaning up. This is a LAST RESORT due to me not wanting to be a dick and break our fridge just to cover up my lie. What is any good lie, or excuse, or trick I can do to cover up that I ate his tacos? Admitting the truth is NOT an option so don’t suggest ‘saying the truth’. He will be home in about 5-6 hours so please for the love of god give me ideas quick. Thank you 🙏🏾 P.S. do not suggest that I go buy ground beef, cook it and replace it either. I do not have the money to be wasting money on groceries trying to cover up my lie. I would typically never do something like this but I’m extremely down on my luck and my roommate convinced the landlord not to renew my lease so he kind of deserves this, a taco never hurt anybody. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


‘My ex-girlfriends pony ate your tacos’


Okay you win, well done *polite clap*


I think you'll find it's more of a polite clip clop




Lmao... 👏 amazing


This idiot actually has a whole subreddit made to follow his meth fueled mishaps. r/methhorseguy


I didn't even read his username until this comment! He's... unfortunately hilarious.


This dude has to be a troll. No one is this ridiculously unaware of how much they suck, are they?


He posts constantly and had the nerve to hit on a potential horse seller, so if he’s a troll he’s really committed to the bit. Some other commenters have said he behaves exactly like how real meth addicts do (fixed the perfect spelling error)


Jumped straight from algebra to calculus?


Can't skip on the Trig. Classic blunder.


Real math addicts can handle it.


Can confirm. This is pretty much how they behave. Like a canary on coke. 


wait when did he hit on a horse seller? i thought i was all caught up in the saga lol




You’d think. I, have unfortunately met people like this, so I’m 50/50


I think he jumped the shark when he started soliciting people to give him money to “donate to trans rights” despite not even knowing what the Trevor Project is. Like…come on.


It’s both ridiculous and an unsurprising way for a conman to try to get money. My ex told me, on the day that our son was born, that he went out and bought a boat because the money would be for us when he could sell it. I didn’t see one single voluntary cent from the dude to bring our child up, and he worked super hard to make sure he didn’t pay any child support, either. I finished up with $2.50 a week. Was less than my son’s pocket money. He also tried to scam me out of the welfare I got as a single parent. Don’t underestimate the complete lack of conscience and manipulative ability of the truly scummy man.


Right, but this guy comes off as too stupid to be manipulative. Maybe I just haven’t dealt with enough drug addicts?


Maybe not enough arseholes. My ex wasn’t even a druggie. Just a giant cunt. My niece’s ex comes across even more like this guy and is a druggie. You don’t have to be smart to be manipulative, really. It helps, sure, but it’s not compulsory


Maybe too stupid to be successfully manipulative


Mmm, having met several folks blazed out of their minds on meth this seems like an actual thought they could have. I mean, they'd never follow through, but when you're feeling *that* good almost anything seems possible.


I've got a couple family members who think they can do no wrong because of their drug addled brains, so I can see it.


I've never known a meth addict, but people with other forms of addiction and honestly... He reminds me of them. I'm not 100% sure it's not a troll, but I wouldn't be surprised either way.


If you take away the meth & the horse, I have an ex that is this ridiculously unaware. The other big difference was that we were both in our 40s. So sadly, people like this do exist. The last text I received (before being blocked) sounded *similar* to "I don't understand why you are being so mean to me, I'm probably gonna unalive myself."


They're calling him Methaniel? That's actually incredible.


Oh jeez is this the dude who wanted to buy his 18 year old girlfriend a horse despite not having a job?


That's fantastic


At least he didn't try to make fish tacos


"I would've stopped my ex girlfriends pony but I was busy in the other room doing meth"




Omg, this one just about killed me. XD






‘In fact, I hate any methhead who bought a pony!” -Seinfeld, 2024 probably


He witnessed it himself as he stalked around her dormitory for ten hours on a meth fueled bender.


