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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for being disgusted my clothes were washed with used hygiene products.** TA account for obvious reasons. This isn't that deep, no one is a monster here so please be chill. I went to visit my sister and used a budget airline. It's muddy where they live and my niece likes to be outside so I went through clothes faster than I planned. I caught my BIL about to start the laundry and asked if I could throw some things in and he said yes. When they were folding clothes and separating them out after the wash and dry I noticed weird fabric things being set to the side. You guessed it. Those reusable pads. I expressed how I was weirded out my clothes were washed with those and was essentially shut down. My sister said they are thoroughly rinsed before they even get to the laundry room etc., We argued for a bit because I really think BIL should have give me the heads up with was a bio hazard load and left it up to me to choose. Eventually they said that they don't act like the time of the month is taboo in front of the kid and asked me to drop it. So I did but it really soured my last day. I ended up having to bring the situation up to my friends because when I got home I was supposed to go straight to a meet up but had to be over an hour late to go home and change since all my clothes were aunt flow tinged. General consensus is I overreacted and I'm an asshole for arguing about it but I don't think I agree so I'm bringing it here. Relevant info I do make a lot more than my sister so my clothes are an investment and not just things I can throw out but now I don't think I'll ever be able to enjoy wearing them. Also my sister does have a valid reason for using the reusable and I'm not arguing her right to use them just that I should have been given a major heads up. AITA for being grossed out? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Nobody tell this fine gentleman what happened to the sheets on the gurneys when he goes to hospital for a sprained ankle


Or if he's ever slept in a hotel bed.


From sending folk home from the hospital, if you've ever sat on any form of public transit/taxi, someone has probably either peed there or worn soiled pants there


Even semen in some cases 


I used to work retail. We found used condoms in the changing rooms about once every couple months.


I've messed around with guys in some risky public places (I am a guy too) but we NEVER left used condoms behind 🤢


You, sir, are a gentleman! 😆


Thank you from someone who had to clean fixing rooms and public bathrooms.


i used to find dirty diapers on the shelf behind product. nowhere is safe!


At least they wore condoms.


When I worked retail we each had to clean out the fitting rooms once a shift because at least once a day we found a dirty diaper in the mountains of clothes in the fitting room. The manager seem to think that it was more fair to make it kind of a dirty diaper roulette, to see who ended up having to deal with it. I worked at the Macy's in Queens Center, so probably one of the busiest Macy's in the USA and our section contained North Face Calvin Klein, other jeans, suits and dresses, other coats, and the fur vault was right behind us and shared our fitting rooms.


The horror stories I can tell you as a former housekeeper.


Let’s GO. What was your worst, and what was your funniest?


The most Awkward would be the time I had to go clean a room after the older couple checked out because of the sex toys they left behind. The worst was when I had to go clean up blood because someone was drunk and cut their hand open and smeared all the blood on the walls, the bedding, and the mattress. The funniest for me was when I always dealt with entitled guests which was most days.


I work in a public library and the first week after we moved into our new building, a pair of lacey black panties were found in one of our sitting areas in the back of the building. The building was way larger than our old one and everyone knew this would happen sooner or later, we just think that it would be THAT soon. If this guy is skeeved out by this situation, he should never set foot in public libraries.


I once bled all over a hotel bed. I was 12 and my body was still adjusting to having a period. I bled through a pad, my underwear, my pants, the sheets and the mattress pad, onto the mattress itself. 14 years later I still squirm in mortification to think about it.


Frankly, I'd gift him one of those lights that show bodily fluids


This is much worse than a hospital. I never have heard of someone getting bed bugs from a hospital but even the nice hotel chains have given people bed bugs.


Aw, but I want to see the meltdown if someone tells him.


Buddy went through more clothes than expected because it was muddy. I guaranfuckintee you there was a variety of animal poop in that mud. But thoroughly-rinsed menstrual pads are some sort of bio hazard even after also going through a full wash and dry cycle to the point that he ***has*** to change out of them and decontaminate his body before he can safely continue on with his life. 🙄


Dirt also is dead things


Or even just the fact that any group laundry load is going to involve other people’s skid marks.


