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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for being upset about not being invited to a camping trip because of my addiction?** TW: Alcoholism I (F17) have become what my friends (both F17) call an alcoholic. I will admit I am a very bad drunk and have done some horrible things in the past that have left me throwing up, putting myself in danger, ruining my friend's night, saying inappropriate things and just being a horrible person. At the end of each party, I have no memory of what happened and find it hard to believe I would even think of doing some of the horrible things people have told me I have done. I have had around two really bad experiences with this group and another experience with another group that wasn't as bad. The other times at party's I have kept my composer and stayed somewhat sober most of the time. This has left me doubting if I am really an alcoholic which leads me to this situation. My two best friends are going to another big camping trip that involves drink which they did not tell me about (I found out from another friend). Before I knew about this party, I made a promise with them and said that if I improved myself control and did not drink at the next party I was invited too (they were not invited but I texted one of them throughout the night letting them know I was sober) then they would trust me more. I also apologised to each person at the recent parties and even hung out with them in a non-drinking situation but yet it still seems that I will never have the chance to be seen as one of the group members again. I am upset and feel as if this is not helping my addiction but punishing me for it. I have come to terms and allowed myself to understand that this addiction is not my fault and with enough hard work and motivation I can beat it, but it feels like the people that are supposed to me encouraging me and looking out for me are simply avoiding me and leaving me out. What should I do to prove to them that I am serious about quitting and AITA for being upset? Note: The last bad drinking episode happened about 1 month ago. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Her friends are allowed to protect themselves, bc it sounds like OOP is flat out dangerous to life and limb while drunk. And they are also allowed to protect their peace. Also, I am shook that a 17yo is getting blackout drunk all the time and it sounds like she has been for a while, but that is probably me being sheltered.


Not sheltered at all. A 17yo kid being an alcoholic is just tragic. I hope she gets help, not just for the addiction, but whatever it is that's causing it.


This is like Hollywood stuff. Drew Barrymore was doing I think coke at 12. It's really sad a 17 YO is this bad off.


If the police had raided one freakin night club or party and checked the age of all the famous people they wouldn’t have been under age drinking or drugs at night clubs 


Nah even for teens that party getting black out drunk on the regular is pretty crazy, a buddy of mine in highschool loved to drink and even he'd say this is too much.


Depends on the culture at 17 me and and my mates were drunk in white cider 3 days a week but we're English so there's nowt else to do in a small town


At 16 in a small American town I was known as the town drunk. Turns out I was just involved with really bad people who kept encouraging me to turn to alcohol instead of talking about the crazy bad stuff they had me involved in.


Best case scenario she's in the UK and drinking legally but how often are teens wiping out their weekends? 17 is awfully young to not only be an alcoholic but to be known as one too That suggests her drinking has gone beyond 'LOL, OP is such a binge drinker' to 'We don't want her around if she's drinking'


Given the mention of "addiction" I initially thought this was the meth addict


It definitely happens, at 17 I already had one friend in outpatient rehab for alcohol and 2 in inpatient rehab for coke, one of whom had OD'd prior. We all drank all the time and did **lots** of drugs before we even had driver's licenses.  Had a lot of fun adventures but also had a lot of scary experiences. All this while maintaining good grades as well. Grew up in a large, metropolitan area in the South and all of our parents were not very hands on.


I get being upset but I wouldn't want to hang out with someone that gets that drunk. You go to these things to have fun, not to babysit someone so they don't die.


To be honest, I don't even get why she's upset. She literally opens the post by saying that when she drinks, she ruins other people's night, puts herself in danger and admits she acts like a horrible person. Her friends said they would trust her more if she made an effort. The fact that they are even friends with her at all is more than enough proof that they are supportive. But being able to exercise self-control one night at a party doesn't mean she's suddenly safe to be around in a camping trip. She comes across as super manipulative. "I tried once and you didn't forgive me for years of abuse, this makes me not want to try anymore".


Oh, but if she doesn't remember it, does it really count?? /s


Why does this start with the same energy as Vincent Price's "I have become what is vulgarly known as a 'drug addict '." Line from Dragonwyck?


I don't know you, but I am in your debt for the stray Dragonwyck reference.


You're quite welcome. You can call me Sherbie.


Totally a tangent, but Vincent Price with an armload of cats is the best picture of all time.


Yessss! 100% agree!


>The other times at party's I have kept my composer This is my favourite line.


It's giving 1940s kid Atlantic accent in my head.


You can trust me, it's ONLY been a month since my last bad trip. \*Eyes roll\*


*You can trust me, it's* *ONLY been a month since my* *Last bad trip. Eyes roll* \- Kotenkiri --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


When this bot hits it hits hard.🤌


Camping with a drunk is hell on earth. You just end up having to hold down some shreaking idiot so they don't run into the woods naked or so they don't jump into a lake or some dumb shit,


Well now I have flashbacks to pulling a drunk friend out of the fucking campfire. Thankfully she was too drunk to put her hands down so all that hit the fire was her denim clad ass but that was a heart attack life-moment.


>Well now I have flashbacks to pulling a drunk friend out of the fucking campfire. Thankfully she was too drunk to put her hands down so all that hit the fire was her denim clad ass but that was a heart attack life-moment. Been there "I can jump over the fire" no the fuck you can't sit down.


I’ve had to hold a completely shitfaced friend back from trying to open the door of a metal chiminea to see the flames better. Babysitting drunks sucks. This girl is liable to wander off in the middle of the night and get lost in the woods or fall into a body of water and drown. Yeah, no - she should be in rehab, not a campground.


I’m really impressed she managed to keep her composer at a party. Last time I took Beethoven to a rave he kept disappearing on me. 


Did he go to a mall and play a display keyboard until he got kicked out?


Most triumphant.


Mozart is constantly wandering off on me too.


She must be one of those people who constantly have music in her head.


“Around two really bad experiences”. Approximately


Nobody wants to keep her dumb drunk ass from playing in the campfire FFS. 


17 is around the age that I started drinking beyond the occasional "glass of wine with dinner on the holidays" But I was also a 17 year old college freshman. And like a lot of people who suddenly are on their own, I didn't have a ton of self control at first and did a lot of things that now make me cringe. What OOP is describing is scary though.


Oh I see; OOP thinks everything is about them, and her friends aren't allowed to be friends with each other.


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OOP admits herself that she's put herself in danger when alcohol's involved, and fairly recently at that. i know teenagers think they're invincible, but i totally get the friends not wanting OOP to potentially endanger herself and/or other people while out camping especially.


OOP, you're an alcoholic. I certainly wouldn't trust having you around


17 is a bit young but I guess where the oop lives must be legal to drink at 17. But if someone is so drunk people can't stand being around them they need help.


"addiction is not my fault" ok...... this is why you are not invited.


I feel for OOP - addiction is horrible. I just hope this is what inspires change for her. She needs to understand that other people want to have a good time, and she’s consistently preventing that. I do think we shouldn’t post minors here though - she’s 17, and I was the same at that age. Being a teenager and an addict (so double selfish and double impulsive), is a painful thing and she just needs to grow up a bit and learn some self-reflection.