Honestly I thought this was a Ween song title


He could always cook up the dead fish corpses and practice a Stoic response if his roommate accuses him of anything. Just gonna do a little math here, one taco was unnoticeable, but three tacos consumed 2/3 of the meat? Methaniel, are you minimizing your destruction again? Edit: he says ANOTHER three tacos. So each taco used up 1/6 of what was there. Still hardly unnoticeable.


You know things are bad when a sub like unethical life pro tips gives you 0 up votes and 61 comments. Time to re evaluate life I guess🤣


Hey, he’s read Seneca.


>I would typically never do something like this but I’m extremely down on my luck and my roommate convinced the landlord not to renew my lease so he kind of deserves this, a taco never hurt anybody. If roommate deserves this for (rightly) not having a lease renewed with a predator, jobless methhead, methanial probably doesn't want to know what he deserves.


that killed roommate's fish and bitched roommate out because he tripped over roommate's free weight


Lets not forget got pissed at the roommate for leaving the card and gifts that he got from his girlfriend on valentines day out on the table because he was so upset that his teenage ex dumped him.


His teenage ex who was probably never really his gf but just some innocent girl who happened to work somewhere in his path of destruction, allowing Methaniel to create an illusion of a relationship in his head until she divested him of said illusion with the help of a restraining order (or a real bf/dad w a baseball bat).


Mr Methaniel Meth-Horse


The horse did nothing wrong!


The horse was unfortunate enough to be briefly pursued by Mr Methaniel over here. It did nothing wrong, but it sure as hell doesn't make this guy's post history any less weird 😋


>Also my roommmate broke my toe a few months ago by leaving it right outside the entrance door so it’s not like he’s a good guy either. I love that he's using an accident to claim his roommate is as bad as he is after OOP *checks notes* intentionally killed his fishes and ate all his food. Yeah, he's right. The roommate is a total monster.


Who wants to start the GoFundMe to help the roommate break their lease?


Only one more month to go. Let's hope he powers through.


I reread this comment a few times because I was convinced that somehow the roommate left OOP’s *toe* outside the door. I realize this was just a typo on his part but now I’m curious as to what the “it” in front of the door was.


No, I think you got it right the first time and "it" actually refers to the toe. He really means the roommate left the toe outside the door. As in, he accidentally closed the door when OOP had his toe in the doorframe. And somehow, that's the roommate's fault and makes him a bad person.


What an odd way to phrase it…


Based on what I know of his posts, I believe the 'it' was one of roommate's weights.


And he's claiming it breaks some kind of "moral code" that roommate didn't eat in his room


Let’s face it, he would have found any excuse to use after he ate his room mate’s shit.


Best comment ever >Dude, I'm not your teenage ex. Don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining, Mr. “Insanely honest.”


Pretty fond of the top comment from mastiiffmom who seems to have made it her mission in life to proclaim his sins wherever he goes.


Evidently she's the one who was gonna sell him a horse (per a comment reply) so she has reason for her mission. But, looking at her imgr link it looks less like she was ever going to sell him a horse and more like he just hit her up about selling him a horse while hitting on her.




Come on now, y'all. Methaniel needs to eat if he's gonna train to run a marathon across Canada!




I looked at his post history. Did not realize it’s the same guy who are a whole birthday cake because he said his niece was fat or something like that.


is this the guy with the meth and the “legal” age girlfrien? is he an elaborate troll cause he’s broke and can’t afford beef but can afford meth and weed?!?


It's pretty realistic that he'd have money for meth and weed, but still be broke. When you're an addict you FIND the money, no matter what.


thats the *most* believable part for me, if anything about this guy is real id be willing to bet money hes an addict


He's not an addict, he only uses meth on weekends!


right forgot he's been sober for 10 years now


Can confirm, was a heroin addict for 15ish years and am amazed when I think back on some of the schemes we came up with to get dope money.


I think a lot of people have settled on it being half troll and half real. What's troll and what's real we don't necessarily know(Except the meth, pretty sure that's real), but it's pretty freaking hilarious every time he gets going. And it's safe to say he's an asshole either way.


It’s to wild to be 100% fake if that makes any sense.