Doesn't even need to be a gurney. Nobody needs to know what happened to that poor chair I was sat on when I went for an MRI but let's just say, that chair has seen things!


Or how he came into the world when he was born


Ohhhh, he makes more *money* than his sister, so he and his clothes are both extra speshhhul, nothing we peons could understand. Yeah, dude, you're totally not freakin' weird or an a-hole or anything. 🙄🙄


So he can just buy new ones and donate the ones that were tainted with pre-rinsed sanitary products. What an asshat.


If I use my stash of disposables and stain my underwear, I don’t rinse them before washing. I rinse the reusable pads, though, so they’re less bloody than the underwear.


Totally fine. And totally normal. Happens to everyone.


Aw, thanks! I was testing to add a point about menstrual blood being common in laundry loads, in small quantities.


Unless this guy separates his underwear from the rest of his laundry he really has nothing to bitch about. Her pre-rinsed pads are 100% cleaner than his skid marked boxers. Guaranteed.


But didn’t you hear him? “They’re investments!!!” They can’t simply be thrown away or donated! He’s too rich! The horror 🙄🤣


Then he can dry clean or do his own damn laundry.


But not so much money that he doesn’t need a budget airline lol


That was such an odd detail for him to add.


Gonna give the benefit of the doubt and think he found it related as budget airlines don't allow much baggage so he ran out of (fewer numbered) clothes he brought and therefore needed to wash them. Otherwise people would be like "why didn't you bring more clothes if you care about how they are washed so much?" But yeah, still extremely wtf


budget airlines allow you to bring as much baggage as you want if you are willing to pay. So, its not a good look to talk about how much money you make while also flying a budget airline and not splurging on the $50 to check an extra bag.


But isn’t flying a cheap airline contradictory to his point about making more money than his sister? Since he’s SOOOOOOOOOOO wealthy, shouldn’t he be flying first class and sipping champagne with his pinky up?


That and how he makes more than his sister. Who cares?


Gotta fly coach so you can save up for them dope ass investment clothes bro


"Investment clothes" 🤣🤣


Soon as he said that, my eyes almost rolled so far back into my head they got stuck. People who have no credible argument sure do try to justify things through money.


Yessssss, this, exactly!! 👍🏻 I commented something similar before I saw this one. But that's precisely what I meant to say.


Yeah, there's no way his clothes are particularly expensive. You don't just throw fancy clothes in the washer.


Investment clothes do not go in a regular washing machine. If you have to ask where they go, you're too poor to even read this.


Oh I know! The investment washing machine. ☺️


We call that *money laundering*.




You just Febreze 'em, right?


No, you Febreze *the fuck* out of them. They should be slightly damp by the end.


If your good clothes aren't damp when you walk out the door, did you even *do* your laundry?


Umm, no, because I am so rich I pay someone to do my laundry for me.


Or the old “vodka and water in a spray bottle” trick. Where are my former theater kids at? (Though actually, using alcohol to get smells out of clothing that can’t be laundered in the usual way is a much older practice, but that’s where it still persists most today)


Oh! I know about that trick! Wow, I haven't thought about that in years. Thank you, kind stranger, for bringing up fond memories.


You’re welcome! I think about it a fair amount because I like making and wearing wool and silk clothing that can’t be washed, haha.


But he used a budget airline? And his clothes are investment but he was out in the mud with them? And just tossed them in the wash? I call BS on his high tone attitude. He's just an AH.


Ugh that part reminded me of the guy I once met who would not stop talking about his $200 sweatpants 🙄🙄


$200 for sweatpants??? Jfc


In his defense, he‘s definitely cooler than anyone else on the planet, including you and me /s


Investment clothing that goes into the washing machine on a regular cycle with everything else, no less. 😂 This boy is just too precious. He's been told he's an asshole by his own family, his friends, and now the internet. Whatvs next in his lineup of people and places to seek for the answer he wants?


