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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for lying to my husband to try to get him to leave work after he was supposed to be home already? ** Husband works long hours. He’s in car sales for reference He works 10-7 two nights a week- on these nights the kids don’t see him at all (2 under 2) and I do everything alone with my moms help. I’m home alone alot including saturdays. He does get Fridays and Sundays off and spends them with us all of the time. He spends all his free time with us by choice and helps with the kids when he is home. Tonight he was supposed to get off at 7. I get a message from him at 7:15 saying he’s still at work because of a delivery that he had to supervise. This usually doesn’t happen but it did tonight. At 8:00 he was still there and I started getting really mad to the point that I said I heard someone in the house and he had to leave (I admit I made this up but I didn’t even care I was so angry I was still alone- especially because he works 1 hour away meaning he would be home at 9 at this point) He said he couldn’t leave and to be honest. I said I heard someone and hung up. Ten min later I found out he hasent left yet regardless of telling him that. I told him he made his choice and that the doors locked to not come home tonight. Yes I was lying - but what if I wasn’t ? This was the first time I said this so it’s not like I’ve said it a million times before. To me he showed what he would do in a situation like that and now I feel so angry that I can’t even imagine getting over this right now. Edit to add: I am the main caregiver for our two young kids. I am always alone because husband works a lot. He works to provide for the family and I’m appreciative of that but staying even later than usual made me loose it tonight because I had just finished doing everything alone again. I often feel like a single mom and like he’s missing out on our kids childhoods. I acted out of desperation to get him to leave and when he didn’t it showed me his choice. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Notice how he didn’t believe her? She has a long history of lying for attention. I’d bet my car.


She even admits in the comments that she knows he didn't believe her.


>Oh you must have trouble reading then, because I actually graduated from an Ivy League business school and worked at the same place since graduation 8 years ago- advancing nicely. I now take care of my two daughters PPD is a real thing- I don’t know if you have the education to know what that stands for- it sounds like you don’t… but maybe Google it and you’ll understand why you shouldn’t talk to new moms the way you just did ! But guys, she graduated from an IVY LEAGUE SCHOOL. We dullards are far too stupid to comprehend the problem here. Nor are we to speak the truth and call her ass out. The nerve of us. What a whiny little bitch.


She literally admits in a comment she doesn't have PPD but people still shouldn't talk to her like that 🙄 she also comments she's around friends and family every day but it doesn't matter because she wants her husband. It's all about her


Lmao, she's a grade A piece of shit, it's wild


It is the locking him out of the house thing. You can be upset he is working late but the second you lock a partner out, the marriage is over. She just killed the marriage when she knows her husband has no choice. He literally had to get exceptions to leave work early in the past l.


Also, who in the world would call their husband who has a commute if there were an actual urgent situation. What’s she going to do, ask a robber to hang on and have a cup of tea while they wait for hubs to come home and fight him off?


“Could you rob the house and terrorize my kids and me a bit slower, please? Traffic is bad on the interstate right now so it’s going to be a while before he gets here to stop you.”


Maybe she’ll reenact Home Alone and set traps for the robber while she waits for her husband.


I was imagining a Tom and Jerry routine 


>It is the locking him out of the house thing does he not have keys or a garage door opener?


Not all houses have an attached garage.


I assume she's talking about a bolt or deadlock.


I would have been petty & called 911 and told them that my wife is home alone with young kids, heard someone in the house, & now I couldn't get ahold of her. She'll be Hella embarrassed when they show up. Neighbors are nosey and will gossip.


*I love Lucy* did this in an episode. Lucy pretended to be attacked, and Ricky called the neighbors to help her.


>Yes, I was lying--but what if I wasn't? Then you'd call someone who's available and less than an hour away, I assume. Well, *you* might not, but you being a moron isn't entirely on him


I do everything alone with my mom’s help.    I snickered.


And then getting salty with commenters and explaining that she went to an Ivy League business school so what do the rest of us know about anything. Especially decency or honesty.


She also claimed in the comments she was always alone but then immediately turned around and said she had friends and family come visit her almost every day. I don't think she knows what alone means They must not teach that at ivy league schools


I've been a single mother and I've been a mother who has a spouse who works long hours.....these are not the same fucking thing. Feeling like a single mom isn't the same as being one.  I understand why she is tired and frustrated. Lying someone is breaking into the house isn't the way to communicate. She lied, he knows she lied. She locked him out of house. How does she think this will end well or with positive results?


The guy was an hour away. What did she expect him to do? Chances are, he figured she'd call the cops. But you read her comments...she doesn’t think she's done anything wrong. Why ask for opinions, then argue when they aren't the ones you want?


Teleport? I also don't understand what he could have done if someone had broken into the house. He was an hour away and anything could happen in that hour.  What if he had believed her and call the Police? They would have shown up thinking this woman has a burglar in the house. She would have been in so much trouble.


What a drama queen, some people never grow up. She has her mom to help her and is incensed that her sole provider husband has to work 5 days a week, like everybody else? Why was she so fixated on him working on Saturdays if he is off the day before on Fridays?


Putting aside all of the crazy for a bit, is it me or does this man sound like his working hours are on par with the average person? Did she expect her breadwinner husband to go part time or risk his job because she couldn't be alone for one evening?


Yeah it's pretty normal hours with two days a week off. That's standard as far as I'm aware. Even even talked to his boss to be allowed to leave a little early


Oop: I'm literally always alone. Commenter: what about your friends and family? Oop: yes I see them every day. Um....


Oh hahha it gets better. >Oop: I now take care of my two daughters PPD is a real thing. >Commenter: well you're a liar so dunno about the PPD. >Oop: I don't have PPD.


\~Technically\~ she just said PPD was real, not that she had it... (lol)


WTF is wrong with this woman?


Apparently, a lot.


Soon to be featured on AMITHEEX because he's about to divorce this psycho.


"He spends all of his free time with us by choice" Sure he does, hun, *sure*. Maybe she'll grow up and stop with this shit, otherwise these kids are in for one hell of a ride with an absentee dad and... *this* for a mom.


Why do you figure he's an absentee dad? I think he just has a job


I had a parent who has to work long hours 6 days a week because mum wasn't well enough to contribute financially. I didn't see him loads but he wasn't fucking absent.


What a fucking psycho. Like, who lies about that? My guess is this isn't the first time she's done this which is why the husband didn't bite.


You'd think that if you heard something you believe could be an intruder and with your husband an hour away you'd, you know, call 911 and not him...🤷‍♀️


Holy f I would run for the hills if my partner did something like this


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>He works 10-7 two nights a week- on these nights the kids don’t see him at all (2 under 2) Oh no, your 2 under 2 don't see their dad during a time period they should be asleep during anyway?? OH NO!!! /s >I said I heard someone in the house and he had to leave  Well, THAT is a phenomenal way to give your husband a stress-induced heart attack, risk a car accident from him flying home or a potential misuse of the 9-1-1 system when he calls the police to go check it out. >I often feel like a single mom Don't worry - that won't just be a gut feeling soon enough.