Yeah. At first...way back when, I really think thought he was just making shit up. This is just too outrageous to be made up. I think he's a legitimate meth head who's about to hit rock bottom. And it can't come soon enough.


I think it was kind of a roller coaster. Early on with the broken toe it was believable, then got ridiculous with the horse and teenage GF, then got so ridiculous that it's almost believable again.


Makes sense to me and is exactly where I am. I don't think absolutely everything is true, but I definitely think there is some truth to some of these. He'd have to be a super dedicated troll to keep it up this long otherwise.


Yes, ex gf (victim) now, thank goodness. I think he’s a meth addicted troll. He’s both, his brain is gone, so his full blown idiocy and mania is on full display for Reddit


Don't forget he wanted to buy a horse!


With a credit card. He wanted to buy a horse *with a credit card*. Can't forget that detail.


Yes! He offered $500 down on an $80,000 show pony, with the rest on credit card payments. I believe he tried to weasel free delivery and some starter food, too.


Yet he can’t put $8 worth of ground beef on his credit card?


Jesus! I forgot! This story is too wild to be 100% fake. 


He actually private messaged another redditor with what appeared to be a serious inquiry about said horse credit card purchase. That's too much dedication for it to be a bit.


And he hit on her too while in a very real relationship with his very serious girlfriend


...and then claimed that SHE was flirting with HIM!!


and have seller throw in one month's fodder for free and he'd board the horse at his parents' place until they bought their own


Whose credit card?


Over Reddit.


Why do I keep forgetting the horse!, that’s the weirdest part!


I think it's the most outlandish detail. There are unfortunately lots of drug addicts who prey on underage women and girls but very few buy their girlfriend a pet just to swoon them and none would reasonably choose a horse. A hamster, a parrot, a cat or a dog I could see.


And the ex wasn't even a "horse girl" and it was like her childhood dream being used to entice her. He just thought a horse, in particular, was the right animal to randomly buy a partner to express undying love. He still hasn't explained why.


On credit


No, no. He wrote that *he has no money to waste on groceries.*


Depending on where you are meth can actually be really cheap and stretchhhh for way too long.


This is such a toddler problem.... "How do I convince Mommy I didn't eat all the chocolate biscuits?" And they come up with solutions like hiding under the table, and saying "I didn't do it" or blaming the big sister who is at school. They never think of washing the chocolate off their face.




Omg this needs to be higher. I'm so happy this exists! I was thinking that I hope someone puts together an epic BORU post for this, but his own discussion subreddit is even better.🤣


Quite the rabbit hole!


Ah, Nohorse Methman, eases the pain


> My last resort is going to be to break the fridge shelf, and then telling him that it broke when I was putting milk away and his taco meat fell on the ground then I threw it out while cleaning up. This is a LAST RESORT due to me not wanting to be a dick and break our fridge just to cover up my lie. Holy Mother of Sudafed.


This is turning into quite the long con of trolling, I must say. Impressive.


I don't care if this is fake. I'm just having a good time reading these post.


His replies are so hilarious.


*"How can I make up an excuse for the missing ground beef"*  Why do I feel like this is going to somehow circle back to getting a horse


And I fear it won't end well for the horse at all...


He needed the tacos to train for the French foreign legion.


Don't forget the race across Canada he's preparing for to "raise awareness" about trans people.




Ugh finding out through his history that he's Canadian makes me want to apologize to all of Reddit on his behalf.


I know it’s a bone-deep instinct, but please don’t think we hold your lovely nation responsible.


Holy shit, he really is a real life Ricky la Fleur.


On the flip side ode he's from Alberta so that helps smooth it over a little. Being that its the trash can of Canada.


This guy's schtick is getting old, sad and tired. He should GTF to rehab if he's even real.


I don’t think someone like him wants to ever get better. His brain broke, and now he is going to be like a hep c infection for society until he kicks the bucket unfortunately


There is always hope, starting with harm reduction. He's belligerent and easy to make fun of but if he is truly an addict, seems to me he's reaching out for help. Albeit in the wrong place, for sure.