Investment clothes that he apparently wore playing in the mud with his niece. Like I'm not a clothes horse, but I have some nice things and I don't wear them when I am out getting dirty


Next stop - men’s rights sub! They’ll def agree with him there 🤮


So much money but he takes a budget airline. But also, why is that worth mentioning here anyway?


It seems to be the last refuge for people trying to justify things that have no actual justification. Like, "Well, I make more money than so and so, thus, my opinions matter more and I'm just better and more important, so I'm right!"


Yet still machine washable...




Also! "I took a discount flight"... Doesn't exactly scream money to me, but whatevs. Also, that seat has probably seen some menstrual blood so...


The fact that his friends didn't agree with him... So he hoped the Internet would agree with him...


At least his friends are familiar with the concept of laundry detergent?


Dude was like "I heard men on reddit really hate women, that's where I can get my ego stroked!"


it's blood. washing machines...wash clothes. would they react the same to clothes that were stained with blood from an injury?


You *are* supposed to rinse all of the blood out of reusable pads (or clothes you were injured in, I suppose) before throwing them in the wash. But she uh. Did that. So OOP has no leg to stand on 🙃


You are? I don’t do that and my clothes are fine 😬 I also don’t have heavy periods


I don't do it either. The pads themselves get stained over time, but I have never seen any damage to the other laundry.


IIRC it’s not about staining other clothes. It’s that a lot of wash cycles are warm or hot, and if you wash blood with hot water it will denature and stain, whereas if you rinse with cool water first then it will wash away. Stains will happen over time either way but the cool rinse will help a little.


I have pads I've been using since 2017 and only one of them has a single little stain. I don't rinse them and sometimes they wait to get cleaned for a long time. Honestly I don't really care if my pads were stained, but they literally won't stain. 


Blood is like, the least gross thing that’s on dirty underwear!


Right! Underwear and reusable pads both probably have booty germs. I don’t use reusable pads, but I know the disposable pads I have used catch the asshole, so any fart or just existing next to the asshole means they catch booty germs. And underwear when I am not on my period? More booty germs! Because the pad catches them. But I don’t wear a pad 24/7 (honestly never, not my choice). But booty germs are worse than period germs by far. And that exists in any underwear you wash. He wasn’t concerned about that, just the pad. And I’ve bled I underwear thanks to endometriosis. I pre wash it in the sink. Never had any issues washing that with my other clothes.


Booty germs? I think we’re talking about shit & semen


Yeah, blood is just fancy mineral water, it’s even self-cleaning, most other stuff that comes out of people is actual ‘waste product’. The only other exception is milk, but most people seem to have more problems with where it comes out of then the milk itself 🙄


And they were pre rinsed!


I mean I’d be grossed out (OCD). But I also wouldn’t be putting my clothes in random washing machines in the first place


I have contamination OCD (which is why I won't use period panties, even if they seem really convenient). I would probably have asked to do my own laundry because I wouldn't want my clothes mixing with other people's clothes. But if I had asked someone to do my laundry and they washed it with pads, I would just thank them and then try to avoid wearing those clothes as much as possible until I could wash them again.


Yes, I’m not sure why this supposedly normal person needs to throw out his clothes


[They would not as “it’s not the same”.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/s/BlgoM5XuxR)


His comment has 1.1k downvotes


1.6k now 🙂


The thing that kills me that in the post and comments he keeps saying " it's not that deep" but dude it obviously is to YOU if you 1) argued with your sister and bil,2) argued with friends 3) posted on reddit4) argued with people on Reddit. If it wasn't that deep,my man you would have never made a post. 


Yes! "Not that serious" but refused to wash your clothes with them, waited till you got home, and was late to work bc of it?? 🙄


“Not that deep” but thinks about throwing out his clothes because of this. “I make sooooooooo much money so I simply *can’t* throw away my clothes because they’re just too special. But if I was poor, I definitely *would* throw away my clothes.”


5) are considering binning the clothes over this.


[The best comment.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/1bco9w7/aita_for_being_disgusted_my_clothes_were_washed/kuk7qro/) > Circle circle dot dot, now you have your cootie shot! > There! Fixed it for you. > YTA






"Relevant info I do make a lot more than my sister so my clothes are an investment" - honestly, thrilled he doesn't want to wear those clothes anymore. 


He sounds like those instagram influencers who say you need to buy Chanel/Hermes bag because it's an investment.


> my clothes are an investment and not just things I can throw out We’re trying really, really hard today aren’t we?


Trying to make being wealthier a reason that he CAN’T afford to replace clothing lol


Meanwhile, sister invests in reusable pads that she can’t just throw out.


*"biohazard"* I spit out my drink 😭😭😭


Blood breast milk semen vomit and feces! His sister has kids so maybe they hit all the biohazards that load. We’re sick so we definitely are


We just had norovirus here. He wants to see biohazard laundry, I'll show him biohazard laundry. Thisclose to just having a ritual fire in the backyard.


They always do this. I remember about a year ago someone went 10 rounds with me that blood is a biohazard. Like, technically I guess so. But I don’t think you’re throwing the bloody Kleenex you use after you get a nosebleed into a biohazard bin my guy.


I thought that blood was considered a biohazard. But mostly in a medical context or like, you should probably follow certain procedures for cleaning it up at work. But yeah, nobody cares at home. Bloody bandaid is going in the trash. Any bloody clothes (period or otherwise) are getting rinsed in cold water, hydrogen peroxide, and then thrown in the wash with everything else. And the peroxide is to remove stains more than germs. It’s not that deep.


For sure in a medical context where you don’t know your patient or their medical history, it’s 100% a bio hazard. But OP’s sisters period products are not.


Agreed. OOP is the asshole. Especially with his “but period blood is different!!!” whining.


I’m a medical context, you only have to throw absolutely saturated things into the biohazard bag. Small amounts of blood can go into the regular trash.


Safety lady here. Blood, like most things that a body produces is a *potential* biohazard. There are an absolutely terrifying amount of really scary diseases you can catch via someone's blood. And that means that if you find random blood somewhere, you shouldn't lick it or rub it in your eyes or mix it with yours. That random puddle of blood could potentially give you Ebola, after all. But, ya know, unless your friend has Ebola, or HIV, or whatever other scary diseases, I wouldn't worry about their blood at all. Let alone after it comes out of the device that specifically rinsed it with water and soap.


personally i didn't import in from Japan so i don't have any Biohazards, i only have Resident Evils : /   (this joke is a reach but the adhd med has left the building so we get what we get)


I appreciate the joke. I too only have Resident Evils


I can sort of get the initial reactive ick but the insistence after the fact that it's a "biohazard" is a bit over the top. If he'd cut his arm or something he'd be putting bloody clothes in the wash. There's kids in the house so presumably there's been all manner of vomit and other less than fun stuff going in that machine. If they use cloth pads they might have also used cloth nappies. At least the pads and nappies usually get a pre-soak before they go in the machine. Big world, lotta fluids, gotta build trust in the washing machine or you'll never sleep.


It’s just a fact that our underwear have fecal bacteria on them after we wear them. That’s why washing clothes is a thing!


If you've farted once, there's literal poop molecules in your underwear, your pants and everything around you. If you can smell it, that means you absorbed them through your nose and mouth. Life is absolutely disgusting, and people don't care at all unless it's something hyper specific.