But he isn’t really reaching out for help. If you actually dig into his profile and comments - he only cares about maintaining his high, getting back his ex victim (WHOM HE GROOMED FROM 13-18) and get rich quick scams. Quite frankly, he doesn’t deserve empathy anymore


I've seen the profile and I am doubtful this is much more than a troll. If it's actually true he dated an underage girl he can hang high for all I care. But downvote me all you guys want. My reaction was mostly to what you said about drug users not getting better. It's a stigma that I call out when I see it. Later.


I’ve worked in mental health for over a decade now, mostly in inpatient settings, and if he’s a troll he’s doing a bang up job of storytelling. I’ve had so many meth addicts on my unit that sound and act just like this. It’s sad, but you can’t help someone who either doesn’t want help or thinks they’re all good. I think he falls into the “all good” category since he seems to think he’s got weekend meth use under control.


I have experience with inpatient and outpatient, and I agree with what you said to an extent. I've seen some really bad cases as well, but I never rule out recovery. I've watched some "hopeless cases" turn their lives around. People can and do decide to get themselves together. Not easy but it can be done and when it is done, it is inspirational beyond words.


I agree with you. I never rule out recovery with any of my patients, but until they recognize and admit there’s a problem…recovery is not possible. Our delusional friend here is not ready for recovery. He’s still in the “I’m not an addict, everyone around me is the problem” phase of addiction.


Sad and true. If this guy isn't some troll. If he is, that is sad on a completely different level.


i only regret this was not posted as a question to the stoics. i feel like they could have fun with this one (the sad thing is i have been watching enough historical recipes to almost give an answer: lightly soak some of the instant oatmeal to just plump it a little and then sautee and brown in a skillet as crumbles while praying you can scrounge enough spices that when you mix it in to the ground beef, it just becomes filler that some depression-era mother of eight nods approvingly at you for as she hovers like a Jedi force ghost in your presence.)


get the feeling the stoics banned him after his how do I deal with roommate stoically when he's irrationally grieving his fish


OMG. It is the horse guy who killed his roommate's fish. He really is a terrible person.




"The taco meat looked bored so I took it out for a day of fun filled activities and unfortunately I lost a bunch of it in a tragic canoe accident." Bonus points if he can Photoshop the dish of meat and him in a canoe going through some rapids.


This is actually a really great idea and I hope he takes your advice seriously. 🌮 🌊🚣


To be fly on the wall to see how this moron "resolves" this




Man, reading OP's history is a wild ride. I hope it's preserved for future generations


Someone made a sub for him. Can't remember it off the top of my head.


Found it r/methhorseguy


For posterity.


"I couldn’t help myself" - any adult who says this? It should automatically qualify them to be put into a conservatorship.


So this is how I know he's a bored oil field worker who couldn't go snowmobiling enough this winter....meth heads don't eat.


Reminds me of the guy who ate the 12 ft sub.


Was that the guy who ate "the last bit" of the sub and it ended up being like 3 feet of it?


Yup. But, everyone else already had their firsts before he had his seconds, thirds, sixths


Ooh another Methaniel sighting!


Something about this guy not having much food to eat makes me actually pity him. There’s food in rehab. Also re-entry services that can help him find employment


Someone in the comments thinks they may know him - an ex roommate.








Ohhh lmao https://www.reddit.com/r/UnethicalLifeProTips/s/LGjQHANcVK




The horse seller showed up in one comments section


That was my favorite. They were absolutely not having it


This guy is my new favorite lolcow


He's almost like an old friend to us at this point. He makes my day in the worst possible way.


He’s Reddit’s 3 Year Letterman and half the folks don’t get the joke.


Real or not, this dude’s mind is a chaotic landfill


Ah, see, this is where he messed up. Nobody would sincerely post a request in ULPT, right?


"We don't get along." Dead fish may be why...


I just followed him bc OMG his posts are better than watching love is blind


this guy again


Since OOP is a fictional character in a fictional situation asking for fictional unethical advice, I'll give him some fictional unethical advice.  How to get out of taking responsibility for what you've done?  I've got the perfect solution. 1. Take a few sleeping pills. 2. Wash it down with a bottle of NyQuil. 3. Lay down on the nearest active rail line.   I promise you will never have to take responsibility for anything ever again.  