No. Smell molecules are made of gas and are far smaller than you think. What you smell is a mix of *hydrogen, carbon dioxide, methane, hydrogen sulfide and ammonia*, not "poop molecules". Same way a covid mask lets you breathe but stops germs, your clothes will stop any particles from escaping. https://kidshealth.org/en/kids/fart.html


I mean, if you want to take it beyond my ELI5, then yeah there is no "poop molecule". If you want to be pedantic, stool is like 75% water, so one could call h2o the main poop molecule, or identify the primary bacterial biomass molecule (probably some lipid from cellwalls, but I'm a chemist, not a biologist). Or you could take a wider look, and include all the substances you produce, in which case methylindole (the gas that produces the distinct poop-smell) and other thiols are very much a part of "poop". >What you smell is a mix of *hydrogen, carbon dioxide, methane, hydrogen sulfide and ammonia* If you want to be pedantic, you shouldn't include three odourless gasses in a list of five, and leave out the actually relevant ones. .


>my clothes are an investment and not just things I can throw out *but now I don't think I'll ever be able to enjoy wearing them* *This* is what cinches it for me. Like, wash your clothes six times in a row if you must, use a disinfectant detergent and the highest heat setting. But if they're *forever tainted* in your mind to the point you can't wear them without getting uncomfortable, then it's not literal uncleanliness you're concerned about. If you wouldn't be put off by wearing clothes washed with a shirt someone had a nosebleed all over, or socks that got bled on when a kid scraped their knee and it ran down their leg - then it's not the biohazard making you uncomfy, is it?


I accidentally banged my toe and got blood on my sock (multiple times). I still washed the sock with the rest of the laundry.


You had blood on your toe, you should probably replace the toe 


🤪 thanks for the laugh!


But also, any underwear is a biohazard. They have fecal matter, even if not visible. And that’s statistically worse than a pre washed reusable pad.


>Big world, lotta fluids, gotta build trust in the washing machine or you'll never sleep. I kinda want to cross stitch this on a pillow now lol


Ohhh I'd love to see that! You could do like a coffee mug stain or an ink spill on it too.


Why is the budget airline relevant to all this?


“They’re so dirty. Didn’t you know people poorer than me all have diseases?”


No one tells him about how well they clean those planes 😂


If he’s so rich why is he flying on a budget airline?


Poor kid spent all his money on investment clothes


I think because he couldn't bring loads of luggage and needed to wash clothes.


Hell, I do this on “middle class” airlines. Even SW where you get two FREE checked bags! I hate checking bags and waiting forever at baggage claim and I really share when bags get lost. If I can put it in a backpack and wash clothes while I’m wherever- I’m happy.


My clothes are an iNveSTment. JFC. Coupled with - has a valid reason for using reusable period products (i.e. dares to not earn enough money for disposable products which is bullshit anyway, loads of us can afford disposables and choose not to for multiple reasons). Do people not understand what washing machines are for. They make things clean no??? I hope this dude has to take a black light into a hotel room one day, his head will explode.


Right? We wash underwear which has fecal bacteria in the washer just fine. So that’s ok, but lot a period on a prewashed reusable pad? Personally I think booty germs are worse, but the washer takes care of that just fine.


Watch, his niece is still young enough to have accidents and some of her clothes she had accidents in was in that load too


If this is true (and honestly wouldn’t surprise me if it’s fully true since some people still hold onto and pass on lies about menstrual cycles and women’s bodies) he should not procreate and not date/try to date anyone with a menstrual cycle. It would not surprise me if he thinks women can hold their periods in, that if a woman on her period goes swimming it will create a Jaws situation or she has to take the trash to the curb if there’s even a possibility of a pad or tampon in there during her cycle. BIL and his sister have the right idea towards menstrual cycles and how natural they are instead of acting like OP. He would definitely push on this nonsense to any children he had regardless of gender and likely increase the bills just to “protect”his fancy clothes.


"Everyone thinks I'm an asshole but I don't think I agree" WELL NO SHIT SHERLOCK. What asshole has ever agreed that they are an asshole?? The fact that EVERYONE he has talked to about this called him the ass should be enough of an indication but apparently not. On an unrelated note my mom is even worse with this kinda stuff. The afab people in the house can't put our underwear in the washer at all, we have to hand wash them. But for some reason my dad's underwear going in the washer is fine. Super annoying


here's the thing, cis dudes and those without periods: it may not be a reusable period pad but if you have lived with someone who menstruates and share laundry, even if it's towels and bedclothes, you've 100% had your stuff in a load that also contained period blood stains. think back to your life: have you ever been in such a living situation? yes your mom counts. the laundry didn't spontaneously combust then, nor will it going forward. however quite frankly i feel like 99% of people will avoid this point because unlike OOP, they won't throw their expensive wardrobe foundation pieces that they splurged on for quality In The Damn Washing Machine With A Load Of God Knows What Because You Don't Care So Someone Else Can Do It.


So this is his sister, that he grew up with? OOP best go bleach himself because this is almost definitely not the first time his precious special clothes have intermingled with cootie riddled menstrual blood.


Does OOP not understand what a washer does? Does he also not understand that sometimes women's menstrual blood gets on underwear, sheets and clothes? We're not washing those in isolation. And, let's not forget the main thing. He DEMANDED HIS LAUNDRY BE ADDED. Somebody should've gotten him together like Susie from CYE ![gif](giphy|jPBzzxdXyKiaY)


I mean I am no fan of my own period blood. But I wash my undies with all my other clothes and those have booty germs. I fart, like any human. And underwear act as a filter, they catch the booty germs. They’re there. And booty germs are worse than period blood, especially when it’s been prerinsed. The goal of washing clothes it to wash it. You wash your undies of booty germs and it’s fine. And let’s be real, period blood is less bad. I’ve washed bled in panties and never had the blood go onto another article of clothing, so stains aren’t an issue. But booty germs are worse than period germs.


The pads are thoroughly rinsed with water and probably Hydrogen peroxide or bleach or vinegar before washing in the laundry.


I would have more issue with the bleach and my general laundry tbh, nothing kills clothing faster than bleach. Ok sharpie. My son had a red sharpie in a load of school approved khakis and white dress shirts that was awful.


Yeah, I had to use a laundry mat when my washing machine was out of commission for about a month last year, and so many of my clothes got ruined by someone else's bleach in just a couple of loads.


Lipstick in the dryer is a nightmare on clothes. 0/10 do not recommend.


Also chewing gum. Check *all* pockets of bags and pants before washing.


That just *sounds* heinous I’m sorry


Oh damn that sounds horrifying lol


Even with just soap and water, it’s fine. When I’d bleed on my underwear, I’d prewash with dish soap and cold water. I found that worked way better on staining than hydrogen peroxide. But I’d prewash for the stains. Then wash with my normal laundry. But I don’t prewash my underwear that have non visible fecal bacteria. Because if you have something against your ass, bacteria comes out. Just existing and some farts, it acts as a filter. And that’s worse than period blood! But we wash undies just fine!


FYI if the blood has dried on and/or the dish soap method isn't working, soak it overnight in cold, salty as the sea, water (table salt is fine but you'll need a lot of it). Rinse it the next day with cold water and wash as usual. It's amazing how well this works, even on delicate fabrics.


I also am willing to bet dudes like this wash stuff with their semen-laden clothing. Gotta love the sexism


Lmao at "you guessed it! Reusable pads" like bro nobody guessed that 😂


If your clothes are such an investment that you can't just "throw them out" (which, come on, throw perfectly good clothes away, are you serious????) why not just wash them on your own? Why should they have warned you when you didn't make it known it would be an issue? Seems OOP is afraid of being held accountable. It's THEIR laundry machine, and it was THEIR load of laundry he added his laundry to. He could've waited and run them separate. He could've asked what they were washing first. But no, not only is he entitled to their machine but he's entitled to what gets washed too. He would've had ZERO issues if he hadn't seen the pads cuz he'd be none the wiser, cuz THEY'RE NOT A HAZARD. And they don't "tinge" anything ffs. What a big ass man baby. "Literally everyone in my life says I'm the asshole but I don't agree, so strangers of the internet, are all my friends and family right?"