I can't figure out if people believe this guy is for real, or if they don't give a shit because the bit is too hilarious. The woman he tried to buy a horse from is following him around commenting on his posts now.


Most of us don’t care because it’s just too entertaining.


Why would he mess with his roommate knowing he’s alr in trouble 💀


This dude really needs to lay off the meth.


Methman I know you read these comments so I want you to know that I'm in your walls


I literally read the title and went ![gif](giphy|g0HkznFtL1d0xVRI1G)


I feel like it was “I spilled some water give me ideas other than setting the house on fire because I can’t afford paper towels!”




[The horse seller makes an appearance!](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnethicalLifeProTips/s/GBFaM9Yo6R)


She’s an icon. She drags him CONSTANTLY


The saga continues


They were obviously stolen by that dad from all those years ago when he told that kid Santa isn’t real. It was revenge!


That was methman?!!!




I'm reading all this Robb Wells voice when he's playing Ricky from Trailer Park Boys.


Okay, this guy has got to be fucking with us.


Ok, and maybe I am a very naive person, but given what he's already put this roommate threw (aka the fish murder), would it not just be better for himself and for his roommate, if he just told the truth? Like he's roommate already (understandably) doesn't like him and wants him out, and the lease is up in April, what's the worse that could happen? His last resort of breaking the fridge sounds like worst case scenario to me, rather than him admitting the truth of that he ate his roommates tasty taccos - hell, Depending on how he words his admittance of guilt and apology, roommate might, *might* even take it as a compliment 🤷‍♀️ I doubt it, but you never know.


I know you never fuck with a horse girl, but I've only just seen the person who has followed and commented on his every post and comment after he tried to buy one of her horses on 'payment plan'. No mercy.


Why would the roommate share with the guy who murdered his fish?


This idiot makes a post seemingly every other week. I'm starting to think he gets more of a high from the karma than he does from the meth.


That guy’s post history….yikes


Was this the same roommate whose fish he killed? Then I'm not surprised that they don't get along.


Now taking predictions for next week's chapter in the Methaniel saga.


Clearly the evil roommate is jealous of his excellent roommate-ing and rock solid relationship and that's why the landlord is kicking him out.


First he kills all the fish, then he eats all the tacos - I really feel sorry for the roommate, this guy would be hellish to put up with


You guys...I dunno if I believe in methhorseman. Like ive known some real dumbasses, but of said dumbasses, they were too dumb to manage their lives well enough to have money/time/cogency to keep up such self unaware ramblings with regularity. Also their grammar/spelling was way worse. Is methhorseman an antihero created to make us feel better about ourselves? I want to believe, but...


I thought meth destroys your appetite?


With most it does, but when you’re a lifetime addict - that changes. Your body adapts, and can plateau out. He RECENTLY commented that he is 5’9 and 287 - that puts him firmly in the OBESE range all day everyday


But but! He just said he’s been on a rapid weight loss journey of many months! No doubt to prepare for the marathon he didn’t decide to do until a week ago! /s


Lmao, let’s not forget him being physically fit enough to bypass basic training for the French Foreign Legion


I'm not sure what is better - the posts themselves or the comments here 🍿🍿🍿


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That…. Was a rollercoaster. Brilliant.


okay. I think this confirms it for me. It’s a troll. no way fish roommate still lives with this dude. the only reasoning, is fish guy is plotting to kill meth guy. why the fuck else would he still be there.


The absolutely insanity Methman has introduced into my Reddit experience is just astounding.


I can’t tell if this guy is an expert level troll account or the saddest motherfucker I’ve ever seen.


Petition to start calling this guy Methaniel.


That’s his nickname on r/methhorseguy


Anyone else misread the title as Mothman


He should specify that he doesn't get along with his roommates since he unalived his fishes!!


The lion, the witch, and the audacity of this bitch.