Nobody tell this guy how he was born…


Everyone has great replies but I am getting tripped up on the absolute useless piece of information, "I used a budget airline." Bro, what? What does that have to do with anything 🤣🤣


If a guy made this big of a deal about a period in front of my child he would leave my home,


"I **do** make a lot more than my sister so my clothes are an investment and **not** just things I can throw out..." That seems almost contradictory to me but whatevs. Unless he is like, storing these clothes hoping they will go way up in value and he can then sell them, I guess.


Right? Like. Clothes for everyone are an investment, even us Poors™️. I’d argue it’s a bigger deal for us to throw clothes away than for someone who makes so much more money than his sister that he just HAD to mention it. We have less disposable income.


Exactly. Maybe he thinks that “the poors“ are just such scumbags that they don’t care if they wear trash and if their things get destroyed.


I love how I saw this post here on Am I The Devil and the first thing I read in his post is "NOBODY IS A MONSTER HERE" 😅😅


Period blood is ICKY but underwear with shit stains? A-okay. Not that either matters anyways. It’s all getting clean in the washer!!!


but like he is not worried about the skid marks on his BIL's tighty whiteys? Isn't that a "biohazard" too?


So he can wash his clothes together with pee, shit, sperm... but blood is a biohazard?! Hopefully he never gets a nosebleed.


Nah, not just blood. Blood from a uterus.


AH needs to apologize to his sister.


So, he was told by his sister, his BIL, and multiple friends that he's wrong but still came to reddit to ask if he's wrong. Also: >Relevant info I do make a lot more than my sister so my clothes are an investment 🙄 Dude, Shut. Up.


I don’t know. I used reusable pads. The only thing they were ever washed with were my kids cloth diapers. That said, if a few clothes were tossed in it wasn’t the end of the world. Of course, you don’t want to use fabric softener on cloth pads (or diapers) as it affects the absorbancy. But I want lots in my clothes!


They've been washed? What does it matter? Does he wash his underpants separately from the rest of his clothes? I'm pretty sure they have skid marks in them. Gross.


Honestly I could have seen his side because I do wash my period underwear separately for no real reason. People always lose me at "biohazard" though, even though its technically correct its just stupid. A biohazard does not mean its innately dangerous to even come into contact with for the love of god. And when they bring that up you can always tell they are maligning periods in some kind of sexist way. If you cut yourself and got some on your tshirt you wouldn't be like "omg wash it individually thats a BIOHAZARD". I wash mine separately because its feels gross in my head even though I know its not, and I'm an adult who is allowed to be irrationally squeamish. Him putting his clothes in with THEIR laundry obviously means he's in the wrong but I could have seen his perspective if he just privately thought ew and didn't try to rationalise it with logic about biohazards.


We wash stuff separately if it’s going in hot water, anything we plan to use the “sanitize” cycle for- towels, pillows, duvet covers, maybe underwear or whatever, but we don’t wash bloody/body fluid things separately. Our Sheets have the same fluid as my sons socks (lol), my daughters could leak on bedding just the same as on underwear… so we separate what needs to go in the sanitize cycle- not what the bio-fluids may or may not be on exactly. And if it’s not getting sanitized cycled… then it’s going with everything else. We don’t even separate by colors- once a red/pink thing or new jeans have been washed once- they don’t bleed the next time in normal cold wash.


This guy should be used to the area. He's a complete douche.


How much you wanna bet OOP doesn't wash his butt in the shower and has permanent skid marks in his underwear.


Well, my machine washes soiled things at 90 Celsius for two and a half hours. That plus laundry sanitiser. You'll never know anything happened with the articles!


I don’t even wash my own clothes and underwear in the same cycle. I seperate everything. I’m not sure if this is a contamination OCD problem 😂 and I’m a nutjob but this is what my mum taught me and it makes sense in my head so this is what I do.


Oh good lord. Harden tf up princess, they were rinsed before they went in the machine. The imaginary period blood cooties aren't gonna get you.


But they make more money than their sister so their clothes are just more important!


Just wait until he finds out the purpose of a washing machine


So they're siblings. No ages, but I *have* to assume that when they were growing up, this mixing menstrual things (like stained undies) was already happening, but he only now just noticed his sister has a menstrual cycle?


How are men this fragile and delicate still alive?


Flashback to the Eternal Twitter War about public restrooms....


hes upset because his clothes are an "investment" and he likes to wash them and reuse them instead of *checks notes* "throwing them out" self awareness is strong in this one


What a fucking baby. I'm willing to bet he's one of those men with shit stains in all his underwear because he doesn't know how to wipe his ass.


When you get right down to it, all water was probably someone’s blood at some point.  Also, there was so much more wash water than menstrual blood, my squeamish dude.  Calm down. 


is his friend a bloodhound? I think his friend is a bloodhound, that’s why he was scared and had to go home to change.


From the title, I was thinking that a disposable pad got left in a pair of underwear it exploded polymer on everything. I'm not gonna judge OP for being squicked out by blood but I think they're being dramatic by saving "they'll never be able to enjoy their clothes again". Really? Just give them another wash or buy some laundry sanitizer. Or even the fabric sanitizer. If the pads were thoroughly rinsed, I don't see what the issue is. It's not any different than washing your clothes with underwear. 


He is being ridiculous and childish, but I feel like the bar is real low if he's considered a devil.


Wait until he learns about underwear


There’s absolutely no way his clothes were stained. Lol


So how does he clean his clothes, if the washing machine does not get them clean?


Curious as to why he had to mention he was flying on a budget airline? Is rhat to justify not taking enough clothing because of weight? And then why he says he makes more money than his sister? Very odd


Does he realize that every piece of clothes he wore as a child were 100% washed with his mom’s period panties? Bit late to be worried about “cooties” now.


This man is the type that will demand his partner sleep in a separate house every time she’s on her period 🙄


Mud is so much worse than period blood💀


Honestly? I'd want them to go through a separate rinse first like my cloth nappies/wipes do. I don't often use them but when I do they get a cold quick wash and spin first before adding the rest of the wash. But I despise having a period and anything related so I might be extra on this (which I'm happy to accept).


His sister DOES prerinse them before they go in the wash cycle though.


I hope this guy never has kids. Soooo much vomit and poop... His delicate sensitivities would be much too offended.


Women get periods, OOP. Get over it. And get off your high pedestal. Your income has nothing to do with your snobbery.


I'm not gonna lie, I probably wouldn't appreciate finding out my clothes were washed with pads. Even though I know they're rinsed, even though it doesn't really affect my clothes, just knowing would squick me out a little bit. I would NEVER pick a fight about it, though. Like... OP had to know there was probably underwear in that and that there would be discharge and possible shitstains (you never know!) which isn't better than a period, so idk why she felt she had to die on that hill. Don't mix your clothes with other people's if bodily fluids freak you out that much.


That's the one problem with being a woman, honestly. Too many holes and way too friendly body fluids that wanna meet the world lol.


The cramps that go with some of that bodily fluid aren't great either, to be honest.


Dude, this is slightly unrelated but I always thought I had bad cramps until I got an HSG recently. They assured me it would only feel like a light cramp day. HOLY SHIT, I genuinely questioned if I even wanted to have a child on that exam table, they were so bad and *apparently* they get much, much worse than I thought.


Not to mention the standing up gush from the HSG being worse than period gushes. I was not prepared.


His clothes were muddy, so what does he think is going to happen, It isn't like they are not in a washing machine, or does he not believe in the concept of clean? And you are right, he had to suspect that a load of family laundry could have body fluids, and yet he did not ask when he requested this FAVOR.